Avatar of Lightning
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    1. Lightning 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
I'm alive but that's the last thing on my mind.
6 yrs ago
Hold on to me 'cause I'm a little unsteady now.
6 yrs ago
What's the point of feeling, Blue?


I am not the hero nor the villain, I am not evil nor am I good. I am the force that levels, the power that devastates. I am Lightning.


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@NinaDivine I kinda want it in southern California, there's just not many heroes in that area.
@Blondie With a bigger city it's easier for your heroes to blend in and just a more crowded place over all. In a smaller city, I just think it would be interesting. Though, I think that I'm gonna have the setting in Los Angeles in a neighborhood on the outskirts of on the city in more of a harbor area.
@Virani As long as it's not reality breaking should be fine but if your not sure PM me.
Oh sweet, now I just need to figure out if I want this to be a small city or a big city. It's gonna be located like somewhere in between LA and San Diego.
Name: ????
Alias: Athena Justice
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Telepathy- The ability to read minds and communicate through thought. She is able to keep mental links with the others as long as they focus on the link, she also limits herself on how far she will dive into her teams minds out of respect.

Telekinesis- The ability to move people or objects with her mind. she can also force push objects like larges boulders with enough power to crush them and has been known to use this force push ability to empower physical abilities. She can also create powerful psychic walls that can act as barriers for defensive purposes or to contain.

Mind push- Farther control of her abilities has unlocked an ability to suggest new memories, this ability can only be used on people with weak wills and a phyical connection.

Weaknesses: Athena must maintain concentration on her task or she will lose control over whatever she is influencing. Athena's mind can be over-tasked and has shown to have permanent damage to her explicit memory, sometimes forgetting things that just took place.

Athena is able to learn quickly, such as: fighting techniques, computer skills, musical instruments, and even cooking recipes. However she must train her body to do these things and her cooking is only as good as the recipes she learns.


Athena has never had a family that she could remember and has heard stories that she was found and a dumpster, however, this may only be a lie spread through mean spirited children who were in the same foster homes she grew up in. The psychic had found her abilities very early in life and was most likely the reason why she had no friends and was moved around a lot. People just seemed to be thrown across the room after making her cry or see monsters when she was frighten or mysteriously remember they were secretly the Easter bunny.

Finally after years of moving around Athena had learned to control her powers and was even able to make good friends with fellow orphans that were outcast like her because of their gifts. The three became inseparable for years and developed a family like relationship going as far as changing their last names to "Justice", because it sounded cool. Athena thought she had finally found happiness, however, it was threaten when a family wanted to adopt Matt. Naturally the only thing to do was to leave the orphanage with what little things they owned.

With Katarina leading the group they were able to survive nearly two years on the streets by stealing what they needed. They felt people wouldn't miss a few cans of food or money. This, however, didn't feel right to Matt and Athena then decided it was time to do something more with their powers then just surviving, it was time to pay back what they owed.
House of the Wayward Heroes. (DCU)

In a world of supers, you would think places like La Vida in the United States wouldn’t exist, a neighborhood in Los Angeles. Where crime is everywhere and the police do their best but it's just too much, the people that live there were either born they’re and work as longshoreman or in the oil refinery and the only time the government takes note of this place is when their buses pull up with more homeless keeping places like San Francisco and Star City or down town Los Angeles as vagrant clean as possible. The gangs of this neighborhood run things, if you want to survive then you must pick a side, there was no way around it until now. A few months ago, three young heroes roamed in to town and started making their presence known by taking down some of the smaller gangs and stopping criminals from shaking down local business. The three heroes have began recruiting anyone with the ability to help, super powers or not, this won’t be easy but with hard work, faith, and a bit of luck we can save La Vida!

In what looks to be an abandon apartment building near the outskirts of town is the House of the Wayward Heroes. However, if you were not invited something strange happens to you, you start to feel like you are in a dream, dazed and confused then after a while you would find yourself walking back to town feeling like were possessed. So, for the people of La Vida it is known as Casa de la Bruja (house of the witch). However, once inside you would be surprised to find a hi-tech fortress, a wonder built and maintained by the resident technopath that took random old tech he found at a junk yard and created some cool stuff.

Follow basic site rules
No meta gaming or auto hits on player characters
OC's are encouraged and established heroes that are Teen titans and Young Justice are welcomed too.
IDK just use your best judgement, y'all been here long enough to know.
No Raven, if anyone is gonna play her its gonna be me!!!

Don't be afraid to speak up, ask me if you would like to see something added to the story, I have stuff prepared but we can work in other things. I would like to keep things semi focused but slice of life stuff is fine too. Also if there is someone that can play a combat leader PM me, I might have an idea.

Name: Raven "Rachel Roth"
Universe: DCU

Skill set/Abilities:
Astral Projection: Through the use of her soul-self, Raven can project her consciousness into the mind, for therapeutic purposes (to aid in her own meditation, or to help calm an agitated ally), or for offensive attacks, rendering her enemies unconscious.

Soul-Self: Raven can manifest her "Soul-Self" through astral projection. It normally takes the form of either her human shape or a giant raven.

Empathy: Psionic ability of empathy, the power to absorb emotions, enabling her to feel the feelings of others.

Emotion Negation: She can also use her empathy to steal emotions from others, rendering them emotionally "numb".

Empathic Healing: She can absorb the pain of injured people to ease their suffering, and induce rapid healing. This cannot be done to major injuries.

Telekinesis: Raven has the ability to move objects with mind.
Teleportation: It also serves as a way to travel into other dimensions. Using her soul-self, she can teleport herself and others over vast distances.

Flight: she is able to levitate and fly.

spell-casting- Raven can focus her dark magic to weave spells to complete various task, such as summoning tendrils or her most used spell to blast her foe with her dark energy.

Weakness: Raven's power is connected to her emotions and becoming unbalanced could cause her to lose control over her vast power which can become dangerous to her allies and herself. She's also a bit fragile and has over used her power and resulted in her fainting or becoming fatigued in the middle of a fight.
If she is divided from her soul-self for too long she risks the chance of imploding and taking out a few miles with her.

@Raptra maybe you want to reserve the first post for yourself?
@Raptra Thanks, should I put my cs in the character tab?
Name: Raven "Rachel Roth"
Universe: DCU

Skill set/Abilities:
Astral Projection: Through the use of her soul-self, Raven can project her consciousness into the mind, for therapeutic purposes (to aid in her own meditation, or to help calm an agitated ally), or for offensive attacks, rendering her enemies unconscious.

Soul-Self: Raven can manifest her "Soul-Self" through astral projection. It normally takes the form of either her human shape or a giant raven.

Empathy: Psionic ability of empathy, the power to absorb emotions, enabling her to feel the feelings of others.

Emotion Negation: She can also use her empathy to steal emotions from others, rendering them emotionally "numb".

Empathic Healing: She can absorb the pain of injured people to ease their suffering, and induce rapid healing. This cannot be done to major injuries.

Telekinesis: Raven has the ability to move objects with mind.
Teleportation: It also serves as a way to travel into other dimensions. Using her soul-self, she can teleport herself and others over vast distances.

Flight: she is able to levitate and fly.

spell-casting- Raven can focus her dark magic to weave spells to complete various task, such as summoning tendrils or her most used spell to blast her foe with her dark energy.

Weakness: Raven's power is connected to her emotions and becoming unbalanced could cause her to lose control over her vast power which can become dangerous to her allies and herself. She's also a bit fragile and has over used her power and resulted in her fainting or becoming fatigued in the middle of a fight.
If she is divided from her soul-self for too long she risks the chance of imploding and taking out a few miles with her.

Raven is the result of a woman’s bad decision and an inter dimensional demon. Before Raven had been born, her and her mother were spirited away by the priest of Azarath, a cult of sorts that were from another dimension. As Raven aged she was taught to keep her powers in control along with her emotions which were bond together, she learned to protect others and to defend herself. Azarath was a peaceful and serene, though Raven never felt as though she belonged, she loved her home and the priest who raised her even if they did not permit her to visit with her mother for long.

Though Raven was told that her father was dangerous and that she should never try to contact him, she was curious, she wanted to know who he was and what that made her. Maybe it was her father’s influence or maybe she had inherited her mother’s bad judgement she located a spell that would only allow her and her father to talk. However, she was unprepared for the power Trigon processed as he forced his way through the small window Raven had opened and unfortunately for her mother and for Azarath they would burn in the hell fire that the demon brought upon them.

Raven, surviving her fathers attack on Azarath was brought to Trigons dimension where he would try to corrupt the young Raven. However, to Trigon’s surprise his daughter was strong willed would not break no matter the horrors that he had shown the girl. No matter he thought, she would bend to his will eventually. Trigon would go on to try and use Raven’s connection to earth to conquer as he did for countless years, however, he underestimate Raven and she used the brief moment his guard was down to preform the rites to connect his dimension to earth and bond him to a crystal that was powerful enough to bind him, though it was only a temporary solution until she could find allies to fight her father and send him a more permanent end. She took a piece of the crystal and wears it over her third eye so he can always have an eye on her father as she returned to the world of her mother.

However, as she traveled from her fathers dimension to earth she felt an unknown force violently pull her into an alien dimension. Although Raven hadn't spent much time on earth, she knew that this was not it, or at least the earth she was aiming for. She finds herself in the middle of a busy street in a city she never seen, people began to point and stare. She could also feel the panic of dozens of people it was threatening to over-whelm her. She tries again to leave for her original destination and as black raven feathers surround as she begans her teleporting magic that mysterious force that pulled her to this dimension stops her and she is blown back into a nearby building causing damage to the facade.
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