Avatar of Letmehaveone2


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Hi, Welcome to my profile.

Type of genres I like to rp are mostly anything involving Supernatural beings with some fantasy. Maybe a bit of action every now and then, if you have something funny to post, go right ahead, make me laugh (it's not hard).

I still love crossovers, I just don't do them as much as I used to. (I will join one if it's free roam for the most part and I am allowed OCs)

I do animal rps sometimes (mostly wolves or lions)

Check out all my characters here.

Things I like to do outside of RPG: Play games, watch YouTube or Take a nap. My type of games are MMORPGs(like Everquest or Wizard101), Sims(2, 3 and 4), pretty much stuff like that as long as said game allows for character creation with a variety of options. (I'm a creative person)

My favorite genre of music is mostly rock and anything I can dance and sing along to.

I love all animals but my most favorites are dogs and elephants.

Here's my discord: Tifa's Group

I am an old time rper. I was on the old guild and did a lot of GMing. It's just been awhile since I've been on here.

That's it for now :)

Most Recent Posts

Hmm, what about Joey Freeman, my werewolf character?
Thank you
Name: Ky Moore
Age: 18
Gender: Male
His pet bat, Lilly:
Personality: Friendly, an animal lover, he cares deeply for his pet bat, Lilly so if you harm her in any way shape or form, he will be furious. However, he has learned over the years not to get upset too often for a really good reason. (the reason will be explained in the abilities section. So he'll be mostly calm, kind and did I mention friendly? in nature.
Universe: Summer camp/hotel for immortals (sequel to an old rp of mine "School of Odd", which was in the old guild.)
Abilities: Is able to communicate with various animals mentally and he can also control electricity to some extent, but he cannot let any negative emotions get the better of him, otherwise he may hurt somebody or an object by accident with his electricity.
Items/equipment: none (hope that's okay)
History: Ky started off as an ordinary human, but then while staying at a hotel a long time ago, he found he could mind-talk with animals and then there was a point where he was out at a restaurant with some girlfriend he had at the time and some gay waiter tried to flirt with him who couldn't seem to take 'no' for an answer. That in turn resulted in a really angry Ky which caused him to shock the waiter and that's how he found out about his electrical powers.

Name: Price
Age: 20 (real age is unknown)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Normal: Demon:

Personality: He is such a sweet person to where he can come off as too friendly.
Universe: School of odd (once again a RP I had back in the old guild).

Items/equipment: his guitar.
History: He was once just a normal human fulfilling his life and rock star dream. Then one fine night when he was sleeping on his couch, he somehow became a vampire. He now lives with a demon inside of him which loves to bite, kill or turn every human in sight whereas Price doesn't want to hurt them at all. Due to this, he tends to avoid humans in fear of hurting them.

Name: Juno
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Shy around most people until he gets to know them. However, once he opens up to you, he is very friendly and supportive. He loves to talk, he just can't do it normally.
Universe: Things are never what they seem here (another rp I also had in the old guild which I'll explain in discord if you need to me to).
Abilities: Telepathy and can also shift from human to cat due to being a Neko.
Item/equipment: None
History: Born into a family of Nekos who were very fond of him. He was also born with a common human disability which made him mute and unable to talk out loud. He was later gifted with a power that would help him communicate with others but in different way.

Name: Ky Moore
Age: 18
Gender: Male
His pet bat, Lilly:
Personality: Friendly, an animal lover, he cares deeply for his pet bat, Lilly so if you harm her in any way shape or form, he will be furious. However, he has learned over the years not to get upset too often for a really good reason. (the reason will be explained in the abilities section. So he'll be mostly calm, kind and did I mention friendly? in nature.
Universe: Summer camp/hotel for immortals (sequel to an old rp of mine "School of Odd", which was in the old guild.)
Abilities: Is able to communicate with various animals mentally and he can also control electricity to some extent, but he cannot let any negative emotions get the better of him, otherwise he may hurt somebody or an object by accident with his electricity.
Items/equipment: none (hope that's okay)
History: Ky started off as an ordinary human, but then while staying at a hotel a long time ago, he found he could mind-talk with animals and then there was a point where he was out at a restaurant with some girlfriend he had at the time and some gay waiter tried to flirt with him who couldn't seem to take 'no' for an answer. That in turn resulted in a really angry Ky which caused him to shock the waiter and that's how he found out about his electrical powers.
Alright then.
Does this mean I have to remake Ky? My character.
Boo XD
Joey decided to come out of his room and wander the halls.

Price was still in his room, softly playing his guitar.
I have a few villain characters, but I don't know how to make any of them fit into this.
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