Avatar of MajorGremlin
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 3 yrs ago
  • Posts: 147 (0.12 / day)
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    1. MajorGremlin 3 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current Every time... EVERY TIME...
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3 yrs ago
I have never felt so enraged over puns until now...
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3 yrs ago
Be careful. Spaghetti attracts strange folks...
3 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
Wonderful~. Now it's time to watch hooligans lick coils and computers...
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🧬Well hello there, random profile peekers~!🧬

"Do you like science?"
Of course!
No? Tsk tsk! Why wouldn't you?


Nonsense aside, hello, my name's MajorGremlin!

I've been roleplaying on and off for a few years, holding a couple of fandoms under my belt - Ones that I'm willing to dip some typing into anyway... I might also slink back into some original stuff at some point, maybe, here 'n there. Lol.

With that said, I'm a casual lit/semi-lit guy who enjoys winging things / rolling off of the muses' interactions, and whatever surprises that'd be dished out. But less of that and more plotting's just fine too, of course~. I'm also in my twenties, so I don't feel all too cozy roleplaying with anyone under such (aside from within group rps), especially since I enjoy the occasional "spicy moments" and all that jazz.

That's pretty much it for now, I guess. Have a lovely day~! Or night...

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by MikkishtheLeprechaun>

Zyx snapped his fingers, encasing the men in a sphere of frozen time.

"That will hold them till we find what we're looking for," he said nonchalantly. "Now lets go."

Stepping through the sphere, Zyx moved to the other side and continued on his way.

Thus, the group carried on through the building’s many hallways until footsteps could be heard. Several and definitely not their own. Suddenly, voices called out, and Wilson jolted before turning to see the armed men aiming at them. His arms launched into the air in surrender, and his hidden eyes kept darting between the guards and his much smaller group.

Zyx’s snap caught his attention, and he’d find the guards frozen within an odd sphere! M-magic? Wilson rapidly shook his head. No, there had to be another explanation… Either way, it was a welcomed skill. No blood spill on both ends.

Again, thank the stars he tagged along! An unarmed scientist like himself would’ve been kicked out, or worse, without this team!

Grinning ear-to-ear, Higgsbury awkwardly made his way passed the trapped security men and continued after Zyx. But not without giving the others a glance to see if they’re following as well.
Yessss, the one and only Jamaican Reaper!
Though he missed the odd tip Jesse gave to Elvis, Wilson’s attention had been drawn once the group’s possible leader followed their star. There came a moment of blank staring before the scientist scampered after them. Were they headed in another direction leading up to this building’s roof? He’d pause, truly unsure. And that showed when he glanced back at the other two, then towards the elevator Presley had left behind.

If they planned on heading up, wouldn’t the elevator be much quicker? Then again, what if the power went out? Ugh. He’ll definitely have to keep an eye out for stairs.
@Dark Cloud Yes, our pal, the Great Maxwell! One of the many fictional men I'd simp for, ngl.
Lord, forgive me for what I wish to do...

@Dark Cloud Listen here...
Tbh, I was curious about that. But, yeah, things happen. Lmao. I'm sure Mikk'll be delighted with your return though. ^^

(And on another note, I guess I should join in on whipping out my secondary guy at some point.)
<Snipped quote by MajorGremlin>

"B-*belch*-b-but only for today, o-okay Wilson," he let go of the other scientist for a moment and stared blanky into the air "Oh y-y-yeah I'm Rick Sanchez" he introduced himself to the two Wilson's he was hallucinating.

Wilson was content, having expected his words to go in one ear and right out the other! Once he was released and got the name of the drunken fellow, Higgsbury would place a hand on his hip while lifting the next for a friendly and very SCIENTIFIC shake. “A pleasure, Mr. Sanchez~! It’s always a delight meeting a man within the same profession.”
<Snipped quote by MajorGremlin>

"Oh y-y-yeah yo-your that s-*belch*-scientist," he said pulling the scientist closer "Wil-Wilson your a-your a good guy you know, we're scientists w-we gotta stick-gotta stick...Together" Rick was clearly shitfaced at this point.

Wilson stared for a good minute, with an awkward faint pink spreading throughout his pale cheeks over this… Whatever’s going on… Though this fellow was clearly under the influence of whatever he’d just drank, Higgsbury still gladly accepted this ‘good guy’ compliment and agreed with him. Yes, scientists must stick together! Of course, of course, but…

“Sir, please make sure that concoction will be your last alcoholic beverage for today…”
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