Avatar of ModeGone
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 242 (0.09 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. ModeGone 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current the trees have gone broadway i repeat the trees have gone broadway
3 yrs ago
I just got Paper Mario Origami and wOW bold move making the opening feel like a horror movie, Nintendo.
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3 yrs ago
@Jerkchicken I like dumplings but ONLY dumplings? Not even any real meat, or fake meat like seitan? Where's the fruit or veggies? Wheat? Potatoes? VARIETY?! How can you only have one kind of thing?
3 yrs ago
The weirdest songs get lodged in my head. I haven't even listened to it in years and BAM suddenly Dominick the freaking Donkey is hee hawwing all across Italy in my brain.
3 yrs ago
Birthday came and went. Just another day now.
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Most Recent Posts

1. Blood and Ink - Nate Wants to Battle
2. Dearly Beloved - Kingdom Hearts Orchestral World Tour
3. Wheel of Time - Blind Guardian
4. (I Want to be The One) To Watch You Die - The Megas
5. Majora's Mask (Time's End) - Theophany
6. In Circles x _n C_rcl_s - Transistor
7. Xion's Theme (Original Lyrics) - Lizz Robinett
8. Grounded - Nate Wants to Battle
9. A Dog's Life (Wolf Among Us) - Miracle of Sound
10. Ring Capacity - Kirby Krackle
So interested. Bit worried though considering... uh... Let me pull up the appropriate line.

It sounds super fun but there's a lot of horrific stuff out there. Whether it is mundane, mystic, or eldritch there is so much pure unadulterated nope. No idea who to pick as a helper though...
"DAAR LAS NI MORWITIJAAL..." The voice that speaks is like thunder and earthquakes. It comes from a man dressed in tattered purple robes and aged golden armor, floating in the air like a puppet dangling on its strings. What little of his visible flesh are withered grayish hands and feet and an impossibly thin waist. His face, however, is hidden behind a vibrant wooden mask. "NI SETKIIRJORI NU DAAR AAL OFANJIIK ZU'U ZOK."

I'm interested but I need to narrow down who I'd want to RP as in this setting. You said no villains so people like Ganondorf or Bowser are out. Luigi's taken... NiGHTS is mentioned already as part of the npcs.

Here's a few questions while I sift through the characters:
You said "hero" characters. Does this include party members and sidekicks or is it just the main player character?
Digimon was originally a Tamagatchi-style electronic toy made. Could someone be a Digimon since it was originally a pet-raising game and there are many original setting Digimon games?
What about villainous protagonists such as Marche from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance? They are the "hero".
And what about a character such as a NetNavi who are digital beings rather than flesh-and-blood or metal-and-power? Would they be embodied? How would this effect their abilities?
This list will be altered over time as I rediscover settings and fandoms that I forgot to include on the list and removed if I remember or discover reasons why they may not be as enjoyable as I remembered.

About Me
I am an old hand at roleplaying but between college and other issues I have fallen out of habit of composing long-posts and taking part in long-running plots. I am a gamer, an anime-fan, a mythology and fairy tale buff, and lover of fantasy and slowly discovering why my father enjoyed Science Fiction (specifically time travel) as much as he did. I am familiar with more possible Fandom roleplay settings than listed but some games are not as appealing to me as they once were and a few are more fascinating as they are than as they could be.

As a note: some of the most fun roleplays I have had were made up wholesale as we went along. This is because some took too long in the planning stages and some others petered out shortly after they began.


Colors notate what I have recently done, what I am interested in (but have little or its been a year since I've done it), and a point in-between.

Middle-Ages Fantasy
Mythical Monsters
Adventurer’s Guild
Fantasy Villain
Urban Fantasy
Magical Girls
Super Sentai

Space Exploration
Colony Ships
Sapient/Sentient Artificial Intelligence
Utopia / Dystopia
Successor Race
Wasteland Survivors

Video Games
Mario, Pokemon (no gijinka), Zelda, Earthbound.
Mega Man (Classic, Battle Network; crossover)
Final Fantasy (depends on game), Kingdom Hearts, Chrono Trigger
Sonic, NiGHTS into Dreams

.hack// Series

Star Wars
Wreck-It Ralph

There are many other fandom settings that while I enjoy to watch or read, I can’t see myself roleplaying. This includes Lord of the Rings and Puella Magi Madoka Magicka.
Some, while I am familiar with them, I can’t stand most if not anyone plot relevant. This includes Berserk, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Naruto, Death Note, and Dragonball.
Some I am aware of but do not know well enough to be one of the characters myself but I have RPed with someone as another one of them. This includes Fate/stay night, Freedom Planet, and Overwatch.
@Raddum@Archmage MC
On the topic of cartoon physics keep in mind that this applies to everyone in the Mario-verse but mostly seems to touch on "Rule of Funny" tropes (while Kingdom Hearts seems to restrict it to Black-and-White Era Disney characters). Think of the scene from the Who Framed Roger Rabbit movie where the bunny could only slip his hand out the handcuff when it was (from a bystander or troll's perspective) of being funny when he helped hold the table in place.

Then there's weird stuff like air/food/water ballooning up someone and hammers harmlessly burying a person in the ground to pull a Bugs Bunny style underground travel trick or to flatten them like a crushed can that somehow can still move in spite of being squeezed tight like a pressured metal spring.

So if the character is more along the lines of a 'comedy sidekick' they may be able to work the physics more often to their advantage/amusement but most might have some passive effects going on.
The funny thing about the caves is that these are plant people. You'd think they'd be in forests more often but nope, underground or in grasslands!
A lot of said jerks are also cowardly (see: diving back into their planthousething).
River Zora are one of my most hated enemy types. Bubbles/Anti-Fairies are another. Screw both those guys!

@Archmage MC
This wouldn't be a derivative of the anime or any specific game. Almost every game, anime, and manga is set in the general Digimon multiverse rather than a single world so you can get away with more stuff in regards to the exact setting. There are universal constants but events differ.

Sora. Also KH1. And depending on how you view Anti-Form it also is a thing in KH2. And technically the events of Chain of Memories and most of KH2 since he doesn't have Roxas back inside him until near the end of KH2.

There are a lot of types of cartoons. Do you mean silly or cartoon-physics? Or something else?
I think you mean "sometimes newbies just make bigger ones".
As for MM Deku looks, I figure that they could afford the time and energy to do their 'hair' up in more elaborate styles. It could be a geographical aspect (Terminan Swamp vs Hyrulian Forest) but it could also be that we see outcasts and assholes more than any normal member of Deku society.
Also see Lake Zora (Ocarina of Time) vs River Zora (any aggressive Zora that shoots lasers from the water).
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