Avatar of Metatrooper
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    1. Metatrooper 6 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current I keep accidentally giving reacts to random posts please help me.


H e l l o T h e r e

I guess that's it ok bye

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Cody Ang

The man couldn't see it but Cody had a look of disgust on his face. Seeing one of his teammates quite intoxicated before battle didn't bode well with him. It didn't help that a few seconds later, he received a message that was calling all pilots to battle. He made an audible sigh as he thought:

Guess my breakfast will have to wait...

As Cody arrived at the hangar, he quickly located his NC and climbed up a nearby ladder to board the cockpit. After he jumped in, the canopy closed down on him and sealed itself, while the NC began activating its various systems for use. The HUD of the cockpit then flared to life as it showed the status of his NC:

Mind Sync - 100%
Cockpit - 100%
Weapons - 100%
Reactor - 97%
Engines - 95%
Sensors - 100%
Shields - 100%
Hydraulics - 100%

As the Halberd performed final preparations, he could see his squamates already moving out. Although his NC wasn't as sleek or as fast as any of the others, it would give the Red-star forces an experience that they would never forget.


Cody surveyed the battlefield, confirming that the placements and locations coincided with the plans. He began sending the plans to the rest of his squad through his secure link to make sure that all of them knew what the plan was.
As the first wave of Red-star NCs entered his line of sight, he primed his mass driver cannons for use. The feet of the Halberd then deployed hydraulic outriggers, designed to improve the stability of the mech, which then slam into the ground, anchoring it. The cannons then started following their newfound targets with their barrels. After Cody manages to get a secure lock on two NCs, one cannon suddenly fires, sending an armor-piercing round straight at the NC. The NC's torso was completely pierced as it fell limp, parts of it strewn all across the ground from the impact. A few seconds after the first cannon fired, the second followed, with the other NC following the same fate as the first.

After eliminating the two, he prepared to lock on to the next targets. Before he could do so, he then received two messages from the squad's comms. The first was from their team leader, Zahra, which said that there were cloaked hostiles present. The second message however, worried him more. It was from one of his teammates, he didn't know his name but he sounded like he was French. After listening, Cody immediately connected the dots and deduced that he was being taken over by Akiyama, the Red-star pilot he had heard about during the briefing. He immediately switched to a secure comm channel with the rest of his squad, all of them except for the one who was being taken over, and sent a message. He had a sense of urgency in his voice, it was calm yet still possessed a sense of worry and stress.

Cody: One of our squadmates' NCs is being taken over by Akiyama. I'm having my guns trained on him now, just give the word and I'll take him out of the fight non-lethally.

As he spoke he traced the source of the message and found the man's NC. He began aiming the mass driver cannons at him, specifically targeting his arms and legs.

Cody: Make up your minds quick. There's no telling how long we still have before he does turn.
Cody Ang

After Terra finished explaining her backstory, Cody remembered hearing rumors about her during his time in Red-star. He had recalled hearing about his upper-ranking officers talking about soldiers trained from birth, who were apparently even more skilled and powerful than elite NC pilots. He was about to reply to Terra but stopped as the other pilot, known as Kxeyun, started talking about her origins before breaking down emotionally. He felt sympathy for her, but didn't try to comfort her, as he was afraid he would only make it worse. Instead, he stayed silent, watching Zahra and Terra successfully comfort her. He then takes the tablet and rises from his seat, walking over to the counter and ordering a few breakfast sausages along with an egg, before heading back to his quarters. Before he does however, he stops by the man that had asked him for the plans a while ago and handed the tablet to him.

Cody: Copy those plans to your device, I'm still gonna need that datapad.

@FalloutJack @Sgt Vandingo
Cody Ang

Cody received the cup of tea and glanced at it, inspecting it while remarking:

Cody: Is that so... Well maybe I'll want to pay him a visit sometime.

He started walking towards a nearby empty table to enjoy his drink and study the plans when the female pilot earlier spoke to him as he reached her table. He decided to take a seat at her table, before replying:

Cody: I have a straw for drinks, but for meals I usually eat in private.

Just as he finished speaking, the aforementioned straw appeared from under his helmet. He guided it to his drink, placing it in before sipping the piping hot tea. He paused for a moment before opening the plans on the datapad and moving it to her side of the table for her to see.

Cody: What's your name by the way? I apologize but I didn't happen to catch it a while ago.

A short time later, Another female pilot approached their table and started speaking to his tablemate. He left them both alone, simply observing their conversation while sipping on his tea.

@FalloutJack @Senhara

Cody Ang

Fortunately for him, the Commander General accepted his request and gave the plans to him. He thanked Narra, but decided to wait until they reached the coffeehouse before reading the plans. Suddenly, one of the other pilots, a large man with gray hair and a scar running across his cheek, nudged him and asked to see the plans later as well. He stared at him through his visored helmet and replied with a small nod, before keeping the tablet and joining the rest of the group in going to the coffeehouse.

As he walked inside, he recognized the barista. He had first met Joey Glory when he was still part of Red-star, he and his comrades actually went to him regularly during their off hours. He waited until the rest of the pilots were done before approaching him and casually remarking:

Cody: So when did you switch to Haven? Last time I checked, you were still satisfied working for Red-star.

He paused for a moment, for Joey to respond before speaking again:

Cody: Also, you have any Chinese tea? Haven't had any in a while
Cody Ang

Cody's head jerked up as the alarm sounded. He was sitting down, head slumped down on a desk with his arms shielding his face in a light state of sleep before being awoken by said alarm. As he slowly got up from his seat, he performed a mental check of everything he had on him, making sure that he was prepared for anything. He grabbed his helmet and slipped it onto his head before locking it with his armor. His vision was now occupied by his helmet's HUD, showing the status of his surroundings and his own armor. He walked over to the door and looked back at the room one last time before opening the door and leaving.

A few minutes later he had made it into the Operations room, where the General Commander was waiting for them, along with two other female pilots who had made it there before him. He stopped beside the taller of the two female pilots, and proceeded to listen to the briefing. As Narra briefed them on the Red-star attack force, he was actually worried. A force that size could easily decimate the entire city had the shields not been there. But even with the shields it would be only so long until they fell. Fortunately, Haven did have reinforcements, in the form of a ground battalion and a fleet of carriers of support ships. Although they were outgunned and outnumbered by Red-star, they could manage to hold out if they play their cards right. However, what really caught his attention was the three Red-star operatives, specifically Osamu Akiyama.

If he captures one of our NCs, it could turn the tide of the whole battle against us... Cody thought to himself.

To the others in the room, it would perhaps appear that he was not paying attention to the briefing, crossing his arms and bowing his head slightly while staying dead silent. But in reality, he was absorbing all of the information that Narra was giving, thinking about potential scenarios and strategies. Suddenly, Cody snapped back into reality as the General Commander offered them choices for "pre-battle team building". He was surprised at Narra's odd, to say the least, decision for what to do before the incoming battle. They should be spending what valuable time they have for preparation, not for unimportant social meetings. It appears that his concern was not only limited to himself, as the girl beside him also voiced her concern. After she finished, he spoke for the first time since the start of the meeting.

Cody: I agree with her. Shouldn't preparations for the battle be our primary concern at this moment?

He paused for a moment before approaching Narra and producing an electronic tablet from his person and offering it to Narra.

Cody: However, if you insist that we participate instead in social activities, may I request that you give me a copy of the battle plans so that I may study and analyze it further?

Cody could be a potential leader, but Zahra and Terra would be far better choices. Also tusken raider team mom is very cool

@Letter Bee If there's anything I need to change, just tell me and I will gladly do it. Thanks!

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