Avatar of Melkor
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Melkor
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1843 (0.49 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Melkor 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I'm about to enter my senior year. So close to that astro degreeeeee
2 yrs ago
Act two of the original three is done. It is about 100 pages and 23k words. I'll be merging the first two acts into one and the book will end up being about twice as long as originally projected.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Act 1 of 3 is done. It’s about 100 pages and 23k words and has a prelude, 8 chapters, and an interlude. I’m looking at 100k words as an approximate goal.
2 yrs ago
Progress on draft 2: 8200 words and 32 pages.
3 yrs ago
96000 words, 330 pages, 45 chapters, 8 viewpoints. First novel, done.


Thrawn: "I have read about the nightswan. Have you?"

Nightswan: "You refer to the fact that it sings only as night is falling?"

Thrawn: "Yes. You do not expect your stand to succeed, do you?"

Nightswan: "I know that it won't succeed."

Thrawn: "That does not necessarily mean the end. I can give orders for you to be taken unharmed."

Nightswan: "They will be ignored. Half the troops here are Batonn Defense and Restos is determined to get rid of me."

Thrawn: "Then come with me now!"

Nightswan: "A man must do what he must, Admiral Thrawn. Even if his stand is against the fall of eternal night."

Most Recent Posts

So it just occurred to me (because it occurred to everyone else xD). I guess mimic shouldn't have a "physical age" should they?

@Haruharara I figured that Japan would be a challenging place to play an appetite 5. That's why I chose it xD

Okay, maybe I'm being dumb but I don't understand the CS. There's pluses and minuses hanging around and appetite levels. Could you explain it a bit @Haruharara?
This looks cool. I'll see about making a CS
@Moro You still working on that character?
Accepted Characters:

@Cazzer1604 -
@NecroKnight - At this time I do not feel that you have captured the Eddard Stark character well enough to convincingly play them. Please feel welcome to create an original character.

@Cazzer1604 - That all looks pretty solid. Just to clarify; Jaron didn't receive permanent damage there? The CS is accepted. I've added them to the CS tab.
@Cazzer1604 Uhhh. Didn't we say no canon characters unless you do the IC at Harrenhal w/o a CS and pass a test? And weren't you the one that agreed with me that we should make original characters?
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