Avatar of Kuroakuma
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 143 (0.06 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Kuroakuma 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current hello it's me again, here to plug my 18+, slow-burn, mystery + horror roleplay 'Blackharbour'; check it out from my profile if you want <3
4 yrs ago
Wanna join a slow-burn, mature horror mystery that definitely doesn't involve Lovecraftian elements? Check out Blackharbour; slots are still available~
4 yrs ago
Hi. There is now a major slot available in Blackharbour. Look it up if you're looking for a dark, horror-themed roleplay that may involve Eldritch Beings and may also not.
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4 yrs ago
Wanna join a dark mystery roleplay with supernatural and horror elements? Check out the Interest Check for my Untitled roleplay in Casual Interest Checks!
4 yrs ago
I can't believe my meme post about me vanishing for months actually turned out to be true. Goddamnit lmao.
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You can call me Kuro.
I play basically anyone and anything, whether we're talking about gender, morality, protagonist or villain. If you need someone to fill a slot in your roleplay, hit me up and I'll throw together something fun.
The Eldritch Being in my skull won't leave me alone unless I act like a walking meme.

Active Bamboozles
+ Blackharbour, an 18+, mature horror roleplay based in a portside town. Definitely doesn't involve any spoopy Cthulhu cultists.
I'm actually not joking, it doesn't!
+ The Pale Hand, the story of a young Exorcist faced with a seemingly insurmountable challenge. 1x1 between myself and A Lowly Wretch.

Planned Bamboozles
+ Untitled Fate Roleplay because why the fuck not everyone here seems to love these fuckin' things (including me, help)
+ The Puppeteer's Melancholy (or smth like that) probably a sappy 1x1 because it gives off that kind of feeling in my head

Most Recent Posts

"Cleanliness is next to godliness, huh? Remind me to stop showering from now on."
Kana once again turned to the man, nodding to herself cheerfully.
"Ah, well, I do go by Kana, so that's one question down. I don't think you'd exactly react well to the answer to your second question- well, maybe. I'm just a cute, lost albino girl who wandered into the wrong neighbourhood while looking for something of hers that's gone missing, is all~"
Shrugging to herself, Kana sat down on the floor as the delicious scent grew even stronger than before. Her smile widened just a teensy bit.
And by that I mean a lot because Kana has a problem. Several, actually.
"As for that explanation.. that'll elicit the exact same response, really. Shame. I don't want this place trying to kill me just for coming here, y'know, my well dressed new friendo?"
As the fancy new smell turned the corner, Kana looked over. Pretty plain, honestly. Practically a regular human.
Which really made sense for someone who smelled how they smelled. Kana slowly stood up again, cracking her neck loudly and flicking her forked tongue out to grab yet another scent from the person before her.
"Far worse, huh? I doubt our lovely serial killer friend could really hurt lil' old me, though. I'm a special case." She turned to Clifton and gave him a wink and poking her tongue out like she was some sort of anime girl.
Turning back to the delicious one, Kana grinned, putting her tongue back in her mouth with her finger.
"Mitch Ingram. Plain name. A bit too plain, really. I'll forgive you since you smell absolutely delectable, though, Head of Security who has eyesight worse than mine if your glasses and cane are anything to go by~"
Kana paused, putting her hands over her mouth.
"Ah, that was mean of me, wasn't it? Darnie, I'm still figuring out how to do the hooman to hooman speaky thingy, ya feel me, Mitchy-witchy?"
Kana shook Mitch's hand the same way she shook Clifton's- namely without digging her nails into them and crushing their hands- and offered a slightly smaller grin.
"I dun mean to be mean, I just don't do the braining all too well, if'ya catch me drift, mate." Kana should show off her boomerang skills sometime, but inside probably wasn't the best place.
"My case, huh? I didn't even bring a suitcase or briefcase! Am I getting a cool new case!? Gosh, a nice little gifty for the adorable Kana-chan has been acquired!" She leaned over and wrapped her right arm around Mitch's waist, pulling her close and chuckling.
She ignored the remark about killing her.
"I'll have a vanilla coke, friendo. In a can. None of that 'drug the drink and replace the cap' sneaky snake stuff, ya feel me, comrade Mitch?"
She followed Mitch as she'd been told to, leaning up to lick the woman's cheek- by leaning up I mean extending her tongue like an absolute creep and making weird 'rerorerorero' noises while doing so.
This would be fun.
Mitch tasted great.

"Amity. Amity Veil. The day hasn't even started and it's been a blast, am I right?" She gave a respectful nod to both Dawn and Helena. "I always thought dinosaurs were pretty cool, myself. Nice sweater." Reaching down to grab a donut, inspect it and then stuff it into her mouth, Amity gave Helena a thumbs up. "Goosh donush." Swallowing it all in apparently one gulp, Amity chuckled and looked back at Dawn. "Not insomnia so much as spending the whole night figuring out if I could use a shield with my sword at all, really." She didn't mention the approximate size of her weapon being equal to the length of a van.
That might worry her new associates like her strength had terrified the blonde.

Watching said blonde angrily go off at Oren, Amity raised an eyebrow. It's not like being outside the walls was exactly a field trip, but getting that angry at someone over it was..
Amity didn't really know, honestly. Her brain wasn't functioning one bit.
Outside the city wasn't exactly the most popular topic by any means. Plenty of people had suffered out there and rushed in here soon after to escape the.. things.
Amity's grip on the cup of covfefe in her hand tightened hard, causing it to overflow a little before she relaxed her grip to avoid exploding coffee everywhere.
"So.. is our meeting on hold now since two of us decided to vanish, or..?" She turned to Oren as she spoke, taking a large gulp of coffee- she didn't want to drink it that quickly per se, but she'd rather not get her drink all over herself and everyone nearby. She awaited Oren's reply, but she swore she heard something out in the hallway, too. She would go check, but she'd wait until the others came back inside. If anything was going down, they'd notify the others, Amity hoped.
Kana turned to Clifton and gave him a warm, happy smile.
"Of course. Chicago certainly got to him, didn't it?"
Well, this was interesting. Of course, getting away from that owl lady would be good.
On the downside, it seemed her observation was getting cut short.
On the upside, this would turn out much more interesting, Kana believed.
"I understand. I was under orders to keep quite a way away from everyone else in the staff, actually, so not even someone in your position would've known." She chuckled softly, looking down at the pocket his other hand had been in during their handshake briefly before flicking back up and matching his gaze with hers.
"Shame it almost got me killed, really. Near death aside, it's a pleasure to meet you, Cliffy." Taking Clifton's cue to exit the room, as she left, she paused and turned to Volkir. Giving him a grin, Kana hissed at him before taking her leave from the room and beginning to hum to herself as she walked.
The scent had gotten closer, and that's where she began to wander to. With both herself and Clifton alone, Kana let out a long, loud sigh and reached up to cross her arms on top of her head. When she was sure that nobody else was nearby, she spoke again, her tone almost musical
"Man, I thought security was super duper lax since I basically just walked in here, but you and that angry owl lady sure made things difficult, didn't ya?"
Spinning to look at Clifton, she looked him up and down with a smirk that grew into her trademark cheshire grin- just a little too big and a little too wide, showcasing off her jagged fangs that glinted in the light gently.
"I'm sure you've realised that if anyone was going to die today they'd be already dead, so let's not start killing each other just yet, cutie." She adjusted the scarf around her neck, licking her lips quickly as she did so and pouting a little. Her scarf just refused to sit comfortably. She'd learned to ignore it, but sometimes it was just.. ugh, annoying.
"So how many people have you killed, anyway? You absolutely reek of cleaning products. It's a bit gross, actually. Makes my nose itch. People only smell that bad if they're either a massive clean freak or if they're a massive mass murderer. I think I'll go with the latter."
Spinning around in place, Kana stared around the halls they walked down with almost childlike curiosity and humming to herself in an off-pitch tune the entire time. Excitement bubbled up inside her chest and it visibly showed, the girl becoming much more fluid and momentous as she moved around and investigated everything- Clifton included. She kept constantly poking and prodding him, nodding to herself in satisfaction every time she did so. It was utterly meaningless, but she wanted to at least mess with the man a teensy bit.
It made waiting a bit less boring. Plus, she'd already spoken enough to warrant a few replies. No need to overload the poor escort.
She wondered if he would garotte her or put a bullet in the back of her head.
That'd be fun.

Meanwhile, back inside the room, Amity reached up and rubbed the bridge of her nose in something resembling annoyance. She hadn't slept, and then all of a sudden that girl had popped up and started causing a mess. She wasn't a Rune, even Amity knew that.
Somehow Amity doubted that the CEO of KanaTech herself would come here with no reason, however, and that made her worried.
Her features betrayed her thoughts none, however, just a slightly annoyed, tired girl who leaned against the wall. Kana being gone was good. Great, even. She could actually focus and not be on edge for one.

She really should've brought her sword. Even if it was just to enforce peace or something like that. Clifton had been right, however. With Kana gone and Oren no longer grilling her, the mood in the room was sure to improve immensely.
She hoped.
Dropping her arms to her side, Amity leaned her head back and closed her eyes, groaning to herself before moving over to Helena and Dawn, grabbing a cup of coffee. She downed it in a few gulps, her dead eyes shifting over the other two girls present.
"Sorry. Didn't sleep last night so I'm a bit out of it. Barely got a shower in before I got dragged here. Now that our creepy friend is out of our hair, what're your names? Figure being friendly would be great even if I'm half dead." Amity gave a small smile, although the bags under her eyes still remained.
She couldn't complain though, really. She would've woken up several times in the night even if she had slept.
Nightmares were kind of a bitch.
Amity stood in the back of the room, eyes trained directly on the pale girl suddenly surrounded by a trio of people. She'd keep her mouth shut for now, unless anything really happened.

Kana caught Amity's gaze for a moment and poked her tongue out, winking cheekily before looking over at Oren and shrugging her shoulders. "Ah well, bird lady, I didn't forget your question. I was just ignoring it, really." As the blonde moved over to her and mentioned how getting into the building was a feat in itself. Kana felt herself smiling a little.
It was far too easy, honestly.
Shrugging to herself, she crouched down and picked up the pen and paper from the floor. Looking around the room, she figured she'd go draw her rune on the table- so she did. Moving away from the uncomfortably close girl who was probably going to shank her in the back with her knives or something, Kana crouched down and put the paper down, drawing a crude circle on it before nodding to herself in admiration and standing back up, handing the paper to Oren. If the lady didn't take it, Kana just stuffed it against her chest and let the paper go.
Humming to herself, she took another look around the room and reached up, putting her hands on her head and then remembering her muffin. Biting into it greedily, she took a bite that could be described at least as 'worryingly large' and then chewed about three times before swallowing the food in her mouth easily.
"Sure is a nice place here, really. I imagined they'd have bigger walls or thicker doors, but getting in here was a bit stupid easy." She clicked her fingers, nodding to herself as she spun back around to face the two obviously higher-up people in the room.
"I go by the name of Kana Cerulean, if you're really that curious. So you're the new, fancy rune guys everyone's been talking about, huh? Can't say I'm not surprised. I figured you'd all look flashy and cool, but you're all awfully normal lookin'. No offense, really."

Shrugging to herself, Kana gave everyone a small bow.
"Gotta admit, a few of you little cuties really made it hard for me. I guess since the gig's up I can come clean. Technically, I'm your superior. I was sent in here to mess with a few of you and see if you'd catch on. Luckily for you, you have your bird-like friend here to do all the work for you." She gestured to Oren, giving her a thumbs up. "Good job. Nice security." Leaning back against the wall behind her, she idly cracked her neck and crossed her legs.
"Now we wait, I suppose. Don't we, handshake man?"

She was lying through her teeth again, but now she'd given herself plenty of wiggle room. Questions could be deflected, and Kana introducing herself by name was bound to make it just a little more believable.
Of course, the biggest clue sat in Kana's circle drawing, but she doubted anyone would be that insightful- or really put a circle to her name.
Still, the blonde girl naming her sword after her gave her a good chuckle.
She supposed it was a pretty alright lie, especially since she could always drag that voice in suit boy's ear into the equation.
Having such good hearing was a bit annoying most of the time since it made music a bit painful, but it came in handy.
Kana took another deep breath, licking her lips.
She caught a scent.
Beyond the special scent filling the room, another scent.
She closed her eyes and grinned.
It smelled great.
@xXSINXx I would heavily advise against trying to sleep with the snake cx
Imagine waking up the morning after with a bunch of snakes in your bed.
Where to begin?
Kana looked up at the woman addressing her, locking eyes with her own.
"You look like a bird."
Idly taking the pen and paper from the woman, Kana scrutinized it before putting it aside. The woman was distracted for a moment regardless, and Kana was fine with that. Of course, it was doubtful she wasn't under scrutin-
Aaaand a door slammed across the room.
"Well fuck me sideways that's a bit much."
Looking up at Volkir, she grinned and nodded. "Yep, friends! Let's all be good friends!"

Giving the redhead who entered the room the briefest of glances, she cocked her head to the side as something clicked in the back of her head. Shrugging to herself as Amity introduced herself, a tiny smirk slid across Kana's lips.
Amity herself took a moment to straighten her collar, chuckling nervously as she walked properly into the room. Noticing the blonde woman practically about to collapse, Amity gave her a happy wave and smile before moving over to the muffins.
"Hey, I'll take one of these."
Stuffing the muffin into her mouth, she gave Jeddah a thumbs up as she ate. She hadn't eaten in about 12 hours, too buys swinging around her giant weapon to really do much else. Her entire body was aching, honestly, and getting something in her stomach sounded great.
The comments by two of the other Runes fully registering in her mind, she went to respond with a mouth full of muffin but held up her hand and swallowed quickly.
"Ah, yeah. I'm getting better, but right now all I can really do well is-"
The muffin smushed in her grip.
"Not hold things. I can swing a pretty big sword around, though, which is fun."
Amity didn't think telling everyone just how big her weapon was would make this any less awkward, so she didn't. They'd find out later, maybe. Turning back around as two new people entered the room, Amity gave them a quick look over.
One was a girl wearing possibly the greatest sweater she'd ever seen.
The other was a man that immediately put her on edge and she had absolutely no good idea why.

Kana on the other hand knew exactly why. The smell of cleaning products hung around the man addressing her like a cloud.
It smelled like a disinfected crime scene or something dramatic like that. Kana blinked as a muffin landed perfectly in her lap, having curved over Clifton's head and landed face-up. That was interesting. She didn't see who threw it since her eyes were currently blocked by the well-dressed problem, so she waved her hand out to the side and gave a peace sign. "Thanks for the muffin whoever gave it you're awesome and I love your face!"
As Clifton addressed her, Kana frowned and took a bite of her muffin. It was harder than she'd expected to get left alone here, but at least she'd climbed through the window before all the sketchy people arrived. Wasn't anyone as silly as they used to be anymore? Sighing and standing up with empty paper still on the floor, Kana gave Clifton a small smile and took his hand.
"Care to introduce yourself?"
"Nope. I've never met anyone here before, so isn't it a bit weird for me to just toss my name around willy-nilly?"
She shook his hand as she'd shake anyone's hand, making sure her nails didn't slice into him or anything. He might attack her, but she wouldn't attack him. She's a pacifist, obviously. A pacifist that eats people BUT a pacifist nonetheless.
Kana idly looked over to the person the potentially dangerous man had spoken to just before- she hadn't even noticed him walk in since she'd been preoccupied. She gave him a wave with her free hand, turning back to survey the rest of the room.
Well, it's not like this could end badly.
For her.
Pulling back from the man's grip, Kana put her hands on her heart and swayed. "Ah, but my dear sir, is it not uncouth of thineself to ask a maiden's name before giving thou own? Oh, woe is me, thou art but a well-dressed beggar!" A soft laugh escaped the girl's lips as she held up her hands and grinned. "C'mon. We're all friends here. I have no reason to attack anyone, being a fellow Rune and all~"

Having scoffed down the rest of the crushed muffin as quickly as possible, Amity brushed a few stray scraps from her mouth and ate them too. Waste not want not and all that jazz. She hadn't responded to the well-dressed man since her mouth was full, but she was glad that someone would fix the door. Looking over to him again, Amity's eyes narrowed at the girl whose hand he was shaking. It wasn't that she was angry at that girl or anything, but Amity knew she didn't belong here one bit. It seemed like several others agreed with that notion, and Amity silently moved to the back of the room.
Of all the people.
She should've brought her sword.
Crossing her arms, Amity retracted that thought. As much as she hated it, she knew she might get dragged into something annoying.
She owed that little brat, really.
She hated that.
Kana sat through the blonde's speech completely still, watching her skill with her daggers with a bored look.
Until she pulled out a gigantic sword she named 'Jormungandr'.
Kana barely restrained her laugh, eventually bursting into flat out laughter as the girl finished explaining. Falling onto her side and slapping the floor, the girl laughed until she couldn't breathe.
"I-I'm dying! I'm seriously dying! You named your weapons after the children of Loki?! What- I don't- You're the best, ugh, you're the greatest!" The girl eventually stopped her giggling fit, sitting up and wiping her eyes with a short giggle.
"Oh man, it's just, like, you're gonna take on Jormungandr with Jormungandr? That's brilliant. I love it. Please do. Don't lose that sword like ever, ughhh, that's just.. It's brilliant."
Wiping her eyes again with her forearm, the girl grinned. "I don't carry around weapons with me personally, but shouldn't you be a bit more relaxed in your home? Surely it's not gonna be attacked or anything. I mean, it's got a bunch of crazy religious zealots in it and a bunch of people with super crazy powers to boot."
Leaning back with a huge smile on her face, she popped another piece of beef jerky into her mouth and waved her hand dismissvely.
"I mean, I have two weapons I really love, but they're not here. Leviathan and Orochi. I like snakes, always have. Still I won't be hunting down the things I've named my weapons after. You're adorable and I love you."
Tossing yet another piece of beef jerky into her mouth, Kana looked over to the man who'd just sat down. He'd made his entrance while she'd been in the middle of a laughing fit, so she hadn't been able to get a good look at him.
"Well hello there, edgelord. Did you sleep well in your coffin last night or do you just listen to metal instead of getting shut eye?" She motioned with her hand again.
"Sorry, sorry, I don't mean to be mean. I just have zero concept of social norms and am probably a lunatic but I promise we'll be good friends."

As the next person- a girl- entered the room, Kana's face lit up. "Muffins! You've got muffins?! Muffins, yeah, whoo!" She was visibly ecstatic at the mention of muffins, and gave Jeddah a wide, beaming smile.

Outside the mansion stood a girl with crimson hair and scarlet eyes that glinted in the sun. Sighing to herself, she began to move. The outright massive weapon that sat on her shoulder would've sent anyone else sprawling, a massive hunk of metal roughly fashioned into a large cleaver- one side clean-cut and the over serrated. Amity Veil was smart enough to get a metal pauldron that was thick enough for her to lean the thing of instead of having to drag it everywhere.
She'd been up all night, training her ass off with the thing, so it wasn't much of a surprise that she looked like total trash. She felt even worse than she looked, and she currently wished she was dead.

Grumbling to herself as she moved through the grounds, she was all too aware of the stares of practically everyone she moved past. For one, her entire sword was cracked, rusted and bloodstained. Secondly, she looked horrible.
Lastly, it wasn't every day people say someone walking around the a piece of murder metal twice the size of the wielder. Amity decided that being late was fine, haphazardly tossing her weapon to the ground just outside the mansion itself. It wasn't like anyone could steal it, or would. It wasn't a secret who the thing belonged to.
Half an hour later, Amity Veil was showered and still feeling like trash. Pulling on some more formal clothes- a nice suit to be precise- she looked at herself in the mirror.
"Still not as pretty as that day, sadly."
Her eyes flattening for a moment, Amity cast a glance down at her left hand where a ring should've been. Of course, she had the ring, but she didn't feel comfortable wearing it just yet. Not until she'd killed every single Jotun on the planet and more.
Taking a deep, deep breath, Amity quickly left the room. The necklace around her neck was enough for now.

It didn't take her too long to reach the room, albeit quite a bit late. Mentally preparing herself before entering, Amity pushed the doors open.
And they flew out of their frames, flying across the room and thankfully not hitting anybody inside.
Amity swallowed, shock written all over her face as she reached up and facepalmed.
"I.. need to be more careful.."
Coughing awkwardly and raising a hand in greeting, Amity's cheeks were more than a bit red as she introduced herself.
"Yo, Amity Veil. My rune's Uruz. Don't make me shake your hand or I might break it by accident."
From her place on the floor, Kana got a good view of everyone who'd spoken.
The blonde girl already asked her a question. One that she promptly ignored. If they pushed, she'd answer, but she wasn't going to toss her name out in a room full of strangers.
Plus it'd be odd if she mentioned either of her names.
Makorai finishing her little introductory song brought a wide grin to her face. She happily extended her arm and gave him a thumb up, almost poking her tongue out as well but remembering that that wasn't exactly the brightest idea.
"Schoolyard indeed, indeedy. Plus it's a bit awkward with all these other lovely people sitting around and staring, y'know? Glad to know I'm not the only person with a rune in an awkward place. Nice." She idly popped another piece of beef jerky into her mouth, chewing it and smiling in enjoyment before swallowing it. Looking around the room, her gaze landed on the blonde who'd questioned her earlier. She cocked her head to the side, staring at the weapons attached to her.
"Hey, blondie, what's with the armory yer cartin' around, hm? Isn't it annoying to hold alla that?"
It wasn't much, but if she got conversation started before that Isa lady tried to interrogate her, it might get put off until later on. Kana could handle the woman by herself if she tried to attack, but everyone at once..
She figured it was a bad idea to come here, but it's not like dying was something she was afraid of, exactly.
One Kana Cerulean sat on the branch of a large tree just outside the gigantic mansion that the 'Blessed' were using as their base of operations. Humming idly to herself as she scanned the windows and saw nothing particularly interesting through her binoculars, she eventually landed on a window that gave her a view that was, quite frankly, only a little more interesting.
Three people were in a room together, one of them leaning on a couch and the other sitting on it.
There was another near one of the doors, but from Kana's currently position it was hard to see.
One short and honestly awfully normal looking, the other was taller and seemed a little bit meaner.
"Wow, cute grills down there. Probably uber tasty, too."
Flicking her forked tongue out, the odd, special and delicious scent reached her senses once again as she zoned in on the trio. They smelled special, like quite a few people in that building did.
Putting her binoculars back in the bag at her hip, Kana wiggled and flopped off of the tree, hitting the ground hard and bouncing a little before rolling over into some bushes.
Stealth complete.
Standing up, she kept herself in a crouch before remembering that she could just do something even better. Kana's form melted into the shrubbery only for a group of snakes of all shapes and sizes to slither out, one of the carrying the handle of her bag in its mouth and dragging it along behind it.
The grounds were awfully empty at this time, and the snakes made short work of their trip over to the side of the mansion, just below the room. Three stories up, however, was a bit harder. They pulled together, twisting and forming into one being again as Kana idly picked her teeth- there was still some meat stuck between them, and first impressions were important!

Looking up at the wall of the mansion, Kana shrugged to herself and began her climb. It wasn't too difficult considering her abilities and strength. Climbing the wall was a cinch, and eventually Kana found herself holding onto the window. She climbed up beside it, staring inside at the group with a curious look on her face. She idly reached into her bag, pulling out a pack of beef jerky and tossing a piece into her mouth as she watched the group inside the room interact.
Part of her was considering pulling the window open and climbing inside, but that'd be sheer lunacy.
Kana grinned and reached down, grabbing the window and pulling it open.
Noticing a man now sitting in the room, Kana tumbled through the open window and onto the floor, laying there for a moment before standing up and brushing herself off.
"Well, ain't ya'll just a lovely bunch'a coconuts?"
Kana dropped onto the floor, crossing her legs as she sat against the wall below the window. Reaching into her packet of beef jerky, she idly tossed a piece into her mouth and chewed.
"Oh, don't mind me. I'm a rune, too. The rune of, um, I forgot, honestly. Don't ask me to show you, it's in a naughty place."
Watching as yet another person waltzed in, Kana gave the woman a small wave. For a moment, her mind raced. Introducing the others by names was great, but it also posed a problem.
This woman knew who the runes were.
This woman knew she wasn't a rune.
This woman was a problem.
Damnit why can't things just be super easy?
She hoped that the woman hadn't scanned through the files too recently.
Kana sat in place, back pressed against the window. If she needed to, she'd be able to escape. Although it'd be likely that anyone there who tried to attack her would succeed. It's not like she was there to murder them or anything, but they might not show her the same mercy.
"So, so, how is everybody? Everyone seems pretty relaxed, honestly. How's the time here been? I myself got picked up last night, so I haven't had the luxury of staying in this lovely place just yet, y'know?"
She was awfully placid despite possibly being in immense danger. Speaking up, she decided to address something important.
"Oh, me climbing that wall is a part of my rune. Don't worry about it, I'm still getting used to things, y'know?"
Kana-chan wanted the difficulty level to be lowered, please.

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