Avatar of Mistiel
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 628 (0.24 / day)
  • VMs: 18
  • Username history
    1. Mistiel 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
I have come up with the ultimate pansexual name! Drum roll please! Roryana. You can thank me later.
1 like
5 yrs ago
TFW you realize your SW character somehow turned into an anime character. I didn't even use an anime avatar. Damn you Japan! Freaking brainwashed me.
5 yrs ago
Look away, look away. My profile will ruin your evening, your whole life, and your day. Every single pixel is nothing but dismay, so look away, look away, Look Away!
5 yrs ago
Ghost mode disabled.
5 yrs ago
As of the end of March, I'll be a fully trained 5e dungeonmaster. Gird your loins, termagants and knaves!


Look away.

Most Recent Posts



The second one is oddly like the RP I just joined. The first one kind of makes me afraid to be in a dark alley with you. O_o

Insert fluffy bunny music! (I'm such a mature 24 lol)

- Gave her a wee bit of an auxiliary power buff while still staying true to her character.
- Buffed her base stats and assigned a Mana Capacity that I hope is balanced for a Child just learning their powers.
- Changed her weapons section from "grandmother's shillelagh" to "uses whatever she can grab at the time".

Jeez, so many people listing a lot of likes and dislikes right off the bat. That surprises me.
Just to make it plain to the Co-GMs, this is the most current form of the app I've been creating in PM with Kuro-sama. I just figured I'd sneak an OOC post in here in case other people didn't know I was still very much interested in this story. Just know that this version might still need tiny modifications (like her ultimate to name but one).

It's okay! I only ever watched the first season, thinking to myself all the while "Gosh, they have a mildly inappropriate relationship". Shutting up.
@A Lowly Wretch

Finally! A male character! Also, where is Morty?

The hypocrisy of that first statement is biting.

Mistiel winces at self burn.
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