Avatar of ManoftheNorth
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: ManoftheNorth
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. ManoftheNorth 10 yrs ago


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Look here, half-elf wench! I'll best you in a battle of the bards, and you'll be begging me to bring you bountiful basketsworth of my musical prowess for your education! I'm ten times the bard you are, and if you think for even a second that you could take me, you're going to be on the receiving end of a veritable torrent of musical damnation, you hear me!?!

"Don't. Touch. Her. She is a Gem. I will fill your blood with shards of diamond and replace your lungs with geodes. Try and be a Bard then."





Savolin, 30

Savolin are associated with Gnomes, despite their being more akin to elves. The Savolin bloodline was started when the Elven race started out-casting those of a shorter stature. Eventually the shortness became a bred-in trait, similar to breeding small dogs. However so was the magical potency of the shorter elves. Now, the Savolin preside over that bloodline. The Savolin stand on average no taller than three and a half feet tall, and are among the magically powerful Race.

The Savolin are a rather, proud race, but not in the way Elves are honestly. They are tough, resilient, and don't allow others to talk ill of them easily. They were created fro an out-cast people, people who were deemed unworthy of the name Elf, so the Savolin are proud to be who they are, to prove that they are better than the name Elf, and they do so by not being out-right racist to the Elves. The Savolin herald compassion and peace, when possible, but will never lay down and let another walk all over them.


R'Ornn is a bit peculiar, being that of an obsessive Crystal Mage, as well as an exuberantly outward personality towards anyone and everyone. He is often extremely cheerful and happy, one of the hardest personalities to bring down or make sad. He is generally only ever happy, or angry, and to make him angry extreme work.


R'Ornn joined the Company at a younger age, roughly twenty years ago. He was aloof from his home, seeking grandeur and adventure. He had heard of the company and was ready to throw his skills into the hat and see what he could. However as the course of nature took it's power into play, R'Ornn was seeded with the gift of magic, in the form of Crystal Magic. This also made him curious, and powerful, and it began to drive him forward in his adventures. He sought out other crystal mages, rare crystalline artifacts, natural magical crystals.

He. Needed. Crystals.

He spent his years, up to this point, serving the Company as a powerful mage for some of the more dangerous missions, in the hope that he might find more and more artifacts and natural formations to study and understand. For what he seeks, is to truly understand all of his powers, and why his bloodline choose Crystal Magic.. a one-in-a-hundred magical affinity.

Physical Talents

R'Ornn only has two real physical talents: Acrobatics, and Charm. He is an agile race, and one of the more agile of the race over all. He also exhibits an extremely charming nature, his words(when not obsessed over crystals) can actually be highly influential and charming.

Magical Talents

This can serve as your spell-list. We would be mid-range adventurers so keep available skills as follows.
- Crystal Spike(Lesser): R'Ornn summons a large singular crystal, or a series of smaller ones to attack the enemy from a surface.
- Hovering/Flying(Lesser): R'Ornn can hover most of the time without strain, but he can expand extra energy to fly about as he needs, but long distances are extremely troubling.
- Crystal Punch(Lesser): R'Ornn manifests his crystals around his fists to augment his hand-to-hand fighting capability in a pinch.
- Crystal Mirror(Lesser): R'Ornn coats a surface or creates a platform of mirror-like crystal that causes the enemy(and unprepared allies) to lose traction and footholds.
- Crystal Barrage(Moderate): R'Ornn summons a storm of large and medium sized Crystals to hail and barrage the enemy.
- Thunderlord's Jewel(Moderate): R'Ornn summons a special crystal of large size, this Crystal acts as a conduit for lightning and lightning magic and redirects it to the enemies of R'Orrn's choosing.(The Gem also manifests lightning if no natural sources are currently present.)


R'Ornn has only the most basic of Mage equipment, outside of his clothing and armored bits. He has a backpack which holds his Books, Quills, Ink pots, Scrolls, and research equipment.


Anything missing from the above that you feel the need to put on your character sheet.


R'Ornn fears a few fair things. Spiders, Feral Orcs, Lichs, and the fear that he will never understand everything there is to know about crytals.







R'Ornn is a bit peculiar, being that of an obsessive Crystal Mage, as well as an exuberantly outward personality towards anyone and everyone. He is often extremely cheerful and happy, one of the hardest personalities to bring down or make sad. He is generally only ever happy, or angry, and to make him angry extreme work.



Physical Talents

R'Ornn only has two real physical talents: Acrobatics, and Charm. He is an agile race, and one of the more agile of the race over all. He also exhibits an extremely charming nature, his words(when not obsessed over crystals) can actually be highly influential and charming.

Magical Talents

This can serve as your spell-list. We would be mid-range adventurers so keep available skills as follows.
- Crystal Spike(Lesser): R'Ornn summons a large singular crystal, or a series of smaller ones to attack the enemy from a surface.
- Hovering/Flying(Lesser): R'Ornn can hover most of the time without strain, but he can expand extra energy to fly about as he needs, but long distances are extremely troubling.
- Crystal Punch(Lesser): R'Ornn manifests his crystals around his fists to augment his hand-to-hand fighting capability in a pinch.
- Crystal Mirror(Lesser): R'Ornn coats a surface or creates a platform of mirror-like crystal that causes the enemy(and unprepared allies) to lose traction and footholds.
- Crystal Barrage(Moderate): R'Ornn summons a storm of large and medium sized Crystals to hail and barrage the enemy.
- Thunderlord's Jewel(Moderate): R'Ornn summons a special crystal of large size, this Crystal acts as a conduit for lightning and lightning magic and redirects it to the enemies of R'Orrn's choosing.(The Gem also manifests lightning if no natural sources are currently present.)


R'Ornn has only the most basic of Mage equipment, outside of his clothing and armored bits. He has a backpack which holds his Books, Quills, Ink pots, Scrolls, and research equipment.


Anything missing from the above that you feel the need to put on your character sheet.


R'Ornn fears a few fair things. Spiders, Feral Orcs, Lichs, and the fear that he will never understand everything there is to know about crytals.
Perhaps the latter would not be wise, my dear Dragon.

I am all for keeping things interesting and cleaned out, but many of us have things we deal with, work, life, etc. You, as it goes, take quite some time to do posting, or anything with the rp, for that matter. So jumping to assumptions of others dropping out, might seem idealistically hypocritical.

This is merely an opinion from one of your Co-Gms.
I am not one for long and drawn out lectures and forced beliefs or imposed speculation. This is why I gave a summation of a conceptual belief of the term "Low-Magic." We all saw his statement about magic, if anything his statement is the present summation that modern, localized or "common-place" magic is just artifacing. However, this doesn't mean actual mages can't still exist. The number of them over all won't affect us as players unless every one of the RPCs starts wielding Magic.

Should it come to such matters, I will most likely scrap my current RPC altogether and go for a fully magic-less one.

Anywho, again, I leave it all with this statement: Opinions are Opinions, and Speculation is Speculation. Sometimes it is better left that one not try to come off pompous with their speculations.

For most of that, I follow your belief, but don't mind all that much.

However, I may be able to help with a "Low-magic Setting." As we both know the Gm has given freedom to do much of what we like creatively, that isn't to say we go God-modding, or making ourselves OP. What I would imagine he means by low-magic, is that there are fewer and far-between who have magic, and those who do are strict to a class type. Spellswords are limited with only a handful of spells(similarly to how mine will be), and they must be Spellsword styled spells. However for more general terms, it would be like low-level Wizards vs. Low level sorcs. Wizards have a wider range of versatile spells, that are weaker. Where as the low-level Sorcerer has fewer spells of one type, that are a bit more powerful.
I will stay. I like the rp too much, and have had time to talk and think about it.
That is fine for you to have an opinion. I am not saying you cannot.

However, as a man who has been writing for quite some time, I know how these terms work, and I cannot simply make an RPC without such grotesque dispute and displeasure with his racial classification, I feel this is not the RP for me.
Yes, and my CS is a Beastmen, as his physical design is almost identical to the picture you have just shown.
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