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"Actually no, on the contrary I haven't been this noticed and appreciated, besides one other person I was with, in many years. It's something I'm getting used to but rather liking." Staying calm as they pet him, making little breathing movements with his nose and body. Though he doesn't breath. Looking over at Cecilia before slowly hopping over to her, wanting to have both the girl's attention. But also to see if it will help Ivory accept him a little better and easier, staying there so both of them could pet him if they wanted.

James watched as the two of them pet his Void, chuckling softly as he looked at Cecilia. "Well glad you grabbed the fruit, I knew that you knew what you were doing." Chuckling softly again before sighing quietly and contently, his hand moving to rub the little void bunny's head. He had to admit, this was a first for him and Neric. He never saw his void turn into one before and didn't know how cute he was when he was a bunny.

Meh, I keep an eye on alot of things from the shadows. A good amount of the time it's for others own good... so you ain't alone in that :P

James wouldn't say much as he watched Cecilia and Ivory, it was rather nice. Hearing their conversations and how Cecilia was acting only really made the choice better. He was happy that Cecilia made a new friend, he didn't want to be the only one she hung out with. Though he enjoyed the time, it would just be unfair to her. Chuckle softly after some time, speaking up. "Sliced Fruit, that gives me an idea of what you like." Finally walking over so he could join their group, standing or sitting beside Cecilia. Soon enough Neric would jump onto the table in his cat like form. But soon the black cloud would envelop him. "There you are Neric, was wondering where you went."

Though to all their surprise, the used to be black cloud of a cat would appear out of the cloud as a small bunny. Cute little thing really, if a true idea of what it was he took. The bunny would be a mini rex. Acting out the similar way an actually bunny would act, even with his slower movement. "I think I heard before that someone loved bunnies." crawling over to Cecilia and Ivory, but keeping his distance just in cause they didn't like the idea. But his fur would be just as soft as the real thing if they wanted to pet him or such. For Ivory's case it would feel gritty for a few seconds before he got used to her touch. Then she could feel what may be real bunny fur in her hand

And now we wait for @deerling to post :P

Waiting for what she would think would be good, nervous and feeling bad that he didn't choose anything. But he was confident in Cecilia that she would pick something that Ivory would like. Besides this would be a learning piece for both of them. James smiling and nodding at the selection, stopping her though as he adds a little chocolate pudding on the side. Dessert afterall, then again maybe she doesn't like dessert. Either way something else to add to the plate. Chuckling as he walked with Cecilia, making sure to keep the path clear for her so the plate doesn't get spilled out of her hands and opening the door for her so she can walk out. Heading out after as Neric quietly follows them, not trying to make a sound and staying behind them. James looking at Cecilia as they walk. "I hope she likes it all, but guess we can always learn if she doesn't or if we figure out what she does like?" Laughing softly as they near the art activity, looking at the girl beside him as he smiled. She looked rather pretty outside, he couldn't place his finger on it. Humming softly as he opened the door to the building, letting her walk in as he tried to figure out why he thought that. Maybe it was just the moment, Neric quickly walking in the closing door behind them.

Oh it's quite alright, I was thinking something was going on your end. Don't worry about it :P

James would rather enjoy the company, even more holding her hand. Ever since the rock climbing, he was seeing it was easier for him and her to do it out in public. Of course he isn't going to complain. Looking over the buffet table with her as she picked out some diced fruits, her stating to pick stuff not as exotic that she may enjoy. Which he was nervous about, he didn't know her. How was he suppose to pick something she may enjoy? Taking the idea from Cecilia with her fruit, he would think a bit. Looking around the table and picking things that he may think she would like, the idea of vegetarian coming into his mind. But what if she wasn't a vegetarian? Would it be rude if they had just fruits and such on the plate? Biting his lip softly as he looked at her. "W-Well you spent more time with her... what do you think she may like? I just wanna make sure she likes what we get her."

"Well more then what I made." Would say with a soft laugh to himself. Looking at her now, it was hard for him to not admit how cute and adorable she looked when she blushes. But knowing some girls, he wouldn't say anything about it to avoid flustering her and making her upset. Though he would admit one tiny thing. "Though I do mean it all, including that you are really sweet.. at least to me..." He would say as he looks down at his plate, sighing softly. Was he saying the wrong thing? He may not be but he was getting the feeling he was. It was hard for him to properly say what he wanted to say without it coming out right, but he really was trying. Looking around at everyone, it seemed that lunch would be over soon. Looking at Cecilia with a smile as he spoke. "Well, shall we get that plate for Ivory before lunch gets over?" Getting up out of his seat, waiting for her. Gently taking her hand if she would let him as he walked with her to get the plate, though depending on if he took the plate or not would be if he opened the door for her or not. Though Cecilia is Ivory's first friend it seems to him anyway, so he would let her call the shots on this.

James would nod in agreement to her words, true enough Ivory was sweet from the time he had to speak with her. Thinking a bit bit before speaking again. "Well she is sweet true... but... Chuckling and grinning as his foot gently taps against hers. "You are sweeter in my opinion." Some red forming at his cheeks, nothing much but enough that she could see it if she looked at him. It was true, she was sweet as well and he felt lucky to be with her. Looking at his empty plate as he gently pushes it to the side, sighing happily as he looks around for a short amount of time. Curious what everyone else was doing, though it seems most people were finishing up at this point or were getting close to. Even if Lunch got over he wanted to spend time with Cecilia, even if another friend of hers was around. Not a problem for him, thinking once again as he looked at her. Smiling softly as his foot taps against hers once more. "So what exactly did you draw in the activity? Curious now."

James would smile softly as Cecilia mention her wanting to come with her, nodding happily as he tried to think of what to say next. Humming softly to himself before Cecilia made the next choice of conversation for them. Tapping his cheek gently as he looked at Neric, smiling softly back at Cecilia. "Well didn't get to do much drawing, but the picture I did show Ivory-" Neric coughing a bit, pointing at the table of food as James nods, Neric heading off shortly after with his plate. "Go ahead buddy." Watching after the Void for a short bit before quickly looking at Cecilia with his smile returning, and looking very eager. "Don't say anything to Neric, but I showed Ivory the picture he made and she loved it. It's something I will never be able to make no matter how hard I try." Chuckling softly afterwards, knowing he didn't do much at all with drawing. But maybe Cecilia would like to see it sometime, looking over at Neric as the Void start making his way over. Looking back to Cecilia and slowly putting a finger to his lips, hoping she keep quiet as Neric came back over. Placing the plate on the table, climbing back up onto the table and once again consuming the peppers as he looked between them.

"So, I get the feeling James already mentioned his. How was your art activity Cecilia?"
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