Avatar of Nevix
  • Last Seen: 14 days ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1484 (0.48 / day)
  • VMs: 10
  • Username history
    1. Nevix 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current PMing everyone on this website individually and asking “do you think my statuses are funny?” with an attached stock photo of a man (super buff) crying.
2 yrs ago
The people who wrote the instructions for my sister's new printer failed to consider that I might be tripping balls while trying to help her set it up.
2 yrs ago
I'm in the lab, cooking up a status that will make every mad at me, together. I can heal this website by being as wrong and annyoing as possible.
2 yrs ago
Met a guy yesterday who looked and sounded exactly like Hank Hill. Made my week. Logged in today and realized yesterday was this accounts sixth birthday. The universe gave me a gift for the occasion.
3 yrs ago
Finally getting to that age where I realize that I'm becoming my dad. Called some guy at work "old boy" because I couldn't remember his name. If I order any ww2 books just put me down like a dog, man.


Most Recent Posts

Holy shit. This is still going? After two years? Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.

What's good, guys?
Resurrecting myself just to post here.

I hate to be another line-toeing, middle-ground-taking, on-the-fence voice among many, but I think it's fairly clear that all of us want the same thing, right? No one is here twirling some evil-ass mustache behind their computer screen laughing about how their scheme to topple the Guild has come to fruition. All of us are here, in this civil discussion thread, because we want to improve the site.

I'm not here to preach, not here to hit y'all with that "let's all just come to an understanding" line. I'm here to just comment on how cool it is that everyone seems to be really mature about the whole situation, and I think we've already taken the first few steps to resolving this situation. I think everyone is going to come out of this being either a better member, or a better mod.

So, good job, guys! We didn't turn this into a shit show!

Now, I'm hardly old blood. Been here since January 30th of 2016. I know that I haven't been the most active, anyone I've ever RP'd with can attest to that. Realistically speaking, I'm probably the least qualified person to do one of these.

I will say that here, I've found friends. I've found settings and scenarios in writing that, given a billion years, I would never have imagined. I've found writers that inspire me more than any published author. I've found my favorite online community ever.

This site has given me more than I could've imagined, more than I could've hoped. I love this place, even though I don't show it. 15 months of memories. 15 months of staying up until five in the morning finishing character sheets. 15 months of getting overwhelmed and then going AWOL for days. 15 months of PM plotting. 15 months of collaborating with some exceptionally talented people.

Come July 7th, the Guild will have been around for 10 years. I've only been around for 15 months of those 10 years, but I wouldn't trade those 15 months for the world.

I swear I'm working on a character. He'll be up soon.
Working on a CS now!
Use my sarcastic array of emotional works to get the Druid to let their guard down, before hitting them atop the head with a blunt object.
Can't say I've done anything like this before. Interested.
I don't mind if someone else wants to go talk to Ruby, or wants me too make her talk to someone.

She could come hang out with Tommy and Lucia. Poker is usually played with three or more people.
"How you entertain yourself." He whistled, high and long. "This better be something. If you tell me like 'Oh, I play solitaire' then I'm going to be rather cross. You're talking this up." He laughed. "If you ask me 'do you really want to know', then you need to follow it up with something interesting!" He stood, stretching and rubbing the area where his leg met the metal of his prosthesis.

"Because I've lived for a fair few years, friend. I was at the siege of Ulrioch! I was in the Webley Riots!" He sighed. "Yes, I want to know how you entertain yourself. Sorry for that...outburst."

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