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Their hands met, suddenly, the room went dark and quiet, there was nothing but darkness, and then it started... this wasnt like any vision or flashback he has had before. Images flashed, first of Skywatch... home... the feeling of being pulled away from home by some unknown force... a voice echoed from the distance "Fated..." the vision changed, it became more alive, a waterfall, and then some sort of temple, scared, these images were not familiar, they are not something Finrod has seen before... There were symbols carved in stone, in a language he did not recognize...

A glow, in the distance, grew closer, suddenly an echo from the distance, the voice again said "Fated..." Another vision came back, one Finrod had seen before, the Emblem of the Blades... but why was he seeing this?

Finrod tried to escape but had no sense of direction, the world seemed to spin around him "I must be drunk" Thought Finrod, and as suddenly as it began, it ended.

Breathing fast, reality crept back in, when the world stopped spinning, the sound of the tavern came back, the warmth of the fire. Finrod found himself staring into Lyras eyes, afraid to speak or move, he just stared for what seemed like an eternity, he snapped his hand back quickly, looking down at his mead, back to Lyra, and then back to the mead before finishing the remains of the bottle... "What was that...?" He thought to himself... before meeting Lyras Gaze once more, "Im going to get another drink..." he spoke in an almost panicked voice... then asking Lyra "Care for another?" awaiting her reply, lost in a madhouse of thoughts, trying to comprehend what had just happened. This was nothing like any vision or flashback he had ever had before... and thats what scared him the most.
Naive girl Finrod thinks, recalling his thoughts of the war, that still haunt him, she couldnt understand... yet Finrod almost spoke about it, confused as to why he thought of talking about it, even if just for a second, seeing her hand extended, he replies "Finrod, Nice to meet you." as he reaches out to meet grasp her hand with a tight firm grip
The sound of battle, cries, magic spells, armor marching, Lost in thought, a nightmare, Finrod snapped out of it at the sound of the Dark Elf Girl who had worked her way over to the bench near him. Surprised, as he now got a closer look, he looks her up and down, before replying, "Sorry... what?" He thought back as to what she had said, "No... I just..." pausing for a moment, trying to learn the girls intention, his natural lack of trust comes out, "I am just enjoying my drink is all" he replies with a seemingly weak and melancholic tone, taking another sip of mead.
Making his way towards the Bannered Mare, Finrod first stops off at the Arcadia to barter the Nirnroot from this morning for a magic potion or two. Arcadia was reluctant to offer two potions, but decided too anyway, Finrod brings back supplies he forages on his travels to barter with, forming a sort of bond, as customer and shop keep between the two.

Finrod enters the ever so familiar doors, spotting his acquaintance Sinmir still inside, but he has worked his way towards the bar, and is now drinking his fill of mead. Still upset from the numerous flashbacks from his morning walk, Finrod is looking to indulge enough mead to forget them, even if just for a moment. The tavern was lively, full of music and conversation.

As he starts to approach the bar to order a drink and some lunch, he spots the Dark Elf Girl he remembered seeing that morning, pausing to take a moment to inspect her, not taking too long, to avoid being caught staring at her. Hulda, spotting Finrod, calls out "Mead and Beef Stew Finrod?" Finrod nods in agreement, giving off a sense that he frequents the tavern for both food and drink. Standing for a moment, he inspects his surroundings, once again glancing over at the Dark Elf Girl. Interrupted by Sinmir, who had spotted Finrod, at the end of the bar, who had come over to say hello, the two started chatting small talk. It did not last long as Sinmir moves on to the next familiar face.

By this time, Finrods food was ready, he sat down at the end of the bar silently eating and drinking, trying hard not to keep slipping into his memories of the past. He has found it increasingly harder lately to suppress the memories of family, and of home. He lets out an audible sigh, finishing his final bite of stew, then moves back over towards the warmth of the fire, drinking his mead. He sits down on the bench, gazing around the room at the faces, some familiar some not. The feelings of loneliness set in again, as he watches many others having conversations, laughing and drinking, and seemingly enjoying their time with their friends. Quietly he just sits there sipping his mead, wondering when his next excursion may be, and where. Lost in thought the sound of voices, and music seems to fade away, replaced by the sound of battle, another flashback... unaware he is staring into nothing, deep in thought he sits there on the bench...
<Snipped quote by LoadedGuns>

Happy to meet you!

I have a Roleplay, btw. :P

Noble Arms: The ASEAN War - Thread Two.

Just in case you're interested!

Hey!! Nice to meet you as well!! Thanks!! Ill check it out! Ive been reading through some of the threads to get a better understanding of how it all works in text, I have quickly found out RP on a video game, is far different then in text, both offer amazing opportunities! :)
Finrod unable to pick out a new knife, holding out hope he may find his old one, somewhat angerly walks away from the Warmaidens. As he turns to walk towards the gate, he catches a glimpse of a Dark Elf leaving the main crossroad in the city, he glances for a moment as she continues up the road towards the marketplace. Finrod then exits the main gates of the city, sharing a passing nod with the guards at the gate.

Stopping first at the Khajiit Caravans to see what sort of exotic goods they brought in. Speaking with the Khajiits in the camp, and exploring their trade goods. Stopping to buy some Moon Sugar, he loves to sprinkle some on deserts bought in the city! Without much in the area of magic, Finrod has little interest in the trade goods and continues on away from the city.

Finrod heads down the road south east of the city, a short distance to the Honningbrew Meadery, known for its sweet delicious mead. He heads inside to pick up a few bottles. Sabjorn, the owner, is standing behind the counter, looking over a ledger, as he glances up at Finrod. Exchanging greetings, Finrod picks up a few bottles of Honningbrew Mead, his personal favorite, while exchanging in small talk with Sabjorn. The two talk about the recent rumors regarding the Black Briars more illicit dealings, a local family and competition for local Mead. The talk is cryptic in nature, but because they are just rumors, with no solid proof. Finrod then thanks Sabjorn for the mead, and leaves. Once outside, without a plan for the day, he sets off east more, down the road. He nears the bridge and the sounds of the river and waterfall fill the air. A favorite spot for Finrod to sit down and remines on past memories. Finrod climbs the small hill on the far side of the river and sits at the rivers edge near the waterfall, and pulls out the apple he bought earlier. Biting into it, there is a loud crisp, "Wow!" He exclaims out loud... thinking to himself how right Ysolda was about the applies being amazing! Juicy and flavorful, he enjoys it rather quickly. Popping the cork off a bottle of mead he sits back and enjoys the view, the winding river and the sounds of the water remind him of home. He sits there, quietly, drinking the mead, wondering whats to become of the day. The sun is shinning bright, the warmth on his skin feels good. There is a slight breeze causing the leaves to rustle around in the nearby trees and bushes. He thinks to himself how he wishes he could trust again, living a life with just mere acquaintances, rather then people he could trust. His thoughts drift back to the war, he recalls first landing in hammerfell, and the intense heat and dryness in the air in the Alik'r Desert. Finrod finds himself constantly thinking back to the war when he is alone, but always quickly snaps out of the memories. A tear forms in his eye as he stands up, refusing to think more on the matter.

Finrod spent a couple hours sitting by the waterfall, and started to head back towards the city. He finds himself often walking about the local land when he has nothing else to do, its all he can do to try to occupy his mind. Walking back to the city he spots some Nirnroot growing on the waters edge, picks it, thinking he may be able to trade it at the Arcadia later for a magic potion or two. After the short walk he enters the city again, once more looking at the Warmaidens, contemplating shopping for a new knife, He thinks back to when his father gave him the knife, many years ago, before the war. A tear forms once again, but he quickly shakes it off, rubbing his eyes, and clearing his throat. Finrod approaches Adrianne, the shop owner outside, he asks to see a few steel knives, not wanting to give up locating his fathers old knife, but reminding himself that he needs one when he leaves the city on adventures around Skyrim to process hunted food. He spends a few moments looking over a few knives she had made up recently, but he finds himself lost in thought once more. Snapping back to reality, he purchases a nice knife finished just this morning. Feeling a little hungry after his small adventure this morning to his favorite spot overlooking the river, he starts to head back towards the market in search of an early lunch.
Finrod awoke, with a slight groan as the sunlight shined through the window and onto his face, the window was slightly ajar, allowing the sounds of the lively market below to fill the air. He sat up in bed, stretching, then standing, looking back at the Inns bed, Finrod starts to remember home, where he lived an extravagant life in the Summerset Ilses, he starts to think back on his family, but quickly, changes focus, to avoid the pain his past brings him. Walking over to the chair where he left his tunic from the night prior to get dressed for the day. Finrod goes to exit the room stopping for a moment, as he glances over to the chest at the foot of the bed, where he keeps his armor and weapons from the Great War, again thinking about his past, but as quickly as before, leaving the thought behind and leaving the room, locking the door behind him.

Finrod exits downstairs into the main area of the Bannered Mare, where he spots his acquaintance Sinmir, a tall proud Nord, wearing Steel armor and wielding a great 2 handed sword, sitting on a bench by the fire enjoying his morning meal. The two exchange nods, both warriors have a great sense of respect towards each other.

Finrod exits the Inn into the streets of the marketplace, the sound of laughter, bartering, and chatter fills the air, a cool morning breeze blowing, and walks over to Carlottas food stall, where she sells fresh fruits and vegetables. As he glances over the array of fruit laid out before him, "Good morning Finrod! Care for the usual?" Carlotta asks Finrod, "Not today!" He said with a smile on his face, "I saw the caravans come into town last night, Ysolda spoke of the Apples from the south, I must try one!" Carlotta smiled and grabbed a green Apple, handing it to Finrod, "Two Septims please!" she said. "See you around Carlotta!" Finrod said as he swapped the gold septims for the apple! "Enjoy!" She exclaimed with a smile.

Finrod then started off towards the front gate, knowing the caravans came last night, eager to see what sort of exotic trade goods they have brought this time! As he nears the front gate, he first stops outside the Warmaidens to shop for a new knife. Still upset about losing his in the bar the night before, it held sentimental value to him. He begins to glance over a few knives laid out on the table.

Character Name:
Finrod Morningstar




Destruction, Alteration, and Restoration Magic

Aldmeri Dominion

Home City/Region:
Skywatch, Summerset Isles

Finrod Morningstar, born in Skywatch, Summerset Isles, in 4E 140, was a skilled High Elf mage conscripted into the Aldmeri Dominion during the Great War (4E 171-175). His skills in Alteration, Destruction, and Restoration magic made him a formidable force on the battlefield.

However, the brutality of the conflict and the Thalmor's oppressive policies left Finrod disillusioned. Witnessing the suffering inflicted upon others in the name of Elven supremacy, he grew to become disgusted with the Dominion's methods. The war's end in 4E 175 marked a turning point, and Finrod chose not to return to Summerset.

Rejecting Thalmor ideologies, he sought refuge in Skyrim, particularly Whiterun, to distance himself from the Dominion's influence. The local tavern, The Bannered Mare, became his sanctuary, a place to share tales and drown sorrows. As a mercenary, Finrod, now independent of Thalmor allegiance, used his magical expertise to navigate the diverse landscapes of Skyrim, forging bonds with those who shared his disdain for injustice and oppression.

Staff of Chain Lightning and Elven Light Armor

Goals/Motivations: Standing Against Injustice, Personal Growth and Healing, and Building Connections in Skyrim.

Personality Traits: Compassionate, Reserved, and Adaptable.

Proficient in Magic, Combat Skills, Independent, and Resourceful

Emotional Burden from the Great War, and Tries to get close to others, but can not let his guard down due to past trauma.

Additional Notes:
Finrod Morningstar, a High Elf from Skywatch, now resides in Whiterun. Battling the ghosts of the Great War, his eyes reflect a past of conflict and sacrifice. Wielding Elven magic, he seeks redemption in Skyrim, attempting to escape the shadows of a Thalmor-tainted past. The tavern's dim corners and the city's ancient stones now bear witness to his journey of self-discovery and healing.
SUPER excited!! I have an unnatural obsession with Skyrim and all things Elder Scrolls!!
Hello everyone!!! Ill start off by saying my name is James, and I am 31 years old! I have been into forms of RP for a long long time, starting way back in the runescape days circa 2002 (still play runescape to this day), I also did some WoW PvP RP, and Elder Scrolls Online RP, again with PVP but also some PVE, and most recently I have been into GTA RP where I live a life of crime in a street gang in Los Santos! I have always found RP fascinating, as its a way for me to escape reality, and lets be honest, sometimes we all need that!

A great friend of mine showed me this website and Im super excited to be involved! If I had to pick an ideal RP scene, its hands down, anything medieval with magic and fantasy creatures (Skyrim vibes) Ive always been drawn to the lure of casting magic spells, and going on adventures with friends! I have never done any sort of written RP like this, well I guess you can sort of consider Runescape and WoW as written since it was done through chat but we also moved our characters around the game world so... maybe not a great comparison, but regardless Im so excited to try this out! Looking forward to meeting amazing people!
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