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Take your pick of any festive events that we enjoy in our world, just put a little spin on it. Bonus points if it is a Japanese tradition, or can be spun to be more Japanese. You might have noticed I am using a little soy sauce to flavor the story a little bit.
Ok, so long post introducing Krissy the Fire Mage and making the segway to 'current' events. Not much of a prompt to react to, but feel free to flush out character relations, specific spells/techniques that you may want to use, reflect on the years behind you and your hopes and aspirations for the years ahead of you. Free interaction with anybody who wants to interact for a bit.
Krissy, like Darya, loved every moment of the presentation. She had no clue whatsoever about it all, except that she wanted to learn it all and she wanted to be the best. When asked what they thought, she excitedly raised her hand and waited for the opportunity to speak. "I want to learn how to do that! It seems like maybe they did something like this?" She started to emulate the movement, Toma started to chuckle at first, but then he became concerned when he noticed how accurately the girl was emulating the motions. "Ye-Yes, quite good enough there, Krissy. Enough of that for now!"

"As for the rest of you, This school, as it were, will be your home now. You have been conscripted by the law into the service of the nation due to your unique talents. While you may not yet realize it. Each and every one of you has the ability to do what you saw here today. And what you saw is the most sacred and holy responsibility that could ever be asked of you. With your help, together, we will keep our nation, no... our world, safe from harm for many many years to come." He struggled for the breath to finish the sentence and nearly gasped in the air that he had deprived himself, the sudden rush of air into Toma's old dusty lungs sounded wet.

Unbeknownst to Toma or anybody else in the group at that time, Krissy's little emulation had a small impact on the balance of the sealing binds that were wrapped around the tree. It was small, impossibly small, but to a Demon sealed away inside with nothing but time, it was enough to begin working on its escape.

"Now then, now that we have had a rest, let us start on our trip back home. If we dally, we might all miss our suppers... I heard that tonight is Tubers and Mash!" Of course, Sensai Toma said that, but it was truly his own legs that slowed the group down the most.

Time would past and the children would grow little by little, learning how to control the magic that was weaved into the world around them. Their abilities grew as their bodies grew and soon they were participating in combat training. Not only in how to cast and use spells in combat, but hand to hand combat as well. No weapons were generally used, as their carrying would simply interrupt the spell patterns, though, in the rare situation where more reach was needed, the simple staff was meant to be sufficient and easy enough to improvise a staff if one was needed.

The students would eventually come to learn about how they could use their spells for various kinds of transport or maneuverability. The Air Mages learned how, if they used a kind of kite or a special bodysuit, they could emulate flight. Water Mages could create iceways that were slick and allowed for faster, quieter movement. Earth Mages had a similar technique, but using a wheeled board or wheeled boots were required to really reap the benefits, so earth mages also learned how to make quick pillars of stone to create cover. While it was not fast or stealthy, it was an almost always effective way to close the distance. While spirit users lacked a physical way to make the terrain easier, they developed two general techniques as well. The first was the way of the mind, taping into the spiritual flow of energy the mage could press their senses out of the body and explore the area around themselves as if floating. The second way was the way of the muscle, infusing spiritual energy into their limbs they could push themselves to move faster than they ever could have done without. Fire mages had no special maneuverability spells, at least none that they were willing to teach. That is until Krissy. It did not have the kind of grace and precision as some of the other schools of magic, but it was flashy. Effectively, it was to set off a large explosion immediately behind or below the caster and let it launch them into the air. The downfall, of course, was that it also affected other people standing nearby, and once in the air, there was little the caster could do about changing directions, leaving them vulnerable to archers or similar.

As time passed and the students learned more and more and created more and more, the demon in the Old Hallowed Tree continued to push and push and get a little stronger every day.

Enough time had passed and the students had proven that they were capable of completing a binding ceremony. Finally, graduation day had arrived.

The children had grown into young adults, blossoming not unlike the pink flowers that adorned the trees around them. Senpai Toma was still teaching, he had remained their instructor their entire life, and in many ways, he had become a surrogate grandparent... one that was not afraid to use their cane to get a point across as Arden had learned early on and often. Of the 11 children who had started with them, only these five were there to graduate. Toma led the small gathering through the graduation, if an outside had been there it would be little more than a collection of hisses, wheezes, phlegmy coughs, and mumbling. However, the five had grown used to it and could understand what Senpai Toma was saying. There was much todo about responsibility. There was much forwarning about neglecting their abilities. There was much shaking of the cane in emphasis of the importance of what they were meant to do. When it was all said and done an attendant of Toma's handed out a five-pointed seal to each of the five, indicating their status and authority. The group bowed out of respect, as they were instructed to do in rehearsal, and then excused.

Relaxation was short-lived, they had their first replacement binding ceremony within an hour, at the same tree that they had first been truly introduced into this world at.
Well, I am going to guess that Skwint isn't as interested as they initially projected and will fill the role of fire and get us moving on. Sorry for the hold-up.
Ok, so six months ago I attempted to get a pre-emptive collab going in regards to Zim's personal feelings towards the werks being sentient or not. So now that combat is over, anybody who would be interested in having one on one (unless you would rather do it as a small group) conversations with Zim about their feelings/relationship with their werks, and some of the more unexplained events of the last two rounds of combat, please feel free to stop on by and postulate. There is a section at the bottom of what is currently written with bolded questions. Zim will ask you these questions in as conversational of a way as possible, though he would probably still be pretty blunt. Please feel free to answer any/all of them as you feel, and then I'll go back in and come with up follow-up questions for your particular responses. Once that is done I will edit to make it flow.


@Kaalee No worries! I never tagged anyone when I put it in the interest check for some reason.
@Skwint@Kaalee@Queentze@Dark Light@NobodiesHero (preaching to the choir for some of you), just wanted to draw your attention to this thread, to make sure that you saw that we are starting. If you haven't already, throw your character sheet into the CS tab and get working on your first post! I am eager to get started!
Approx 13 years. You are between five and seven.
So you guys know as you look at the first post, you are children, and would barely grasp at the fact that you are more or less permanently removed from your family. You barely understand that you are capable of magic, and you have absolutely no idea what you just saw. Have fun!

The cool fall air was warmed by the golden rays of the sun, the wind gently rustled hair and garments. Today was a special day for the students. While they had recently been brought to their new homes in the temple school, they were now on a trip into the forest to see their first Hallow Tree. The morning frost had left the leaves slick with dew, giving their hues of reds and oranges an extra shine and depth along the veins. Sensei Toma leads the group of small children, the next generation of guardians, along the ages worn footpath. A white, folded flag periodically marked the path to the tree. It took a fair amount of time, and while the path was well worn, it was not in any way an easy path. Not for the young children, and not for the obviously elderly Toma. Before the group made the clearing that housed The Old Hallowed Tree, the instructor stopped the group to allow not only himself but the children also, a chance to rest. He stroked his long white beard a moment as he let out a long sigh, the effort was obvious on his breath, especially as spoke.

"Haah, Gather around now, children. Haah, haaah. Hmmmm, we are nearly there now. And judging by the sunlight, we should be getting there just in time to see the changing of the bindings. Haaah, Haaah... uhem... It is imperative that you not get in the way of the older Guardians. But you should watch closely, as someday you too will take over the responsibility of maintaining the Hallow Trees," He coughs into his sleeve, the heavy phlem on his voice cleared momentarily, Toma breaths more easily. "Come along, then."

Not much further along the forest path the group of students and their instructor find themselves in the clearing along with a very large, and very old tree. The ground surrounding it is kept barren, meticulously groomed and the area around the tree stomped into a hard earthen floor. The tree itself was an old birch tree, the white bark peeling back in white scrolls of paper, but in stark contrast to the pure white of the birch, the leaves with red and edged in black. At the base of the tree, five figures moved almost as if dancing with a thick braided cotton rope crossing around the trunk forming a star between the figures. Suddenly lines of colored light raced along the length of ropes. These ropes are then tacked to the ground, the old ropes are then removed. The dancing continues a moment longer, each mage with a length of rope in their hands. Suddenly the ropes dissolve into a scatter of light.

"Well then," Sensei Toma started with a wheeze, "What did you think about that?"
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