Avatar of Kiwiwiwi
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 98 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Kiwiwiwi 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Britons never never never shall be slaves
7 yrs ago
Rule Britannia, britannia rule the waves.
7 yrs ago
Anyone know about the banana technique?


I'm actually an old boy, I forgot my password, lol, but it's better my old account is forgotten... I don't want to talk about it...

Most Recent Posts

@Lord of Evil
After being questioned by the police who seemed to notice his whatever
-high, pulling out a pair of plastic handcuffs and saying:
"We'll need to take you in.", Darren could not care less and let The cop do his thing before noticing the pinkish hand belonging to Stephan. The blood rushed to his fingers again and the knifes came out, Darren cut through the plastic cuffs and rushed towards Stephan, grabbing his arm and taking a closer look at the hand.
"You're like me!", Darren pulled his own hand up to show the mark and the blades, "can you do the same?" he asked before being pulled back by the officer, he struggled, "Please, I need to know!", at that point the officer pushed him down in an arm lock, Darren tried to keep his blood running smoothly but soon turned his whole hand into a blade, the officer stood back in shock, falling to the ground then screamed only then noticing the cut in his hand.


Ordo Dramaghas

Political structure:
A monarchy with a collection of different clans and/or vassals controlling regions belonging to the empire as a whole, each paying tribute in tax and manpower.

Regions, clans and vassals:

Fargroth - the northern lands, taking much of the flatlands and stretching up into the Ice wasteland.
The people of these lands are hardy and strong, able to handle great drops in temperature and survive in an almost empty region, the men are tall, lean and muscular, the women are, as well, tall and lean, making the people of these lands a good fighting force if any. There are many bogs and mangrove forests even if it is nowhere close to the sea, vast farmlands can be seen near the lower ends of the region while the north, as said before, are flat and mostly uninhabitable. A weakness in this region is the low birth rate and even lower survival rate, however, run by the general and clan chieftain, Torrin Bathumar, this region is mostly used by the great empire for military training.

Carrow - This region is in the control of the western coast down to Rothrun bay, it shares this bay with the Gretern region, this region also stretches up into the ice wasteland but most of its population stay by the coast. The many people of this land are expert fishermen, with one of the best fishing areas in the world they are a big supplier in sea food. The people are much like that in Fargroth, only shorter with a larger lifespan, staying closer to the warm beaches they have a higher birth rate than anyone north east of them. Although it is not the best in terms of manpower and land armies, Carrow is best used in the creation of ships, warships, battleships, trade ships. Carrow is under the control of Heltho Eildug, most loyal to the high king, also known as the master of trade (under discussion by the people) he has a trade route going across many seas.

Gretern - The capital region with the largest population of inhabitants, the capital city of Tronign lies within Rothrun bay, sharing its vast navy with the Carrow region which supplies the ships. There are many cities within Gretern which are loyal to the crown, this proves to be useful when enlisting soldiers into the military, apart form the many cities, Gretern shares its farmlands with the neighbouring region of Georri. The people of this region live mostly in the west near the cities and south with the farmlands, to the east is the Rotur desert, a haven for slavers and extremists, the temple of Quior was built in the centre of the Aurel mountains.

Georri - the southern farmlands, a relatively new region being used for farming, many towns within the region were made from forts used in the clan wars, almost forgotten by the empire they quickly populated it and made use of the fertile grounds and rocky coasts, home to many fish and sunken treasures from the clan wars. The people are shorter than most being farmers and fishermen, they aren't too loyal to the high king, almost calling him tyrannical, although, they care not for politics.

The eastern border/wall - The front lines, the border between Saldome and Arade, most of the land is desert and mountain being the perfect defence in the event of an attack by the Arade. A wall is erect on the border between the two nations supposed to show the might of the empire. Most of the population is military, being a second army region for those both served and serving in the military, the general and clan leader, lord Iose, made this region in the event that the eastern elves attack.

Think Germany

culture and history:
Before the rise of the Great empire there was war, a war between the clans of northern Erelith which lasted a hundred years. A hundred years later the war ended with one mighty alliance between the five clans, and with that victory came outrageous ideals. The high king wrote the codex, a book on all life, believing the inhuman creatures to be evil hellsent beasts from the fires below the earth, a land of death and suffering, from this book came the time of doubt, a time of enslavement for all creatures not human. All who live within the empires grasp believe in the codex, and the one true God, a being without name or form, living among us and showing us the way of life, but that god is being destroyed by the enemies of the empire, or so they believe...
If the pilot isn't there then the captain could probably take control
Having trouble there m8
Staff sergeant Ba'is stood after he heard the communications link sound their entry into earths gravity well, he entered the hangar bay where the twentytwo men and women within his squad stood at ease, three ranks with their helmets off.
"Stand fast!" Someone shouted, all of them straightened their backs, pulled their hands to their sides and stomped their feet into the ground, after a brief inspection, staff sergeant Ba'is made his way to the front rank.
"Stand easy!" The same man finally said, Ba'is pulled a holoscreen up from his arm and examined it.
"Alright, here's what we've got... an unidentified alien life form is in New New York running around doing fuck all and we're here to catch it. We won't have to track it down ourselves, don't worry about that, I know we had trouble back on that god forsaken moon, the big guys up here will be telling us where to go instead.", a sigh of relief could be heard throughout the squad, "This doesn't mean we aren't going face to face against it, I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings, private Willis."
"No staff sergeant!" shouted a young voice in the back corner of the third rank.
"Good. Stand fast!", the squad stood at attention, "The squad will equip their gear and double down to the drop ship, MOVE!"
@Thread Generator SIN
Lol yeah thx
@Hazy@Infamous Empath@manapool1@Kessir Tarkin
Nice, alright, if you guys want to reserve spots now you can, though, we'd have to wait for a few more people :S
@Thread Generator SIN
I'm just gonna go ahead and ask:
Why is the Empirion going to Earth?
@Thread Generator SIN
God damnit I put it in the wrong one
Ugh, too many Rps
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