Avatar of Metatrooper
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  • Posts: 283 (0.13 / day)
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    1. Metatrooper 6 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current I keep accidentally giving reacts to random posts please help me.


H e l l o T h e r e

I guess that's it ok bye

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On the edge of the Koprulu Sector was a planet, an ordinary planet, one that had life, but not sentient life, didn't have any rare or important resources, and didn't stand out at all. Nobody would care about it, and that's why Abathur chose it.

It had been a few weeks since he and his own swarm landed on the planet, they had dealt with the world's surprisingly hostile fauna and were reduced in numbers, only Abathur, 7 drones and 3 zerglings remained.

Local fauna. Impressive combat capabilities, large adaptive potential. Introduction into swarm could prove benefivial. Could not acquire sample, dissapointed.

He sought to hide on a nearby mountain, perhaps in one of the cave systems and start a hive there to reinforce the Zerg presence and gather samples from the fauna. As they reached the temple, Abathur noticed something odd in a nearby cave. It seemed to be a portal of some kind, similar to the ones of the protoss, although he sensed that this particular one seemed... different. His curiosity took the better of him as he moved into the portal as his minions followed him. The portal then dissapeared, leaving no trace of the Zerg behind.
@Raptra I'll make an IC post about Meta Knight returning to Dreamland and Abathur's starting post.

Oh, can I also have Meta Knight sort of fumble with the emblem, then have it teleport him back to Dreamland to move it along quickly?
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Kaldalis followed her as she wandered throughout the town, saying something about eating more cookies than her sister. She seemed to have an incredibly short attention span and was distracted by nearly anything, and now that he could see that, Kaldalis was starting to feel a tinge of regret. Nevertheless, he continued walking, looking around the town himself.

Kaldalis: I'm not that hungry myself... Do you want me to buy you food?
@Raptra the plan is to actually have him be teleported to Cinix along with a few drones and maybe zerglings to start a hatchery. Then he can make his way forward by studying and collecting more biomass.
@Burning Kitty he is a pretty cool dude, especially his voice

@Raptra alright, is this ok?
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

He finally decided, he would accompany her. The main reason being that he felt pity for her being alone, and also some worry considering she's still a child. He convinced himself that he could learn something useful from this, and if something else came up, then he would figure out a way to take care of her as well.

Kaldalis: Would you like me to accompany you? I came here alone as well.
@Raptra Aight thanks man, I'll start making the IC and villain sheet
Yes I considered that, but I want to ask Raptra first because maybe it'll mess up his plan or something if he has one.

Plus I plan on switching him out for a villain.
Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something, I've been getting busier lately because of school and feel like swapping out Meta Knight for another character, is that ok with you or will it muck the plot too much?
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