Avatar of Lord of Evil
  • Last Seen: 9 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 964 (0.33 / day)
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    1. Lord of Evil 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current _ (:3 」∠ )_
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6 yrs ago
So apparently, business shorts are a thing that exists. All I can say is... why?
7 yrs ago
Been busy lately, courtesy of the guy who thought that it was a good idea to have 3 assignments and a test due in the same week.
7 yrs ago
Cards against humanity is... more certainly something else
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7 yrs ago
*Person with Seeing Eye dog stops right next to me* *Goes to pet the dog* *Sees "Please don't pet the dog" sign* ;-; I cry every time


Anyone remember the period a little after guildfall, when the site didn't have a lot of work put into it, the servers went down pretty often and people were moving out? We waited and waited until boom, Mahz made America the guild great again. That was about where I left off.

My mistake was trying to take on everything at once (and being cringy as hell but I mean come on). Well now I'm back, and better than ever.

And I'll be damned if I let anything get in the way of having a good time.

Most Recent Posts

@Lord of Evil What do you mean?

Just someone with a more interesting backstory or something. Had this assassiny guy from a crime syndicate in my head but I couldn't really figure out how to tie him to anything. Timothy's fine though, so nevermind.
Dang, now I kind of wish I went for someone more interesting.
Looking over the ones we got so far, someone well adjusted who can talk to people seems like it would do the trick
Right, there we are. Feel free to tell me if I need to change anything.

Interested. I have a few character ideas, but I'll see which one to go for.
Richard stopped. He was finally in front of the dorm building. It was quite large, as would be expected of such a school, and its appearance matched the prestige of the academy. The boy stood for a time, studying building's appearance, counting the windows and the like.
What, you getting cold feet or something? Mortimer grumbled. Come on, we've got things to do.
I know. The boy replied.
He didn't need to be reminded. Richard adjusted his clothes and hat before walking into the building. The first order of business was to set up his base of operations. After that... Well, he could always look around the school for a while.

The boy's stomach rumbled lightly.
And maybe try to find some food. He thought to himself.
I'll post in a bit
Nikola took the pen from Odhra's hand and thought for a moment. The rating scale went from 1 to 10, 10 being (presumably) the best result. What he had to rate was the quality of his the hug experience. The boy frowned as he thought of that. He wasn't well suited to this. Nikola was an orphan, and he had a detached relationship with his siblings. His foster father certainly held some affection for him, but he showed it in unconventional ways. The servants of his house were in a similar position; he was close to some of them, but for the most part, they had a professional relationship. Nevertheless, his peers had put in the effort to include him in their activities and he had to reciprocate them somehow. But this would take some thinking.

With a small "excuse me", Nikola took the paper from Odhra's hand and laid it onto the table in front of him as Kitten nipped at his heels. He scooped the fluffy dragon and then sat back down onto his seat. Laying the beast onto his lap, the boy began to think. He couldn't really rate the hug on an emotional level considering he didn't have much experience, but maybe he could compare it on a mathematical level. He supposed that he could use Kitten as a baseline, since they interacted with each other so often. If he assumed that Kitten was around a 10, he could work it out from there.

A commotion had begun near him but Nikola ignored it, focusing his eyes on the paper in front of him so he could concentrate. Bailey's spikes knocked off a few points right off the bat, because comfort was important. Besides that, though, there wasn't much else that detracted from his rating. Her intimidating appearance belied a definite friendliness that he didn't often experience. Overall, he'd rate the experience...
"A solid 7." Nikola muttered, writing the number onto the paper in front of him.
His hand stopped and he frowned. Bailey seemed to be somewhat hurt that he had asked to be put down. He hadn't meant anything in particular with that, he just hadn't had the experience to rate it on the spot. Not much he could do about it now, but maybe the rating could help appease her disappointment.
"...And a half." He said, quickly adding the decimal to the end.

Finally, he took the paper and pen and handed them back to Odhra.
"Alright, I'm done. I think." He said curtly.
He wasn't sure that his intentions would be apparent through his actions, as he didn't particularly dislike Bailey's embrace.
Nikola barely had time to react before his position came under the assault of Odhra's summon. Noticing the assault, Kitten leapt out of the boy's lap just in time, as Bailey's arms scooped the boy up into a crushing bear hug. He squirmed in her grip, but try as he might, he couldn't break free. Spines poked into his side as the arms squeezed him closer. The summon's stinger hung close, and he could see a globule of venom building on the tip. Somewhere close to his feet, Kitten growled threateningly. And yet...
"It's alright Kitten, I'm fine." Nikola said.
His voice was muffled somewhat, smothered as he was, but his reassuring tone seemed to calm the dragon.

That was the truth, just about. The hug was uncomfortable, but not unpleasant. He hadn't been subject to many hugs, admittedly, but he could tell that she wasn't trying to hurt him, though she was using a little too much strength. There was a goodhearted warmth there, not unlike the affection he received from Kitten. It was nice, really. But he couldn't stay that way.

Nikola tried squirming once again, just trying to get a little more space. He had to rate the hug, and it was getting harder for him to think, partially because she was holding him very strongly, and partially because it was a bit embarrassing.
"Um, could you please let go of me for a moment?" He managed to say.
The hug was still quite tight, which made it hard for Nikola to talk.
Nikola was pretty sure things were going well for him. He seemed to be doing well enough in the conversation and Livia wasn't showing any obvious signs of discomfort, which indicated that he hadn't said anything bad. It was going pretty well, he was sure. But then, that boy came.

Max, a moniker of some sort no doubt, but Nikola didn't know his full name. He had heard of Max by reputation, and had experienced it firsthand the day previously, and ever since then he'd been wary of him. Sadly, it seemed that Nikola had forgotten that he was a part of this club. Nikola looked with curiosity as to what the boy had brought, and became confused. There were pillows with images printed onto them, depicting the favoured summons of the various club members. The depictions themselves seemed embellished somewhat, but Nikola was mostly confused as to what they were for. Pillows were for resting one's head on, so why would you put pictures onto them?

Distracted as he was, Nikola almost missed Livia's question.
"Um, sorry..." He began, trailing off slowly.
He had wanted to frame that as a question, but he'd realised what she'd asked him as he spoke. Thinking quickly, he spoke again.
"I sort of have things to do after this, so..."
That wasn't really true, he didn't have any plans after this. He did plan to study, but that didn't really count. Hhe had been looking into summoning another creature soon, though that was another matter entirely. But besides that, he wasn't sure what he should do if he took her up on her offer. Still, he should give Livia a better answer, at least.
"Thank you for the offer, Miss Livia," Nikola said finally. "But I'll have to decline, because..."

As he searched for the right words, however, he heard his name being called. He looked over to Odhra the culprit, but he couldn't glean anything that was said from the atmosphere alone.
"Um, sorry, what?" He asked.

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