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"Fly you fools!"
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Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts


Athanasia Theroux & Arthur Stanford

Location Hades Cabin

While the morning was a lovely thing it had little impact within the Hades Cabin. The thick black obsidian denying the light access to gloomy depths that were lit with flickering green flames. Honestly it looked like a house of horrors, but it was home. More home than her old one where she had lived for nine years, when she wasn't travelling with her mother. Stretching lazily in the coffin shaped bunk, Athanasia Theroux, daughter of Hades, blew the pale hair from her face as she gave a disapproving look to the cheery morning. Had she her way, she would turn back to sleep and let the morning pass! Sitting up the ten year old girl gave a huff as she glared at the muffled sounds the skull at the foot of the blood red sheets was making. "Have you something to say Chatters?" The biting edge of her voice was typical of any wake up before ten o'clock. As was the proper time for waking when you spent a good part of the night wandering and wondering.

"Not at all, Missus! Cept you've got some hair standin' up!" Chatter's mobster accent was cut off as a small foot kicked him up into two pale hands that delicately held him. "Whoa there toots! Didn' mean nothin' by it! Just pokin' a bit o' fun at ya! Take it easy." If the skull was still human, he would be sweating buckets at the dangerous look in those murderous black eyes. There was a shriek from the flying cranium as it soared out the door into the bright sunlight.

Arthur's eyes creaked open, his head comfortably laying on the pillow, staring up at the dark ceilings. He exhaled and groaned for a moment. "Sister Dearest." He said calmly. This was what he called her when he mildly annoyed by whatever was currently happening. "I don't know what time it is, but i'm sure it's earlier than I'd like to be awake." Irritated as he was, a bemused smile was still on his face as he rolled over and looked at Ash, still refusing to rise and face the day. Waking up the a hollering human skull was one of the unique and magical things about camp that he loved, and hated. "Why exactly is Chatter's screaming right now?" He asked. The skull had woken him up before, but that didn't mean he liked it.

There was a rasp as a curtain partitioned of part of cabin as Ash dressed with ruthless efficiency. Dusting her hands, Ash stepped out from behind the curtain dressed in her usual attire. Which was unusual to say the least. Pulling a brush carefully through her pale hair, Athanasia tilted her head at the rumpled figure of her half-blood, half-brother. A sibling she never expected to have, and would not do without now that she had him. "He was rude." The pale youngster stated simply as if that explained everything. Her hands deftly braiding her hair loosely over one shoulder, weaving the black stygian flower into it. "Oh, la! Brother, do you mean to sleep away this of all days?" Her dark eyes danced as she moved towards the gleaming doorway and where the foolish fossil had quite literally faceplanted into the earth. "Wait- Oh, gods! I got a worm in my eye! If I had eyes that is!" The skull complained in a panic before a gloved finger was laid against his lipless teeth. "Shush, Chatters. Your prattling is annoying this early in the morning, and you do know how I loath mornings." The dark eyes rolled in exasperation as she dusted the skull off. Today was 'CTF' or Capture the Flag. The most beloved, and therefore competitive, sport in the entirety of Camp Half-Blood. Or as Athanasia understood it. It would do Ry some good to blast a few of the other cabins so he wasn't so stressed out, and that went for most of the people in their little community. The Great Prophecy had caused a under current that felt too much like her home with her mother and... Well she wasn't certain what to call the man she had thought was her father til a few years ago.

Arthur rolled his eyes and suppressed a laugh. Of course, he was being rude, so he had to be unceremoniously thrown out of the cabin. Ash was just ridiculous sometimes. Stretching in his bed for a moment, he stifled a yarn, and got out of bed. "Oh of course not, but a few more hours would've been nice." He said tiredly, and took a quick step behind his own curtain, getting dressed into a simple black T-shirt, with a nice pair of tan shorts accompanying them. This was his standard apparel for warm days like this was to be. He stepped out, and grabbed his Dark Clay from his bedside, and placed it upright in front of him. Stripping two chains pieces off of the brick, he floated them in front of him, he outstretched his arms, making the bands snap along his wrists, segmenting themselves and smoothing into shiny bracelets. With the remaining clay, he floated it in front of him, and laced it quickly around the belt loops on his waste, forming a perfectly fitted belt. He gave a coy smile over to Athanasia and said, "Oh come now sister, how could you hate mornings? You couldn't mean to sleep away this of all days." He jabbed playfully. He enjoyed Capture The Flag a lot, always loving a chance to show off and hone his skills.

Ash, as people usually called Athanasia with her name being such a mouthful, narrowed her eyes at Arthur as he jabbed at her with her own taunt. Typical she supposed with a shake of her head. "How imaginative!" Her small mouth curled in a smile as she winked at Arthur. "Afraid I'll do better than my big brother? Kiss, kiss." The two words were said lightly, but their meaning was far from what the words alone meant. From anyone it would be a sign of affection, while from Athanasia it could be to those who knew her. But said in ire it was a curse as potent as any a sailor would swear with a sweeter venom. Looking towards the practice yard, Athanasia twiddled her fingers towards Arty. "I'm going to get in some practice, and terrify a few unfortunates." There were other reasons as well. Athanasia was curious as to what Ryland made of the Great Prophecy. He was knowledgable on stuff like that. Though to be safe, Athanasia had stopped wearing green just to be safe. Her young mind twisted about what those words that were haunting the camp could mean. Four Empires? That was the point she just didn't get. What four empires? Ryland would know, he knew a lot of thing and what he didn't he could usually point her towards were the answer could be found. He had saved her life a year ago, and brought her to the camp. To say she adored the man was a understatement. Athanasia would tease Ryland ruthlessly sometimes, but she saw the older half-blood as her own personal hero. Something she admitted to no one.

Arthur's smile broadened for a second. He knew that meant she'd be trying to do whatever she could to out do him later tonight at CTF, and he looked forward to it. There was Nothing wrong with a little sibling rivalry , he knew she wasn't actually that angry at him, just throwing back what was dolled out to her. He strolled quickly behind her, following her out of the cabin. "I wouldn't mind joining you for practice, if that's alright." He said. It's be a good way to wake up, and blow off some steam. If Ash wanted space though, he'd give it to her. Ash was a wonderful partner for practice, being able to well hold her own in a fight, regardless of what appearances might make one assume. It was really one of Arthur's favorite things to do with his half-sister, and it's one of the reasons Ash had gained as much of his respect as she had.
Alice blushed and nodded at a second. Her memory was usually keen so this lapse embarrassed the tailor immensely. All the worry about Liam Enduro, and the stress over that bitch's stunt had put Alice in a mood. That mood had given way to depression when the newly made vampire became ensnared in a life she had never wanted. A life foisted upon her by greed. "My apologies." Alice sighed, pressing slim fingers to her forehead. "It's... been hard."

The excuse was lame and Alice knew it. In truth, not that she would admit to anyone let alone herself, Alice Lynch was slowly sliding into depression. The lack of her life's work. Eternity before her and she was cooped up like a caged bird. Fearing the cat would get her the minute she hopped out of that gilded cage. It wouldn't be so bad, but the cage was a basic thing and lacked the amusements that were her hobby. Or rather those amusements that had been afforded to had become too familiar. Staring absently out the window, Alice gave a sorrowful sigh. Unable to hide away the longing in her eyes for what she could not get back.

Richard Laine

Location Cells

"Damn." The man groaned aloud as Dean and Silver Spoon went at it. Snarling over a problem they didn't have time to deal with. A problem made worse by Pietro bashing his head through a glass wall. He'd have to take the boy aside sometime and have a word about the fact Pietro really needed to haul ass mentally if he wanted to be what- Richard considered- Guin needed. Whether the Stark wanted him to or not, he was in her debt and thus would work in her best interest. It was a debt, not that he actually cared about the lad. He was a ruthless, cunninng assassin and killer. "There goes my image." The raven haired man muttered as he cocked the safety of the gun back.

The second shot of movement that bolted from his leg caught his attention. Ayita was on the move, shortly after Dean took off. The brat was clever enough to disarm three of them before falling. Tripping it seemed, and not in the fall way. His shots range out covering his sister as she bolted for them. Most likely getting close for the sake of her powers. Three agents? No, seven. Though not all those shots were his, much to Richard's annoyance as he readied to duck out of the line of fire. Apparently Ayita was more proficient that he gave her credit for. "Clever girl." The assassin chuckled as his snake eyes were trained on the agents.

Ayita Dyrkin

Location Cells

Ayita felt Dean pass rather than see him, her amber eyes locked onto her targets. This was not a hunt but a fight for survival and she did not lose those. Her heart wrenched at the thought of killing more people, but what could she do? They would surely kill her family and friends if she didn't take them out. It was in defense of the pack and she lunged forward, trying to quell the wrenching of her gut. Killing never bothered her, not when it was animals. But humans? That bothered a great deal and she feared she would turn into the monster her mother called her. A beast. "A mindless animal." The thought echoed in her mind absently. Remains from her fight against Wonderland. Words that would haunt her forever.

But she moved into a fox's trot. Loping over the ground as she raised the gun and shots pierced the air. Seven men dropped with wounds. One dropped dead, her bullet in his throat. It was a ugly death and she wished it was otherwise. Ayita wished she could close her eyes to the horror, but that was a fool's move. Another face to haunt her memory. Her lips thinned slightly as she wished to be far from this damned laboratory. Far from OMEN. But wasn't that the issue? She couldn't leave because OMEN would hunt them. Until she was satisfied the danger was negated, til it wasn't at risk of going north... She would not go home. She would not risk the fruitful range she had run those years in the wild to some war between humans and mutants. Plus, Richard hated the cold. She wasn't ready to leave him yet- or Damon. These thoughts passed quickly as she prepared to shift. A moose perhaps? With hooves and power? They were known in the north to be more arguably worse than bears. A bear might run. A moose? A moose did not.

Rhys Asher

Location: Home

He had never wanted to strangle the woman more than he did on the way back. Weaving through buildings and taking sharp turns, he doubted he would distract her from her path. She'd find her way back like a stubborn bitch. Most likely he would need to buy another shop and loft combo, lest Esmeralda become a constant harpy. If the woman didn't join him, if she turned against him or worse! Turned the boy agianst him! Rhys rolled his shoulders as he stumped up the steep steps to his loft home. "I'm not trying to determine your fate, Esmeralda. If I was, then I would know far before now that you bore me a child." The heat was out of his voice as he unlocked the spells and opened to door. Letting himself in first. "No. Fayard is my son as well and more his is my apprentice. I will do what is best for him."

And to hell what she thought. Shutting the door firmly behind him as he gripped the witch's arm lest she bolt towards the boy, Rhys reapplied the locks and safeguards to his home. "Bar this door. Charm Lock it all. Conceal my entry." Giving the witch a warning look, he hissed in a dangerous voice. "Let me speak to him first, Esmeralda. Better it comes from me." Letting go of her arm, he crossed to room to sit on the edged of the bed, his boy- his son- had been bound to. Filling a cup of water he held it to the two toned eyed lad's lips. "Drink, boy. I've some news for you that will a shock, but first... How are you feeling?" His words were quiet and gruff but he ran a cloth over the boy's forehead, sharp eyes peering at his face. No matter what he said, the Wizard "I found out somethings about your life before the Young Army." His eyes shooting a warning look that Esmeralda might do well not to test him right now. Not with his son- Fayard- in such condition.

Skaoi Silverveil

Location: Infirmity

Skaoi flinched as Tristan swore loudly after she stopped him from falling to the oblivion of sleep. Something she feared he would not wake from. How often had she seen such? The final ease into a sleep during a dire healing where the patient would slip away. The glare that came from the Prince made the Physik take a step back as her own pale blue eyes dropped in fright. He was a Prince! A Royal! And she had pricked him like any fabric she was embroidering! Of course it was for his own good, but her hands shook slightly as she bundled them into her dress. "My apologies, I thought it best you remain awake." The woman stammered in fright.

It was for his own good, she thought. Even with assassinations and everything, she was doing her job. Surely they could not blame her for that? But Prince Tristan's next words sent ice spearing into the pale woman's heart. The color she could ill afford to loose draining from her face. The Eastern Snow Plains had done this?! They were suspected at least. The cup in her hands- she had been getting another for the woman leader of the Young Army- crashed to the floor in splinters. Tea running in rivers across the floor as she looked up sharply. Her eyes wide with sheer terror, before she lowered them. Shuffling to a broom and began to clean the mess. Anything to hid the shaking of her hands. "Forgive my carelessness." Would they suspect her now? She was new here and worse she was from the Eastern Snow Plains! A noble woman who disguised herself as a peasent physik! What would they think? Would this assassin try to pin it on her?! After finishing cleaning the mess she had caused, the physik huddled over her notes. Trying to disappear in the background as she fought back the panic. Her hands shaking as she considered the next steps for the patients they had, though it was hard to focus on that task.


Location: Aricie

The laughter that echoed from the tall son of the Dyrki rolled across the waves as Grimspound tossed his head back in sheer amusement at Minerva's comment. His emerald green eyes danced as the scholar grinned at Ahote and Arnora with a friendly smirk. "Apparently all I am good for is reading books and being admired." The man scoffed giving Arnora a wink that bordered on flirtatious and Ahote a smile that could only be called an invitation to bed when paired with his far more sly wink. Offering a hand to each of his new acquaintances, Grimspound listened to their plans for when they would land. It appeared there was a house- home to the Port Witch Coven- that appeared to be abandoned due to a recent upheaval in the city. While he did care a great deal for books, it was not his only focus. Curiosity gnawed at the wanderer as he considered what might be found at such a place. "Grimspound, they call me." The man introduced himself firmly to both, before shooting the shorter Minerva a look of bemusement. "I do not doubt books will be my end, and hopefully when I'm old and with a beard that falls to my feet! Why! I hope to be buried in books! But I do have other talents as well, my dear. I shall join you so you might find me less than lacking." If she had a braid he would have been sorely tempted to tug it like he did with so many maids. Giving them a boyish grin to escape retaliation.

Yet something tugged his interest away from teasing Minerva, green eyes snapped with wonder upon Arnora. "You are a Spirit Seer?" He had heard of such folk but to meet one was rare. A true find! Though it wouldn't do to chatter at her relentlessly over it, such a tactic was off putting and usually never yielded as much with the more martial of folk. A few questions slipped here and there slowly built up over time, something he had plenty of, would do just as fine if not better. "Would you do me the honor of allowing me to buy you a drink sometime, Arnora? I'd love to hear your take on it." Perhaps knowledge would be his undoing but Grimspound could think of worse ways to go. To die in defense of his people, in defense of his father would be just as well. Though the latter was hardly in need of such a thing. The man could take care of himself quite well, yet Grimspound had been raised to respect and heed his elders. His defense of them just became natural after protecting his mother's clan.

And speaking of protection... Grimspound paused as he considered the waves with sharp eyes. Something seemed... off. A disturbance he couldn't place. He had lived a good few years on the road and in his mother's clan hunting the wilds before that. Tersa had taught her son to heed that gut feeling. The instinct that dwelt within him. As the man waited for Arnora's response as he absently sent out a spell to alert him of danger. Turning his attention back to the woman, he then turned his gaze over the waves as the spell bounced back with a alarming sense of danger. It wasn't immediate but it was there. "I hate to bring a low mood to the discussion but there seems to be some serious trouble afoot." His cocky smile and tone could make it as though he was remarking on the weather rather than a screaming alert that there was a problem. It wasn't immediate and while he liked to deal with problems quickly... He was in the middle of conversation with a Spirit Seer. A rare opportunity. "So about that drink?"
Blood's Jewels

“Terreille in Trouble”

Faeril Ashkevron

Location - Ashkevron Residence in Askavi

"That would be I." Came the chilly voice of Faeril Ashkevron as the Eyrien Black Widow-Healer stood in the arch of stone that led to the main curving hall. Her dark hair was pulled back into a slightly messy braid that did little to hide the rumpled open-backed gown she had been wearing the night prior. The gown she had fallen asleep in. Glacier blue eyes locked onto Mikhail as the woman looked him over, assessing this stranger in her territory.

Faeril in general was no morning person, but her work last night had been long and arduous. The Healing of her boyos, Andressa and Lucivar combined with her careful weaving of tangled webs late into the wee hours had taxed the Red Jeweled witch more than she would ever admit. Her wings flexed slightly as she arched a brow at Fatima. Those eyes turning all the colder with disapproval. She had awoken to her perimeter shield alerting about a unwelcomed guest. Someone who had been welcomed in without her approval. That had been alarming and she had been just about ready to RIP into one of the strangers' hides when she had felt the mind. That he had been a potential patient reined in her sharp fury, that he had been welcomed by Fatima redirected it.

Opening her mouth to speak again, the woman was cut off by a rap on the door. Another visitor. Far too early to be having so many. Shifting her weight, the Eryien woman considered Mikhail and the possible new arrival- the front door within her line of vision. "Lady. Since you see so keen on inviting people in," ... And without my permission. The unsaid words hung in the air like leaden weights. Though Faeril would have rather woken off the males in the house, the exception being the snarky new Warlord Prince, she doubt they would be easily roused. Last night and the hours leading to it had been long and hard on all of them. "Why don't you go invite whom ever else is coming in." Her psychic power wasn't at its peak, but Faeril was still a witch not to be trifled with. As were all Black Widows. The look she gave Fatima made those words a command and a promise of a later talking to of propriety.

Satisfied that the door and new arrivals would be dealt with, Faeril turned her gaze once more on the stranger. He was not of Terrielle, that she knew for certain. It was in the way he talked, the way he looked. The other place he could be was Kaeleer. But why would a Kaeleer Male be looking for her? The contact she had with the Shadow Realm was when her Aunt was alive, even then it was a rare thing. Her grandmother, a Black Widow herself, was rumored to have more contact with the covens in Kaeleer. "What rumors did you follow, pray tell? And to what end to do you seek my aid?"
Ayita Dyrkin

Location Cells

Ayita sighed in relief as she felt her powers fall back into place. If there was a way to describe it, it was like a mental click. Similar to someone turning the volume up on a television. The wash of instincts and rancor of rage that rushed through her made the woman stiffen and grit her teeth. The one good thing of the powerless was the quiet in her own mind. This babble of swelling ire and fury at the walls and the hunters who caged her was not a uncommon- nor unreasonable- response, but Ayita found it tiresome. Odd considering how much she utilized her powers, and the different way of thinking that came along with it.

That way of thinking could only agree so much with Pietro however, as the shifter herded Thalia from her cage. "Brother." The younger Laine warned sharply, as her amber eyes fixated on the silver haired speedster. Allowing the full force of the beasts and birds that dwelt within her to glare down at the presumptions of man. Finally she turned her attention back to scooping a gun off one of the guards. While she was as imitate with these weapons as her bow, the principle was the same. Point, shoot, and reload after a bit. "We need to get moving."

Richard Laine

Location Cells

Richard paused in his steps as Pietro voiced his opinions. Turning his chiseled features slowly towards the younger man, the Adder narrowed his snake similar eyes in disdain. His lips tightening to deliver a harsh strike that would be figuratively poisonous. The sharp word from Ayita paused the former rogue assassin. Counting to ten, he let out a long sigh. His glare never lessening as he gave the younger Pietro a stern look as if he was considering shooting him. Which he was. "How do you think Guin will feel to hear that, Maximoff? She's been human most of her life. Her family's human, dimwit." Raising a brow, the British voice was too calm for the situation. "There's a difference between 'No Mercy', you two pump-chump, and my shoot first order. I'll hold my fire for one damn second- which is more than we have. It's survival when we are outnumbered and outgunned. It's situational, you empty headed Little Silver Spoon!"

Richard sighed and shook his head, muttering unkind things about Guin's 'Little Silver Spoon'. A name he seemed to be taking a liking to the nickname. Though the situation in the hall was far from peachy. While there was a possible exit via a stairwell, there were also several guards- agents! The assassin wanted to groan aloud, and proclaimed in a undertone to the group. "Fifteen- from what I can see. However, there is a stairwell straight to heaven- rescue!" The Adder groaned aloud as Ayita shot him a dirty look. "Bit of a bad pun there, sorry! Basically, goal is to hit them quickly, and take them down. There's seven of us. Two each at least? Oh and Speedy Spoons, aim for those furthest if you can. And try not to hit me." Richard cocked his pistol and kept an eye on the men, waiting for the others to move and the guards to respond. He'd take a shot if any raised their weapons. Much as Ayita was preparing to do just to the side of him. Knelt down on one knee to reduce the risk of her being hit and partly behind Richard's legs.
Ayita Dyrkin

Location Cells

Ayita shook her head at Dean, her amber eyes shining with mirth. "We are hardly under attack, you just happen to be making doe eyes." There was a odd rumble from the woman as she chuckled to herself despite their situation. The speedy young fool was exactly that, but she wasn't going to say she wasn't amused by the fact he seemed to be very nervous about Allison. Standing she braced a hand on Dean's shoulder to aid her. The ache of her injuries making the shifter grit her teeth in annoyance.

They were but wounds. Wounds that would heal, but damned if they did not hurt! As Richard shot her a concerned look, Ayita shook her head slightly. Yes, she was hurt and her older brother could well see that. It wasn't serious enough for him to be concerned. When she could no longer defend herself, then she would call upon his aid. Til then, she had survived before and would again. Yet, speaking of injuries... Ayita's gaze locked onto Thalia as she slowly moved towards the girl-woman. "May I?" Her voice was soft as always as she slowly ran her fingers over the wings. Of everyone gathered, it was her expertise with flying and wings of the avians that would aid Thalia the best perhaps. "I have wings myself." That was said in a bare whisper as she examined the damage and if they could be folded without risking greater injury. If they could be, Ayita would attempt it carefully. Tearing her brother's shirt to help make slings or bindings for the great limbs. "What business with whom?" The younger shifter asked carefully as she considered Thalia.

Richard Laine

Location Cells

He wanted to be amused, to laugh as his sister did. But Richard merely sighed, not be able to afford the luxury of relaxing. Though he did tarry in worry as Ayita braced on Dean to help herself to her feet. Her wounds must ache something fierce, yet the shake of his head warned him from offering aid. For all she generally followed his lead, Ayita was still a wild animal and injured she was stubborn and dangerous. Nothing would go in her without a exact description of what it was, where it came from and what it would do. Not to mention a hundred other questions. That had been the last time he tried to convince her to take Ibuprofen for a headache.

Studying the doors, he nodded to himself in thought. "Charge... Will not work." The assassin agreed in an annoyed voice that bordered on deadly rage. "Nor will hostages as this chap pointed out. However, we do have help on the outside and our powers are returning albeit some slower than others. We also have wounded. So what can we do with those variables?" Rubbing his head with one hand he studied the human and shook his head. "We can move carefully. Shield out ass, and keep those who can shoot and fight on the outer ring. The most wounded and Allison- you dear are our best defense with those doors= in our center. Pietro, start fantasizing about Guin and stop puzzling over the fact you'd not last more than a minute- you won't last another one if you don't relay effectively between our groups. Get Cassandra- a Cassandra- to hunt down a map of this place if she can. One of them ought to be able to have the range... Hopefully." The assassin leaned back and considered things. "Get whatever weapons those idiots had on them. Ayita-"

"Gun. Cover your ass with the winged woman."

The Adder nodded and looked to Pietro with a raised brow as if asking why he wasn't moving his ass. "We move. We shoot first. Screw the fact their humans, we're mutants. They will kill on sight and I'm not loosing a damned brat." Shoving the agent into a cell, Richard closed the door on him. Making sure it locked. Moving to the door the Adder peered down both sides of the hall.

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