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Geez it sure is boring around here...
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Does my profile picture show how much i despise that dragon sphere thing
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How high???
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I like to roleplay... sometimes...

Most Recent Posts

Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

Sagamiyama -Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Night

Interactions: Hollow Horde

Tony got himself focused, it was going to be a long night, now seeing the hollows and the chief only made him stick his up their spiritiual ass even more, they were ugly, or, in better words. Tony didn't like them. they showed intelligence, albeit very low one. Ragalhorn seemed as he thought he would see, a big mean hollow man. although much of that ragalhorn said was pure generic villain talk to Ouga and their team in Tony's eyes.

Tony knew deep down that he wasn't thinking what was he doing, he was acting like a clueless fool to everyones eyes. but now facing the hollow horde. he knew he couldn't act like an idiot or be all stoic. As the horde began to approach Tony almost froze out of fear. he was atleast saved by Ouga's Ability, well, he wasn't saved, he still will fight against hollows.

As a more managable group of hollows manages to get around Ouga's Ability, Tony shakes his fear away as he looks at the hollows themselves. it was varied group (if that's possible for hollows). He jumped straight at their close quarters and began to swing his sword against the horde, he used Tsubame Gaeshi, but not really shouting out its name. Two of the slices conected with the dog thing, while the last one conected, albeit beraly, with the lizard hollow. He had an strategy, a very bad one, it was to slash as most hollows as he could. he wasn't really sure if he was going to get out alive tonight, so it might be the best to go out fighting.

"Come on, you mutant poodle, fight me!!!" he yelled at the dog thing. he didn't even know if trash talk works with beings whose IQ must be in the two-digits. it must had, because the dog hollow became a bit angered by this. Tony got into a more defensive pose as the dog hollow began to dash its way to tony. "Bring it on!!!" He yelled.
I don't know why, but during these days i've been getting the craving for a Dragon Ball Roleplay.

I would like it to be set in Universe 7, thousands of years before the events of Dragon Ball.

So like the characters would be saiyans or any fancy race and they would become powerful and set galactic empires and all.
Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

Sagamiyama -Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Night

Interactions: Ouga @Sho Minazuki Bakuto @BladeSS4

Tony's expression turned serious, he felt heavier, his breath became slightly sharper. "Yes, i feel it Bakuto." he replied to his question, he stayed behind Ouga, whatever thing they were going to face it was like anything before. he wasn't weirded out by the fact he could feel something that didn't seem to be visible, he strangely felt sure of himself.

He entered a defensive position. "Ouga..." he said without looking at him. "I'm not lying to you..." his face became even more serious, the shadows darkening his features.

"I'm really scared." he turned to look at Ouga, his serious facade completely faded for an almost laughable terrified expression. yet it didn't last too much, as he got into a more calm one. "But don't worry, i'll hack and slash. cus' that's my principle." a sweat drop from his forehead as he awkwardly smiled.

His grip got tighter as his smile grew more confident. He was scared, that was for sure. but the thrill made him sorta love this fear. his hairs standing on end, the spirit pressure only empowered that too, "Let them come, whenever is that Regalhorn or any hollow creature, let. them. come." he said he changed his position to a more offensive one, he was an idiot, challenging something he couldn't match even if he was this motivated, yet his mind only told him to keep this actitude.
Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

Sagamiyama - Adams-Himura Household

Saturday - Afternoon

Tony returned to his house to find his father making dinner, Tony's eyebrows fell a bit. His father, in a soft and somehow rough way told him that he didn't had an idea of what was he doing, Tony's eyebrows fell a bit more. He went next to his dad to try to lecture him how to actually cook.

"You're using too much salt and don't forget to turn off the heat if your not using the stove." Tony almost pushed him to a side as he began to get a bit too much into the cooking. he used a bit of his personal spices to amplify the taste. by the end of the hour, Tony had made all the work. leaving his dad to only a supportive spectator.

"Ok, you and mom eat this, i don't really wanna eat... Also, where's mom?" Tony looked around for his mother, but she wasn't here, he looked back to his father for a response, the which he responded with an awkward smile.

"Well, your mom is in work, she's staying late tonight..." His dad told him, Tony rolled his eyes, his eyebrows falling yet so slightly. he tsk'd and went back to his room.

Once he entered he took a small look around his bedroom, ever since the incident where he became a shinigami, he had become anxious for doing shinigami things. His childhood dream of being a swordmaster finally seemed to become real. yet why did he feel down right now. was the fact that he was going to fight for his life against hollows, or was it the weird doubt that he feels about the whole shinigami thing after hearing the words that Ouga and Shouko said.


Saturday - Evening

Tony ate the modsoul and was spurted out of his body. he managed to land on his feet. the modsoul saluted him like a soldier salutes a general, the which Tony saluted the same way albiet more awkwardly.

"Sir, what are the orders Sir!" his voice sounded a bit more raspy than his usual voice, it was the Modsoul personality itself, Tony took a deep look at him, after imagining all he could order him to do, he asked him "So... you will do anything i say?" which the modsoul responded with Militar salute and a "Sir, Yes Sir!" to the which Tony responded with a "I command you to clean my entire house to a clean polish..." Tony had a mischievous smile on his face as he said this, his modsoul simply said "Yes Sir!"

So Tony walked to the window on his room and jumped out, falling on the streets below. he began to run to the park where the fight was going to take place. his feet moving rapidly through the streets, leaping up from building to building. for a moment Tony smiled, he loves this from being a shinigami, the way he can do the impossible, yet his smile disapears as he arrives at the park. the time had come.
Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

Interactions: Ouga & Shouko: @Sho Minazuki

"I have a question..." Tony rose his arm, his face seemed to convey little to no worry for the new great threat he had been informed of.

"What was Hueco Mundo...?" Tony said as he awkwardly smiled, clueless, how clueless was he at this whole situation. "And why is it in spanish?" He also added.
Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

Interactions: Ouga & Shouko: @Sho Minazuki Bakuto: @BladeSS4 Sara: @LadyAnnaLee Darius: @WSilversun Mitsuaki: @Morgannis Mikazuki: @Letter Bee

Tony didn't saw the fight, despite literally looking straight at it, he kinda just. froze there for a bit. acting chill in his particular fashion, he blinked a bit after he heard the voice of a female shinigami, his indifference quickly dissipated like mist, "Ah!!!", he jumped a bit in place, he quickly shook off the fear and looked away from the shinigami, although she pretty much ignored him, and he couldn't blame her, he had acted like a weirdo up until now, all silent and just screaming a lot.

He approached to Ouga, and he poke his shoulder a bit, almost begging for a bit of his attention, "Heh... Mr. Ouga???", His japanese was rough, really rough, he didn't quite understood honorifics so he just said Mister in english. "Can i have that transforming soul candy??? i wanna turn into my shinigami form and do something, like... i don't know, sparring with someone?"

He looked around to see if someone looked interesting to spar with (although he wasn't really the type of person to fight with some random person), he closed his eyes, and began to move his finger to one of the people in the room, he kept this for some seconds before stopping, he opened his eyes, "Oh... you, heh, sorry to ask but, wanna spar?", he was pointing to the young girl, Sara, he quickly lowered his hand, "Heh, if you don't wanna fight, it's ok, i don't wanna do it too...", he quickly lowered his head, crossing his arms, he had turned shamefully red, 'God i really asked a 17 year-old to fight, god that was stupid from my part...', he thinked.
Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

Bakuto:@BladeSS4 Mitsuaki:@Morgannis Ouga:@Sho Minazuki

Tony jumped a bit at the appearence of Ouga, he decided to play it cool and just go right after the thing he was searching from him, and with a little drop of sweat falling from his forehead he told him this,

"O-Oh, Mr. Ouga, well now that you're saying all of that, is there any sort of stuff i can do with my cool spirit dude powers, y'know like kill those big mean evil guys, can i do that?" Tony's voicetone was a bit shaky, not from awkwardness but from the fact that even to himself this was a bit dumb, there were probably two things to do as a substitute shinigami, help souls and kill hollows, and both could fall under the same category so realistically there was only one thing to actually do, yet, it was better than whatever was Tony doing on his house, that being nothing.

There was a brief silence, maybe Tony did needed to go inside, with his nervousness growing, he began to walk into the entrance of the shop.

"Ok, We'll talk inside." Tony managed before passing through the door of the lobby entry that was beside the garage.
Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

"Screw it!" he said to himself, he was not going to just lay on his bed and expect something to happen out of thin air, Tony changed his working clothes (the which he didn't even got out of when he came to his house). he got into his "locked in" outfit, a red jacket, combat boots, and black cargo pants. once he changed in this outfit he began to walk out of his room, completely forgetting that in the case of a hollow attack his clothes were going to be those black robes.

"Let's see what's happening outside..." Tony opened the door to the outside of his house. nothing. nothing was happening, this was something expectable, yet why was he... surprised? he really wants something to happen, something to act like he acts, who would Tony be if he wasn't laid-back and just let everyone around him just talk and talk, only talking when he wants...

This, this wasn't healthy, he needs to talk with someone, yet who could be? the cl- nope. so it is the mechanic, fine, he will go. after all his work is to hunt hollows, or at least he understood that. Tony was gifted with this powers for some reason after all, not just to do nothing with them, this was like a job, but without the paying and all.

Once he arrived at the bike shop he noticed a man approaching, he had those clothes, the shinigami ones, he wasn't Ouga, at all, he was, actually who was he?

"Hey!!! who are you?" Tony really did not cared about the people that was around the streets as he shouted this to the man, they looked at him weirded out, what was he doing? they thought. and Tony, in his fashion washed this gazes like a stone in a river, though, this weirdly made him feel a bit good, all the way back on his school he acted quite regular for a teenager, he didn't really talked that much. this didn't apply to his current self. he can scream and still maintain that laid-back actitude.
Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura

Saturday - Midday

Why did i still work here? Tony asked this to himself, in many ways, it was repetitive, just tending some fat japanese appetite. he was walking from his job, ever since the "incident" he had begin to go during the midday, he certainly didn't want to be fling around like a trash bag any time soon.

He mostly tried to avoid his "friends", god knows what were they going to ask him, he could tolerate the mechanic, he seemed like a bit of a chill guy, though, he was loud, very loud. the clerk... we don't talk about her, she's too... familiar, in a way that Tony didn't really liked.

Once he reached his humble house, which i gotta say, it was not. his mother did get themselves a beautiful home, with some modern house aura around it. yet, it wasn't worth the price... it wasn't worth it at absolutely all. but well, another thing from his bone-chilling mother is that she really doesn't care about the price. at all.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home..." Tony said as he entered the house, he found his dad sleeping on the couch, well at least this didn't change when they moved to japan, his dad still has his "work" naps. once he passed his sleeping dad he found his mother drinking coffee on the kitchen. dynamic-wise they were doing whatsover, but you could say that his mother was the "breadwinner" of the house.

"Hello son, how was your job?" She was dry and cold, yet still showing a slight motherly-worry to it, in her own way of course.

"Fine mom, just the same thing all over again... this time midday of course." Tony sat down on one of the chairs of the kitchen, his hands quickly moved to his head, rubbing his hair lightly, he had gotten his blonde from his father, although it wasn't as light as his.

"Hmm... i recomend you should stop dying your hair white, you're already pretty much white in color." His mom took a sip from his coffee before standing up and patting his head like some dog. she has done this since he is a child, and it would waste time to explain how much did Tony hated this.

"I know mom..." He skipped the recomendation, not because he was uncomfortable with it, but because it was tired from the same thing being said at him, it was the 7th time on the week she has told him this, which makes him think it's maybe an order. her tone doesn't really change when she speaks.

Tony's mom. Hanako Himura, was like that. cold and serious, yet a bit different on the inside. it had taken a bit of time for Tony to notice this, even as her son.

She left to her room, leaving Tony in the kitchen alone. after a brief silence, he walked to his room, where he entered it, metting by the posters he had hanged on his walls, he walked pass them into his bed, where he collapsed, not from exhaustion, but because of how bored he was, these were the times where he wished that something would happen, it is weird, he never really likes that, but once he became a substitute shinigami, he has been having these "episodes", where he wishes for something, even slightest, to just happen.
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