Avatar of Natascha
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  • Posts: 125 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Natascha 7 yrs ago


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Clyde on instinct walked forward. With each step he path felt smooth but yet slightly wavy. He tried to stay at the center of the path for near the edges can be rocks or tree roots ready to trip an unsuspecting person. Despite every thing being shadowed heavily it wasn't hard to see the outlines of his surroundings. Clyde heard Sylvia call out to wait up. He slowed his pace so she would be able to catch up. Choosing not to stop to wait on her.

Sylvia foot steps came closer and closer until she finally right behind him. Clyde then started to walk a little faster not wanting to waste any more time. He didn't need to look at the clock to know they were nearly out of time. It was around noon when he reached Aquacorde Town. It took him a while to get through in order to enter the forest. It took him nearly two hours wandering around forest and having to deal with the Scatterbugs leaping out of nowhere. Just dealing with them took several minutes at different periods of time.

The Scatterbug tugged on his hair again. He nearly had missed the turn they were suppose to go. As he turned about he grabbed Sylvia's hand making her follow so she didn't keep wondering forward. Soon they were on a new path he let go. This path was also wavy. But the terrain started to fill as if there were a lot debris. Every time he took a set he would end up kicking small rocks out of the way. Twigs snapped, leaves crunched. It was only get rougher he assumed. The path was also dimmed with shadows. Clyde had a feeling a ghost type Pokemon could appear at any moment. So far to his relief had come before them.
The girl was very talkative. Clyde listened to her quietly. While rubbing the head of the Scatterbug that was resting on his shoulder. The girl mentioned seeing him jumping off the bridge, thanked him and introduced herself with a matter of seconds. It took Clyde time to process everything. The given time was roughly a minute. He stared at Sylvia before answering. "Probably." Was the first thing that came out of his mouth. "I'm Clyde. Clyde Macarthur."

After he spoke he gently removed each and every Scatterbug one at a time. At first they didn't want to go but eventually after a few soft nudge with a foot they eventually climbed into a tree. And that's where they remained. Hopefully there won't be any more unsuspecting surprises. Having to deal with the Scatterbugs' game it had caused them a shortage of time to reach where they need to be. Oddly enough the announcement said that they were suppose to meet up with the professor at the south entrance. But there no sign of him or anyone else.

Thinking for a brief moment Clyde understood something. This must be part of a test. For them to figure out where he truly is located. The first hint was to start out at the south entrance. Clyde has heard that this forest is some kind of natural maze. He glanced slowly around. Trying to spot some kind of marker. On a tree? On the ground? Nothing. Guess they'll to keep searching until they stumble upon something. Clyde then looked up back at the Scatterbugs. They were still staying put close by. Then another thought occurred to him.

"Do you guys know where the professor is?" He asked them in a loud enough tone for them to able to hear him, but quiet enough not to startle them. Only one of them replied by out of the tree. Landing on top of Clyde's head. He sighed realizing that their game was part of something much bigger. The Scatterbug grabbed a piece of Clyde's hair then tugged on it using it's mouth. The tugging happened to go in the same direction. Not at random.

Trusting the little bug-type Clyde started to walk down the path he presumes is the right way. The path was shadowed since this part was thicker than the rest of the forest. Now he understands. Most people normally take the lighter routes in order to be able to see better. Or some find the darken path too eerie to enter. Clyde wondered in without hesitating. Disappearing into the shadows. Leaving the girl behind. She may or may not follow. He left it up to her to decide on what she wanted to do. @Poi
As a game, the Scatterbugs fell out of the trees landing on whoever happened to be wanting on by. Clyde has heard of certain bug Pokemon liked doing this out just of the fun of it. Since a lot of people aren't fans of bug types. Clyde sighed as he peeled a Scatterbug off the top of his head. Gently placing it down on a nearby rock. He patted the Pokemon's head before continuing down the path. The Scatterbug crooked it's head seeing how his attempt has failed for some odd reason.

This happened roughly five times almost right in a row now. Causing for precious time to be wasted. Though Clyde didn't mind. The Pokemon were just trying to have a little fun. In turn Clyde mood had been lifted each time he could handle a Scatterbug. He has never really touched a Pokemon before. Most of the time wild Pokemon would disappear as soon as you seen them or some of the owners would take one look at him then lead their Pokemon away. After the fourth and fifth Scatterbug landed on him he allowed them to have a free ride. One on the top of his head and the other wiggled it's way to sitting on his bag. Just the girl he had seen before was hurrying passed him. Upon her walking by Clyde could see that she too has been dealing with the Scatterbugs' fun and games. For one was holding tightly to her backpack.

Clyde doesn't think she had realized that she had a little stowaway. To help her out Clyde took wider steps in order to catch up to her. It didn't take much effort for his long legs carried him right up behind her. Clyde quietly reached out to secretly remove the Scatterbug from off of her. Clyde noticed she also had some leaves poking out of her hair. Something tells him that she isn't use to wondering the woods. After removing the Scatterbug and placing it upon his shoulder he decided to help her look less of a fool by removing the leaves. Each time he removed one he would give it one of the Scatterbugs. They then in turn ate them happily. @Poi
Clyde stood before the bridge. He can feel a vane twitching above his brow. Do to the bridge being so narrow it was even more crowded than the streets. There was even a Snorlax present. Taking up the center. People literally had to squeeze pass it. Clyde felt a doomed presence hanging over him. He could always swim across. The river didn't seem to wide or too deep. But then again his bag isn't completely water proof. But then again it's not like a bunch of school supplies crammed in there anyways.

Without hesitating Clyde stepped onto the wall of the bridge. Pokemon and people alike witnessing him doing this all had mouths hanging open from the sudden surprise. The river wasn't very far down. So the drop wouldn't hurt much unless there was a rock hidden beneath the water. Oh well, Clyde thought to himself.

Stretching out one foot soon the rest of him followed. He landed in the water in a matter of seconds. And for a brief moment he allowed himself to sink enjoying the refreshing feel the coolness. Before surfacing. The water was deeper than he first figured. And luckily there were no rocks upon entering the water. Clyde swam effortlessly to the other side of the river. Away from the busy town. Away from the crazy crowd. Once on the other side Clyde stumbled out of the water wringing out the bottom of his jacket and shirt.

AS he was doing this he noticed a very surprised girl dressed fancy clothing staring at him. Clyde stared back at her then clicked his tongue in annoyance before disappearing down the path of leading into the forest. He didn't mean to be rude, he was hungry, tired and on the verge of loosing it if he didn't take of the matter soon. If nothing was going by the time he reaches where he suppose be Clyde plans on taking a short nap while he waited for the event to start.
@Regitnui I never heard Eberron until you just mentioned it. I looked it up and looks likes really neat. I have been thinking about getting into Dungeons and Dragons but I haven't found one who is I interested in ping a sit down table game in person yet. I want to experience the game in person before trying it out online. Though I wouldn't mind suing the concept of a world and the things involved in it.
I just realized after rereading some areas I need to go back and edit my mistakes. I worked on this thread for a couple of days trying to piece it together so I thought I manage to rid of those errors. Sorry bout that xD

Who Am I
  • I am female person who is always up for an adventure, creativity and enjoys role playing.
  • I am in my twenties.
  • I live within the Pacific Time Period. Meaning I live on along the West Coast in America.
  • I am type of person who is willing to try out anything once. If I don't like it I will let you know.
  • Also, I am working on drawing some of OC's. Though my human art is... *coughs* it's getting there.

Writing Skills
  • I consider myself a high casual, low advantage writer.
  • I can write in either first or third person. It doesn't matter which style I use.
  • I do make mistakes. Everyone does. So please kindly let me know if I did or not.
  • Overall I prefer it if people are somewhere within my range of writing skills. I am not a big fan of one-liners.

Adult Content
  • It doesn't always have to involve sex scenes.
  • Blood and gore in some cases falls under mature content since not everyone can handle it.
  • There will be some romance between the characters if you want to or not. I am fine with it.
  • I can do fade-to-black, semi fade-to-black or full on description. Just let me know which you are more comfortable with.
  • I am okay with violence, murder, battle field scenes, romantic scenes etc.

These genres are the ones that I prefer over most others. As long as the RP you are suggesting has more than one of these incorporated into it I am more than willing to get the RP a try. Either PM me your suggestion or post it here. Also, there may be a slim chance I might turn you down do to being too overwhelmed with current amount of role plays I am taking part in a the moment.
  • Fantasy
    Anything that has to do with dragons, fairies, magic, demons, werewolves, vampires etc!! This genre can fit within a real world/modern day role play. A fantasy world and time or even somewhere within our world history but with a fantasy twist!!
  • Modern Day
    Our everyday world, though with few a twists and turns! I am not fan of real life/everyday/slice of life sort of role plays and/or books. There always has to have some kind of fantasy, sci-fi, noting usual embedded within the story. Werewolves, vampires, Greek Gods and so on!
  • Super Heroes/Mutants
    Toxic ooze? A mad scientist's science experiment? Is naturally born with hidden powers? You name it! There are a lot of role plays out there that can involve this sort of genre. And I am always looking for something involving super powered beings or characters who had to deal with a mad scientists and their experiments!
  • Ancient/Historical Culture
    Cavemen! Ancient Egypt! Ancient Rome! When America first gets discovered or when settlers start to arrive! It can be ancient history or more recent. But I prefer events that took place a little over 400 years or to even a 85 millions years ago! Nothing has to be accurate, but close enough to the actual life style, timeline, culture, beliefs etc.
  • Fandom
    TV shows. Movies. Manga. Anime. Books. But not strictly followed, I prefer to use the concept of the film, story etc! I am not big fan on following every single detail, or the entire plot that goes one within a series. I use the ideas, villains, towns, certain events and so on. All my characters are OC's, and I prefer it if go off on our own adventure based around the series.
  • Sci-fi
    Traveling through outer space. Aliens moving to earth. Anything not of this World! I don't know a whole of lot about Star Wars or Star Trek, but I love watching the shows and/or movies! I love things that has to do with space travel and/or visiting another planet. Or even aliens coming to earth in attempt to find anew home, not so much intending on destroying earth/wiping out humanity.
  • Survival
    When the situation calls for it, it is either you or me! Shipwrecked. Plane Crash. Lost/stranded. Anything that has to do with survival I am game. Even when the characters are on a run from an oranazation wanting to use them for experiments and/or are are a witness etc. Or the characters are forced to live on an island do to them having mutant powers and they needed a safe haven but it turns out life on the island is nothing but a lie.
  • Adventure
    Oh! A mountain let's check it out! Oh! A an ancient ruin let's check it out! Exploring new areas, or even around the city/town. Discovering neat things along the way. And maybe a dragon or two. Who knows what might be out there. The only way to find out if something is true or not one must first take a few steps forward.
  • Action
    Crime fighting. Kick butt action! Anything and everything goes, and at times a killing or two... Anything that has to do with needing to fight your way out of a sticky situation, a life or death situation or just because a few bullies decided to gang up on you. Sometimes one has no other choice but to fight. If they don't they might not be able to see another day.
  • Mystery
    Murder or events occurring and can't be explained! Sometimes there are unexplained events or situations that need solving. For example you are attending a new college, your become good friends with your roommate. Three weeks later she or he goes missing and now one knows why or how come. Their disappearance can be caused by a serial killer, a vampire, or there is something strange about the school itself.
  • Time Travel
    Mostly time jumping back into the past. I am not so big on time traveling to the future. I prefer hoping a few decades to a few centuries into the past. Or even a 85 million years into the past! Prime example: Terra Nova!
  • School Life
    High school. College life. Anything that takes place in and around a school campus. And sometimes the characters will start out by attending the school but with all that is going on have to start traveling, get kidnapped, somehow found a wormhole etc.
  • Slow to Build Romance
    My heart is beating really fast... is this love? Or am I sick? I prefer if the characters start to have feelings for one another. They realize that there is something there but aren't sure how to go about it. Slowly but surely they start confessing more about their affection for one another. Sometimes though I don't mind if things get heated up between the two characters rather quickly. It all depends on the situation and so on.
  • Shapeshiters
    Anything that has to do with werewolves, or shapeshifters in general. I love anything and everything that has to do with people transforming into a wolf or another animal. Preferably the actual four legged kind verses the two legged folklore versions.

I personally prefer MxF or MxM pairings. Even though I am female I don't mind playing either the male role or the female role. Since I am okay with both genders I will leave it up to you to decide which role you prefer to play. Unless I already claimed a certain role to play, which will be posted below along with the pairings. Along with some plot ideas and genres I have in mind for each pairing.
Pink = Female
Blue = Male
Pink and Blue = Can be either gender

Vampire x Human

Coming Soon!

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