Avatar of Narcotic Dollie
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 972 (0.29 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Narcotic Dollie 9 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current I have friends over this weekend so expect slow replies until Monday!
6 yrs ago
I have been resurrected!
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8 yrs ago
I have decided today that I am a potato.


I'm a twenty eight year old American girl who loves a good cupcake!

Here's a link to my interest check and character bank. Shoot me a PM if anything tickles your fancy!

Most Recent Posts

@Narcotic Dollie I don't know much about eyeliner ( Complete tomboy here. Also too lazy to learn how to do makeup.) But man, you're REALLY pretty!

Not that I'm jealous or anything...

@Narcotic Dollie epic trolling, master at gifs, and now youll get a look inside my imagination.

Youve got my imagination going now...

Oh boss, your imagination is a hilarious place. That last one had me cackling! But just to be clear my friend zone is awesome and filled with beer, pizza, and all night Left4Dead marathons. :P

@Dynamo Frokane Happy late birthday again, boss. :P

[@Gate Kepper] Hey, sorry I wasn't on much last night! ^.^ A flashback would be nice, just because I really do wanna know about Kelvin's arrows, and that way their meeting has a little bit of an ending!

And YAS, I've already been planning Naya not recognizing him at all. It's going to be really, really fun. >:)

@RiverMaiden Can we assume we traded axes and grimoires and everything went off without a hitch?
@Rocklee Well, most of the places people are at are businesses, so it wouldn't be that far fetched if your character walked into one of them. ^.^
@Bozo Awwww, now I'm not the only one that knows about your cute button nose anymore!

@rocklee Some people are at the cornerstone (the Bar that Scott owns), some people are at the club (It is foam and nightcore night), some people are at the Mochavine, some people are at the park, and some people are at the casino! I also think Shizuka and Vern are still at the bookstore, but I'm pretty sure its closed (Vern owns it and Shizuka works there.)
@rocklee You're not in trouble Lee, I promise, I was just making sure you understood all our guidelines! ^.^ As the lovely Delta said earlier you are good to go now. Thank you listening so well and fixing everything for me, I really appreciate it!

@Dynamo Frokane I am seeing this and oh my goodness @MyCatGinger, you're a babe!! I mean I always had my suspicions, but you just confirmed them for me. Now I can say with complete certainty that not only are you one of the funniest and kindest people on this guild, but also one of the sexiest!

Sorry guys, but Ging is my bae. <3

P.S. Boss, is it your real birthday yet? My American clock has me all confused. But if it is then HAPPY FRICKEN' BIRTHDAY and if you ever do come to Texas and it's the right season (I'm all about those rules. ;) ) I'll take you dove hunting! :D

@Ace of flames01 How's that time skip coming, boss?
@rocklee I'm sorry, I think I confused you earlier! While we here at Shine City are always accepting new characters, you still have to go through an approval process before you can post in the IC section or move your CS over to the character tab!

Now Sonny seems like a lovely character, but I'm going to need your 'Persona' section to be just a bit longer than that. I usually look for a bare minimum of two paragraphs, but I love, love more because I'm a sucker for details! A way that you could lengthen it up for me is by changing the 'Persona' heading to 'Bio/Personality', that way you can add a little spiel about your character's history! You don't have to tell us everything, just some of the basics so we get a good understanding of where he comes from!

Now I see that you've already posted IC, which is a no no if your character hasn't been approved yet, but I'm sure it was an honest mistake, so no worries! Plus it gives us a great opportunity to go over the quality requirements of this game!

We require all posts to be at least three paragraphs long. Now I know what you're thinking, "But Narcy! My post has a lot of dialogue, so I have three paragraphs!" or, "I hate reading long paragraphs, they hurts my eyes! That's why I write short, three sentence paragraphs instead!". That is absolutely, 100% fine, we all have our different ways of writing and I don't want to make you feel like I'm putting you in a box creatively. I too love shorter paragraphs and dialogue out the wazoo, so you are not alone!

A good rule of thumb to remember is that a standard paragraph has about five sentences in it. So if you have a lot of dialogue in your post or you just like writing shorter paragraphs so it's easier on the eyes or something, aim to give me at least fifteen sentences and we should be golden.

Also, this game is in the advanced section, so we have to answer to the highest grammar standards. This doesn't mean you have to be perfect, we all misspell a word or forget some punctuation every now and again, but we do need to make sure we are proof reading our posts. There are a few lines in your last post where you did not begin the sentences with capitalization, left the punctuation off the end, and did not capitalize the letter "I" when referring to yourself (or in this case, Sonny!). I need you to fix those for me, as well as adding a few more lines to it to make it longer. If you're struggling to add length you can always describe Sonny's surroundings more, or maybe what he's wearing, or the temperature outside, etc., etc. Details are your friend, embrace them!

Let me know if you have anymore questions, darlin'!

She drew her eyebrows together once more, clearly confused as he beckoned for her knife. “Oh, you want it? That's not how we played it,” she murmured, chewing at her lip again. “One person splays their fingers, the other does the stabbing. It's like a trust thing, I think.”

“But we can do it your way if you really want to, sir. Seems like less fun though.”

Blade gave the knife a little twirl, the edge dangerously close to his hand as he plunged it downwards in between his fingers.


The tip of the weapon made soft thudding noises against the counter with every light jab the Biker made, his fingers remaining unmolested as he did it at a constant, speedy pace.

After a minute or two, he paused, glancing upwards at her and gesturing for her to do the same.

“Wow!” She gushed, picking up his hand and inspecting his gloves. It appeared as if he hadn't nicked himself even once. “Was that your first time?” The blue haired girl asked, grinning up into the reflective surface of his visor.

He shook his head in response. It hadn’t been his first time; he was familiar with the game during his time waiting for his Psychologist. She made him stop, though that didn’t keep him from doing it back at his place.

“Still pretty neat. You have spectacular hand eye coordination, stranger.” Calliope then took hold of the handle and spread her fingers. She began stabbing down at a steady rhythmic pace while singing under her breath, “...I have all my fingers, the knife goes chop, chop, chop. And if I miss the spaces in between my fingers will come off…”

After a couple more moments of this she gets to the end and picks up the pace only to slice a bit of her pinky on the last swipe. “Ugh,” she grumbled, irritated at herself more than in any real pain; she had only grazed it. “Guess I’m out of practice.”

Well, the girly had managed to cut herself. Good job. Blade smirked lightly at his victory, resting his elbow on the counter.

She couldn't see his face, but she could practically feel the smugness coming off him in waves. “Yes, yes, you won,” she confirmed, giving him a small smile. “Did you want another drink then? Or do you want me to take the shot?”

Blade shook his head in a negative manner, reaching out his hands and motioning them as if he was revving an invisible bike. As much as he would’ve loved for this girl to keep buying him free shit, he still had to drive home. Once again, he took out the soggy fiver, slapping it onto the counter. Then, he pointed at her, and motioned downing a shot glass.

’Oh, he’s driving,’ she realized at his little handlebar gesture. It was nice that he was being responsible about it, because even though his helmet seemed to be made of sturdy stuff she’d hate to see it tested against the asphalt. He slaps the five down again and the blue eyed girl shook her head, picking it up again and pressing it into his hoodie pocket this time.

“No, I lost so I have to pay for it,” she explained. Or was that how it worked? Were these rules written down somewhere? Who really knew at this point, Calliope just waved down the bartender again and soon enough was taking another shot.

Her toes were starting to feel tingly.

“Okay, let's play my way now,” she declared, popping her pinky into her mouth to clean the blood off before setting her hand back down and spreading her fingers again while offering him the knife with her other one.

Blade took the knife, eyeing her suspiciously and wondering if she was in the right state of mind to be doing this. Regardless, it was her fingers in the end. He gave the edge a slight flick, suddenly plunging it down to the countertop and in between her fingers. Weaving in and out between her digits, the titanium steel did nothing to her hand, Blade fully knowing what he was doing. However, the concern for his own fingers grew.

He made it another round and the blade never even came close to faltering. ’I like this one,’ she decided as she took her knife again, all while laying his hand down on the counter and nudging his fingers apart. “Are you nervous?” She asked, glancing up and shooting him a shy smile. “We better do this quick then, before that second shot hits.”

Calliope jams the blade down hard before starting back up on the tapping, her tongue sticking out a bit as she concentrated on not stabbing the stranger. It didn't matter so much on her hands, she and her dad had hit them enough when she was younger that the pain didn't bother her much, but it was different with helmet man. She wanted to make a good impression and show him that should he need a friend for the upcoming zombie apocalypse, she was his man.

”...and chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, I’m picking up the speed. If I miss the spaces in between then my hand will start to bleed!” she finished, chunking the knife down and picking his hand up to inspect it.

There wasn't a scratch on it.

As much as he enjoyed this little game of slice and dice, he couldn't stand being in this place any longer than he had to. Blade scolded himself; he let himself get distracted in his quest for free shit. Regardless, it was too late to leave now. He had left the bar with relative ease, but he wasn't a total asshole as to go someplace when people wanted him to stay. For the most part, that is.

The only concern he had now was figuring out the quickest way to get home. He glanced at the girl, eyeing her curiously.

Was she drunk?

Calliope dropped his hand after a moment, nose wiggling as the tingling in her toes seemed to spread to her fingers. “No more shots for me,” she explained while grabbing the knife again while lifting her skirt back up so she could tuck it into her garter once more. Even though she was planning on calling a cab to get home, she didn't think it was a good idea to get completely wasted in a place like this.

“Thank you f-for playing with me, friend, I enjoyed it very much,” the blue haired girl confessed, stumbling over the words a little.

Blade nodded, standing up from his stool and gazing upon her once more. Revving his invisible bike, he pointed at her.

Did she have a ride home?

“Um…,” she hummed, pursing her lips and squinting at him to try and better understand what he was trying to say. It was getting a little harder to focus now. “...do you have to go now?”

Blade nodded, pointing at his watch.

10:45 PM.

Foam night could only go on for so long before they had to shut it down and clean the place. That, and people tended to get sick of being soggy after awhile.

Calliope was already having to pause between her sentences.

What a lightweight she was.

“Oh, I see,” she said, not able to hide her disappointment. Well, at least she had interacted with someone for more than five minutes and it wasn't a total disaster. It had actually been very charming. “I should probably go home too.” The vet student pulled out her phone and struggled for a moment to punch in her passcode. She was successful on her third attempt. “Um, did you want to play again sometime?” Calliope asked suddenly, looking back up into his visor where she assumed his eyes were.

Did he have eyes?

Of course he must, right?

A collaboration with @Bozo.
Its my birthday tomorrow, so I thought I'd share a very flattering acting photo of myself while I'm still a young man.

Your GM loves you enough to reveal himself on the interwebs.


Your birthday, you say!?

Also, you are very handsome boss. ;) And I love your tattoo!

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