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In --- 7 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
Interview One

“He’s not much larger than average height I’d say. It’s weird you ask about him. I’ve always known him to be somewhat reclused. When outsiders come around here it’s usually to investigate some urban legend we have floating around.”

“Interesting, tell me what you can about this creature around here.”

“So you want to know about ‘it’ eh?”

“Of course”

“It's fabled to ride a black steed through the countryside
and whenever it stops a mortal man dies.
An Angel of Death who’s worthy of dread;
dressed all in black and lacking a head.
In its possession is a spine that he'll use as a whip.
In the other a scythe that will cut to the quick.
If you chance to observe it you may be struck blind
and still, think yourself lucky that he left you behind.
If it pulls on the reins and it finds you outdoors
your heart will stop dead and will beat nevermore.
There are buckets of blood where the Dullahan rides.
On all Hallows Eve, you had best be inside.”

“That sounds like an old Celtic tale.”

“Well, it is.”

“I want genuine facts.”

“Well, I suppose I could inform you more for some spare change.”


“Well, Gold is the wooden stake and silver bullet to Dullahans. Despite everyone knowing this, one very much lives on. I’ve seen it do things. Incredible things. Things no human could dream of.”

“Well, spit it out.”

“I suppose I ought to begin with its abilities”


I’ve seen it do just about anything with fire. They say its manipulation of the element is limited only by its imagination”

“I would imagine it thinks on entirely different level than us mortal folks, huh?”

“Wouldn’t count it out”


“For sure its powers are linked with darkness and perhaps more. I think they’re somehow physical. It’s scary how I’ve seen shadows leap off the ground and grab objects, animals, and people even. Fairly large ones too!”

“How often do you see it?”


“I’ve seen it once or twice, at least I think so. Sometimes it's here and gone in the blink of an eye. Amazing huh.”

“You ever saw it talk?”


“Don’t you know it’s a bad omen to even encounter them. Ya think I’m crazy enough to try to converse with it?”

“What if I told you I suspect someone in your town was secretly this creature and I'm trying to uncover out who?”


"I'd say it couldn't be. Then I would say you have a deathwish. Well, that would explain why we have so much bad luck around here...”

Interview Two

<Snipped quote by Liaison>

And you have an uncanny knack for being douchewaffle. So I guess we are even.

I barely converse with you so the chances are I dont fit whatever that means. I also am known for playing fair and being generally a reasonable person to work with. I just constantly watch you place judgment on others from the sideline. Dont point animosity towards me. I'm just saying what others should have said by now. Dont stereotype an entire community just because you feel away about one or two members. I've seen you do that to multiple communities. Just pump the breaks a bit and dont think to hard.
With all the forum people that have tossed their two cents in so far...I'd say he's spot on in the "sheep" comment.

You do this far too often and I'm going to have to call you out on this. So quick to loop everyone in a box or category. Shame shame.
Animosity was in the air. The disdain for Megalodon on Soran was fiery and blatant. The retaliation effort only added gasoline to the fire. The ethereal beam blitzing through the sky only served as the ultimate catalyst.

The longer the beam concentrated the whiter the shark’s eyes appeared, the coarser his scales were, the further his veins bulged, the more defined his muscles became. Where it was clear that he was in pain, initially it would have an opposing effect than anyone could have possibly anticipated.

As extensions of energy entrapped the beast, Amphiprioninae remained rather calm, nefariously in anticipation of something. Having had successfully fend off The Disciple, the fish was more than prepared to deflect Singar’s words at the ‘door’ with his natural corrosive psychic barrier. The shark, however, was affected immediately and through he resisted the beam, midnight fog and Singars voice all at once he was taking crippling amounts of stress.

The fog was beginning to affect him but it wasn’t the end. As bad as the situation may have looked, this all served a purpose. Amphiprioninae used Megalodon’s highly resistant body to analyze the supernatural forces affecting him in as minuscule of detail as cell by cell. He did this simultaneously as if it were happening to him. By symbiotic nature, he could sense and analyze every aspect of his partner including the mind, body, and soul. With this, he identified and infiltrated what was right in front of him.

And there it was…Direct traces to Singars life energy and mind. The second Singar began lecturing Megalodon he realized his connection was becoming somewhat murky, almost like water. Perched on the rock and mesmerized by his own dastardly actions, Singar would notice abnormalities within the lake of flesh before him. It was almost as if something was swimming in it…In fact, something was. It was very tiny almost like a fish! It couldn’t possibly be but it actually was. His orange and white stripes of scales were as clear as day.

Amphiprioninae sprung out the lake like a flying fish in a fashion that appeared as if he was going to ram the demon but it was not feasible considering how small he was. The closer the clownfish got the larger he appeared to grow. In addition, the murkier the surrounding area appeared and felt around Singar.

In a few seconds, Amphiprioninae now dwarfed Singar and he could feel himself at this moment submerged within a giant mass of dark water. Whipping his tail which alone was several times larger than Singar, the fish imposed a force that could potentially mash the demon across the rocks like a mere bug. Singar didn’t realize it initially but he was figuratively in Amphiprioninae’s bowl. Using and imitating what he had analyzed, the fish successfully opened a back door to Singars mind by meticulously picking apart the midnight fog. Now he openly engaged him in a battle of psychic warfare made physical in this pseudo-realm he created. It was a spectacle Amphiprioninae rarely resorted to but he needed answers and if not satisfied he’d prefer to carry out his mission on his lonesome.

Having flipped the situation he began mocking Singar with his words.

“You’ve taken something from us Singar… Won't you give it back.”

Where would that leave Megalodon? At the moment he was under a tremendous amount of stress and as his cohort was occupied in engaging their target. You would think he had to defend the glass but it was powerful enough to resist the damage because of one reason. It had the sufficiency of an entire realm keeping it whole. The same realm Singar was now being engaged in. Unless that was shattered from within physical attempts were futile on delivery.

This left the shark alone and because of this, there was no restriction on his power…There was nothing the shark could do besides what he only knew.

The metal composed of his right arm hummed with the intake of energy. Nearing the end of the attack, it was luminous in appearance but surprisingly not damaged. Containing many of the qualities of Draedamantium, it resisted the energy well. Afterward, the ridiculously tight woven fibers began to multiply and grew to an enormous size. If anything this was a sign of things to come. He curled his fist into a tight grip, signaling Megalodon was still strong despite being charred. This was the exact moment when he began exhibiting the effects of what he had been doing not even days prior.

Releasing a roar potent enough to blow Sarach and Agron back if unguarded, Megalodon blasted a hole in the fog strong enough to disperse it by force elsewhere for the time being, though that was not its intention. Megalodons skin began to bubble uncontrollably, signaling growth. His insides and nerves were jolting with kilowatts upon kilowatts of energy, signaling something incredible about to take place. One by one he began exhibiting the traits of the thousands of Val’gara he has consumed. The shark’s muscular structure expanded rapidly before fitting his now simmering skin and bionic arm snuggly

He was now even larger than the of the duo before him and because his mind was completely detached from everything he only saw their presence as one thing. Food. Without thought, his reaction to the soaring tail was a simple one. As it came slamming towards him he’d garner grips on the tail with his indestructible maw, quickly pulling them downwards in the earth like an incoming missile. On impact, the ground shook and softened to the point where a large portion began to flow like a sea of sand sloping downwards to the east. This seismic activity endangered the passages as a whole and if not stopped could lead to utter destruction of the entire area and eventually further. Gripping the tail, he transferred the energy through his hundreds of rows of teeth that channeled it like a lightning rod into his bottomless pit of a stomach where it was never to be seen again. That was far from the most impressive feat in his actions, however.

The fact that he could whip either beast around like a great white with an helpless surfer within the sand was a feat of pure unmatched strength. He threatened to rip the beast to shreds. Tasting the blood, it was the beginning of an unorchestrated rampage only the shark was capable of. If not stopped Soran as a planet could be in danger.

Megalodon’s Bloodlust had been reignited.
The ideology in which DLL speaks of in regard to energies is one I personally follow myself because its basically common sense.(Rather it should be)
Lobby of Liaison. ;)
Cancoun would be great right now.
Name: Odis Lyndon Gallagher (Controlled)
Height: 6’3
Weight: 215lbs
Age: 39
Affiliation: Earth F67x

Odis Lyndon Gallagher was an idolized man for reasons he did not earn. He was a leech, a phony war hero, an opportunist. He rode his fabricated war story to become as famous as he is today. Unfortunately for him, he would spend the rest of his life fighting the terrors that would test his very much exaggerated combat expertise. Though this was true, when he did face individuals in combat Odis often found himself on the surviving end. Why? To his horror, his body currently housed an alien known as Panident.

Panident could only be identified as a group of property changing organisms that had complete control of their physical makeup. Each worked together as a single entity and where capable of legitimately creating and producing anything organic or inorganic if the makeup was known. It serves part time as a database for Merse Granstrums so it wasn’t much of a surprise that Panident has been spotted creating just about anything.

Because of Panident’s presence Odis’ otherwise slightly of above average build was more of a threat than he rightfully should be. He did have military experience but wasn’t particularly more skilled than your average soldier. He owed a lot to the symbiotic life force. The truth of the situation was that he protected this man simply to keep his body safe for an unnamed individual to use from time to time for political reasons. Odis was influential person on earth and because of that he was thoroughly exploited.


Cell Reproduction: This is Panidents main ability. All other abilities are a byproduct of this. The microorganisms that make up his mass can reproduce seemingly without limits and expand at a rapid rate allowing them to not only extend body parts but create objects by simply knowing how it's made. This includes anything from machinery to organic mass. Panident with this ability potentially could create objects in any of the known states of matter. These organisms appeared to feed off of energy.

Branch abilities:

--- Shapeshifting: This is exactly what it sounds like. Panident can change his size, face, body and even change his attire to the appearance of anything he can imagine with the multiplication of his cells.

--- Weight Manipulation: He can create objects with extremely high density and weight. He has the ability to do this to anything that his microorganisms are a part of by simply ordering them to multiply and increase their mass.

--- Can take the heat: As well as having the ability to take temperatures that allow him to escape flurries of fire with just burns and minor melting, he can increase and decrease his cells temperature to the absolute extremes of both sides.

--- Symbiotic tendencies: Panident’s presence in an individual’s body increases a wide number of physical attributes ranging from strength, healing, immunity resistance and even reflexes.

--- Processing Speed: Each microorganism is capable of above average coherent thought. As a hive, they can analyze millions of scenarios and calculate courses to follow as one of the most powerful supercomputers in the known galaxy. Panident can willfully merge with technology and intricately influence it at will.

--- Electro Impression: Panident can manipulate bio-electric currents that exist within all aspects of the body in the nervous system, heart, and muscles. He is capable of channeling the electrical energy into attacks or even drain the bio-electrical energies that may dwell within another being or object via contact.

--- Kinetic/Potential Control: Panident can manipulate kinetic energy, the energy created by any form of movement. Using this power, he is able to transfer energy from one object to another, thus potentially strengthening his attacks in a plethora of ways.

--- Signature Element: Panident’s cells can create an extremely durable mystery element by manipulating and combining the traits of several elements to generate of the most powerful metals every devised. It has the unique property to absorb vibratory waves such as sound in addition to kinetic energy by somehow storing this energy within its molecular bonds. The more energy it absorbs, the stronger the molecular bonds become. What makes this dangerous is that Panident often adds to the strength of the metal by generating energy on his own. It possesed an almost unreal level of hardness and durability and is a sufficient shield against many forces.

Odis hasn’t realized but bit by bit his entire skeletal structure has been replaced entirely by the signature element. Had he ever flown commercial perhaps he’d find out.
Name: Odis Lyndon Gallagher (Controlled)
Height: 6’3
Weight: 215lbs
Age: 39
Affiliation: Earth F67x

Odis Lyndon Gallagher was an idolized man for reasons he did not earn. He was a leech, a phony war hero, an opportunist. He rode his fabricated war story to become as famous as he is today. Unfortunately for him, he would spend the rest of his life fighting the terrors that would test his very much exaggerated combat expertise. Though this was true, when he did face individuals in combat Odis often found himself on the surviving end. Why? To his horror, his body currently housed an alien known as Panident.

Panident could only be identified as a group of property changing organisms that had complete control of their physical makeup. Each worked together as a single entity and where capable of legitimately creating and producing anything organic or inorganic if the makeup was known. It serves part time as a database for Merse Granstrums so it wasn’t much of a surprise that Panident has been spotted creating just about anything.

Because of Panident’s presence Odis’ otherwise slightly of above average build was more of a threat than he rightfully should be. He did have military experience but wasn’t particularly more skilled than your average soldier. He owed a lot to the symbiotic life force. The truth of the situation was that he protected this man simply to keep his body safe for an unnamed individual to use from time to time for political reasons. Odis was influential person on earth and because of that he was thoroughly exploited.


Cell Reproduction: This is Panidents main ability. All other abilities are a byproduct of this. The microorganisms that make up his mass can reproduce seemingly without limits and expand at a rapid rate allowing them to not only extend body parts but create objects by simply knowing how it's made. This includes anything from machinery to organic mass. Panident with this ability potentially could create objects in any of the known states of matter. These organisms appeared to feed off of energy.

Branch abilities:

--- Shapeshifting: This is exactly what it sounds like. Panident can change his size, face, body and even change his attire to the appearance of anything he can imagine with the multiplication of his cells.

--- Weight Manipulation: He can create objects with extremely high density and weight. He has the ability to do this to anything that his microorganisms are a part of by simply ordering them to multiply and increase their mass.

--- Can take the heat: As well as having the ability to take temperatures that allow him to escape flurries of fire with just burns and minor melting, he can increase and decrease his cells temperature to the absolute extremes of both sides.

--- Symbiotic tendencies: Panident’s presence in an individual’s body increases a wide number of physical attributes ranging from strength, healing, immunity resistance and even reflexes.

--- Processing Speed: Each microorganism is capable of above average coherent thought. As a hive, they can analyze millions of scenarios and calculate courses to follow as one of the most powerful supercomputers in the known galaxy. Panident can willfully merge with technology and intricately influence it at will.

--- Electro Impression: Panident can manipulate bio-electric currents that exist within all aspects of the body in the nervous system, heart, and muscles. He is capable of channeling the electrical energy into attacks or even drain the bio-electrical energies that may dwell within another being or object via contact.

--- Kinetic/Potential Control: Panident can manipulate kinetic energy, the energy created by any form of movement. Using this power, he is able to transfer energy from one object to another, thus potentially strengthening his attacks in a plethora of ways.

--- Signature Element: Panident’s cells can create an extremely durable mystery element by manipulating and combining the traits of several elements to generate of the most powerful metals every devised. It has the unique property to absorb vibratory waves such as sound in addition to kinetic energy by somehow storing this energy within its molecular bonds. The more energy it absorbs, the stronger the molecular bonds become. What makes this dangerous is that Panident often adds to the strength of the metal by generating energy on his own. It possesed an almost unreal level of hardness and durability and is a sufficient shield against many forces.

Odis hasn’t realized but bit by bit his entire skeletal structure has been replaced entirely by the signature element. Had he ever flown commercial perhaps he’d find out.


In --- 7 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
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