Avatar of MissFortune
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    1. MissFortune 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current "I've been saving all my summers for you." - Froot


🍇🍏🍒!! Attention !!🍍🍌🍑

Thanks for reading my profile, since you are here why don't I tell you about myself! I am a Veteran member of the Roleplay Guild, actually quite a bit more than two years old on these forums since I had an account by the name of Buy_The_Stars before the site had a 'spring cleaning'. I am over 18, a league of legends enthusiast and when the plot is good I love to bring ideas to life in the form of writing. I'd consider my own writing style Casual - High Casual, I make minor mistakes here and there but all in all I'd like to think I am a good writer! I am currently in college for 3D Conceptual Design so if that doesn't put into perspective how creative I am, what will? I play submissive roles in MxM RP's and am consistently looking for partners since most are only one a few times a week! If you choose to RolePlay with me, just know that I'm a total goofball and I like to have fun in the OOC but I am on consistently! You can expect up to 3-5 replies per day! Honestly, whatever you'll type in a day I'll do my best to match!

If you are interested in RolePlaying with me, please check this topic for rules and guidelines!

Most Recent Posts

Fantasia Heirloom

Estoria City, Pokemon Lab


“Hello?” William spoke into the phone as Fantasia exhaled a sigh of relief. “Daddy it’s me! Pumpkaboo!” She cradled the phone with two hands, gently leaning her face relax into the phone. “I hope this doesn’t come as a shock to you but a thief stole that limited edition Pokedex you bought for me, and I need it back - could you please get your assistant to hire the best detective in Fordis for me?”

“I most certainly am not shocked - Professor Cedar told me all about it.” He sighed into the phone, clearly distressed in his tone of voice. “Apparently, you smashed an expensive Generation 27 in front of her assistant - which I have to pay for as well as you accusing her only son of stealing your Pokedex.”

“Daddy, I am so sorry!” Her voice became shaky, “I already made amends with her son, in fact he walked me over here so that I could call you - it is all water under the bridge now.”

“No, Fantasia it isn’t - and this is not the first time you've done something like this.” William’s voice became agitated and firm, “It is evident that you have taken our family's prestigious title and wealth for granted, using it to manipulate people for your own benefit - I am tired of cleaning up your messes Fantasia. I have a very important project that is requiring my funding, but a daughter that keeps soaking up my dollars like it grows on trees.”

“Wait, I said I was sorry!” She stammered, tears beginning to swell in her eyes. “Yes, you did - but you need to learn that saying sorry isn’t going to make things just go away, especially when it is insincere. Now, because I paid so much to have that Pokedex made for you I will be hiring Fordis best detective to retrieve it - but from this moment on you are cut off from my funds until you’ve learned to appreciate everything you’ve been given.”

“You’re kidding.” Fantasia felt her heart skip a beat, her eyes rolling back as if she were going to faint. “No, Pumpkaboo I am not - you’ll spend the rest of this month traveling like the other 99% of this world, perhaps then you won’t smash a Generation 27 to pieces when it is offered to you.”

“Ugh!” Fantasia slammed the phone back on the hook, hanging up the phone with a frustrated scream that shortly turned into hysterical crying. She held on tightly to her Budew whom still had it's same cheerful grin, the baby Pokemon was too young to understand the concept of sadness and pain, so it simply sat there making adorable coo sounds as Fantasia wept. This couldn’t be happening, her whole life she had gotten everything she wanted just by asking for it - how on earth would she manage to get things for herself. Just then, she looked over to see a boy with a Maractus staring at her which she was in no mood for.

“What in the world are you looking at!? Can I help you!?” She sobbed, wiping the smudged mascara from under her eyes away as she waited for a response from the odd boy.
Notice me senpai.

Yay! FAN CLUB! Can't wait for her to get a phone call and have her freak out, then see Deneb and be like "...Can I help you?!"

Just post that they are following Charlie and Fantasia, once she gets to the phone I will be sure to acknowledge you! :)
Ace Walker

Estoria City ---> Route 17


Rolf simply stared at Ace, seemingly petrified from the whole ordeal that had happened before him. He tossed the bag back at Ace, causing Zorua to jump out in a panic - even though Ace was able to catch it. Before he had time to react however, Rolf had taken a hard swing into Ace’s jaw, sending him spiraling to the ground. Zorua became alarmed as his trainer hit the dirt path, lightly scratching and nuzzling Ace’s arm before using Pursuit on Rolf - earning a yelp from Rolf as the Zorua growled deeply at him.

“Zorua, calm yourself.” Ace picked up the pooch in one swoop, sitting up to cradle the agitated Pokemon in his arms - petting his stomach in attempts to appease the Pokemon. “I get it, you’re mad.”

Unsmiling, Rolf furrowed his brows down at Ace, "Listen, I appreciate you footing the bill. Really. Wouldn't mind traveling with you. Don't know the region very well, don't even care what your story is. Murder? Grand theft? Whatever." Rolf leaned in closer to Ace, "But let me tell you somethin'. Take anything that's mine again, or force me to hide when I could do somethin', like you did just now, and I'm out. Don't care if you wanna squeal, you don't even know my name - and you're not gettin' it." Surprisingly, Rolf then offered his hand for him to take.

“Steal from you?” Ace chuckled, taking Rolf’s hand to stand on his feet. “Trust me, if you had anything worth stealing don’t you think I would’ve done it by now? You got that Buizel at a free event, I doubt you’re worth anything.” He smirked, turning away from Rolf and Pinwheel to face the vastness of Route 17. “Oh, and I wouldn’t worry about getting caught, I never have been and plan to keep it that way.”

"-Let's get going. I want out of this place." Rolf seemed a bit uneasy while he pat his Buizels head. “Nervous they might come back? C’mon, the entrance to Route 17 is this way - we are gonna have to cut off the main path and around the outskirts of Estoria if we want to make it to Route 2 which will take us to Dune Town. Let’s try not to stay in one place too long, alright hotshot?”

Without saying another word, Zorua transformed back into Eevee and was placed back inside Ace’s bag. Rolf had said that there Route 17 was the only path not blocked off, probably since it only lead to some old ruins haunted by ghost Pokemon - which made Ace feel a bit tense at the thought, but it had to be done. The two made their way toward the crumbled and eerie ruins just a short distance ahead, scanning the path ahead to stay one step ahead of the unpredictable journey ahead.

There are some Pokemon that don't even look shiny *cough* Shiny Haunter and Gengar *cough*

With those odds, I suggest you forfeit instead. (Lux quote kinda tweaked)

@Sho Minazuki

The only shiny I ever got was a Shiny Zorua in Pokemon X from weeks and weeks of chain hatching!

On a side note, I am thinking Ace will catch his 2nd Pokemon somewhere along the line during his detour through Route 17, Misdreavus. It would be a fun story component if she followed Ace and Rolf around, scaring the two and causing general mayhem before joining Ace's team.


No worries dear! I just wanted to make sure we didn't fall behind! Looks like Ace and Rolf are going to have the regions best private detective after them, I'll have to make another CS. :)


Shinys to me are a fun element to have in the RP, I just don't want to see the RP littered with Shiny pokemon (IE someones whole team is shiny) - I think a maximum of 3 shiny Pokemon is fair, it is have a party's worth. Once the RP gets really long though I have no problem including more to keep the RP fresh and interesting!
@Whimsicott Are you able to get one up tonight? I really hope this won't be too much of a regular thing or we might fall really behind in the RP! :(
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