Avatar of LazyEgg
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 193 (0.07 / day)
  • VMs: 7
  • Username history
    1. LazyEgg 8 yrs ago


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An ordinary graduating chink sitting behind a bizzare caricature of an egg.
"Name's LazyEgg, but you can call me Legg for short. Thanks ."
synonyms: scrub, so-so writer, broad variations of the term "asshole",
slightly inimical when provoked, lover of the dankest memes, requester of the highest of fives,
tamer of dragons, NoSleeper, likes to draw sometimes, enjoys horror, casual gaming, etc.

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Very keen on site Haeda. This is gon' be goooood

So, I came up with a plant-bender. Hope he's alright.

Dun worry. I'm actually just waiting on GM to post as of now, or rather someone else, so that Sal has a little more to respond to as well.

"Before anything. Aren't introductions in order? Being elusive is not really an excuse for formality."

The contrast in both their tones nearly gave Salvyn whiplash. The two of them weren't the politest out there, but one would expect at least an ounce of respect for the man who puts in effort in changing the world for the better. Although, he was right. Introductions and getting to know each other first would probably be the best way to go about the situation, and if anything, it would help dampen the awkward tension in the air. The young man leaned back in the sofa, resting one arm on the sack of bread, and allowed the other to dance freely. The flames resting in the fireplace curled and writhed in harmony to the boy's motions, not once missing a beat to the music that played in the background. It was rather amusing, but Salvyn didn't let that stop him from listening in on the conversation at hand.

"Very well, I am Ser Gregory Sullivan. Knight Pontiff of the Templar Order."The room, as if on queue, resorted to a hush as all the noise was toned down and all eyes were suddenly on the tall man in the suit of armour. "I have come to see for myself your Order and what it stands for. And if our goals align, you shall have my aid." Ser Gregory. A rather fancy name. Salvyn used this moment to give the man a good once-over, just to get a fair grasp on what the additions to their team would consist of. A red cross was embedded into the bulky shoulderplates of his armour. It was not a sigil he knew of, but it gave him closure. The emblem was definitely of another empire, and for now, he would sleep at ease now knowing knowing the Vatican State's religious consortium was NOT out for his head.

"My name is Salvyn, of the house Modius. In regards to myself, I bear no special title to my name. Although, I believe I do harness physical capabilities that may or may not aid us in our venture against the inhumankind. I'm looking forward to see what we can make of ourselves." he looked each one of them in the eye as he sat down after his brief intro. Freeing one hand to rub his temple, he pondered a piece of information that bothered him quite a bit. Why did the brute have two differently-coloured eyes? I never knew such a thing was possible.

Salyvn shifted uncomfortably in his seat, getting up from the sofa and quietly making his way to the bar. The boy lightly dusted the seat and settled down next to Akio. "Brushing up on your studies again?" he winked at him. Their last meeting was not something anyone would consider pleasant, and he figured he would have to make amends somehow. Light conversation seemed the way to go.

Before he had the chance to fully delve into his thoughts on what to say next, a young maiden stumbled into the room, but seemed to have caught herself just before she hit the ground. Salvyn was fairly impressed, though she did seem a little rusty with her skills. He'd seen this type of magic before, but never got the chance to fully acknowledge it. Truly, it was a magnificent gift, and in the right hands, would guarantee either destruction or salvation.

"My apologies for being late."

"Looks like we have another magician." he whispered to Akio, nudging him lightly in the arm. The brunet swung around in his seat and faced the woman who stood at the doorway. "Fancy meeting you, miss. My name is Salyvn, and that fellow over there in the nice suit in Ser Gregory." he said, extending a hand towards the knight. "There's a bag of bread on the sofa, if you're feeling in the mood for it. Have a seat!"

MENTIONED: @LordofTheNight @Inertia @potatochipgolem @shagranoz
In In My Pants 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
west coast in my pants
@thebadman7824Hey and welcome to the guild! :) Sig's looking quite relatable. I like that.
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