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    1. lopsided 8 yrs ago


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There you go , pretty long post but there it is. I thought I'd make a post for Marcel once I have his relations done with. W/c I'm working on it. :>
Gol Zhavromi

Engine room -> Jaa's engine shop -> Ship

Indeed this wasnt the first time she messed up big time. She got too excited and missed a small faulty detail on the component, and now the hyperdrive is screwed. Gol turned to Hk, nervously putting together a plan on how to get the busted engine fixed and without the captain's knowing.

"What? Of course not, this is...this is normal." she took another glance at the smoking hunk, she's not getting out of this even with her seemingly convincing assurance " Ok, Hk." She grabbed the droid by it' shoulders, her voice now commanding "Listen, I'm gonna sprint to the engine shop really fast and get this fixed in a lightspeed. Whatever the case, don't EVER let the captain get in the engine room. DONT..." Just as she was about to proceed Gol shivered in horror when she saw the captain standing by the door demanding an explanation.

"Captain!" surprised and sweating nervously, she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. "Oh, nothing to worry about, It was just.. uh..." as she was about to tell a less, worrying explanation on the situation, HK sort of did it for her, although mostly the problem was caused by her cursory inspection, a failure on her part as a mechanic. If they ever got to blast off with this faulty engine, they could've had been blown to bits while jumping to hyperspace, and thinking about it made Gol feel angry at her own carelessness.

Nali and Matt went to check on the engine, "An audience to witness my failure, just what I need." Noevertheless, she kept her composure on the situation, grabbing the busted thing on Matt's hands.

"No, not exactly." Taking a careful glance on the device. Yep, it's pretty much busted. "It's not as bad on the inside." She double checked, and a portion of it needs replacing, plus the fried up components that effected the blasted area. "Hmm, yeah. Okay. We need a brand new thermal insulator on this thing, plus a few new wirings but, not to worry." She gave the hyperdrive piece back to Matt, swiftly grabbing her pack and jacket "I'll go check if Jaa's got em over the counter. Be back in a jiffy." she hurriedly went out of the room, and almost slid down on the exit ramp, determined to fix the embarrassing mess she did.

"Out of the way!"

Gol was dead serious when she said she was gonna sprint 5 meters to the shop. And in the middle of the crowd she was slipping through them, and even pushing anyone who was in her way. "Hey watch it!" Ignoring the annoyed responses she focused on the overlooking neons of the shop "Yeeees, I can almost smell the sweet scent of newly oiled engine parts from here..."when out of nowhere a hovercraft paratially ran her over, she dropped on her knees and felt her ankle crack. "Son of a.."

"Watch were you're fucking going." The smug looking twilek asked as she got on her feet. " Well asshole, why don't get your eyes checked and WATCH WHERE YOU'RE FUCKING DRIVING T'LAU!" her cheeks now flushing red from anger.

"What you say to me, cunt?" The driver looked like he was ready to get rough, w/c Gol is more than glad to give this poor guy a piece of her but has no time for, the crew was waiting on her to fix the damn hyperdrive. The douche is lucky, she thought, that she was willing to look the other way for once. "Whatever asshole." She ran, limping this time, towards the shop, where inside she was greeted by a group of elderly ithorians in the middle of a pazaak party. Jaa, the ithorian merchant was sitting with her pazaak buddies, recognizing her regular as she stood up from her seat.

"Golsia! Have you not seen the sign outside, we are unfortunately closed for today." the ithorian said politely w/c Gol, who now has little patience to even appreciate the ithorian's good nature.

"I have no time. Just please hand me these parts, I really need those right now." she said rather irritatingly, the itorian observed the haggard iradonian that almost seem to want to ask her what had happened, but Jaa decided to keep her mouth shut and mind her own business. Making time for her loyal customer she checked on the list of components she wrote down on a piece of paper.

"I'm afraid I cant provide you with the thermal insulators, I have the last of them scheduled to be delivered to one of my customers tommorrow afternoon. I'm sorry." Gol sighed in disappointment, shooking her head "Look. Can't you just, give me those parts instead? You can have a new one be delivered by then, "

"There's no time, even if i were to contact the manufacturer today it wont be enough, Urso will be expecting..."

"SCREW URSO, WHo ever he is!" She snapped, landed a blow on the surface counter, her patience reaching its limit w/c Jaa has come to realize now. "The Republic demands you to provide aid for the cause and you're denying your responsibility as a their citizen?" the elderly ithorian's eyes turned to worry and horror and in the midst of her anger Gol felt bad, ashamed, for doing this to the nice old ithorian lady.

"Of course... I'll get them for you." Jaa went to get the parts while Gol contemplates on what she just did, and noticed the group of ithorians watching her in suspicion.

"What?" She said, as they looked away and decided to mind their own business. Jaa quietly handed her the parts, and Gol fished out all the credits in her wallet and slammed them on the counter. "Keep the change." she said as she headed off.

Gol managed to limp back to the ship, beholding herself to the crew looking all miserable and shitty. Despite that she managed to gave them assurance "Got the parts right here. This'll only take about 40 mins or so." She said to the captain. She carefully went to the garage, and replaced the needed parts and this time, thoroughly checking everything. When everything seemed to be in order, she went back to the engine room to get it running. The sweet sound of running engine was a huge relief to her ears. "What I tell you?" smiling smugly, as she stood up to her feet, a sting of pain from her ankle turned her smile into a sour frown. "Damn that bastard twilek"she muttered, thought she couldnt hold this bothering pain any longer, and decides to have a quick visit to the doctor. She then limped to the med bay, before Nali could even ask Gol intercepted him " I got ran over by some idiot. I think my ankle's wrecked." she said.
@Pundii aye sorry it was thesis defense week today i shudve dropped by and gave a heads up :((( but yah ill get it done by this weekend, just to be sure tho if i havnt posted let it be assumed that Gol ran 5 meters to te nearest shop and back then repaired the Engine. To get everyone moving.
I'll be making a post for Gol, also I've had a pretty busy weekend and I've just finished up our ISB agent ( o 3 o)

@Pundii let me know what you think.

@McHaggis oh sht okay uhm sorry for this i sorta forgot that i'm in this rp lmao i'm a douche, i hate to break it to you all but immona have to back out the rp, i was caught in the middle of some shitstorm this term and i wouldnt be able to handle doing 2 separate rps at once for now so, ima have to bail out of this one. please dont hate me. ;_; alas, till we meet again my darlings. :*
@The Elvenqueen i highly doubt that. X)
posted. sorry it took awhile ;-;
Gol Zhavromi

Garage -> Engine room

At this point anyone who might have dropped by at the garage may have gotten used to the mess of the young Iradonian's workshop. Piles of machine pieces, a droid arm slumped by the eendtable and a disassembled astromech droid next to the workbench where Gol was busy tinkering the extracted hyperdrive motivator,hoping that she could still salvage some functioning components for the new one w/c by now she hopes that Luke hadnt forgotten again. Midway through her frustrated tinkering the good captain came in right on cue while Stehrr was following him behind like a gleeful little puppy, handing her the brand new motivator that made the Iradonian's eyes sparkle with excitement

"This is a class 1 hyperdrive motivator but if I can transfer the components on our 0.5 shell, the Raven would be able to go smoothly into hyperspace like lightsaber through butter. And yes, you've now became the best captain ever and how dare anyone who plans a mutiny against you. " Gol grinned back at her superior, it was one of these lighthearted moments where she was allowed to get cheeky with the captain, like everyone else.

As Gol careful goes about her tinkering, HK, being in his usual sarcastic dark charm gave a rather concerned remark on the iradonian regarding her thinkering on the engine, that indeed could possibly blow the whole ship down if done carelessly. "Don't worry bunny, that wont surely happen as long as I'm doing it."she said rather airily. Gol had come to call HK fondly with a pending list of pet names she conjures up on the back of her head, as a supposed response to his meatbag namecalling w/c she have come to consider it as his way of saying "darling" or anything cute of the sort. After she got it done easily and quickly, she went to the engine room to to insert the newly repaired hyperdrive.

It was then when a sudden bang came echoing from the engine room the moment Gol settled the engine part, the bang followed a frustrated grunt and blaring wave of curses, half of it was native Zabraki, then assured the group that it was nothing big"It's fine! Just a minor short circuit nothing to worry about! Yuuup, everything's fine!" "Jabba's saggy tits what the hell have I done!??" Now Gol has fried a couple of wires from the hyperdrive's adaptors, and may now need to replace them if she could search for some replacements at the garage or be fast enough to sprint at a nearest component shop before anybody notices that something is definitely wrong.
Dang yall are quick. Ill get my post up later tonight guys. I've also started on our ISB agent and hopefully ill get him done by the weekend.* Hypez*
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