Avatar of McFazzer
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: McFazzer
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. McFazzer 10 yrs ago


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Tommy Sparks

“Plant girl? Where? Oh, over by Marl. She seems nice.” nodding with a hand on his chin as if he was a wise sage for making such an observation, Tommy took half a step towards Akemi before freezing in place before spinning back to Shuko with wide eyes as if he had just heard something horrifying.

“I-I didn’t?! Oh, wow, I am so sorry!” pulling Shuko into a bear hug, Tommy squeezed as if he could somehow push out the embarrassment, arms wrapped tight to try and convey his apology “I didn’t even realise! I have been just the worst! I am, Tommy. I should have said it immediately! I’ve had absolutely no manners for this entire conversation, gosh… I hope you can forgive me.” releasing Shuko, Tommy stood with his hands on his hips and a wry grin on his face. Shaking his head in self-derision, Tommy grabbed Shuko by the hand and dragged her over to the plant girl Akemi as was the original intention.

“How on earth did I make such a blunder? I’m usually so good with introductions. I suppose the situation got me all flustered and out of sorts, I could have sworn I’d already introduced myself, but it obviously wasn’t to you which makes it all the worse! What if my memory is going as if I’m some old guy?” rambling as he walked Tommy almost stumbled and fell as he dropped a coin to the ground and ‘pushed’ on it to catch himself looking as if his chest was resting on an invisible stick that slowly pushed him back upright.

“Whoops! That was close. I could’ve dragged you down! No one would want that, probably. I can’t really speak for everyone since, well I’m obviously not them!” arriving behind Akemi, Tommy released Shuko’s hand and a face of extreme seriousness and concentration. Nodding as if deciding something Tommy stands behind Akemi and tilts forward, letting gravity take hold as he hugs the plant girl from behind assuming it’s the front since as good as hugs are, surprise ambush hugs are more of an acquired taste.

“Hello, Miss. I’m Tommy. I wouldn’t normally just be blurting my name out like this, but I just had a rather embarrassing conversation where I failed to do so! Imagine that, giving someone a hug and them not even knowing your name? Such poor manners I had… now I’m not sure if this is rude, but Miss… you are a very comfortable to hug and smell kinda like a fresh rainforest and that is, if I may be so bold, nice. Would you like to join me and Major Admiral General Shuko in a group? That is if you haven’t already been recruited. Even then I still offer because I’m feeling rather comfortable and would love it if you’d indulge me just a tiiiiiiiiiiiiny bit longer.” Looking over Akemi’s shoulder, Tommy looked at Boro with the distinct feeling he was forgetting something.

“Oh wow, that’s right, I forgot to ask your name! I almost committed the same blunder as just earlier in reverse! That would just be awful, dreadful, and just impolite! Also, Marl! Smoking is bad for your health, you should take good care of yourself, those smokes will kill you some day! They can also make your breath stink, like that grandpa at the... pachinko... parlor...” looking over his shoulder Tommy realised he left his day profit he had yet to cash in over on the floor where him and Shuko just were.

Interacting directly with: @Drifting Pollen and @Er0r
Sorry this took a while, please let me know if anything is wrong and I would love feedback of Clean's Vessel/Ability as I'm not sure how it plays into the rest of the group's power level wise :)

@Jabber Oh! I haven't had a need to use the site before so I guess I'll have to sign up or whatever it is you do
I didn't intend to write Tommy as such a motor mouth. Also I hope I understood the pun with Boro :3
Tommy Sparks

“That’s fine by me, Reina. I’m not super fond of shaking hands either, but I’ve been told it’s polite to do so. Even if you don’t like it, sometimes it’s better to just play along, but no one’s going to care if we skip that step. I don’t think people take note of this kinda thing.” Suddenly a milky white wall of smoke engulfed him and Reina, amongst the others, but Tommy wasn’t really in a position to take note of them. His vision filled with a milky smoke, the hardness was something he wasn’t used to and frankly he found it uncomfortable. Sprawled on the floor, bags of plastic toys still in hand, Tommy got to his feet as he vaguely listened to this boring looking smoker.

Wow, if this smoke stuff is his quirk than this guy is at more risk of dying to lung cancer than a villain Boro’s wicked grin evoked a wry grin from Tommy, the thought of him going to fight a villain and collapsing as he coughs too much and the villain escaped.

"Whenever any of you feel like you're done, pick someone who you think doesn't deserve to be in this program and head over to me. We don't need any liabilities."

“Whaaaat?” Tommy’s eyes rolled so hard that he almost got dizzy and was about to speak up when a girl came over and introduced herself and said to team up with her. Grinning at the ‘order’ Tommy stood straight and gave a mock salute.

“Yes ma'am Ms Shuko ma'am~! Shuko… Shuko… nice name, it rolls right off the tongue and you’re right. Few people left, but still you’re lucky you got me and I’m lucky I got you. Together we could probably, well not conquer the world, we’d be villains wouldn’t we if that were the case? However, at the very least we can have a good time.” A casual arm was thrown around Shuko’s shoulders and he looked over at Boro and raised an eyebrow at the coughing fit. Did he really have lung cancer?

“I’m surprised at Mr Marl though. Pick someone we think is a liability? That’s simply outrageous. Stupid even. I have no idea what constitutes a liability. In fact, if I’m being totally honest I have no indication beyond the fact he’s standing in this place that he has any authority to kick people out of Ms Tumble’s program. Did you hear anything about that? You’d think lung cancer would be a liability though, wouldn’t you?” almost all of Tommy’s questions were rhetorical, but releasing Shuko, he stood in front of the girl with a trademark grin.

“Still, I suppose we should find another comrade in arms, a partner in crime or at least someone else to discuss with. Calling ourselves ‘partners in crime’ is probably a jinx or something, knock on wood if your superstitious! So, a game of I Spy. Who with our little eyes can we see lacking a group?” casting a casual look around the room Tommy took note of the cliques forming. Grinning when he saw that Reina was finding a group, sending a pair of thumbs up her way, since it seemed like her group was nice enough.

“Well, the tough guys are over there. Interesting. Oh, this is probably what Marl had in mind by splitting us into groups and having us introduce each other; I have a vague magnetic manipulation power. I can move metal stuff, doesn’t necessarily have to be a magnetic material though, just metal, hence the ‘vague’. How about you Admiral Commander Captain Shuko? What quirk of fate landed you in here with the rest of us?”

Interacting with: @Riegal and @Drifting Pollen
@Er0r I get the URL of the image and go to www169.lunapic.com/editor it's a web based image editor and it can then generate an imgur url link.
So, quick question about Vessels. What are the limitations of a Vessel? Are they limited to a weapon/physical item? Or can they include other things such as creatures or localized elemental forces?
I added the tag so there was no confusion with whom Tommy was talking to at the end and the title and image is a personal thing that I've done in a lot of RPs recently. If there's an issue with any of this I'm happy to edit
Tommy Sparks

Tommy was holding two brown paper gift bags, bulging with plastic toys and the like from a recent day of work. If he was being honest he really just wanted to go and cash them in, but the wall of flashing bulbs and jostling reporters prevented him from escaping. Given that he was standing alone away from any guardian or authority figure, Tommy was a prime target for the carrion feeders otherwise known as journalists.

“Hello, boy! What’s your name?” suddenly a microphone was shoved in his face and a journalist that was pretty enough for television broke his reverie. Putting on his game face Tommy slouched slightly and looked as shoes and shyly looking up at the lady.

“U-um, I’m Tommy!” the chipper tone and a smile that he had practiced to melt hearts was plastered across his face, his bags swinging by his side.

“And how do you feel about the hero Tumble taking you on?” the woman kindly smiling in response to Tommy’s show.

“Wow, I don’t know what to think. A hero wanting me? I have nooo idea why she’d want me. Everyone else seems just so amazing! How can I possibly compare~?” Looking towards the doors, Tommy although not hating the spotlight wouldn’t mind being out of it.

“And what do you have in your bags Tommy?” looking down the journalist saw the two bags filled with… well, almost garbage. Plastic masks, toy dinosaurs, a firetruck, and other assorted bits of plastic junk all filling the bags to the brim.

“Oh, they’re prizes! I better go now; my ear still hurts from being dragged here! I don’t want to get in trouble on my first day~.” Dodging the question, Tommy with his grin also began dodging the reporters, lightly activating his Quirk to push away from all of them, or more accurately him away from them. Like a fish swimming through a river, Tommy slipped away through the crowd, brushing shoulders with another candidate who’d just finished her interview. Rubbing his cheeks from the smiling, Tommy raised an eyebrow at her

“Gotta hate these vultures don’t ya? They’ll pick you to pieces if they think you’re easy prey. Easier to throw them a bone to fight over and then run like hell while they’re occupied. I’m Tommy, nice to meet you. If you don’t mind, I’ll save the handshaking for inside” the doors to the hero agency less looming in front of him

Interacting with: @Riegal
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