Avatar of Kylia Quilor


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5 yrs ago
Current Goblin King of the Darkstorm Galaxy rides on the wings of Doom - grant me the power to fight my foes and defeat the Lords of the Moon!
5 yrs ago
This Just In! The regulation size of Breadboxes has been decreased by law! A Breadbox is now, in fact, Bigger, than a Breadbox!
5 yrs ago
This Just In! The Bee's Knees Are The Cat's Pyjammas. A Box Of Hair Is As Dumb As A Bag Of Rocks! And The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread Is In Fact, More Sliced Bread.
6 yrs ago
The one disadvantage of having no offline life is that everyone you talk to online *does* have an offline life. So then on Saturday, when you're staying in, everyone else is off dealing with RL.


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There were downsides to going freelance as a mercenary. Staying in the Navy would have meant promotions and paperwork, beureacracy and boring shit like that, but at least it would have been something to do. When she was between jobs out here in the Marches, she could find herself sitting in a bar or whatever the local merc hangout was and she could be there for days on end.

Pretty sure this is still better than paperwork, at the end of the day. Amy laid down a card on the table in front of her, "And I call," she said to the four others - all mercs, like her - who were gambling with her. This game wasn't much of a challenge, but there was no one here who wanted to play any of the more interesting games of skill that existed out here in the Marches. Her favorite was a strange sort of chess derivative that used holographic pieces and an overcomplicated board. But there just weren't a lot of people into it. So she was stuck playing with cards instead.

Smirking, Amy laid her cards down on the table and watched the sour faces on the other players when they saw that she'd won the hand. Luck had given her the best hand, but it had been skill that had seen her get everyone to bet so much. Across the table from her, a scarred woman, maybe a few years younger than Amy, all but growled in anger at her loss... and her dwindling pile of money in a half-dozen currencies.

Amy flagged down one of the harried waitresses, "Perhaps a round for the table?" She handed the waitress a few coins, and the prospect of free drinks seemed to mollify the other woman for a moment.

"You keep winning, Novarian, and people are going to think you're cheating," the scarred woman added, even as she seemed to settle down. "Free drinks don't put the money back in my pocket."

"No, no they don't. Might actually hurt," Amy agreed, "But if you think I'm cheating, you really need to prove it. Or we could take this outside." She patted her sidearm at her waist in what had to be a cliched gesture, but it got the point across.

The merc considered it for a long moment, then muttered to herself angrily, then, "Fucking deal," she told one of the other players, as Amy readied herself for another round.

The sound of the doors opening and someone new coming into the bar drew her attention for only a moment - a slightly harried looking woman. Not a merc - didn't have the bearings for it. Looking to hire, then.

There were informal rules about how these bars worked - mercs didn't approach the would-be clients. Bartenders kept track of the mercs looking for work in their establishment... assuming the would be client knew a thing, they'd talk to the bartender first, pay them a small cash 'gift' and get pointed to the mercs that could do their job.

In the meantime.

"I match your raise, and raise you two Barsholian Dinars," Amy said, as she turned her eyes back to the game, sliding two large, solid platinum coins from the other end of known space across the table.
Bump, looking for a few steady partners that won't drop off mid-rp with no warning.
1. Please make sure you always read the bullet points at the top of the post. They're there for a reason.
2. Since the fact that the bump is nearly 4 days old now isn't enough of an indicator - I am not accepting any further rps at this time, as I sought just a few more, and that's what I have. Please don't PM me with interest at this time further.

Thank you.
Looking for really one, maybe two, if my interest is really captured, new rps. Also added a new one "Airships of the Dodecopolis"
Still here. But seems there's no rush
Had some clearups in my schedule, and a few rps not pan our or the like, so I'm looking for one, maybe two more partners. I've also added "War for the Sinking Cities" as a new idea, and as always, I'm open to hearing your ideas.
Kisyra had not expected to see another plainsman here - she knew some traveled into Lycia as mercenaries, but this was a small town on the fringes of one of the cantons. But sure enough, there was one here, and like her, he seemed to be feeling a sense of justice as he drew his bow on the spellcaster who had so easily and blithely destroyed a house. When he identified himself as a prince, of the Kutolah of all tribes, she couldn't help her skepticism, but she didn't say anything.

What would a Prince being doing this far from the Plains? Even if he spoke the truth, it was irrelevant. When it came to dealing with spellcasters, numbers was always useful.

Kisyra drew close behind the spellcaster and put her hand on her blade, drawing it just a little, enough for the sound of it being drawn to ring out a little. "And so too is my blade, mage." She added softly, her voice low and deadly. He'd only burned this house, but no one did something criminal so casually unless they'd already done it. And probably worse. So death was probably just right for the man if he stepped out of line.
It was rare that Kisyra traveled this far from Bulgar, and never before had she traveled further south than the northern reaches of Bern, let alone this far into Lycia, but this man, this monster she was hunting, merited it. A cruel man who had raped and killed his way through Bulgar - and continued to do so as she tracked him, with utter disregard for the trail he was leaving. She'd killed bandits and mercenaries who had served with him and under him along the way, but reaching him...

She was starting to consider that after this long, and this far, she might need to let this go. The criminal element in Bulgar remained despite her absence, and could only grow larger without pruning. Making the endless fight only more endless.

But could she just deem a monster unworthy of her time? She could not make that call - this man was a violater of the oaths that held society together, a violater of the highest order. She couldn't leave him to his predations - and she had found others along her way. They merited death no less than any other just because they lived far from Bulgar and outside of her normal reach.

An obvious plainswoman, from her garb to her long green hair, Kisyra stood out, and her taciturn, uncommunicate nature only made that more so as she looked through the market, trying to find someone who would know the criminal element, who may be able to be induced to help her find her quarry.

She was drawn from her search when she saw a man with long white hair tucking what could only be a magical tome away as house caught fire. Kisyra wound her way through the crowd slowly, towards the man, her hand on her blade. Not her target, probably didn't even know him, but he had set a house on fire as casually as someone might pick their evening meal, with no regard for anyone or anything else. She couldn't just let that stand.
Sorry about that. I will be posting shortly. Shit came up IRL.
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