Avatar of NightmareInd
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    1. NightmareInd 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I'm on the 10th day of looking for an RP where I can drop my new superhero OC idea. Hate dry spells.
1 like
3 yrs ago
Returning for the first time in about 2 years. This is going to be interesting...
5 yrs ago
Death Note RP in a nutshell: A person got a notebook filled with power. That person's name was <insert character name here>, and- *character drops dead for writing their own name*
5 yrs ago
When RPGuild goes down for a few minutes and you are thinking "Is this the end?" and you cling on to hope it will come back up.
6 yrs ago
Do people hold a neverending grudge against you if you take the last cookie?


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Most Recent Posts

Sword and Shield got you hyped? Me too. Thanks to that, I have a Pokémon idea in mind. The premise has been done before, but it died out years ago and I want to see if there is more interest in it these days.

One day, all over the Pokémon world, disaster struck. In every region, unpredicted storms and tremors appeared, and even space and time itself seemed to be in chaos. Having no options left, the people prayed to the Legendaries, hoping they could stop this terrible event. It took exactly 3 days and the Legendaries gave no response, until suddenly out of nowhere, Arceus let out a single cry, and everything became peaceful. At first, people were happy, but that was until a few months later they realised not a single Legendary was spotted since that day. It was as if they left without a trace.

It has now been over two decades since 'The Great Disaster' took place, and although both humans and Pokémon recovered quickly, there was an oddity. Across the world, there were a very rare amount of people that were born in the years after The Great Disaster that obtained a special gift...

These gifted people, either referred positively to as 'Reincarnations' or negatively as 'Disaster Children', were blessed with powers akin to Legendaries. Nobody knew what happened to cause this, but these people would have weaker powers based on a single Legendary that disappeared during The Great Disaster. What they wouldn't know is that they would have an even bigger impact on the world when they get invited into a special 'Reincarnation Tournament' and finally meet each other.

Players would play as Reincarnations that would fight each other using both their Pokémon and their own powers and start out looking like normal humans, although perhaps with a look resembling the Legendary of their choice. Later they would discover they can 'Mega Evolve' into a fused version between them and the Legendary. Certain Legendaries like Arceus and Ultra Beasts are unavailable for plot reasons, OP factors or them technically not being Legendary.

If you are interested, please tell me and say what Legendary you would like so I can reserve it for you!

Reserved Legendaries:
Thought I throw my hat in the ring. The character's basically going to be a(n) (anti)hero version of Deadshot.

Secret Identity – Samuel Scott
Codename – Skillshot
Age – 20

Powers –
- Trajectory Alteration: Skillshot can use his power to slightly change the trajectory of projectiles he throws/shoots. The faster the projectile goes and the smaller it is, the easier he can change it. He only can make slight alterations and as such can not completely stop or reverse a projectile's trajectory, nor can he change its speed or velocity.
- Pretty Smart: Skillshot is a pretty smart guy. Although not directly a superpower, this helps him on a general basis in and outside the field.
- Weapon Expertise: Skillshot has experience with most standard weaponry like rifles and pistols.

Weaknesses –
- His physiology is completely human. Besides his power to bend trajectories and his above-average intellect and physique, he can die by anything that kills a normal human.
- Because of his focus on long-range combat, his melee skills are lacking. When enemies come too close, he will have a hard time dealing with them.
- He isn't much of a team player. He prefers to do things his way and also on his own.

Personality – Precise, no-nonsense lone wolf
Experience – 34 days
Day Job – Software Developer

How did Arrowcaster find you?

Skillshot has been active for a bit over a month now. He predicted his next target, and 'ambushed' him.

BRIEF Bio – Samuel Scott was a smart guy with a bright future. He soon discovered that he could change the trajectory of balls he threw through baseball, and when in his free-time shooting on his uncle's farm, he noticed the bullets went almost exactly where he wanted every time. He didn't know where this power came from, but he didn't look much into it either. However, he couldn't stand what happened in the city around him. Corruption, theft and assault everywhere. Someone had to step up, especially with all those heroes disappearing. When he rescued a person from being robbed by taking the gun from the robber and shooting him in the knee, he knew what he had to do. He would pick up arms against the darkness of this city.

How will your character be different one year later?

His skills would be developed, as he learns about his currently undiscovered parts of his powers as well as growing to fill his weaknesses by for example learning melee combat.

Sample Post –
Hey guys, sorry for the long period of silence but I've got to drop out. Hopefully you guys have a fun time!
Perhaps it's a rebel squadron that in the immediate past lost its carrier. They may have just enough hyperfuel for a couple more jumps but not enough to make it back to the nearest rebel base?

I was personally thinking to make them originally be from the original timeline (the canon one) from after the Battle of Endor, before being pulled into this alternate reality while on patrol. That way they are familiar with everything yet unfamiliar to the new changes the suspicious figure made to the galaxy they used to know.

Also, where should I post the sheet? Here or straight into characters?
@Sep I'm just thinking right now, would it be okay if I went with a squadron of starfighters? Would allow for more realism, versatility as well as actual damage against big ships, instead of a solo pilot playing mosquito and having to survive every. Single. Time.
Hello there! (Yes, I dropped right in with a Star Wars reference.)

I was wondering a few things, most importantly if you guys still have a spot open. Besides that, a few mechanical questions:

1. What would qualify as a 'ship'? For instance, would someone be able to play a starfighter of some sorts? Would probably be somewhat underpowered in certain ways, but could make for some fun interactions.
2. What would the interactions be on a personal level? Would we control every single crew member of our own ships or only the ships themselves?
3. To what extent is it allowed to pick a ship from the Star Wars universe, seeing as it is the main universe. Would it be allowed to use ships from different eras, or maybe even fan-made ships?
Samuel was a bit in awe when he stepped through the portal. He wasn't really familiar with fantasy-games, but it was probably something he could adapt to. When he stepped into 'Yuul', he tried mentally mapping his surroundings in case he needed to go to a specific place later on. He also noticed no one was giving particular attention to him, so he took that to his advantage and tried to stay low profile.

When the Elf man and the receptionist started talking to each other, he started zoning out a bit. Ugh, I hate tutorials... he thought to himself. When she finally started talking about the interesting stuff, he noticed that one of the classes was 'Gunsman'. Remembering Alaela's gift, he figured that would probably be his class.

After everyone else went and started discussing with themselves about 'The Emperor', he took his turn and went for the crystal. He took a card and felt the energy course through as his card started to fill itself out. As he expected, his class was a Gunner, but what he immediately noticed was that where he overheard at least one of the other gunners to have some effective damaging moves, his own skills felt more like support ones. Sure, they were good for overall use like relocating, general accuracy and keeping track of targets, but there was almost no skill that gave him a personal edge in a firefight.

Wondering why he got these skills, he joined the others again without saying a word. Even though him having allies would be great, especially with his 'supportive' skills, he would like to know who would be a good match for him beforehand anyway.
Samuel cautiously approached the clearing. It was obvious the light signal was meant for him and perhaps any other 'Childs of Earth', or at least it could be a point of interest. Either way, he had to check it out, but he needed to be careful in case he ran into a bunch of hostiles. Through the foliage, he spotted an old man and two people who looked out of place: A small girl, and an awkward guy. The way that made them stand out the most was how their clothes were similar to that of Earth, yet unfit for their body. Now he thought about it, he realised his own clothes were a bit tight. Sure, he was always a bit longer than most people, but the extra muscle mass got his own T-shirt and jeans to the brink of ripping apart.

Making sure he didn't see any other suspicious figures nearby, he slowly walked out of the forest into the clearing. "I guess this is the welcoming party, hmm?" He said. "Not that I expected some kind of cake, but still a bit disappointing." He said. He had a few rules for himself when he was still a game squad leader. Two of them he applied already, and another he applied now as well: Before making contact, gather information. This counted for ally, enemy and area; Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. If you assume everything is against you, you will be prepared if it actually is; Especially with the first contact, don't show weakness like fear or unnecessary doubt. If you do, not only will your squadmates doubt your judgement, but also will a good enemy be able to exploit it in their advantage.

He then turned to the two people who were out of place. "I take it you two were brought here as well? I guess we are in the same situation then." He said. Making allies this fast was a good plan, although he would've prefered someone with more experience of how this world worked. Then again, if they got the same gift as he did or similar, he didn't want them on their bad side. At least not for now...
Samuel Helme

Samuel had barely comprehended what was going on when the situation was explained before the explosions broke out and everyone seemed to be running off on their own. Oh no! What am I going to do? he thought to himself, panicking a bit. Everyone is running off already, and I can't use my Quirk with bystanders nearby if I go berserk! I don't know what to do... He took a step backwards, the loose gravel slipping away underneath his feet, making him fall back first onto the ground. Great, my first practical lesson and I immediately mess up. What would Sana think of me right now...

Then, the memory of his sister made him warm up a bit, both emotionally and physically. It was only a few degrees like he had a small fever, but it was his emotional change that was more drastic. That's right. She would just stand up again and take it head on! With that courageous thought in his head, he got back on his feet again. He walked onto the grounds and saw one of his fellow students on top of a building. Before he could wonder how she got there or what she was doing, he saw the water tank next to her about to fall. Even worse, the water tank would fall on top of a crashed car where Eira was busy helping out some 'civilians'. Jeez, talking about bad luck... Then he realised he could use this to his advantage. He looked around until he saw the person people he needed.

Remembering everyone's Quirk, he knew the person who could help him was the one with the pulling Quirk.
"Danielle!" He shouted at her. "That water tank is about to fall on top of the car! I need you to pull it away from them! The momentum of the fall should make it easier, so try to time it!" When he was done, he hurried towards the car to help Eira. "We need to get these civilians out of here quickly. The water tank up above is about to give in. If Danielle can help us out, we should be safe, but I rather not take any chances." He said.

He walked to the back of the car, seeing that the dummy civilian was in the front. "Can you hold your hands on the rear window for about 5 seconds? I need it to cool down." He asked of her. He waited for her to do as he said, then hit the window with his padded elbow. The supercooling of the glass made it easier to break. He then crawled into the back of the car, being careful he wouldn't cut himself on the shards. He looked at the dummy. "Don't worry, I'm gonna get you out of here." He said with a warm smile.

He grabbed the seatbelt with both hands. "This can get hot for a bit..." He heated himself up to around 500 K (about 230 C), which dried out the leather in the belt and made it easy for him to break it apart. He immediately cooled himself down to prevent him from lashing out for any reason and lifted up the dummy, carrying it out of the car, getting it to the child dummy. "Don't worry, everything is okay now." He said, his warm smile radiating off him again. He then looked back at Eira and Danielle to see how they were doing.
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