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As few as they were, I really enjoyed our chats. Who knows, maybe things will work out and you'll get to stay, or you'll be able to come back one day soon. Whatever happens though, try to stay positive. I know you can get through this rough patch :)
I really, really hope things work out for you, Wolf. I'm so sorry things have happened the way they have. I would never wish your position on anyone :(
Ohh okay. Well I finally have some time to work on my character tomorrow, so hopefully she'll be up then :)
This still going? D:
LoneSilverWolf said
Take your time Music! If we are outside of Megaton by the time you get your CS (who knows if we will be, I doubt it), you can always meet us in the wastelands :) Glad to hear your life calmed down a bit. Mine, unfortunately, has only gotten a lot more hectic from the last time we exchanged PMs....if you remember what the topic was, let's just say things didn't end well. At all. ><I look forward to seeing the character(s) you come up with! And hey--BROWN COATS UNITE!!!!

Ah, shit, I do remember; I'm really sorry to hear that it ended that way :(

At least you're busy writing again, that's always a good way to stay positive :) BROWNCOATS 4 THE WIN.
LoneSilverWolf said
HEY MUSIIIIC!!! *hugs* Excellent to see you my friend, it has been entirely too long! How are you?

Hey man, it's so good to see you around again! :D

I'm good, been keeping busy, but some free time has shown up now that life's settled, so I thought I'd show my hand at this. I'll do some more work on my CS tomorrow, but I'm not sure when it'll be up specifically.
How the hell did I miss this thread.

Working on a character! Good to see you guys :D
I'm done - might edit it later to include mentions of specific characters standing around, but its there for now.
Babs wasn’t interested in any few answers in particular, though the information as a whole was admittedly useful. These facts, she could have gathered herself, in time, though having the intel spilled right before her on her first day certainly wasn’t detrimental, and it required a lot less work in the long run. It was strange how forthcoming Kira Aberdale was in her responses though, sometimes even adding extra snippets to the answers she gave. It was like she was trying to develop a repour with the new crowd, or maybe she was simply ‘like that’.

The girl’s mind wandered back to the last time she had friends. It felt like such a long time ago, and with all that had happened.. time wasn’t the only thing that separated her from them. The opportunity to make new friends, though generally considered a positive experience in a new environment, only filled her with more trepidation. Having to start again.. Having to start everything again.. It was harder than she had imagined.

I’ve lost empathy, she thought, somewhat sadly.

Though the realisation wasn’t particularly a surprise, it spurred her on to discovering a second truth; that maybe she didn’t want to make friends after all. That sometimes lonely was easier. She’d had enough experience with it since then, after all.

Her gaze wandered to Matthew’s own, though it lacked strength. It lowered at first, the nerves getting the better of her, then momentarily regained its severity, remaining pinned to his. It was still distant despite the way she held herself, and had an air of guilt about in the way that her brow had unintentionally creased in the middle. He was a nice guy.. Too nice. She almost felt like she was breaking up with him.

You guys do what you want, she started, and gazed past him in the direction of some of the other students. But I’d rather find a room before anything else, instead of running around wasting time.. Thanks, for.. I don’t know. Meeting me.

Before he could form a response she cut him off with the turn of a shoulder. With surprising confidence she stepped off in the direction of the dorms, back the way they had come. It was too likely a possibility, but she hoped they wouldn’t cross paths again.

I’ll see you around, she added, and severed their connection.
Been swamped the last week or so. Is this still on? Anyone around?
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