Avatar of LostButterfly92
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 323 (0.24 / day)
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    1. LostButterfly92 4 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Tiny, shy, flutterby.
4 yrs ago
Fluttering without a way...


Age: 28
Status: Married
Zodiac: Pisces / Monkey
Gender: Female (she/her)
Height: 5' 1"
Location: New Hampshire
Languages: English, some Spanish
Animals: Cats, sloths, skunks, frogs
Colors: Natural shades of green, blue, purple, brown, pale yellow and pinks
Fruits: Blueberries, Strawberries
Vegetables: Peas, Carrots
Desserts: Softserve icecream, Cobbler
Drinks: Raspberry Tea, Cream Soda
Meals: Pizza, Cheeseburgers
Plants: Daisy, Lilac, Wisteria, Willow
Music Genres: Soft Rock, Pop, Country
Video Game Genres: RPGs, Platformers, Life Simulators
Film/Literature Genres: Superheroes, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Hobbies: Reading, writing, roleplaying, drawing, painting, crafting, exploring and relaxing outdoors
Fandoms: Spyro the Dragon, The Sims, Spore (the videogames), Pokemon, My Little Pony, How to Train Your Dragon, Sailor Moon, Animorphs, Red Wall, Deltora Quest, Naruto, Beastars, Worm (web series by Wildbow), DC and Marvel Superheroes, Game of Thrones
Roleplay Preferences:
Large group (5+ characters)
Fandom roleplays, animal or anthropomorphic characters, animal companions (like Pokemon or dragons), superheroes
While I thoroughly enjoy roleplays with romance (not smut), the hubby says no, so please don't encourage any romantic relationships. Thank you!
Current Roleplays:

Most Recent Posts

Characters can always be re-used. No creative effort is really a waste unless you let it be.

Very true. And I definitely enjoyed making and playing my character.

I think I have an idea but I might not be able to churn it out tonight. You are all welcome to continue, no need to wait
@Eviledd1984 I dont know. I hate to have people's wonderful characters go to waste, but I'm running out of steam. Dont have the creative spark I used to. Years of retail can do it to you. Open to suggestions though.
@Eviledd1984 The only active Worm roleplay Im aware of is Weaverdice. But I dont enjoy tabletop style.

I was saying I would be interested in a superhero/superpower roleplay that had a similar vibe to worm. Real feeling. Maybe something like Academy 003,

@King Cosmos I was hoping to get some villain characters so there would be crimes to stop. Might need to make up an NPC or two to fight though. Dont really want any major fights early on, so preferably no Endbringers or Slaughterhouse 9.
To be honest, I was hoping to join an existing Worm rp. Thought I'd make one of my own, turns out it's harder than I remember. I only just got back into roleplaying after a three year break Sometimes I regret my impulsive decisions, heh.

We can keep trying, though, Just a little frustrated because I'm not sure where to go with so few characters, especially since they're not all the same alignment.

Or I'd be happy joining something like the rp Ghost Note just made, but I'm not familiar with Discord.
Poll time: Should the roleplay be cancelled? I probably jumped the gun. I've enjoyed the posts we've had so far but there's not as much activity as I was hoping for. We would probably better off searching for another superhero roleplay and join our numbers to it... Could migrate together. Dont worry, my feelings wont be hurt!

@Eviledd1984@The Ghost Note@King Cosmos@CryptDemon
Myrtle Gardner - Wallƒlower

Myrtle clicked and tapped away at her tablet keyboard, sipping at her hot chocolate
as she caught up on the global and national news on Parahumans Online. She had no new messages (no surprise, being the shy and awkward creature she is). She read an article about earthquakes in Bengledash, another article about Alexandria saving a plane full of people caught in a storm, Ash Beast tearing up another village, and a potential Bonesaw sighting (possibly a hoax).

The girl took a clumsy bite of muffin as she read, spilling crumbs into her long blond hair and on keyboard. Flustered and red faced, she quickly brushed the crumbs away, hoping nobody noticed, but not daring to look and see if they had.

A few clicks later, Myrtle found herself on the local Manchester news. She wanted to get better acquainted with the city and find out more about its heroes and villains. She found several mentions of their local Protectorate heroine, Wrecking-Ball, and she hoped to see the hero in action one day. There was also a fire-powered rogue known as Scorch, who was frequently seen at night. Better be careful near that one, Myrtle thought, nodding. Fire is beats grass.

Several arrests were made in the past week and Myrtle was pleasantly surprised see her name mentioned in one article. New Heroine Wallflower Saves Manchester Resident, she read, beaming. The man was successfully charged with and arrested for sexually assault and is awaiting trial. The victim wished to remain anonymous but expressed her thanks.

Myrtle took another bite of muffin and chewed thoughtfully as she browsed the forums, looking for leads. Unverified sources suggested Asian gang activity at some of the local restaurants. Others posted last known locations of drug dealers. But the more she thought about it, the less she liked it. Myrtle was a pacifist, after all. She didn't want to pick fights.

With a sigh, Myrt took another sip of her hot chocolate, but was disappointed to find it became cold chocolate. She chugged the last few gulps and the remaining whip cream, finishing it off.

After pressing the power button to shut off the tablet, she sighed and looked about the window, watching the passing cars and pedestrians. She wanted to help them, somehow. And she didnt know how yet, but she would find a way to make a difference.

Once the tablet was shut off, Myrtle put it away in her bag. She took a napkin from the dispenser and quickly wiped up the few crumbs and drips she left behind, then threw her trash away as she head for the door. She looked back toward the counter and saw Kali looking, so she flashed a small smile and little wave of her hand, before the door closed and the bell chimed behind her.
Myrtle Gardner - Wallƒlower

"Kali," Myrtle quietly repeated to herself, her smile becoming more natural and relaxed as her blush faded away. She admired the barista standing in front of her-- It takes a lot to smile when something bad happens to you. And even more when you can see reminders of it in the mirror every day.

"Eat in, please," Myrtle answered. Her heart race slowed, knowing the social interaction would be over soon. She handed the barista a $5 bill, but then put a couple dollar bills in the tip jar when she thought the she wasn't looking.
"Thank you very much, Kali. It was nice meeting you," Myrt said honestly, looking the barista in her in the eyes again. She adjusted her glasses again then juggled her food and drink, and left the line to find a seat.

Myrt decided on a seat near a window, with a pretty hanging plant and some wonderful warm sun rays coming through. There were a few people a little close for comfort, but she would make do.

After sitting down, Myrt retrieved a small black tablet with a keyboard out of her bag, opened it up, and powered it on. She munched on a bite of muffin and took a sip of steaming hot chocolate. Let's get back to business, she thought, sticking her tongue out and biting a bit in concentration. Parahumans Online loaded up on screen.
Myrtle Gardner - Wallƒlower

Myrtle walked along the sidewalk, rubbing her hands together and blowing on them for warth, internally scolding herself for not bringing gloves. October morning were chilly enough, she wondered how she would fare in the coming winter.

It wasn't long before Myrt stumbled across a quaint little cafe. It looked locally owned, which was definitely her style. A lovely looking couple came out the door, causing a bell to chime, and the gentleman held the door.

"Oh, um thank you, sir!" Myrtle said graciously, smiling shyly and nodding as she rushed inside. The door shut behind her, causing the bell to jingle.

She nervously stepped in line, looking around at all the signs and decorations. Already her heart was racing from being near other people, triggering her social anxiety. While she waited Myrtle twirled her hair around her fingers and adjusted her glasses. Thankfully the line moved quickly, and there was only two in front of her.

Myrt found herself staring at mouth-watering pastries on display on the counter. She almost didn't notice when it was her turn and the barista spoke up.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Good morning! I'd like one of those yummy looking coffee-cake muffins, please. And a small hot chocolate with whip cream. Thank you, umm..." Myrtle trailed off, finally looking her barista in the face, looking for a name tag. She paused a moment, noticing severe scarring down the side of her otherwise very pretty face. Myrtle's face own face flushed a tinge redder, feeling as is she saw something she shouldn't, Myrt flashed one of her toothy, awkward smiles, desperately hoping it just looked like it was caused by the cold.
@Eviledd1984 Sounds great to me! We need the characters (especially villains). :)
@Eviledd1984 Hello, you have some wonderful character ideas. :) By far, #2 feels most at home in Wildbow's Worm universe. But, the others could be adapted to fit.

From what we've seen in the web serial, Worm is a world of science rather than magic, angels, or demons. People may believe that their powers come from heaven or hell or faeries or what-not, but they are usually seen as delusional.

#1 could have a shard that combats aging or causes regeneration. They could also have a power that allows them to alter the characteristics of weapons (fire sword, ice sword, etc). Perhaps they have a delusion that they are immortal or one of Arthur's knights. But instead of fighting demons, he targets Endbringers and Case 53s (mutated people).
#2 would fit right in.
#3 could be Shaker/Changer/Thinker who alters their surroundings and appearance based on fears to scare people.

The world of Worm can be a bit limiting, but that's art of the fun. I'm sure you'll figure something out. And we're here to help. :) Plus, there's plenty of wiki sources.
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