Avatar of Mike73
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    1. Mike73 9 yrs ago
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Sounds like a pretty interesting and fitting ability, I like it. Once the Aura Sensing bit is done I'll add both my characters to the character page. Probably also gonna choose a lighter shade of green for Grant's name, combined with the font and the grey background it's a little hard to read.

Also, would it be fair to say that Grant unlocked his Abstraction when he went missing, but lost access to it until he returned to Farmer Hill? He wouldn't be aware of it until he somehow triggered it, like what the others have been doing, in this instance.
@pokemad1 Ah, I think I've heard of that show before. Didn't know it was from the same person who did House though, I kind of like that show.

@Surtr Inc Sweet, thanks for accepting them. Jasmine's limits and weakness sound fair. I'll look forward to what you suggest for Grant.
<Snipped quote by Mike73>

My boy Shaun! I just wish the series was better written than it was :(

Haha, I actually have no idea what the series is, I just used the picture since I liked the visual reference. What's he from?

@Surtr Inc Yo, got both my characters done, if there's anything I need to fix up let me know. Also, since it is offered in the Character Rules section, I figured I'd take you up on the offer to come up with an Abstraction for Grant. I had a couple ideas, but I wanted to see what you (or the others here as well if any of you want) could come up with.
Hella. First character is pretty much done, should have the second finished tomorrow.
I also came up with a way for new characters to start the story Awakened. The basic is that they either got attacked by a monster or witnessed Scott murder somebody.

This sounds good?

Does this mean you're still accepting characters? I've been following this for awhile but never had enough time to try to keep up on posts, but I'm a little more free now and feeling motivated enough to write.

Felicia Astrid

Location: Outside P&W's Diner

Though hesitant to do so, Felicia took a light whiff of the sulfur Agent Baker presented to her. She cringed a bit at the smell, but nodded nonetheless; it was the exact same scent from before. She was glad they were correct in their theory, though ultimately it just raised more questions than answers. How could the smell of sulfur possibly cause what had happened here? No, that couldn't be it, not on its own.

"It's the same smell, but...it can't just be that," Felicia thought aloud as the Agent withdrew back the bag, "It's almost like the smell was just a side effect of something else. Whatever those business men were doing, they couldn't have just been tossing some sulfur around and left it at that." Hadn't rituals been mentioned back during the meeting? She vaguely knew that sulfur was involved with the occult, but she didn't really know how or why. She figured it would be something worth researching, if she had the time later.

Somebody came up to Agent Baker around this time, and though the two tried to be quiet Felicia could still hear what they were saying. The truth of the Diner-goers' deaths only solidified her worries, but now she wondered why she and the student next to her were still ok. Would eating have caused their 'condition' (if she could even call it that) to worsen? Damn...if they'd gone to eat even a few minutes earlier, they very well both could've died. Felicia unconsciously tightened her hand into a fist at the thought. There was no way she could let this go now, not when her life had just been threatened like that.

"My family went home after the meeting, but I can't quite yet leave either," She agreed with the young blonde, "People are dying, Mr. Baker. Am I supposed to just go home and pretend nothing's happening? I know we're just normal citizens, but there has to be something we can do! Like...like finding those men in the suits! I didn't get a good look at their licence plates, but we'd definitely be able to point out their car if we saw it again."
Latest laptop update broke the WiFi processors somehow, so I have to get it fixed before I can post. Should be good by tomorrow.

Felicia Astrid

Location: Outside Community Center -> P&W's Diner

Felicia did as she was asked to, and in what seemed like no time at all she was back at the Diner. Agent Baker began to ask the inevitable questions that she knew was coming, so she let her new acquaintance and fellow witness start out with answering them. Felicia took that time to go back over everything she'd noticed up until that point, and once the young blonde finished speaking she then began to add on to what had already been said,

"That horrible smell...I'm pretty sure it's sulfur," Felicia noted after a pause, "Just like the stuff you showed everyone earlier. The weird thing though is that we both felt really hungry after we first smelled it. I mean, that doesn't make any sense, right? It smelled like shit, it should've ruined our appetites, but all of a sudden I'm hungrier than I've ever felt in my life." The last bit she wanted to bring up sounded crazy even in her own mind, but she felt that it had to be said. What had happened couldn't just be a coincidence.

"...Back in the Diner, we saw food everywhere. Like as if the people who died had been fighting each other over it, or maybe even ate themselves to death. I don't get it, and it sounds insane, but I think the smell caused it, and I'm scared out of my mind that the same could happen to us." She motioned to herself and the girl beside her as she said that, breaking eye contact with the FBI Agent as she did so. She was honestly expecting to be told she was out her mind, but there was no way she wasn't going to give her take on the situation.

Felicia Astrid

Location: P&W's Diner -> Outside Community Center

The student's reply didn't quell Felicia's worries, but it did help to calm her down just a bit. Having another person to share her panicked confusion with allowed her to ground herself in the situation, oddly enough. The scene they'd just witnessed didn't seem real, especially as they'd began to drive away from the Diner, but the lack of answers from the girl beside her helped to confirm that it was all truly happening and that her own levels of bafflement and fear were completely natural.

"You're telling me," Felicia replied back as she ran her hand nervously through her hair. There was no doubt that she felt that this was out of her league right now, yet she'd already decided she was going to persist forward anyway, no matter what came next.

The two of them arrived at the Community Center soon enough, and once the car was parked they rushed out of their seats and to the building as quickly as they could, managing to catch the FBI Agent just as he was leaving. Felicia silently thanked the stars for this stroke of luck, but mentally winced at that thought. If history was anything to go by, her luck wasn't going to last long.

"She's telling the truth, there's bodies everywhere!" Felicia exclaimed as she nonetheless backed up the young woman's claims, "We don't know what the hell happened, we just went there to eat but everybody's dead!"
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