Avatar of Skwint


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1 mo ago
Current @wheels 130 Squishmellows?
1 like
2 mos ago
"In a world without gold, we might've been heroes."
1 like
3 mos ago
Did you hear about the guy who dipped his balls in glitter? Pretty nuts.
3 yrs ago
A baby snake is called a snakelet. 🐍
3 yrs ago
R.I.P. Bob Saget. Say 'hi' to Betty for us.


Not sure what you were expecting, but there's nothing to see here.

Most Recent Posts


Smoking isn't healthy.
What exactly is the difference between the lycans and werewolves here?
I absolutely abhor when strangers ask me "How are you?" or some other variation of that question. This is problem is certainly exacerbated by the fact that I work at a gas station and am therefore asked that question by 99% of customers. I hate this question for two reasons.

1. I can't respond honestly because the company wouldn't like that.

2. It's completely disingenuous.

They only ask it to be polite. They don't actually care. I could tell them I'm having a horrible day and they may feel sorry for me for a fleeting moment, but then they will simply carry on with their day as they were before. It's just so fake. Just a mentally programmed greeting that they automatically, and perhaps even unconsciously, spout to anyone they meet. I can't fucking stand it.
I'm in need of an RP and I like Pokemon. I'll give this a go.
I don't know. After seeing the crazy characters we have so far mine feels terribly underwhelming.
Wash-your-sister sauce
I'd be down for some Suicide Squad-esque action. What are your thoughts on Lycanthropy?
How the hell do you slice someone in half with a knife? Did he take multiple swings until he got all the way through?
We all know the big players of WW2: The United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Russia

How about some facts of some lesser known nations who contributed to the war effort? What badassery has gone sorely unrecognized?
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