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"You can release your grip on the pistol. You would need an accelerator-mod to even dent me." He continued, his multiple mandibles stretching outwards like a gigantic set of narrow sickle-like bear traps with serrated teeth lining every appendage. He was facing away from her, watching through the wide field of view afforded by his dome-like eyes, but the length and gnarled features of his mouthparts were clear. Sapient as he was, he looked more as if he should be some creeping, crawling, mindless creature. It was a miracle his voice, rough as it was, could somehow be more comprehensible than the vile biomechanical tapestries of grotesque cybernetics, mutations, and symbiotic growths that covered his carapaced form.

"We are not an illegal people. My kind have wandered your streets and back alleys before me. It is harder now but far from impossible, unless like me, you are in a certain line of work." He continued, extending one of his large arms. Even simply stretching it out caused multiple complex mechanism-like joints to reveal themselves as if it was not a limb but some enormous creature whose head ended in a formation of claw-like digits, each one moving as if bearing a life independent of the main body. A section of his wirst flicked open a series of text messages and star-maps opened up. They contained rather pertinent details - it appears he had been recruited for a very specific assignment.

"I was told a certain kind of expertise was needed. Aczyiom Dvrawsxyir thankfully, is the exact sort often requested in such a scenario." He continued, retracting the holo-display and turning fully to face her.
“That was your plane shot down a few hours earlier correct? I’m afraid that area is Kerovanian Separatist Alliance territory. As much as I would love to personally make it ours, the peace we maintain with them is done so for… reasons beyond my paygrade.” Gourlan spoke, pausing for a moment as a few of the troops near him grunted. Someone could be heard spitting and muttering something in celaderakan under their tongue – a human, specifically, one of Gourlan’s entourage. His semi-triangular, blocky helmet pulled back over his head as he turned towards Paris for a second; he wasn’t as bulky or blocky in shape given that the armour he and the rest of the group were wearing was based on a similar design philosophy.

“I can offer you something else in return. Your team is awfully small to say the least and while I do not claim to be an expert in Sect operations, I do know that many here lack the same respect that we will show towards you. After all, holding a few deniable mercenaries hostage is one thing but such a mismatched collection of commandos? They’ll know who it is easily. You are not just threats to be eliminated but assets to acquire. I would know from prior operations I have seen.” His grin grew, sickly motley fungal flesh pulling back against cruel, thorn-like teeth.

His fingers snapped and the same soldier that looked for him stepped up, bringing a box-like device, almost like a jerry-can save for a small gap around its midsection and a number of small antennae pointing out from its flat sides. Gourlan took it and offered it to Paris on his gloved fingers, long enough to hold the entirety of the device.

“Portable shield generator, the sort we employ during patrols. Handy when the local League-funded militias start thinking they can sneak under our noses and ambush us. 30 minutes for a full recharge but I’ve seen it hold out against a whole mag’s worth of heavy-duty gauss rounds. Yes, the militiafolk have those. Of course, the scielto lords we see carouseling on interstellar news-feeds about the importance of civility in this time of tension wouldn’t know anything about that.” He chuckled with a sound like water sloshing inside of a plastic bag.

As the impressively tall tarrhaidim turned to the hulking vrexul, Silver would get a sudden buzz over his coms. The soldier who he had been speaking to didn’t notice, giving him a rather disappointed expression before shrugging it off and walking away. Encrypted private channel – IFF tag marked as Dolsilvec Regime, specifically, from Yrilovan. There was data being sent but the progress bar was climbing slowly. It seemed reception was weak out here but soon he began to talk.

<I know you don’t trust us, but we have a mutual problem.> His voice was tense, a far cry from the arrogant confidence of earlier. <The rendez-vous point was top secret; nobody could’ve gotten the location unless someone incredibly capable broke in to our channels, unlikely without compromising it and alerting us, or someone is pulling some strings.>

A trace revealed that Yrilovan had moved between two of the APC’s – he was purposefully far from the rest of the gathered forces, even his own.

<I do not know what Gourlan is doing here; he might be being positioned and redirected. He might talk big but he’s a clown more than he is a killer. Something went wrong with your command chain or they are lowering their standards. I have never liked him, even as a respected leader who earned his spot, and I feel someone knows that.>

Gourlan in the meantime had produced a small rectangular data-pad in his hand, roughly the size of the mobile phones of civilians. With a few flicks of his wrist, a projected map appeared in a ghostly teal of the surrounding mountainous territory in all of its forested digital glory. A pair of lines were shown tracing back to a flat area of round and a nearby power plant – their current location. There were two spherical dots, one being a orange and another purple. Both travelled the same direction but differing paths, with the purple trail surrounded by flashing dots of red.

“As you can see, this is what I was instructed. The orange path is you of course, at least the path I was told you would take. Our path is parallel to yours and we have the fun part of the job – causing a ruckus with all the rebels hiding in the wood. We will draw their attention – you will be free to have your heroic little rescue mission in relative peace.” He smiled and turned to the rest of the team, leaning to the right to look at Silver. That voidhanger had been quiet – maybe the nature of such beings.

“I imagine you would all want to download a copy of this – this data-port is open right now if anyone would like a remote transferral. I don’t know how your briefing went but I was told that you would all take care of the scavenger hunt yourself. My folk are simply here to make noise and problems for any threats in the area of operations. There is a path for vehicles but it will be treacherous and the most open to hostile fire – it will slow us but just enough that we can match pace. All the better us than you – you will be doing a lot of movement through rough, forested terrain. Be prepared, Gnosis Eaters.”

He smiled to them all, his head slowly sweeping left and right. Was he looking for someone? And if so, who? After a while he closed the port and turned to his own squad, motioning for them to regroup and head to their transports. Just as suddenly as they had appeared, the group was getting prepared to leave, the engines of their huge machines revving as their mounted guns began to swivel.

Yrilovan had stepped out around this time, just as Gourlan entered his transport, and looked over to the Sect members he’d escorted this far.

“I will be on my way. I have some matters to deal with about this mission. When I get to base, I’m going to reach out to my higher ups and my contact with the Sect. We’ll need to stay in touch.” To that end, a number of blocky com devices, almost brick like in shape save for a thinner body that could be gripped, popped up in his hands and he passed them to the others. “I have no reason to stay but seeing that smug bastard’s face makes a lot of things not sit right with me. You watch yourself.”


The Sprawls, forested region of Caracosa

The appropriately titled Sprawls didn’t get their name for nothing. Moss covered trees bent like the old and the withered, barely maintained paths that stretched off into root-covered dirt piles, and past the treeline and over the edge of the mountain path, a maze of ancient vegetation that in spite of a number of grand craters and massive stretches of scorched forest, still seemed barely affected by the war. They could distantly see the group of APC’s moving up a badly maintained gravel paths, crumbling and dropping down into the treelines far below them, nearing an open area plateau area created by sustained bombing runs. It was impossible to tell where the hostiles were hiding, only that the sheer scope of it would be revealed soon.

For the Gnosis Eater team now making their way through the treacherous, misted terrain there were more pressing matters to deal with. They were assigned with finding a Sect base but there was a bit of a problem – they weren’t told how to. It was clear there was an idea of where to look and as far as anyone could be concerned, the base couldn’t have fallen yet. Whatever anyone thought of Gourlan and his team, it was clear they believed that they would be more than capable. He had all the reason to given it was known the Sect only chose the best of the best.

If the fungoid’s data was to be correct, their path through the woods would be fairly straightforward – keep moving northwards, remaining parallel to the Dolsilvecs even if they were divided by a treacherous, unknown wall of the wilderness. It wouldn’t be hard to keep track of them.

After all, barely a few minutes later and the sound of heavy calibre automatic weaponry and hissing energy weapons could be heard. Flashes of light lit up the woods a few thousand feet away and distant blasts echoed over the staccato argument between dolsilvec and rebel arms.

<Gourlan here. The madness begins. Let us see who can complete their work first now, Gnosis Eaters!> The tarrhaidim leader’s voice buzzed over their coms, followed by crackling and a scraping, unpleasant buzz. Those of the Dolsilvecs flashed a mixture of purple, yellow, and white. The rebels blue, green, and orange. Right now, the former were starting to drown the latter as storms of tracers scourged through trees and through distant black shapes, rendering an insurgent weapon silent.

Hidden from sight but not from scans, radar, and motion sensors, there was rapid movement just a few hundred metres away. Camo-fatigued forces could be seen moving deep through the faint fog with heavy footsteps and distant shouts – some in English, others in alien tongues. At least ten of them moving northwards along a similar path as Gourlan had outlined the Sect team was supposed to follow. Something was moving with them that wasn’t bipedal – they could hear some kind of mechanized gears whirring and heavier steps being taken, accented with crunching bark and loose soil slogging under its weight. Where exactly they were headed couldn’t be determined, at least not where they stood.

Whatever the source of that stomping sound was, it remained unseen as the silhouettes of the guerillas vanished, their footfalls becoming increasingly inaudible. The path forward for now, remained clear, but it wouldn’t be wrong to assume that any hostiles on this side were getting agitated and the mist could only hide one from their site for so long.

Further up ahead, where the insurgents had charged out of, the Sect team would be able to see what had seemed like a small camp further up on one of the hills, partially hidden by heavy bush but exposed when they had charged out of it, footsteps easily visible across the leaf-strewn floor. It wasn’t much – a few large rocks gathered around a small fire pit, a series of bio-mesh tents, and what looked like a pile of shells of some sort, snail like and covered in some sort of slimy fluid, next to a small hole in the ground with a shovel next to it. A long-bodied insect, looking something like a spinier ladybug larva, could be seen crawling near the round shells and some sort of ginger-y, pungent smell was coming from the tent.

They had left in a hurry – it was clear these ones were caught unexpected by the sudden Dolsilvec advance, but nothing of much worth could be seen here. Any weapons they had were taken with them and it was clear this was just a temporary hide out.

More gunshots off in the distance, blasts echoing over the mountains. Buzzing creatures shot off towards the sky, black shapes around the camp’s perimeter, and rustling could be heard all around. The forest was alive and it was clear as the battles grew more heated, the wildlife would grow further agitated. Time was of the essence – Gourlan’s team was heavily armed but there was no telling if it was only gauss guns the rebels had in store.

The path they had been travelling on was somewhat more exposed, closer to the edges of the elevated, hilly ground they had seen on the map. Yet another one was visible behind the tents – bushier and overgrown but clearly well used, either by animals or the guerillas. It seemed to head the same way but it didn’t look much easier to navigate, flatter but larger roots could be seen travelling across it with some only partially chopped open or cleared off – a few piles of chipped up wood could be seen.

It was less exposed but the problem was that there was no telling what could be hiding in here. After all, soldiers went missing in the Sprawl frequently and everybody knew it couldn’t always be chalked up to covert operators or clandestine engagements.
"I wish I knew. Are you attempting to get caught by the enforcers of the law? Get a better com-device."

The voice that responded was a scraping, distorted buzz that sounded harsh enough to be almost degrading but annoyed enough to not actually be hostile. Something scraped against the ground, skittered as if caught out of its hiding place and scampering for cover. Not too long after, a door could be heard clicking with a series of metallic scrapes, indicating that the locking mechanism was being undone. The gears whined and thuds ensued; heavy footsteps and a series of dimming chitters.

"I'm not a fan of waiting especially in conditions like these." The lock clicked back into place and the heavy steps continued."It is difficult for my kind to move around unnoticed. The porcine kind have eyes and ears all around. I walked in the city not as a free sapient but a creature to be watched and observed. It was difficult to not give them a piece of my mind, as your kind say."

His voice continued over the radio.

"They attempted to follow but I lost them in the scrap-yards. They thought me another vagrant, a lumbering hulk. They know not that the squalor and decay they created was my kingdom before it was their hunting ground." A grim chuckle, sounding more like metal scraping over dried bone than anything approximating human laughter. It was not easy for his kind to replicate the language of vertebrate species.

The steps stopped as the creature stopped, simply sitting onto the floor. Its massive, arthropod bulk was a death sentence for the old rusted chairs that were laid about.

"I was told there was work needed to be done, work that requires my talents." The huge creature continued, content to sit inside and speak over the coms built into its suit. "I want to know how big our team is and who they are first."

Karbana Kinis was far from the raging battlefields near the Dominion's boundaries but there were actions of a more calculatred nature progressing. The fleet of monstrosites carapaced and armoured had spread out in the same manner as predators drawn to the scent of hidden quarry - a few of the smaller vessels descended past the voidbeasts hanging in low orbit and past the networks of drones, not burning bright but like faded embers through the atmosphere that shrouded the labyrinthine world. They did not descend alone as like flaking dust, a rain of shrivelled, wrinkled particle fields fell alongside them, burning through the atmosphere as if the creatures serpentine and arthropod were decrepit architecture, the innumerable fragments dotting the sky beneath them like a cloud of flies.

The function of the chaff however was not merely hygenic. As they descended into the atmosphere they burnt, releasing waves of electrointerference and static and turning the area beneath them into a dead zone for any scanning devices present in the area. The beetle-like ships however, were not affected by such. They contained a variety of electronic components themselves but those were placed within the grotesque context of engineered chitin and flesh. What would cripple even EMP hardened satellites and current generation atmospheric entry craft did little but at most slightly dim the bioluminescent lights within them. Their living cargo shuddered as they braced themselves for drop, mycelial nerves connected to electronic wiring jolting them into awakeness. It wasn't light and life behind their flat, pupil-less spot-like eye-analogues or their motley, blemished flesh laced through with complex metals and electronics, lab-grown symbiote-parasites, and adaptive-malleable nano-armour plating directly bolted into their bodies.

The flooring beneath them began to open as the dropships, still beneath the cover of the cloud of interference, discharged their living cargo letting them fall towards the targeted drop sites. Spine-like protrusions on mite-like bodies extended as if waiting to catch onto some passing creature or vegetation, multiple feathered wing like protrusions emerging like moth antennae, stabilizing their patterns as they glided towards the rectangular platform seemingly floating above the chasm of jutting, misaligned metal below. These vast puzzle pieces that formed the body of Karbana Kinis were each large enough to be cities, islands amidst the architectural un-logic of whatever civilization once inhabited and deformed this world.

It wasn't long before their decelerated descent brought them onto the hard surfaces - they, along with others of their lab-born kind descending behind them through the atmosphere. Not human, vrexul, tarrhaidim, or gealtirocht but the un-living creations of this powerful alliance. Arachnid shapes bulbous yet predatory, bodies lined with complex scanning mechanisms and hidden weaponry, skittering about guided by intelligences as programmed machine as bestial instinct. Taking advantage of the remaining static interference, they began to rapidly disperse in groups of four kept aware of one another by psycho-mycelial communication networks immune to electronic interference. A number of them began to scatter downwards, hopping from platform to platform, boosting themselves with anti-gravitational thrusters, and swinging about with specialized retractable silk-like threads launched from frontally mounted caster-ports - they were too graceful to be mere automata but even a passing glance made it clear they were not mere animals.

Their data gathering was not merely visual. Senses normally reserved for creatures guided them and specialized observational software and organs detected minute traces of living organisms - scent trails from repeated use, areas where small flecks of residue could be detected subtly against small irregularities on the terrain, and holes or crevices where they were clearly stronger from distant scans done by camera-mounts behind translucent biomass-ports. There was life on this planet, not just that which teemed beneath from innumerable aliens crowding into the hollowed out carcass-world but something else. Consistent patterns of scent and other residual markings.

Something had been sliding over this ground. Many somethings, too many for it to have merely been ambient wildlife. Not all at once but repeated usage, subtle and creeping, skilled in concealment but not before entities created to detect, observe, and if need be, to prey.

As the information was relayed between the multiple squads, as if guided by an unseen leader they all began to move at once almost in synch across the distance they had dispersed. In the same way marbles clustered in formation would scatter when another clattered into them, so they did the same. The difference was the motions were not random reactions to force and energy but deeper strategic positioning across a shared network of information. Some skittered high, others slinked low, all activating scanner-muting shrouds as they began to settle into various positions at varying heights - all allowing multiple observation angles around the crevices and holes. Angles that if need be, could become firing ones.

A few hours later and more ships would arrive. In stark contrast to the seed-like beetle ships that flown by earlier, these ones had more angular, conventional shapes with bulky bodies and long, powerful wings. High output and heavy calibre weaponry sat next to missile pods and ball-like ECM mounts, the slight shimmer of the air around their bodies as their force-shielding rapidly adapted to the new atmospheric conditions, and a tinge of cold in the air as they boosted over the great chasms and towards multiple landing sites. In their wake, strange organisms like floating spheres of pulsing fungoid mass out of which jutted pointed, smeared electronic antennae and multi-jointed limbs descended. Easily the size of attack helicopters but drifting with an almost jellyfish like languidness, they neared the miscellaneous alien inhabitants below, the long wire-limbs underneath their body waving in the wind currents wafting from the winding chasms beneath.

Out of their bodies, messages in multiple languages, some little more than fragmented code and others transmissions of symbolic images, echoed throughout the hollow realm. The message was the same regardless.

"All citizens of Karbana Kinis, please proceed as usual. The Nexus of Integrated Revolutionary Councils is undergoing a survey of this region."


South of the NIRC's territory, a different matter was unfolding. Through a vast expanse of shattered metal, sparking plasma fires, and starship carcasses a patrol fleet forged through. The few sparking machines that remained clinging to some semblance of life, some bisected in two and others little more than half hollowed hulks, fired with some vengeful desperation to the fleet of ships. Force-shields flared like glass lit by pinkish red lighting before armoured smashed through their dying carcasses. Lances of plasma and particles sliced apart those that dared to bring heavier weaponry to the fray. The debris field was growing, shields flaring constantly as if they were sending out signals to one another, but they pressed onwards.

They weren't here for a clean-up operations. They knew whose they belonged to. A single individual's fleet was the easiest way to put it.

That was it, close enough, past the interference of the debris field. This was Foundry territory now. The problem was figuring out which foundry. Long range scans had pointed to this region of space supposedly being under control of the originator, the prime machine as they were known to the Ascendency and later, to their successors in the NIRC.

Turrets, vomitor-mounts, heavy duty particle accelerator cannons - a variety of weapons swept the air. There was no telling if this area outside of The Foundry's had fallen years ago to the divisors within their ranks... or if perhaps the Ascendency's remnants were listening in. They were armed for a reason - there was work to be done but would the original Foundry allow for it, even in a weakened state? The cosmos watched their every move. They were upstart inheritors to a throne they had dismantled. They could not afford to metamorphosize into the tyrants they had sworn for lifetimes to defy and never become.

They had backup of course - some of their own and more monstrous companions remained in the debris field. If things truly fell apart, it was better to be prepared than to be remorseful.

From the antennae of one of the enormous earwig like ships, a message was sent towards where they believed the original Foundry's forces were. If they reached that, it was as good as reaching the CORE itself.

"Attention - CORE and its sub-entities. The Nexus of Integrated Revolutionary Councils recognizes that you have a problem. We are of the understanding that if unaddressed, it will soon become ours. If we are in agreement of this assessment, we are prepared to work out an agreement and an alliance."


Birth name: Varzyrin Zracyrvski

Alias: Acyziom Dvrawsxyir

Nickname: Poczervurac ("Worm-Eater")

Note on Names

He goes by Aczyiom most of the time as the grand majority of people aware of him were typically friends (and enemies) on the frontier worlds. Due to how his appearance has changed with time and his desire to keep a low profile after leaving his posting, he avoids using his real name. There will be very few people who know that he is the near heroic special forces soldier.


At roughly eight and a half feet with a large carapace-armoured body bristling with various retractable appendages, weapons, and even symbiotes, Varzyrin seems to be somewhere between a devil's coach horse beetle, mantis shrimp, phronima, and a wolf spider. His main body is covered with various segmented plates almost like living isopods and fairly broad with large shoulders connecting powerfully multi-segmented arms ending in six fingered claws capable of splitting into smaller digits. His head has the almost mask-like appearance of a mantis with the longer features of a ground beetle with four dome-like formations hiding his numerous eyes. A ghastly maze of mandibles comprises its lower half, some of which are a bit longer than human fingers and there is a small cluster of eyes where his forehead might be. Antennae and such emerge from the upper half of his head as well as shoulders, capable of retracting at will. His lower body is just as dense as his upper one with a pair of larger primary legs and a bit above them a number of complex smaller limbs with finer grasping and interacting appendages. His midsection also contains a few more arms like smaller versions of his primary ones, bringing him to around 24 limbs in total.

While he seems fully organic, a closer look reveals some of his carapace plating to be partialy metallic with a number of components looking almost bolted or otherwise integrated into his body. It adds a semi-metallic tinge to his forest floor coloured body - a splotchy, motley mixture of blackish dirt, faded leafy brown, a few strips of lighter green, and a sort of sickly faded rust-red. This causes him to look almost as if he is partially decomposed but his colour can be changed with some modifications.








Stern, distrustful, and stubborn - he can come off as unpleasant but in spite of that, is not really hateful of people as much as he is of organizations, ideals, and movements. He has a sociable and compassionate side that contrasts his bitterness and cynicism towards the GFL. He is generally not the sort to open up about why he is the way he is beyond bringing up the cruelties and conflict inflicted upon him and his people by the GFL. He does however like to tell stories and it is one of the easier ways he has of momentarily reliving himself of his regrets. He prefers to lead when he can, often for combat or exploration scenarios, sometimes to show up others to alleviate his anger or to remind himself that he hasn't lost his edge. He isn't against taking orders and working as a team but a fear of repeating past mistakes can make him very vocal on attempting to influence or lead on decision making.


On the frontier worlds, even after he had gone dark and drastically changed his appearance Vazyrin was something of a legend amongst the insurgents his military career began with and initially an unconformed rumours by the colonial alliance. To the GFL, he and his cells were monsters that needed to be slain. His reputation would grow after he was recruited to the military. While he and his unit was rarely in contact with rank and file soldiers, staying mostly concealed for security purposes, the rumours that surrounded him made him a folk hero to his allies and a boogeyman to his foes. A few GFL commanders know who he is but are not exactly sure of his current physical appearance while it is believed some of his colonist commanders have at least a general idea of where he currently is. The tragic end to his military career has not yet become very well known so for now, his reputation remains the same.

As "Acyziom Dvrawsxyir", he is known in some corners as something of a shifty and reclusive fellow though a reliable and overall honourable one. He has taken on jobs to help out various independent colonies, rebel groups, and a few local governments with a variety of problems whether it's getting rid of dangerous animals or battling cruel local rulers. As such, he has a pretty good reputation and is somewhat known in the further ends of the galaxy as a helpful figure in spite of the strange rewards he requests alongside his monetary payments (specific fauna or vegetation, niche animal products, specific metals and so on). He is known to certain bounty hunter guilds as an occasional customer, taking a few specific targets with impressive tenacity and proffessionalism. Rumours surround him concerning his background, mixinng vrexul street rumours with GFL propaganda for an unusual effect but they diminish in more urban worlds the further inwards to major Landrunian territories one goes.


Varzyin is a veteran guerilla turned proffessional soldier from vrexul controlled space, having experienced the brutal occupation of a mixed-species commune-colony and its subsequent absorption into a larger industrialized city. He had been a teacher at first, having been trapped on a world where its leaders had been forced to give up territory to the GFL wherein he found his job of educating post-pupal vrexul taken from him and forced to work in costly, dangerous mining and construction positions. As living conditions worsened and disenfranchisement grew among the growing working class, so did brutal repression against an increasingly agitated populace. His primary concern was at first survival until his students, the ones he had watched pupate and mature into adults, were the ones struck by shock-batons and electroshock bullets, many frying to death from the unhinged response of the authorities during a crackdown on a large workers strike.

From this point onwards, he would become a member of a now growing number of community defence groups whose street fights and brawls against corporate-backed crime organizations and hired ex-military security would quickly begin escalating into urban insurgencies that soon spread off into the unconquered and primordial wildernesses of his homeworld. He gained a reputation for adaptiveness and viscerality, appearing on a number of Most Wanted APB's but it became harder to track him the more he modified and augmented his body. It is here that he found his true calling, finding that he transferred the lessons from his own experience to those of new recruits and established soldiers, developing a reputation as a teacher as he was a fighter. The results would speak on the battlefield as the rag-tag cells he operated with struck crippling blows against an increasingly over-stretched GFL whether it was taking advantage of mass riots they'd organized and incited to assassinate key political figures or raiding the headquarters of foreign mercenaries then clearing out their stockpiles.

His successes would catch the attention of the growing armed forces of the growing colonial-vrexul alliance, soon recruiting him amidst a grand GFL push into these independent planets. With experienced soldiers in great need, he would be frequently cycled between the frontline and the rear, finding his guerilla experience and teaching background perfect for forging and leading a new wave of increasingly hardened troops unfazed by a numerically and often technologically superior enemy. It is here his exploits would become well known to both the insurgents he frequently was deployed alongside and the command chain that saw him as an increasingly valuable asset with his high rate of success. He had a trusted team he was developing that were becoming progressively more successful in eliminating high value targets whether personnel, structures, and materiel as well as crippling enemy defences and holding up larger enemy forces with clever and for a while unconventional tactics.

As the relentless advance of the enemy began to hit numerous roadblocks, the great momentum he seemed to have began to stall and he found his deployments growing increasingly difficult. Not just in terms of completing the objectives but the toll was beginning to catch up with him physically and mentally. As the GFL began to tighten its grip on territories it had taken and their civilian populace, he found himself taking riskier actions and on a number of occasions operating with his squad and more hardline mixed guerilla/military forces beyond the parameter set by command. The effects of this are controversial in terms of their effect but they were the cause of a number of short, abrupt, but shockingly violent encounters between both sides. One of these involved his team, a large civilian centre of mixed Landrunians and indepedents and a foreign-installed head of nation-state believed to have been responsible for mass tortures and executions of vrexul and any alien species aligned with them.

Naturally, the commando team took great offence to this and his particularly vicious rule. Yet in their eagerness to eliminate him and his honour guard, they were left blind to certain other factors in the area of operations. They executed a fast lightning raid upon his personal fortified mansion-palace, sowing the violent discord they were known for. Taking a detour through a secret passageway, they would enter an area of the small fortress their stolen blueprints did not indicate, discovering it later to be a training ground for younger cadets and to also hold civilian contractors. Their attempts to sneak past were offset by their hastiness and in the ensuing confusion, terrified trainees and civilians firing their plasma rifles and grenade launchers found their bodies torn apart by experienced gunfire and ripping claws as the commando unit fought to try and preserve a delicate mission quickly going to the wayside. They were only partially successful, sending much of the fortress into a panic as terrified civilians mixed with increasingly angry, agitated elite guards and a bloodbath ensued once they encountered the vrexul and his squad.

The ensuing carnage resulted in numerous casualties with the ordinary citizens mixed among hardened stormtroopers in a controversial incident that both the GFL and the colonial alliance both know little about. That is because much of the squad died, went missing in action, simply refused to give up the information, or it was kept secret. The general they were targeting is believed to have been destroyed in a large explosion from the destruction of his personal transport prior to its attempted launch but it was never found. Varzyrin was among the six of the 12 who made it out, debriefed quickly by his superiors but then vanishing from his unit and the alliance's forces. A few years later the grand counter-offensive would begin but he had long since departed the frontier and as a special forces trooper, still remains unknown to most of the galaxy at large. He has since become an "odd jobs person", taking on a variety of work for a hefty price and keeping low and out of the eye of galactic geopolitics.


Augmentative Internal Network

His body is drastically different from a normal vrexul's due to the sheer volume of augmentative parasites, cybernetic wiring, and foreign biomass installed into it. What makes it more impressive is that he has modified all of it to work as a unified system to simplify maintenance and allow for further enhancement of his impressive physical capabiltiies. Most of this is hidden from plain sight but within and beneath his armour is a small environment where machines, parasites, and artificial entities are in constant cooperation as a distinct-yet-singular whole. The AIN allows him to very easily adapt and modify new augmentations, implants, integrated weapons and so on as well as allow him control his own with an ease as if he was born with them. It also functions as a sort of computer system, powered by his own body, that allows him to analyse, organize, compile, and otherwise interact with data his senses and those of his parasite-symbiotes gather from the environemnt or their own databases.

Personal Carapace Armour

All vrexul have a tough, flexible outer shell but it is frequently customized for a number of tasks. Varzyrin's is a strange composite of various cutting edge alien alloys, selectively biomodified carapace plating, and complex under-layers of lattice-networked stabilizing sub-architecture and protective semi-living mesh. Capable of resisting the same autocannon rounds, plasma bursts, and high explosives that are used both by and against the vrexul soldiers, it has impressive durability and damage reduction systems whether in terms of energy ablative glands and the capability to lock up to avoid excessive damage when falling to allowing the integration of layered energy-based shielding and absorbing nutrient intake to accelerate repair.

Biomorph Encoder Module Network

A complex series of implanted biological components, updated with a series of genetically modified lab-grown organisms and integrated organ-machines. It allows for him to "encode" a variety of additional weapons, tools, limbs, and even organs and glands among other such things into his own body with the right biocodes. When used, it redirects specially prepared mass linked to itself to take the form he needs it to. It is a complex piece of biotechnology to use and requires usually a good deal of tinkering about with various components and his own internal biology in order to prepare a particular morph. He can usually carry only a limited amount, usually taking options such as an extra energy-based projectile weapon, specialized digging claws, and a biomechanical ECM suite. There are more exotic options available though his BEMN usually has room for a maximum of six.

Sepulchral Eye Synthetic Intelligence Unit

An advanced intelligence created through a mixture of biological and cybernetic means, comprised of a series of self-sustaining augmentative parasite units that network throughout his body. They allow Varzyrin to multitask and better control his various limbs but also any independent drone units linked to his computer systems, even capable of operating for him if he loses consciousness. It is even capable of piloting vehicles and operating them independently from him. They also help with scanning, analysing, archiving, and general utility funcitons.

Void Shrine Internal Etherbiology Colony

The vrexul have studied strange sciences once the domain of the mythic and the occult, drawing power from a shadowy dimension inhabited by monstrous entities and bizarre forces. A series of creatures and void-touched implants within Varzyrin's body generate, store, and purify this energy which typically manifests as dense cloud-like conjurations made of rotting biomatter and what appears to be self-replicating machinery, both of which have a distinctly arthropod appearance. They typically are used to form objects such as barriers and platforms and interacting typically by morphing into floating limb-configurations, manifesting within a moderately sized radius around a roughly 55 foot wide radius. Utilizing such power puts a strain on the void shrine and when overloaded, will undergo an automatic shutdown to avoid the supernatural energies breaking the threshold and irradiating him. It has a manual override but this is unsurprisingly very risky to use. He is attempting to figure out how to use this ability to launch projectiles.

Impurifier Drone Gestation-Control Unit

A sack-like organ of sorts with a variety of electronics woven into it, containing a modified vat-made egg-laying system used to spawn, incubate, and birth larval creatures that can be mentally programmed to hyper-pupate into a variety of forms resembling something between mole crickets and huntsmen spiders. The current configurations are a larger rapidly scurrying attack unit, a flight capable one, and a living bomb though all require a degree of energy and specialized biomass to create. When they are deployed from his body, psycho-cybernetic links allow him to see through them as well as experienced a limited degree of other sensory stimuli they encounter. They can be programmed to follow certain actions when rendered separate from his control, such as when they go beyond his range of control, and by themselves will follow and assist him unless instructed to do otherwise.

Unrelenting-Type Self-Repair System

This fusion of biology and technology allows for a vrexul to heal their own wounds over time when activated. It is connected to a series of nutrient packs and a series of specialized micro and macro organisms that utilize them to accelerate regeneration of lost biomass, capable of regrowing entire limbs as long as there is enough energy stored within. It can be restocked by simply eating or otherwise acquiring nutrients and can even be augmented with certain high energy injections.

Condemnation Autocannon Rifle (Wormscourger Configuration)

A modification of the service rifle typically used by vrexul infantry. The original weapon, a fairly large and semi-blocky firearm derived from heavy-calibre guns mounted on security automata, has been slimmed down partially and enhanced with a series of biomass implants resembling sloping staphylinid carapace allowing it to be selectively modified through selective mutation on the fly. The wormscourger configuration is considered a carbine but is larger than most human medium to even heavy machine guns, using a bioelectro chemical firing mechanism to launch high calibre to light autocannon type rounds typically with an explosive charge. It has a slower firing rate than most rifles and hefty kickback but is known for its impressive range, armour piercing, and accuracy.

The Wormscourger variant is used by their special forces and is a little smaller with an increased though still not particularly high rate of fire. It features an adaptive feed allowing it to use foreign rounds and an even more advanced morphomutagenic frame that allows the weapon to be reconfigured from a rifle to other forms. They can include a designated marksman rifle, a carbine/PDW, a shotgun, and even a launcher. Varzyrin is also modifying it to fire beams but it is taking a while to complete.

Hellmouth Infantry Plasma Cannon

A high power infantry weapon based on the defensive weapons used by human allies to the vrexul. This weapon has a more curved, cynlindrical shape than most but it carries a number of carapace-like plates and almost rib or insect segment like design elements giving it a distinctly arthropod appearance. It cannot be modified to the same extent as the condemnation but it has a number of built in and additional fire modes. Typically it accelerates and launches large green-white spherical plasma blasts with a slower semi-automatic rate of fire, capable of devouring their way through heavy armour and is intended for short to medium range due to energy being leached by the environment. Said shots can be charged up to the extent they make an explosion on contact and are capable of burning enemies even when passing by. Any firing will cause it to build up heat and once it hits its limit, it will automatically activate its cooling mode and lock itself from firing further until it drops to a safe levle.

It does possess other firing modes however. The most common is a flamethrower-like mode that widens the barrel and belches forth like dragon's breath, limiting its range further in exchange for devastating energy bursts that can incinerate a whole squadron in seconds. A lower-output hyperspray mode is available, utilizing a minigun like collection of barrels to spit out an inaccurate but harrowing degree of rapid moving bolts. For concentrated piercing power, a sustained beam configuraiton is possible wherein the plasma energy is fired as a single column of light. This mode generates the highest heat but at medium to slightly longer ranges can burn right through certain vehicle armour. Varzyrin is attempting to find the parts to modify it to be converted into a particle weapon as well.

Desecrator Fragmentation Cannon

Functionally a shotgun, this weapon's main body is essence a large cylindrical tube placed within a body that looks like a large spinal millipede, connected to two rails partially resembling beetle elytra by a series of interconnecting limbs and a fairly large handle and grip. Also known as a "flak cannon", this fires by detonating spherical explosives within a blast chamber and channeling both the blast and the numerous white-hot fragments outwards. It is useful from short to medium ranges with considerably higher armour piercing than shotguns ytpically get. It can also launch these explosives as well where they function identically to fragmentation grenades. They typically use a specialized normally inert pillbug like organism's egg-clusters as its shells but can fire synthetic rounds as well. It is possible to convert it to a makeshift grenade launcher though it is not as effective as dedicated versions.

Vitriol Integrated Personal Defence Weapons

Bodily mounted weapons integrated into a vrexul's carapace with his on his side. They are scaled down versions of a powerful squad automatic weapon common with vrexul soldiers, between a submachine gun and a carbine in terms of size. He has four of these limb-weapons, resembling somewhere between a centipede and a mantis in shape with notable bendable joints along their body allowing for a variety of firing angles. They use a bioelectric firing method to rapidly launch numerous spines grown in special birthing chambers that at closer ranges can shred through lighter armoured targets and weaken the defences of tougher ones. He has modified his own to be able to electrify the rounds as well as to combine them into larger mini-cannons capable of firing larger spines effective up to short-medium ranges, allowing him to stun his targets and overload automatons and shielding more easily at closer ranges. He has a pair of barrel attachments he can use when he combines them to become a pair of small cannons wherein they are converted to a lighter version of the machine gun they were based on, increasing their range and stopping power. For those purposes he tends to carry the upscaled machine gun spines with him.

Intransigence Integrated Light Launcher Cannons

A duo of small turret-like biomechanical cannons that typically emerge vrom Vazyrin's shoulders, capable of launching explosives long distances with higher accuracy than throwing, modified shotguns, or underslung attachments. Typically they use biological high fragmentation rounds, made in a simliar manner to the vitriol's but with greater blast power to launch a larger amount of fragments outwards. They can easily take in a variety of other explosives such as conventional HE, incendiary, smoke, EMP, and so on. He is currently attmepting to find the components allowing them to launch guided and missile/rocket type munitions.

Terrormaw Sickle-Blades

Large hand-held weapons resembling lengthy insectoid bodies curved almost like the hook of a question mark and ending with semi-biological carapace-blades infused with specialized metallic alloys. He has four of these blades that when combined with his long arms and immense strength, can easily tear through a fully armoured trooper and any of their squadmates. The curving blades can also straighten out or curl further, allowing them to "grip" enemy weapons or turn into straighter swords. They have a void-reactive series of veins running through them that allows them to channel the power from the void shrine to infuse themselves with unearthly, wrathful power that greatly increase their lethality.

Ravener-Class Patrol Craft

A lengthy gunship resembling something like a long black-clad triop with pointed sensor and gun protrusions emerging from what would be an eerily smooth body. This alien vessel has an eerily flexible tail and multiple legs it can use to crawl across the ground as well when not using its anti-gravitational thrusters. It is armed with a series of bio-particle cannons and can create sub-organisms that can be launched as homing missiles. For defence it has the ability to interfere with and conceal itself from scanners as well as specialized bio-electric signal projectors and chaff-launchers, creating electromagnetic disturbances and interfering with targeting or lock on systems. This is Vazyrin's primary way of getting around but it also serves as a mobile base for him, containing ammo-replicators, a medical station, a powerful computer system, a nutrient-paste culturing device, and a number of storage sections.


Medikits, repair equipment, rations, spare munitions, grenades of various sorts, portable computers, datapads, water purifiying devices, and other such items tend to populate both his storage space and that of his patrol ship.

Birth name: Varzyrin Zracyrvski

Alias: Acyziom Dvrawsxyir

Nickname: Poczervurac ("Worm-Eater")

Note on Names

He goes by Aczyiom most of the time as the grand majority of people aware of him were typically friends (and enemies) on the frontier worlds. Due to how his appearance has changed with time and his desire to keep a low profile after leaving his posting, he avoids using his real name. There will be very few people who know that he is the near heroic special forces soldier.


At roughly eight and a half feet with a large carapace-armoured body bristling with various retractable appendages, weapons, and even symbiotes, Varzyrin seems to be somewhere between a devil's coach horse beetle, mantis shrimp, phronima, and a wolf spider. His main body is covered with various segmented plates almost like living isopods and fairly broad with large shoulders connecting powerfully multi-segmented arms ending in six fingered claws capable of splitting into smaller digits. His head has the almost mask-like appearance of a mantis with the longer features of a ground beetle with four dome-like formations hiding his numerous eyes. A ghastly maze of mandibles comprises its lower half, some of which are a bit longer than human fingers and there is a small cluster of eyes where his forehead might be. Antennae and such emerge from the upper half of his head as well as shoulders, capable of retracting at will. His lower body is just as dense as his upper one with a pair of larger primary legs and a bit above them a number of complex smaller limbs with finer grasping and interacting appendages. His midsection also contains a few more arms like smaller versions of his primary ones, bringing him to around 24 limbs in total.

While he seems fully organic, a closer look reveals some of his carapace plating to be partialy metallic with a number of components looking almost bolted or otherwise integrated into his body. It adds a semi-metallic tinge to his forest floor coloured body - a splotchy, motley mixture of blackish dirt, faded leafy brown, a few strips of lighter green, and a sort of sickly faded rust-red. This causes him to look almost as if he is partially decomposed but his colour can be changed with some modifications.








Stern, distrustful, and stubborn - he can come off as unpleasant but in spite of that, is not really hateful of people as much as he is of organizations, ideals, and movements. He has a sociable and compassionate side that contrasts his bitterness and cynicism towards the GFL. He is generally not the sort to open up about why he is the way he is beyond bringing up the cruelties and conflict inflicted upon him and his people by the GFL. He does however like to tell stories and it is one of the easier ways he has of momentarily reliving himself of his regrets. He prefers to lead when he can, often for combat or exploration scenarios, sometimes to show up others to alleviate his anger or to remind himself that he hasn't lost his edge. He isn't against taking orders and working as a team but a fear of repeating past mistakes can make him very vocal on attempting to influence or lead on decision making.


On the frontier worlds, even after he had gone dark and drastically changed his appearance Vazyrin was something of a legend amongst the insurgents his military career began with and initially an unconformed rumours by the colonial alliance. To the GFL, he and his cells were monsters that needed to be slain. His reputation would grow after he was recruited to the military. While he and his unit was rarely in contact with rank and file soldiers, staying mostly concealed for security purposes, the rumours that surrounded him made him a folk hero to his allies and a boogeyman to his foes. A few GFL commanders know who he is but are not exactly sure of his current physical appearance while it is believed some of his colonist commanders have at least a general idea of where he currently is. The tragic end to his military career has not yet become very well known so for now, his reputation remains the same.

As "Acyziom Dvrawsxyir", he is known in some corners as something of a shifty and reclusive fellow though a reliable and overall honourable one. He has taken on jobs to help out various independent colonies, rebel groups, and a few local governments with a variety of problems whether it's getting rid of dangerous animals or battling cruel local rulers. As such, he has a pretty good reputation and is somewhat known in the further ends of the galaxy as a helpful figure in spite of the strange rewards he requests alongside his monetary payments (specific fauna or vegetation, niche animal products, specific metals and so on). He is known to certain bounty hunter guilds as an occasional customer, taking a few specific targets with impressive tenacity and proffessionalism. Rumours surround him concerning his background, mixinng vrexul street rumours with GFL propaganda for an unusual effect but they diminish in more urban worlds the further inwards to major Landrunian territories one goes.


Varzyin is a veteran guerilla turned proffessional soldier from vrexul controlled space, having experienced the brutal occupation of a mixed-species commune-colony and its subsequent absorption into a larger industrialized city. He had been a teacher at first, having been trapped on a world where its leaders had been forced to give up territory to the GFL wherein he found his job of educating post-pupal vrexul taken from him and forced to work in costly, dangerous mining and construction positions. As living conditions worsened and disenfranchisement grew among the growing working class, so did brutal repression against an increasingly agitated populace. His primary concern was at first survival until his students, the ones he had watched pupate and mature into adults, were the ones struck by shock-batons and electroshock bullets, many frying to death from the unhinged response of the authorities during a crackdown on a large workers strike.

From this point onwards, he would become a member of a now growing number of community defence groups whose street fights and brawls against corporate-backed crime organizations and hired ex-military security would quickly begin escalating into urban insurgencies that soon spread off into the unconquered and primordial wildernesses of his homeworld. He gained a reputation for adaptiveness and viscerality, appearing on a number of Most Wanted APB's but it became harder to track him the more he modified and augmented his body. It is here that he found his true calling, finding that he transferred the lessons from his own experience to those of new recruits and established soldiers, developing a reputation as a teacher as he was a fighter. The results would speak on the battlefield as the rag-tag cells he operated with struck crippling blows against an increasingly over-stretched GFL whether it was taking advantage of mass riots they'd organized and incited to assassinate key political figures or raiding the headquarters of foreign mercenaries then clearing out their stockpiles.

His successes would catch the attention of the growing armed forces of the growing colonial-vrexul alliance, soon recruiting him amidst a grand GFL push into these independent planets. With experienced soldiers in great need, he would be frequently cycled between the frontline and the rear, finding his guerilla experience and teaching background perfect for forging and leading a new wave of increasingly hardened troops unfazed by a numerically and often technologically superior enemy. It is here his exploits would become well known to both the insurgents he frequently was deployed alongside and the command chain that saw him as an increasingly valuable asset with his high rate of success. He had a trusted team he was developing that were becoming progressively more successful in eliminating high value targets whether personnel, structures, and materiel as well as crippling enemy defences and holding up larger enemy forces with clever and for a while unconventional tactics.

As the relentless advance of the enemy began to hit numerous roadblocks, the great momentum he seemed to have began to stall and he found his deployments growing increasingly difficult. Not just in terms of completing the objectives but the toll was beginning to catch up with him physically and mentally. As the GFL began to tighten its grip on territories it had taken and their civilian populace, he found himself taking riskier actions and on a number of occasions operating with his squad and more hardline mixed guerilla/military forces beyond the parameter set by command. The effects of this are controversial in terms of their effect but they were the cause of a number of short, abrupt, but shockingly violent encounters between both sides. One of these involved his team, a large civilian centre of mixed Landrunians and indepedents and a foreign-installed head of nation-state believed to have been responsible for mass tortures and executions of vrexul and any alien species aligned with them.

Naturally, the commando team took great offence to this and his particularly vicious rule. Yet in their eagerness to eliminate him and his honour guard, they were left blind to certain other factors in the area of operations. They executed a fast lightning raid upon his personal fortified mansion-palace, sowing the violent discord they were known for. Taking a detour through a secret passageway, they would enter an area of the small fortress their stolen blueprints did not indicate, discovering it later to be a training ground for younger cadets and to also hold civilian contractors. Their attempts to sneak past were offset by their hastiness and in the ensuing confusion, terrified trainees and civilians firing their plasma rifles and grenade launchers found their bodies torn apart by experienced gunfire and ripping claws as the commando unit fought to try and preserve a delicate mission quickly going to the wayside. They were only partially successful, sending much of the fortress into a panic as terrified civilians mixed with increasingly angry, agitated elite guards and a bloodbath ensued once they encountered the vrexul and his squad.

The ensuing carnage resulted in numerous casualties with the ordinary citizens mixed among hardened stormtroopers in a controversial incident that both the GFL and the colonial alliance both know little about. That is because much of the squad died, went missing in action, simply refused to give up the information, or it was kept secret. The general they were targeting is believed to have been destroyed in a large explosion from the destruction of his personal transport prior to its attempted launch but it was never found. Varzyrin was among the six of the 12 who made it out, debriefed quickly by his superiors but then vanishing from his unit and the alliance's forces. A few years later the grand counter-offensive would begin but he had long since departed the frontier and as a special forces trooper, still remains unknown to most of the galaxy at large. He has since become an "odd jobs person", taking on a variety of work for a hefty price and keeping low and out of the eye of galactic geopolitics.


Augmentative Internal Network

His body is drastically different from a normal vrexul's due to the sheer volume of augmentative parasites, cybernetic wiring, and foreign biomass installed into it. What makes it more impressive is that he has modified all of it to work as a unified system to simplify maintenance and allow for further enhancement of his impressive physical capabiltiies. Most of this is hidden from plain sight but within and beneath his armour is a small environment where machines, parasites, and artificial entities are in constant cooperation as a distinct-yet-singular whole. The AIN allows him to very easily adapt and modify new augmentations, implants, integrated weapons and so on as well as allow him control his own with an ease as if he was born with them. It also functions as a sort of computer system, powered by his own body, that allows him to analyse, organize, compile, and otherwise interact with data his senses and those of his parasite-symbiotes gather from the environemnt or their own databases.

Personal Carapace Armour

All vrexul have a tough, flexible outer shell but it is frequently customized for a number of tasks. Varzyrin's is a strange composite of various cutting edge alien alloys, selectively biomodified carapace plating, and complex under-layers of lattice-networked stabilizing sub-architecture and protective semi-living mesh. Capable of resisting the same autocannon rounds, plasma bursts, and high explosives that are used both by and against the vrexul soldiers, it has impressive durability and damage reduction systems whether in terms of energy ablative glands and the capability to lock up to avoid excessive damage when falling to allowing the integration of layered energy-based shielding and absorbing nutrient intake to accelerate repair.

Biomorph Encoder Module Network

A complex series of implanted biological components, updated with a series of genetically modified lab-grown organisms and integrated organ-machines. It allows for him to "encode" a variety of additional weapons, tools, limbs, and even organs and glands among other such things into his own body with the right biocodes. When used, it redirects specially prepared mass linked to itself to take the form he needs it to. It is a complex piece of biotechnology to use and requires usually a good deal of tinkering about with various components and his own internal biology in order to prepare a particular morph. He can usually carry only a limited amount, usually taking options such as an extra energy-based projectile weapon, specialized digging claws, and a biomechanical ECM suite. There are more exotic options available though his BEMN usually has room for a maximum of six.

Sepulchral Eye Synthetic Intelligence Unit

An advanced intelligence created through a mixture of biological and cybernetic means, comprised of a series of self-sustaining augmentative parasite units that network throughout his body. They allow Varzyrin to multitask and better control his various limbs but also any independent drone units linked to his computer systems, even capable of operating for him if he loses consciousness. It is even capable of piloting vehicles and operating them independently from him. They also help with scanning, analysing, archiving, and general utility funcitons.

Void Shrine Internal Etherbiology Colony

The vrexul have studied strange sciences once the domain of the mythic and the occult, drawing power from a shadowy dimension inhabited by monstrous entities and bizarre forces. A series of creatures and void-touched implants within Varzyrin's body generate, store, and purify this energy which typically manifests as dense cloud-like conjurations made of rotting biomatter and what appears to be self-replicating machinery, both of which have a distinctly arthropod appearance. They typically are used to form objects such as barriers and platforms and interacting typically by morphing into floating limb-configurations. Utilizing such power puts a strain on the void shrine and when overloaded, will undergo an automatic shutdown to avoid the supernatural energies breaking the threshold and irradiating him. It has a manual override but this is unsurprisingly very risky to use.

Unrelenting-Type Self-Repair System

This fusion of biology and technology allows for a vrexul to heal their own wounds over time when activated. It is connected to a series of nutrient packs and a series of specialized micro and macro organisms that utilize them to accelerate regeneration of lost biomass, capable of regrowing entire limbs as long as there is enough energy stored within. It can be restocked by simply eating or otherwise acquiring nutrients and can even be augmented with certain high energy injections.

Condemnation Autocannon Rifle (Wormscourger Configuration)

A modification of the service rifle typically used by vrexul infantry. The original weapon, a fairly large and semi-blocky firearm derived from heavy-calibre guns mounted on security automata, has been slimmed down partially and enhanced with a series of biomass implants resembling sloping staphylinid carapace allowing it to be selectively modified through selective mutation on the fly. The wormscourger configuration is considered a carbine but is larger than most human medium to even heavy machine guns, using a bioelectro chemical firing mechanism to launch high calibre to light autocannon type rounds typically with an explosive charge. It has a slower firing rate than most rifles and hefty kickback but is known for its impressive range, armour piercing, and accuracy.

The Wormscourger variant is used by their special forces and is a little smaller with an increased though still not particularly high rate of fire. It features an adaptive feed allowing it to use foreign rounds and an even more advanced morphomutagenic frame that allows the weapon to be reconfigured from a rifle to other forms. They can include a designated marksman rifle, a carbine/PDW, a shotgun, and even a launcher. Varzyrin is also modifying it to fire beams but it is taking a while to complete.

Hellmouth Infantry Plasma Cannon

A high power infantry weapon based on the defensive weapons used by human allies to the vrexul. This weapon has a more curved, cynlindrical shape than most but it carries a number of carapace-like plates and almost rib or insect segment like design elements giving it a distinctly arthropod appearance. It cannot be modified to the same extent as the condemnation but it has a number of built in and additional fire modes. Typically it accelerates and launches large green-white spherical plasma blasts with a slower semi-automatic rate of fire, capable of devouring their way through heavy armour and is intended for short to medium range due to energy being leached by the environment. Said shots can be charged up to the extent they make an explosion on contact and are capable of burning enemies even when passing by. Any firing will cause it to build up heat and once it hits its limit, it will automatically activate its cooling mode and lock itself from firing further until it drops to a safe levle.

It does possess other firing modes however. The most common is a flamethrower-like mode that widens the barrel and belches forth like dragon's breath, limiting its range further in exchange for devastating energy bursts that can incinerate a whole squadron in seconds. A lower-output hyperspray mode is available, utilizing a minigun like collection of barrels to spit out an inaccurate but harrowing degree of rapid moving bolts. For concentrated piercing power, a sustained beam configuraiton is possible wherein the plasma energy is fired as a single column of light. This mode generates the highest heat but at medium to slightly longer ranges can burn right through certain vehicle armour. Varzyrin is attempting to find the parts to modify it to be converted into a particle weapon as well.

Desecrator Fragmentation Cannon

Functionally a shotgun, this weapon's main body is essence a large cylindrical tube placed within a body that looks like a large spinal millipede, connected to two rails partially resembling beetle elytra by a series of interconnecting limbs and a fairly large handle and grip. Also known as a "flak cannon", this fires by detonating spherical explosives within a blast chamber and channeling both the blast and the numerous white-hot fragments outwards. It is useful from short to medium ranges with considerably higher armour piercing than shotguns ytpically get. It can also launch these explosives as well where they function identically to fragmentation grenades. They typically use a specialized normally inert pillbug like organism's egg-clusters as its shells but can fire synthetic rounds as well. It is possible to convert it to a makeshift grenade launcher though it is not as effective as dedicated versions.

Vitriol Integrated Personal Defence Weapons

Bodily mounted weapons integrated into a vrexul's carapace with his on his side. They are scaled down versions of a powerful squad automatic weapon common with vrexul soldiers, between a submachine gun and a carbine in terms of size. He has four of these limb-weapons, resembling somewhere between a centipede and a mantis in shape with notable bendable joints along their body allowing for a variety of firing angles. They use a bioelectric firing method to rapidly launch numerous spines grown in special birthing chambers that at closer ranges can shred through lighter armoured targets and weaken the defences of tougher ones. He has modified his own to be able to electrify the rounds as well as to combine them into larger mini-cannons capable of firing larger spines effective up to short-medium ranges, allowing him to stun his targets and overload automatons and shielding more easily at closer ranges. He has a pair of barrel attachments he can use when he combines them to become a pair of small cannons wherein they are converted to a lighter version of the machine gun they were based on, increasing their range and stopping power. For those purposes he tends to carry the upscaled machine gun spines with him.

Intransigence Integrated Light Launcher Cannons

A duo of small turret-like biomechanical cannons that typically emerge vrom Vazyrin's shoulders, capable of launching explosives long distances with higher accuracy than throwing, modified shotguns, or underslung attachments. Typically they use biological high fragmentation rounds, made in a simliar manner to the vitriol's but with greater blast power to launch a larger amount of fragments outwards. They can easily take in a variety of other explosives such as conventional HE, incendiary, smoke, EMP, and so on. He is currently attmepting to find the components allowing them to launch guided and missile/rocket type munitions.

Terrormaw Sickle-Blades

Large hand-held weapons resembling lengthy insectoid bodies curved almost like the hook of a question mark and ending with semi-biological carapace-blades infused with specialized metallic alloys. He has four of these blades that when combined with his long arms and immense strength, can easily tear through a fully armoured trooper and any of their squadmates. The curving blades can also straighten out or curl further, allowing them to "grip" enemy weapons or turn into straighter swords. They have a void-reactive series of veins running through them that allows them to channel the power from the void shrine to infuse themselves with unearthly, wrathful power that greatly increase their lethality.

Ravener-Class Patrol Craft

A lengthy gunship resembling something like a long black-clad triop with pointed sensor and gun protrusions emerging from what would be an eerily smooth body. This alien vessel has an eerily flexible tail and multiple legs it can use to crawl across the ground as well when not using its anti-gravitational thrusters. It is armed with a series of bio-particle cannons and can create sub-organisms that can be launched as homing missiles. For defence it has the ability to interfere with and conceal itself from scanners as well as specialized bio-electric signal projectors and chaff-launchers, creating electromagnetic disturbances and interfering with targeting or lock on systems. This is Vazyrin's primary way of getting around but it also serves as a mobile base for him, containing ammo-replicators, a medical station, a powerful computer system, a nutrient-paste culturing device, and a number of storage sections.
Interested in this. How open is the background lore to new additions or contributions? How many people is this being capped at?

Usually the gulf that sat between the Foundry and the Imperivm was a quiet place in an intergalactic sense. The loose clusters of worlds belonging to some vague, warring set of worlds could not be counted upon to become much with how long that civil war had been going on. Had it ended in someone’s favour perhaps? Human presence in the form of space stations and starcraft still patrolled its exospace but something had changed. The Ascendancy that had ruled them for long was defined by bright gold, whites, and deep blues but these rigid, boxy craft had gone for something fierier as of late. Striking streaks of red, night black, and even moments of motley green defined them now, greater in number since the war seemed to drone into a footnote of irrelevance on the grand scale – the internal politics of lesser kingdoms, like the ambient buzzing of swarming flies amidst a brutal and uncaring universe. It was something that should be beyond the interests of the Dominion and competing would-be empires making their grand power games – nobodies were a dime a trillion.

Yet even independent vessels passing amongst this grand cluster of worlds noted that perhaps such dismissal was not entirely well founded. The bush fires of flame thinned and retreated to increasingly isolated portions. The strange floating monoliths of flesh, metal, vegetation, and shimmering ethereal matter fired their beams at one another less and less and moreso on those bearing the colours of the old regime. The violence had not vanished but it was diminishing, forced into smaller spaces as the multicoloured vessels of eldritch, alien construction joined with those of humanity’s architectural rigidity. Away from the prying eyes of warlords, tyrants, aristocrats, and alien consciousnesses something stirred amongst once besieged soils. A new unity born from a common heritage of suffering and defiance; hands of chitin, bone, mycelia, and cartilage, all clasped around the same goal and throttling the same throat of a hated, now vanquished enemy. The Ascendancy was no more but the distant echoes of the last hidden holdouts and their misguided remnants battling amongst the civil wars they had engineered up in their cruel wake.

Beyond their boundaries and into the warp gates, the strange ships that seemed as much arthropod or fungoid as they did machine voyaged forth – the largest movement of vessels beyond their boundaries since the days of the now deposed human empire that ruled them. Movement was fast with the wormholes, the fleets of mismatched fleets joined by strange shapes far more than merely bestial – they moved with the fluid, predatory animation of the great star-faring devourers of the myth. These creatures dwarfed many of their smaller ships, some of which even outclassed their capital vessels in size, layered not only in their natural scales, shells, and exoskeletons but bristling weaponry and armour integrated into their bioluminescent forms – spiny, plated, jagged, sweeping hungrily for targets. They moved in formation with the rest of the vessels as a group of coordinated predators in a silent drift.

Some of them would spread outwards towards the three wormhole points between the NIRC and the Imperivm. Their quarry was elusive, rightfully so. The Ascendancy after all, had been removed but not obliterated and ever since their departure from what was now the territory of the Nexus of Integrated Revolutionary Councils, they had sworn a revenge and bristled with an incessant vitriol. It was more than angry sputtering of fallen lords and kings; the still murky boundaries of the Nexus were easy for the old regime’s most fanatic to drift through and within, find those who still praised the gilded hand of iron and the uplifting divinity of their reign. If not that, then joining the civil wars to further the last raging embers of internecine civil war would do. Some of the Nexus’ war-forged legions desired revenge, others simply a ceasing of hostilities, but it was clear that the problem would not solve itself. Power was always waiting to flow from the barrel of a gun – a ship mounted plasma cannon and an electrobiological auto-rifle fulfilled the same function.

Another group, slightly larger in size but not quite a full-on invasion fleet, had neared Karbana Kinis, circling around its northwestern hemisphere as they fanned out over the labyrinthine world. The floating, drifting fragments of mechanized planet looked almost like reeds or stones, hiding whatever secrets it could from the eldritch hungers and curiosities behind the fleet. It would be a mistake to claim they were strangers to this planet. Traces of their own could be found here whether in the distant past or the antediluvian one. Settlers and explorers from times before both the Nexus and the Ascendancy, vanished somewhere into the chasmic depths and the scattered surface plating.

The enormous bioweapons did not appear to have the hesitation of the sapients who commanded them. They slowly drifted in descent as gravity tugged them close enough to be halfway towards the outermost layers of the atmosphere. Shadowy entities of serpentine and decapod shape scoured the realm with skulls tapered and triangular, hyper-evolved senses adapted to stalking through cyberspace and the blackness between the stars augmented by powerful syncretic technologies fusing human, tarrhaidim, gealtirocht, and vrexul and attaching it to the sensory organs of these creatures. Antennae large enough to slice smaller ships in two, energy-reactive glands pulsing with an ominous sickly light, taste-buds wired to olfactory-analytic networks, even additional eyes maintained by nanobot and symbiote colonies, piercing metal with their gaze as information was slowly drip fed back to their handlers. This was an occupied world after all; they did not wish to become the same as the conquerors and tyrants they had overthrown. It would be treated well for its secrets.

Nexus of Integrated Revolutionary Councils

Also known as: Jednota Propojených Shromáždění Lidí
[ENG: The Unity of the Interconnected People's Assemblies]






General Organization:

Section 1 - Space Forces:

Section 2 - Ground Forces:

Subsection 1 - Infantry:

Subsection 2 - Vehicles:

Subsection 3 - Constructs and Bioweapons:


Sapient Alien Species of the NIRC




It wasn’t long before the six team members were hurried onto the armoured transports as the molten wreck of the gun-platform smouldered and sputtered. The black smoke rose ominously as the heavy, thudding footsteps and crumbling of enormous trees continued. Something massive was nearing – a vague shape throughout the treeline, glanced by the Dolsilvec troopers as their weapons tracked the enormous shadowy outline of its movements and the vegetation that crunched and tumbled in its wake. Lesser infantry would’ve long since opened fire – their missile launchers and high output beam guns would’ve made short work of most but the peace they maintained, perfunctory as it was, still had its value. One of the troopers gestured off to another standing by a series of boxy, bumpy protrusions emerging from a pod-like object out of which a cluster of jagged, pointed antennae. The equipment operator nodded, punching a few buttons.

As one of the troopers reached into their cargo components, passing what looked like a malleable plastic bag of rehydrating fluid-gel, he paused to look through the still open door. The pointed antennae began to shudder like insect legs of some chirping, squeaking species and a piercing, sharp whine began to fill the air. For a second one would think it was drowning out the stomping of the unseen juggernaut but in reality but its steps had slowed, from lurching crunching stomps to a slow scraping, drag against the forest floor. That would be difficult to hear with the sudden static buzz creeping through the Sect-team’s coms and the trooper attempting to help Buerra. He fumbled, nearly dropping the package as he shut off his coms momentarily, mumbling an apology as he passed the refreshing package. It was as if the weather has worsened abruptly or some sort of interference was directly targeting them – the other Dolsilvec troopers had had the fortune to have disabled theirs earlier avoid the annoyance. Only the shrill voice of the jamming device continued before its pointed tips began to slide back into its body and its dense body was picked up and hauled back into one of the APC’s.

Tempting to hang you outside like cargo but no,” Yrilovan replied to as he stood at the middle, one of his arms grasping handles on the ceiling of the vehicle’s interior. “There isn’t even enough of you to use as reactive armour.

The rest of the troopers didn’t seem to move but the heads of a few shook and bobbled somewhat – faint laughter audible behind their visors, slightly glowing as the lights flickered and the interior darkened. The doors were quickly closing but before they had done so, the vehicles were already moving, rumbling over the hilled ground and through the streets of Kerovnia.

In the close quarters of the armoured personnel carriers, the team was able to get a closer look at their newfound allies. They were Dolsilvec troopers and beyond Yrilovan, there didn’t seem to be other celaderaka. For eyes adapting to lower light conditions, their visors weren’t completely opaque. Faces could be seen behind the tinted glass, some eyeless and veiny eyeless masses above jagged teeth and others clearly human. They were professional soldiers –selectively kitted firearms, well-kept armour devoid of scratches or cannibalized parts, and a number of bandoliers, pouches, and blade-sheaths across their bodies. For a Regimist troopers at this stage of the conflict, they were considerably more well supplied than most.

The one who had passed Paris the gel-pack sat back and crossed and tapped his foot, giving a quizzical look at the air that blurred through his ventilation.

Is that Pact equipment? You were clearly in the shitter if you were drafted into their schemes.” He commented almost casually. His voice had been filtered through a masking device – it grated and grinded, the words tinged with metallic edge and tone. “I have served with them before, joint operations before they decided to play kingmaker with different generals here on Chalgheol – hardy people but I wonder how they have survived this long, scraping by with designs as primitive and factory-pumped as their personalities.

Given the lumbering size of his armour, it was difficult for it not to catch the attention of the squad of comparatively smaller humanoids. Vin’s appearance however, was not lost on them either. His armour hid his voidhanger characteristics but it wasn’t through visual cues that the tarrhaidimg trooper’s featureless head seemed to scan him, tinted a sickly bluish green through its visor.

It raised one of its long, gloved fingers and tapped against its other arm, cranking its back and forth in rigid, robotic motions – its fingers all moving independently, mimicking the jointed limbs of factory-based manufacturing robots as they tapped and scratched against its padding-armoured limb.

The voidhanger would be able to detect the readings of a scan passing over his body – his synthetic arm was being scanned, analysed, and a tinge of ether was detected in the air, emerging from the tarrhaidim. Across from him on the opposite corner of the APC, one of the humans had turned his visor towards him, analysing the complex electronics of his prosthetic limb or at least trying to.

The tarrhaidim sititng directly across from him leaned forward, its crag-mouth full of grotesque teeth somehow not moving as it spoke – a gargled series of wet, frothing gurgles thankfully partially muted through its speakers. Vin’s programs would be able to roughly translate what he was saying.

[Tarrhaidim] “Paid well, yes? Your arm – my friend likes it.” He gestured off with a nod towards the human then looked back to Vin, “Voidhanger, adventurous, maybe too much. I thought prosthetics killed you – your body hates all things not touched by Abzu. Well dressed – not guerilla yes? So many of you, little more than flies following the excrement-reek from the Traitor-Armies, I would think like regressions of humanity rather than evolutions.

He paused to make a particularly unpleasant slurping sound, slowed down as if being digitally processed. A few more followed him, joined by humans grunting and cursing in agreement.

As the trip dragged on, Yrilovan turned to Linus, his gaze tangible through the steely orange visor. The Laguna operative was the only other celaderaka he noticed sent alongside them.

[Celderakan] “I hope Laguna pays you enough to be their attack dog.” He commented without even looking at Linus, causing a few of his subordinates to abruptly quiet themselves or switch to their private com channels. “I remember you – not that we met, but I saw you on our drone feeds once, aerial reconnaissance over one of the smaller towns. That was you, on that rescue operation, wasn’t it? You fight well, even when near death’s doorsteps. Your clan hierarchs back in the *Bindarang Perhungan would have granted you great gifts for bravery, perhaps breeding stock too for the continuation of bloodline, something the rest of the rebel upstarts have discarded. Certainly more than what another independent militia can scrounge up. Did you even have proper doctors?


Over in another APC, the other voidhanger was drawing some strange looks. An onlooker wouldn’t be able to tell but peeking in on their com channels or amplifying the sound of whispers between a few of them and it was clear that some of the Dolsilvec troopers had doubts about the second voidhanger being with them – one whose armour was clearly that of an infiltrator.

Probably some pirate, no, a thief and an infiltrator. There is a market for void-snakes like them.” One of them, a prosthetic-eyed human, murmured quietly over a seemingly-closed coms channel to his compatriot as he glanced at Silver. “I was with exospace marines, half of our job was dealing with these cockroaches. Their fleet elders were always crowding around our space stations stations and begging for work and rent, but it is these marauders they always hide amongst their own that first to slip a knife in your back the second you reached over to hand the contract. That is how we got into hostage scenarios, when t-

Oi, you a privateer?” Another human called out, turning off his voice filter to address Silver loud and clear. “Real nice suit ya got my friend, piece it together yourself or snatch it off some convoy huh? Don’t try and get away and say you’re homo-sapien, everyone felt that abzu-tinge once you walked into the vehicle and I know that isn’t just qillatu residual.

He stopped rather abruptly, one of the tarrhaidim grabbing his shoulder and shaking him. He didn’t need to say why, simply giving the lumbering Zsresrinn and the austere Corsica a quick glance.

Probably friends – detritus eater and detritus dweller…” The tarrhaidim murmured in English as quietly as possible, his voice abruptly raising as he turned to Corsica, reddish ocular veins visible through its visor at it glared at her. “That Nova-Pura-Shithole lady though? I bet even they don’t like her. Sadistic terrorists, burn a whole hospital down, just to knock off some no-name bio-con…

They sat down, keeping their hand gripped tight on his rifle. Yet the fungoid wasn’t done yet.

Answer me, you brain-dead cunt. I know you're listening in, fucking garbage in biped form, how you get treated as a protected religious organization in some systems before going off to lynch some nobodies on some impoverished backwater huh? Go on and explain how killing off photosynthesizer-power plants is supposed to protect us, when you aren’t lynching our sporelings for having 1% too many foreign biomass augs. Maybe you just like the thrill or your high priest unzips first before they let you-

This time, one of his squadmates audibly smacked him in the gut, drawing a growl as he doubled over before he stopped, but not before looking over to Zsresrinn.

“I know you probably think us Dolsilvecs are a bunh of washed-up has-beens holding onto tatters you crusty lump, but trust me, this pyro-twat will stick that gun barrel to the back of your skull the second those next-gen bioweapons of yours lead to mass produced augs in a few months if you’re stuck with us for that long. Mark my words, the Sect doesn’t mean shit to them.”


As the banter continued, the convoy began to slow. A few of the soldiers involved would begin to draw away from whatever was being conversed as Yrilovan opened the door to the driver’s section, exchanging a few difficult words to make out. It was like this for a few minutes with the gun turrets able to be heard rapidly swiveling as opposed to the slow, pleasantly subtle drone of their movement earlier while the convoy was moving more rapidly. The APC convoy was slowing down Yrilovan stepped back out, looking over at his squad and then Linus, Paris, and Vin.

We’re getting out. This is the location but the terrain is a bit rough. Once your friends arrive to link up with you, we’re done here as far as I’m concerned.” He stepped forward as the door lowered, a pair of large PDW-sized blaster-cannons in each hand. The rest of the troops filed out rapidly, all the raunchiness and roughness replaced with cold, steel-eyed militancy as they swept around the area.

The other three APC’s fanned out, spreading out as their contents disembarked and began to sweep out to secure the area around a small power-generator of some sort next to a tall column-structure with the segmented build of something almost like a human spine. Vegetation had crept into its crevices and along the flat surfaces of the generator but there were few signs of habitation.

Quickly, the Dolsilvec Regime infantry began to spread out, their weapons hunting for any sign of movement as they surrounded the spinal-structure and the generator, falling into a layered defensive circle around the convoy. The APC’s had moved off near the sides, partially concealed by a few old, collapsed trees and heavy foliage. Only the tips of their barrels graced the edges of the treeline.

A waterfall could be seen a few metres off to the back, its top scoured by one of the vehicle’s turrets before it froze on a certain spot on. A few of the troops abruptly called it out, transmitting to the target location to the east of the waterfall. Just a few feet away, a few figures could be seen moving through a gap in the treeline, framed amongst the dense green in their armour and fatigues. They wore green cloaks, long rifles peeking out from underneath, and their circular goggles gave them the appearance of a semi-insectoid biped, even if they appeared to be human themselves.

They waved to the Dolsilvecs, revealing more of their colours – the lighter Kevlar-esque armour and relatively less outlandish rifles were the calling signs of their military. A few more turrets swivelled and the sound of crunching footsteps and the distant treads of more vehicles followed. The soldiers turned sharp to see another two APC’s enter, flanked by soldiers in bulkier fully form-protecting armour.

Yrilovan motioned to them and walked forwards a few steps, stopping by the generator as he raised his palm. A few of the others had their rifles raised half-cautiously – there was always the chance for defector divisions, especially those that counted themselves amongst not only the Carnazir but the League and the Pact as well.

They weren’t Sect troopers from what anyone could see. That wasn't the armour type.

Yrilovan simply stood there, his hand raised as some sort of digital communication was exchanged. Peeking into his suit systems, they were a series of scans, checking registries, armour insignia, and cross-referencing databases. The gulf between the two groups was large and it was clear that there was a tension between them.

One of the troopers next to Zsresrinn nudged the insect, partially shielding herself with their huge body.

Are they yours? We were told it would be Sect who would be coordinating.” She asked, looking off to a few others who had been quietly spreading out. A few of the turrets had turned away from those by the waterfall… but they hadn’t exactly stopped facing them either.

One of the troopers, the tarrhaidim who’d been speaking to Silver earlier, tapped the voidhanger on the shoulder. His coms were off and he whispered to the post-human.

Don’t you think it’s a little odd their scouts simply hailed us like that? No radio signals, nothing? They just popped up out of the woods and rolled in, not even in their APC’s.

One of the other tarrhaidim, the same one that had been angrily trading at Corsica earlier, could subtly be seen slipping into some of the bushes. He had a launcher, underslung on his rifle, and was busy changing out the munition type. A dull green HE shell was exchanged for another – white tipped and with a warning sign showing a sphere fragmenting into countless smaller ones.

That’s when Yrilovan, still communicating with the approaching Dolsilvecs, abruptly requested a com channel to the Sect squad, buzzing to their coms.

-- My on-board AI is handling it but I need you all to come clean. Just who were you told you were meeting up with? We were under the impression you would be briefed when here but another Dolsilvec team? We weren’t told about that.

It seemed at least, that some progress was being made. A figure emerged from the back of one of the APC’s as the standoff seemed to end – wearing the same armour type as Yrilovan but a bit smoother and denser – its mouth visible and based on the rough, fleshy gnarliness it was a tarrhaidim. The armoured troops were casually walking forth as Yrilovan waved off at his squad, causing them to loosen up as the groups convened around the area.

-- I don’t have much time – that’s their leader walking out. He’s from a fortress-battalion just a few clicks away from Kerovnia, I’ve served with him before, but I wasn’t told anything about him joining us. Something has changed or someone else knows. --

And it was a rather tall Tarrhaidim too – one with a large sheathed blade against its hip, easily a few inches taller than Linus and grinning from side to side. A jovial grin really, one that seemed rather at ease. The tall fungoid moved toward to shake hands with Yrilovan as the armoured troopers strolled through the settlement, exchanging pleasantries with their comrades.

If they all looked over to near the waterfall, the cloaked scout troopers had begun leaving, beginning to visually melt into the woods as they moved on ahead.

The huge leader of this small platoon however, didn’t spend long with his celaderaka counterpart, moving towards the Sect team.

I apologize for not getting here earlier – we were bogged down as we got here.” He spoke, taking a short bow and muttering something in tarrhaidim under his breath. What could be made out seemed to be a prayer of some sort – “spore moon” was mentioned. “The Sect contacted us a few hours ago. We were told to secure a rendez-vous point in the woods, just a few clicks away from Kerovnia. Scenic place – enough that we decided we didn’t mind going on foot given the relative closeness. We have trundled along inside those transports for weeks. A hike does a soldier good.

He paused for a moment, looking over at the mismatched group of soldiers before back at Yrilovan.

Yrilovan, he hasn’t told you too much hasn’t he? I don’t blame him. Top secret Sect happenings correct? It is not for my non-existent nose to poke into.” He chuckled, looking over towards Paris, pausing for a few moments before looking over at Corsica.

Interesting party you have. Usually they…” He paused for a few moments, turning his head towards Zsresrinn. “Oh? Just one? You are from… Ugnost, was it? I’ve heard of you – my, marvellous specimen you are. I had heard of a vrexul or two being assigned to look after a few of our remaining assets. Momentous occasion truly, if you were reassigned from that.

Yrilovan could be speaking with a few of the soldiers and while his body language was calm, something about the troops seemed to be tense. One of them was gesturing at him, fist raised and moving it against his palm and another was pointing out to a few dirt paths through the woods, leading up towards hillier terrain.

The tall celaderaka however, could very faintly be heard. He wasn’t quite shouting but he was talking loudly. His voice was masked by his armour’s speakers, blurring it partially to the extent it couldn’t be made out from the current distance of the Sect squad.

Another group of them were chatting with the troopers near the back of one of the APC’s – one was occupying the driver on the side with chat and cigarettes as another slipped in and out of it quickly, waving at his squad-mate before moving to the generator, poking around the small communication module to its right as he stood on its moss-covered steps.

Yrilovan’s head turned towards the Sect members before he went back seemingly to arguing with the Dolsilvec troopers. One of them had a long white axe in his hands, tapping it against the ground.

How rude of myself to come in unannounced and unaccounted for on another note,” The tarrhaidim commander continued. “Gourlan Karzai – section commander for the local Sprawls’ mountain base. Not much of it now – this here is a backwater. I’m rather envious of Yrilovan – he was assigned to one of the more exciting theatres, only pulled over here a few weeks back. He never did tell me what he was preparing for during the strategic meetings but the ‘draka knows how to present a surprise no?

As he spoke, there was a very slight smell to him that wasn’t quite fungoid earthiness. It was an odd mix of something metallic and burnt. It was clear he had seen combat before – old blastmarks on his armour and a few residual burns along his backside but they seemed fairly old. Some of the splotches seemed to fade into his faded if rough, segmented armour.

You wouldn’t happen to be carrying any additional ammo by the way, would you?” He asked to Paris. “You look like someone who prefers their calibres more substantial. We barely had time when we were called out to properly resupply after our last patrol – chop chop, we were told, and before we knew it, we were proudly now under the command of the Sect.

He continued to grin, his teeth almost human if not for the almost shark-tooth like appearance and the fact he didn’t seem to have a tongue in there.

Yrilovan was turning away from those he was conversing with, walking quickly to one of the APC’s but he turned around the corner of the generator and back towards a different APC, then towards some foliage. The foliage one the tarrhaidim trooper who’d been changing his grenade launcher had been hiding in – now sitting about, appearing to be simply maintaining his rifle.

He seemed to be trying to hide momentarily – the rest of his squads were conversing with the armoured troopers, who hadn’t seemed to catch sight of him as he walked off.

Yet he wasn’t opening his private channel either.

A few of them could be seen moving to the river, soaking up their canteens with water but if one listened very closely, there was a sizzling sound. Some of them stood guard, partially blocking their sight as the others momentarily dunked their gear into the water, scrubbing them off and washing off anything that might have gotten stuck on them. A bit of steam could be seen rising, almost like smoking barrels as they stepped in.

It appeared to have been a busy day for both groups.

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