Avatar of Lord Coake
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 622 (0.16 / day)
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    1. Lord Coake 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
My work schedule just completely changed for the worse, so expect me to be less active, unable to run my own RPs, but I should hopefully be able to keep myself in other people's RPs.
8 yrs ago
Grandfather's out of the hospital, so I should be back.
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8 yrs ago
My grandfather's in the hospital...gonna be gone for a few days, for anyone I'm RPing with.
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I'm looking for people would be interested in a 40s-50s Mafia RP, similar to themes found in movies like The Godfather trilogy, or the Mafia game series. Basically, very stereotypical mobster-style RP, which I think would be very fun. So if anyone out there is interested in suit-and-tie, organized crime sprees and the people involved, let me know.
@AustronautGood to have you aboard, and that should be fine.

@POOHEAD189Glad to hear it.
@ClocktowerEchosBased on a past mistake of mine, it'd be safe for you to not post any version of your CS here.
I'm expressing my interest was well, been wanting to do a space navy RP, and what better setting than WH40k?
So my idea was for an RP in which we played the crew and marines of a large military starship, patrolling Humanity's various colonies to protect the United Earth Star Alliance from various rebel factions that seek independence. I'm looking for a larger group, around 6-8 players minimum, as I want to show the different events in the RP from different crew aspects, like have the engineering officer and a Marine Sergeant both RP their views of the current space/planetary battle going on. The key to this setting, is that as of the start of the RP, humanity is still unaware of any non-earth-based Sentient life, so no aliens yet. I just want to see if there's any interest in this before I make up a CS.
Lord Coake

The United Earth Star Alliance consists of Earth, and every colonized moon and planet known to humanity. In the past decade or so, political strife and turmoil has run rampant through the Outer Colonies, and spurred rebellion movements all over UESA space. The UESA Armed Forces, consisting of the Navy and Marine Corps, have begun to militarize and respond to the threat to peace and stability. One of the newly commissioned ships in the Fleet, is the Mayweather-class Destroyer, the Convergence of Destiny. Equipped with the latest in both ship-based weaponry and technology, and ground engagement technology, she is one of the most powerful ships in the fleet. Headed by the Highly-Commended Captain Nicholas Stirling, the new crew and marine compliment are ready to engage the rising number of rebel forces. But who knows what else lurks in the icy void of space....

So, the premise of this RP, is we play the various crew, bridge officers, and marines stationed aboard the Convergence of Destiny. My plan is to have a wide variety of ranks and roles being played, so we can capture the events of different battles, as told by different parts of the ship's crew. For Ranks and Chain of Command, we will use the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps ranks, mainly since they are the easiest to find and look up. Links for the ranks are as follows:

Feel free to post any questions you may have regarding the RP here, or PM me.
Lord Coake

So I want to bring this idea back from the dead, as for the short time it was alive, I found it to be a very fun RP. Go ahead and post here/PM me if you're interested or have any questions, and if we get enough people to feasibly start, then I'll go about rebuilding the OOC
@boomloverThe Atlas has been my favorite mech since I was a kid. I always use it in just about every game of Battletech I've ever played, and I've always ran the same pilot name with it. I chose it here more for sentimental reasons more than anything else.
@ArenaSnowFor mech descriptions, I'd like for you to write up something on the Atlas, as that's what I intend to use.
@ArenaSnowIt'd be simpler to do a text-based game, for sure. I'm still interested of course.
Early M31 - Segmentum Tempestus, Xarcus III

The Imperial flagship Consul of The Emperor drifted through warp space, travelling towards the currently-independant hive world of Xarcus III, watched over by a man named Gallus Kaeso, who had up until this point, managed to avoid war with the Imperium, while still maintaining the independence of his world. Aboard the ship were over four thousand of the Emperor's chosen, Adeptus Astartes of the Ninth Legion, the Iron Templars. In the command chair of the vessel sat a man of great fortitude, might and will. The Primarch of the Iron Templars, Ser Berenger the Giant, son of the Emperor, and conqueror of nearly 100 worlds in the name of the Imperium. To the uninformed, it would have appeared that Ser Berenger intended to invade the planet, decimating its defenses and conquering it for the Emperor. In all actuality, the Giant had no such intentions, and was on an arrival course to the planet as a diplomatic envoy.

As the ship dropped out of warp and into orbit around the planet, the communications terminal began receiving a hailing signal from those on the surface. A legion serf presented this information to Ser Berenger, who had the signal broadcast on the main viewing screen aboard the bridge. The face of Gallus Kaeso filled the screen, who looked over Ser Berenger, armed and armored, and sneered.

"So you have come for war, then?" Gallus shouted. "This 'Emperor' of yours finally decided to come and conquer us, has he?" the man bellowed, spitting the words from his tongue with pure malice.

"No, he has not." Berenger replied, standing at full height sternly in front of the screen. "He has sent me as a diplomatic envoy, Your Lordship. I am Ser Berenger the Giant, son of the Emperor, Primarch of the Iron Templars, and knight of the Imperium."

"Ser Berenger the Giant." mocked Gallus, scoffing and rolling his eyes. "If you have not come to make war, which I very much doubt, then you must prove so. We will meet at my palace here on the planet. We will send a shuttle up to your ship to retrieve you, and you alone will board and come to the planet. Unarmed, and unguarded. If you do not accept these terms, then it shall be seen as an act of war, and our planetary defenses will have no choice but to open fire upon your ship. Do you accept?"

Berenger nodded curtly, looking directly into the eyes of the figure upon the screen. "I accept your terms. I told you that I was not here for war, and I meant it. Now, when can I expect this shuttle to arrive?"

Gallus was caught off-guard, he had anticipated for his terms to be rejected, and to have to open fire upon the large Imperial vessel drifting above his planet. He stammered slightly before coming to his senses. "It shall arrive within the hour. Expect an armed escort party. Gallus Kaeso out."

The screen flickered dark, and Berenger sighed. He knew persuading this man to join the Imperium would be difficult, and require both careful tact, and a blunt show of force. He hastily stepped from the bridge to his personal quarters, bringing along several legion serfs to have is armor and weapons removed, and his clothing prepared.

Xarcus III - One hour after the arrival of Imperial Flagship 'Consul of The Emperor'

Gallus Kaeso nervously paced back and forth in the entrance chamber to his palace, awaiting the arrival of Ser Berenger. He had donned his most regal outfit, with gilded silk and cloth, and mastercrafted jewelry imported from the finest jewelers around the galaxy. Gallus was certain that he generated a magnificent aura of lordship, and that this would be enough for Berenger to see his faults, and stand down.

A servant came rushing into the main chamber, panting and gasping for air. Gallus grew impatient rather quickly, and struck the servant across the face, bellowing "Well, boy, what is it?" The servant whimpered and quickly bowed before his lord, before stuttering out "T-The guest ha-has a-arrived, Y-Y-Your Lordship..." and cowering away as soon as Gallus dismissed him.

Just as Gallus turned to face the massive golden doors that led into the entrance hall, they swung open, presenting the largest man Gallus had ever seen, flanked on every side by four of Gallus' guards, whose height was a rather sharp contrast to the massive figure between them. Gallus grew pale as the figure stepped in front of him, its shadow completely encasing Gallus.

"G-Greetings, Ser Berenger..." Gallus stammered out, before regaining his composure. "I trust your arrival wasn't TOO troubling?"

Berenger stood and regarded the rather small man in front of him. Here he was, a massive figure dressed in simple, modest clothing, while this lord had donned his most valuable outfit for this occasion. Lesser men would have seen this as arrogance, and used Berenger's height and mass to assert authority over Gallus. But Ser Berenger knew that this man was simply seeking to impress his adversary, an understandable desire, given the formidability of Berenger.

"Not at all, my friend." Berenger spoke, extending his hand and very gently shaking Gallus' as a gesture of good faith. "I am much appreciative of the service you have provided thus far. You make for a very hospitable host." He smiled warmly, walking with the lord to where the meeting would take place.

The meeting took place in Gallus Kaeso's office, a special chair was brought in the accommodate Ser Berenger's size, and the meeting began. It took several hours of discussion, but the two eventually reached an agreement.

"So..uhm..your father, the Emperor..he has..HOW MANY children, again..?" stuttered Gallus, his fingers nervously tapping together.

"As I said before, twenty, including myself." said Berenger, completely at ease, with a small smirk barely lining the edge of his lips.

"A-And each of you command a full army..c-correct? Now, howmany..how many soldiers are in these armies?"

"Yes, each of us command a full legion of Imperial Adeptus Astartes. As for numbers, I cannot speak for the others, but I myself command around 150,000 Astartes. Many of my siblings, and myself, also have access to the nearly unlimited supply of Imperialis Auxilia regiments that make up the Imperial Army."

Gallus grew pale with fright, and cowered in his seat before the massive man. "O-One h-h-hundred and fifty thousand...?" He whispered, before looking at Berenger and saying "W-Well, Ser Berenger, I do believe it is very safe to say that I have massively misjudged you and your Imperium. We of Xarcus III would be happy to have your father the Emperor of Mankind as our liege-lord. I see no reason why you shouldn't send the message of peace out immediately!" Gallus hastily spoke, giving a nervous chuckle.

"I...see." Said Berenger, scratching his head slightly. "Then I shall return to my vessel, and make haste to the Imperium to share the news." He stood, once again shaking Gallus Kaeso's hand, and leaving the room, following a servant guide to the shuttle, and leaving to board the Consul of The Emperor and return to Imperium space.
@ArenaSnowI should be good to go once I get home later today.
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