Avatar of LeeRoy


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Discord crashed lads. Can't get back in.
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6 yrs ago
I've opened art commissions up, anyone who wants relatively cheap art PM me here or on Discord: LeeRoy#8459
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9 yrs ago
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"If you kill a man, you scorn his wife. If you kill his wife, you scorn her child. If you kill her child, you scorn his village. If you kill his village, you scorn the kingdom. If you kill the kingdom you scorn an empire. If you kill an empire, then who is left?"

Most Recent Posts

Me and Two other Players are looking for a DM, as our previous DM is unable to host for us. We're left without a DM and without a Game, and hoping to find someone willing to host.

It is a DnD 3.5e Eberron Campaign, with a general sentiment of: "Anything goes so long as there is a rule for it." with a power level ranging from something grounded, say, an attempt to reflect reality, on and up to greater power.

Preferring the rules to be more actual, verbatim written rules rather than the Dungeon Master just inventing things off the cuff or acting arbitrarily. Though with a bit of leniency on rules that aren't as specific as they could possibly be.

The main goal would be a narrative focus. Preference to Gestalt characters and a bit of more balanced homebrew if possible.

It would be hosted on Discord, and would use various DnD tools for character creation and dice rolling.
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