Avatar of LordLinguinie
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    1. LordLinguinie 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I spent about two hours trying to find one picture of Power Girl that doesn't focus on her boobs. I think it'd be better if they made her costume more like armor rather than lingerie.
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7 yrs ago
Check out our RP that just begun roleplayerguild.com/topics/…… to see if its something you might be interested in participating in. Van-Helsing/Horror fantasy hybrid, looking for players!!
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Most Recent Posts

Nightwing's sheet is in the League Roster, will wait on posting Terra's and Slade's until they are encountered.
@caliban22 Are you still interested in this Rp?
A short post for now, will have a followup post tomorrow. This is all happening while the hunters are out and just across the kingdom. The title of the next hunt is either "Spider Stomping Day" or "Spider-slaughter 2k17"
On the North East road to Overresch
A small caravan of gypsies are making their way to the the Overresch to take a ship across the Trieste sea to a rumored kingdom of gold. Tales of what lay across the sea have always been fantasized about but little fact is known about what is actually out there. Each wagon is lead by four horses and carries 6-12 people each. The wagons follow each other at a steady pace as they approached the most dangerous part of the route. At the midpoint between Rothenburg and Overresch was the least amount of protection from the wild lay, and where the forest grew closest to the road, so close you could see the webs in the branches. The forest looks as though it has a constant lay of frost, an illusion created by the eight legged inhabitants.

Lurking in the treeline, they all skittered behind the trees and shrubs, some climbing up into trees and others shoving themselves in the dirt. They waited, lurking the shadows waiting for the human prey to move just past their location, allowing them to surprise their prey. Quickly crawling out from the shadows they all emerged and moved in on the caravan. The largest one, bigger than the horses and carriages, waited for the initial panic of the humans to send them all running, so it could feast on the horses. The massive swarm engulfed the caravan, feasting on the bodies of the gypsies, and dragging some back into the forest to be eaten or be used as an incubator. After the carnage settled all that remain were the carriages, still filled with the gypsies belongings, and some bloodied remains.

Settlement in the northern clearing Northeast of Augsburg
The houses in the small village settlement are all abandoned, filled with webs and decaying bodies, the houses have become nests, filled massive egg sacs. The settlement was initially started by The Filtiarn company a few months ago, to establish a stronghold against the spider menace. The humans living in the settlement lived long enough to build it, and that’s about it. Most of the houses don’t have furniture as few had actually ever been able to move in. The ground around village is completely white with webbing.

In the kitchen of a small house on the lower west side of the city, an elderly woman sits down with her husband to enjoy a hot bowl of soup. Unfortunately, when she went to the market earlier and unwanted guest tagged along in the small crate of fresh produce she brought home. It had crawled out of the crate upon arrival and made itself hidden. As they sat blowing on the hot soup and enjoying each other company, it made its way across the floor and crawled up the backside of the old woman’s chair. Making its way to the back of her back, sitting on the edge of chair and her dress, it sunk its poisonous fangs into the old woman.
As her basic motor functions began to fail, and she slowly slumped in her chair much to her husband’s dismay, the spider quickly crawled up into the woman’s ear, hidden by her hair, and began to make its nest. It would nestle its eggs into the ear canal and would slowly begin to eat through the eardrum. It would only be a matter of time until the eggs would hatch releasing hundreds of spiderlings, who would then feast on their host to start their own life cycle.
An often occurrence in the kingdom, the hosts of the spiders often die as they remain in a vegetative state, unable to move due to the constant flow of venom from the spider nibbling its way towards the victim’s brain. When diagnosed, the best course of treatment is a dagger to the heart, and to burn the head of the body.

Pulled a double today, did not get to finish the sheets, will work on them and get them out asap. Im hoping to have the IC running by the weekend at the latest.

Roleplays that last years are often very stagnant and have a ever changing roster OR a small group. :P
I randomly read the thingy you wrote 8 hours ago or something.

I'll write a post soon as I can. I thought that since it was Holidays in the US, things slowed down.

I have so much planned for this RP, I've got no intention of letting it die anytime soon!
Updated the npcs list and the acitve rosters. Will drop a sheet for Deathstroke and Terra both tomorrow, as they'll be the main nemesis this first story arc. A sheet full sheet for Nightwing is also on the way. I think once we have 5 on the team we can begin, though I'll leave the status open to see if we can't attract a couple more to join in.
@HushedWhispers I have no complaints with it, I like the concept a lot, and I'm excited to see the rest!
The Current and former League members are on the characters tab, along with the list of current JL NPC's available. If there is a hero you would like to be added, whether it be to interact with the league, just let me know! Was thinking of adding Icon if anyone has interest in playing a Rocket like character. I haven't decided on who will become the second Lantern of 2418, though I'm leaning torwards Jessica Cruz, I might leave it up to a vote.
NPC's currently available:
The Flash
Black Lightning

Marvyn Kayne

Marvyn only nodded at his lord's joke, not allowing himself to laugh or break his stern, commander's compose. The vulture jokes had long outgrown their humor, and now only the nickname had stuck, thank's to none other than Renault himself, announcing "The victorious vulture!!" upon Marvyn's successful raids in the river-lands. After the dozenth time or so, everyone from Ash Falls to Kings Landing had heard the joke.
As the wake rode in front of the center infantry battalion, Marvyn could see the oncoming group of galloping horsemen quickly approaching. As they got closer, it became clear it was one of the scouting forces riding out in front of the main host. Leading the group, Radford, commander of the scouting parties. His ability to use his hawk as a forward scout made the decision quite easy for Marvyn and allowed for the boy to gain experience in a commander's position.

"Father, Lord Kayne, I've come to inform you that Lord Ryger's forces are only a few kilometers east of here, and they are headed this way." the young Lord explained. Marvyn looked to his old friend, giving a slight grin. Sometimes the gods can be just, others than can be a massive cock, today however, they we're bountiful. On the left side of the Lashton host, sat a large rocky hill, impossible for a horse to traverse, surrounded by a low density forest. On the right side of the host, sits a river that runs from the Godseye all the way to the blackwater, separating the forest from the dirt road they traveled. He knew this trade road, and the options for open fields for battle were thin, and they stood in a rather good spot for a surprise attack.

"Radford, I want you to pull back the scouts and have them spread the word, we are preparing an ambush." Marvyn turned slightly, gaining the attention of the men who sat on horseback around him. Clearing his throat, he spoke in his booming commanders's voice.
"I want every longbow men available on the western face of the hill, bows pointed east, no one comes down this path without us knowing. I want crossbowmen hidden in the tree line behind the river, out of sight, ready to strike. Steel hawks are to form up in a tight formation half a kilometer down the path. Center battalion is to form up behind them, left and right battalions maintain the flanks."

Marvyn motioned with his hands as his voice boomed over the troops, who had already begun to move. Turning back to Radford, he spoke again, "I want you to take all of the light cavalry we have and take them around the back side of the hill and be ready to come in and flank when the time is right." He commanded, trusting Radford would know when the time to strike was. Turning to the force under his direct command, The wake, he ordered his horse archers to split in half and cover either flanks of the steel hawks. The idea was to extend the front line, so when Lord Ryger approached he would think the entirety of the Lashton host was in line traveling down the path, and this would also prevent the Ryger's to get an accurate estimate of Lashton forces, as they could not see the troops behind the front line of horsemen. The soldiers of the lashton army moved with quick haste to fall into their positions, preparing for battle that was looking to be a slaughter.
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