Avatar of Nagariin
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 57 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Nagariin 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current how do you make roleplays?
1 like
7 yrs ago


Playing in:
Through The Portal as Numzom


End my Nightmares PLLZZ



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Guys, ill be out of town to visit my family so ill try to post before i depart.
Guys. sorry if ive been off for a while, its because i dont feel really good and my cheeks hurt, making my brain unwilly to do some ding-dongy stuffs, i hope you understand.

PS: Dont let me die of dyesntery please @Yuuta :3
Guys, im sorry i cant post today cause im really tired thinking of ideas, im serious though.

The party is still half way to the mountains, the mountains from the distance looked like a wave of rocks, possibly by a lava stream years ago, he's no geologist, but he can guess.

Numzom has not made any friends what so ever in this exploration, bummer, he has an idea, making friends with the Kitsune farmer, since she practically has the same attitude as him, he thought "Maybe ill talk to her, maybe".

The party still is walking, looking for a peak near a stream, and since no one is talking to him, he'll just talk to the spirit and munch an apple.


I agree with @Force and Fury

OK then, ill come with shel to protect the group, after all my role is a fighter.. xD

How about some apple cider? Shel can ask Numzom of the bags of apples he brought.
As soon as Esailia start commanding, Numzom started moving to the mountain, its big and tall, like a colossus, Numzom really hope that he can battle a colossus though, grasping into his fur, and stabbing him in the eye with his Khanda. As the half-Elf was deep in the imagination realm, he snapped out and continued walking with the party. "I think Esailia said something about water streams in the mountains yes?" asked Numzom "Yep,while you were deep down, I heard everything they say" answered Numbo straight.

After Numbo answered the question, Numzom felt lonely, he dont want to talk only to a Spirit, he did introduce himself though, maybe others will start opening up to him, or maybe he will be a loner in the night.


Well, I made a mistake, I should have not changed the weather, so we are sticking with High Noon in an orange sky, well at least that what Yuuta PM'd me.
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