Avatar of Norschtalen
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    1. Norschtalen 7 yrs ago


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Dulga Tarata

Dulga turned away from Adriane and grabbed her belongings. She wasn’t wrong; frankly Dulga’s mother actually survived her fight with Kensai without a scratch. What killed her wasn’t Kensai, not directly. No what killed her was when she was saving Dulga. Because Dulga was too slow, too weak to save herself. And it was true; she couldn’t measure up to her mother in either skills or morals. Dulga knew this and accepted it. ”I don’t know what you expected and I don’t care. I’m nothing like my mother. This conversation is over.”

Dulga walked towards the changing room to wash up and get out of her dirty clothes. She lost her mood to keep fighting both verbally and physically. She was just going to grab her guns and take a train back to her old home and do some hunting, maybe think about things. She didn’t expect anyone to see her this weekend so some time alone would be nice, or at least that’s what Dulga wanted to believe. She wanted to keep thinking that all she needs to do is hone her skills and be better. Anything else was just going to muddle her goal. Friends, honor, heroism, those were nice little luxuries but Dulga needed to focus on what was most nessisary. Everything else was secondary.

Selena turned her head towards a familiar blond boy. He was the guy who shot her down during the rugby game last time. she didn't hold any grudge of course; it was a good play and it made Selena figure out she needed to step up her game. For some reason the guy was really formal. She guessed that he must've had a military family or something, they're usually like this. She just chuckled and raised her hand up towards him. "No need to be so stiff man. Selena's fine. So you must be part of my team huh? I'll admit I don't quite remember who I was with, so it's nice to meet ya." She also waved at the faunas girl, Iona. Selena gave her a friendly smile and extended her hand. "So you're part of my team too? Cool, cool. Hope we work well together." And finally, some kid who was doing weird stretches came over and said yo. Selena actually chuckled and nodded towards him. "Yo. Feel limber?"

@Tominas@Nevix@Driving Park

Name: Yomiko
Race: Kistune
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Personality: Yomiko is a quiet, bookish sort. She has read many types of novels and loves acting them out, and sometimes she can even act them out for real if she needs to pretend to be someone stronger, more refine, or even just play dumb. However she's really rather shy and easy to push around since she doesn't want any trouble. But if someone is in danger or needs her help she'll do everything she can to help, even if she has to face down some scary things or do things she regrets. If Yomiko makes a promise, she does everything she can to keep it.

History: Yomiko came from a family of scribes. Each one has written and copied over a thousand books before they even become adults, and Yomiko was no different. However unlike most of her family who wanted to just be scholars, Yomiko wanted adventure. She read stories of heroic people going out and having these great journeys defeating an ultimate evil or saving the world. Even from humble beginnings or crazy origins, she wanted to be like that. So she started to learn how, reading books and manuals about how to fight, how to survive, and everything else her family had on hand.

When Yomiko became of age she chose to leave her family to go on her our journey, instead of becoming a scribe. It wasn't easy; she ran into many challenges that her books never prepared her for and the things she learned didn't always work when actually applied. But she took ever experience as a learning experience and slowly got better over the years. She helped a lot of people, but also did a lot of bad things. She always tries to make up for it but she still feels the guilt of some of the things she's done int he past, the people who died because of her. One day as she was coming back home just to check on her family, she learned that her mother and father had fallen ill. A powerful magical curse was eating away at this life force and knowledge. Something trying to steal powerful and ancient information only her parents knew. There was a cure, however it was experimental not to mention expensive. Even if her family sold their lands and all the books they had it wouldn't be enough for the operation.

But in Yomiko's books there was one place known for it's riches. It was all rumors and fables, but she was certain that those lands existed: The ancient ruins of Norn. Though she knew almost nothing about it's history, there has been many stories of people who went into the ruins and came back rich and powerful. So Yomiko traveled to these lands in hopes of gaining that fortune so she can save her parents, and potentially whatever placed the curse upon them.

Crimson Kimono - A traditional red dress Yomiko had a friend make for her. Stylish and durable for travel, but otherwise isn't very good as armor. Yomiko's fighting style involves cutting down her foes quickly and avoiding attacks, thus she needs to remain fairly light on her feet, but also means she can't take many hits.

Steel Katana - An eastern sword that Yomiko has been trained to use since she was a little girl. It's blade is sharp enough to cut through stone, but in the hands of a novice the sword will chip and break easily. Yomiko thus needs to use a few precise strikes to defeat her enemies instead of just flailing her sword around and trying to overwhelm her foe.

Paper Talisman - A box full of paper with a few containers of ink and a brush. Yomiko uses it for her magic but she can also use it to write letters and legal documents.

Swordmaster - Among the most valuable and important documents Yomiko's family kept is a series of ancient scrolls detailing sword techniques and fighting styles. Yomiko, thanks to being family, was allowed to read and learn from these scrolls. She spent nearly ten years since she was a little girl training, and once she became and adult she used her adventure and experience to hone her skills. She knows that she isn't nearly as good as the masters who wrote the scrolls, but thanks to her education she knows a few techniques unknown to most.

Her strongest technique is known as the Mirror Slice, where Yomiko slashes her blade in such a profound fashion that her sword creates another slash, mirroring her current slash, to slice into enemies who didn't expect two cuts from one swing. It's a powerful technique that requires Yomiko's focus and concentration, and often damages or even destroys most swords she uses it with. Thus she seldom uses it expect in the most dire of circumstances.

Onmyodo - A Magical system her family practices mostly to make their work easier, Yomiko is quite adapt at it too. She knows how to understand any language written down as long as she can copy the text onto paper. She can even learn about the magical properties of objects if she wraps the object in paper and uses a ritual to divine it's power.
I changed the magic. And I figured it was a little bit obvious, but Yomiko is a Glass cannon/fragile speedster type; relies on dodging and precise cuts to defeat her enemies before they get her since she doesn't use any armor.

Name: Yomiko
Race: Kistune
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Personality: Yomiko is a quiet, bookish sort. She has read many types of novels and loves acting them out, and sometimes she can even act them out for real if she needs to pretend to be someone stronger, more refine, or even just play dumb. However she's really rather shy and easy to push around since she doesn't want any trouble. But if someone is in danger or needs her help she'll do everything she can to help, even if she has to face down some scary things or do things she regrets. If Yomiko makes a promise, she does everything she can to keep it.

History: Yomiko came from a family of scribes. Each one has written and copied over a thousand books before they even become adults, and Yomiko was no different. However unlike most of her family who wanted to just be scholars, Yomiko wanted adventure. She read stories of heroic people going out and having these great journeys defeating an ultimate evil or saving the world. Even from humble beginnings or crazy origins, she wanted to be like that. So she started to learn how, reading books and manuals about how to fight, how to survive, and everything else her family had on hand.

When Yomiko became of age she chose to leave her family to go on her our journey, instead of becoming a scribe. It wasn't easy; she ran into many challenges that her books never prepared her for and the things she learned didn't always work when actually applied. But she took ever experience as a learning experience and slowly got better over the years. She helped a lot of people, but also did a lot of bad things. She always tries to make up for it but she still feels the guilt of some of the things she's done int he past, the people who died because of her. One day as she was coming back home just to check on her family, she learned that her mother and father had fallen ill. A powerful magical curse was eating away at this life force and knowledge. Something trying to steal powerful and ancient information only her parents knew. There was a cure, however it was experimental not to mention expensive. Even if her family sold their lands and all the books they had it wouldn't be enough for the operation.

But in Yomiko's books there was one place known for it's riches. It was all rumors and fables, but she was certain that those lands existed: The ancient ruins of Norn. Though she knew almost nothing about it's history, there has been many stories of people who went into the ruins and came back rich and powerful. So Yomiko traveled to these lands in hopes of gaining that fortune so she can save her parents, and potentially whatever placed the curse upon them.

Crimson Kimono - A traditional red dress Yomiko had a friend make for her. Stylish and durable for travel, but otherwise isn't very good as armor. Yomiko's fighting style involves cutting down her foes quickly and avoiding attacks, thus she needs to remain fairly light on her feet, but also means she can't take many hits.

Steel Katana - An eastern sword that Yomiko has been trained to use since she was a little girl. It's blade is sharp enough to cut through stone, but in the hands of a novice the sword will chip and break easily. Yomiko thus needs to use a few precise strikes to defeat her enemies instead of just flailing her sword around and trying to overwhelm her foe.

Paper Talisman - A box full of paper with a few containers of ink and a brush. Yomiko uses it for her magic but she can also use it to write letters and legal documents.

Swordmaster - Among the most valuable and important documents Yomiko's family kept is a series of ancient scrolls detailing sword techniques and fighting styles. Yomiko, thanks to being family, was allowed to read and learn from these scrolls. She spent nearly ten years since she was a little girl training, and once she became and adult she used her adventure and experience to hone her skills. She knows that she isn't nearly as good as the masters who wrote the scrolls, but thanks to her education she knows a few techniques unknown to most.

Her strongest technique is known as the Mirror Slice, where Yomiko slashes her blade in such a profound fashion that her sword creates another slash, mirroring her current slash, to slice into enemies who didn't expect two cuts from one swing. It's a powerful technique that requires Yomiko's focus and concentration, and often damages or even destroys most swords she uses it with. Thus she seldom uses it expect in the most dire of circumstances.

Onmyodo - A Magical system her family practices mostly to make their work easier, Yomiko is quite adapt at it too. She knows how to understand any language written down as long as she can copy the text onto paper. She can even learn about the magical properties of objects if she wraps the object in paper and uses a ritual to divine it's power.
If I could come back after being gone for so long, than it's only right that Gordian gets his chance too.
I don't like making short posts, but better than having nothing to do for the next few days.
Nodding her head, Kyra departed from Parum to see if she could go swipe a uniform from one of the purple-robed people, or possibly just regular uniforms. And there was only one way to do that; handle the laundry. Surely these cultist needed to clean their attires from time-to-time, even if they lived like a bunch of filthy brigands for most of their lives. At the very least Kyra could convincingly play the part of a mere rag washer, grabbing an empty basin she could fill and a wooden rack she could use to wash clothes with. She went around the camp looking for cultist in particular if they had any uniforms to wash, saying that she was going to go do some washing and doesn't intend to make two-trips.

Dulga Tarata

Dulga could only sigh as Adriane lectured her and the stranger about what a real "spar" is. Dulga wasn't going to argue, but she didn't agree to it either. Like it or not Dulga intends to fight like this whenever the opportunity to spar comes up. Maybe she'll ease back depending on whatever the lesson might be, but in a free-form brawl she's putting everything she's got into it. And if accidents happen, they'll happen. Live and let learn. As Dulga was walking away she was pulled off to the side by Adriane. She didn't even need to say anything as Dulga knew what she wanted to talk to her about. Sure enough, it was about Dulga's attempted headshot on Amane. Almost immediately Dulga wanted to say that she would've done that to anyone if they were in her sights, but elected to keep it to herself. Dulga was certain that Adriane already knew. If she didn't figure that out from the last fight Dulga got into, then Mako might've told her. Dulga wouldn't be surprised if the entire faculty was keeping an eye on the gun girl.

Normally Dulga would just nod her head, agree with the older woman, and leave as soon as possible. She didn't intend to change her mind unless these people intended to get in her way. But then Adriane talked about Dulga's mother. This made Dulga visibly change. Before she was just aloof, but now her brows furrowed and her pupils narrowed. First Dulga freed her from Adriane's grasp and walked a few feet away from her, turning her back on Jett's mom. Then Dulga spoke, loudly and clearly, partly out of suppressed anger and partly because Dulga wasn't going to keep this a secret. "I appreciate the concern. But you do not know my mother, and you do not know me. Everyone in this school is doing their best. If you think what we do now is too much you haven't seen anything yet. That boy from 1B was going to bring down the entire building with everyone inside of it with his powers if no one was able to stop him. Imagine what he could've done if he bothered to take things seriously." After that fight Dulga did take the time to read through the after battle report. It seemed like the entire building was ready to collapse around the same time Amane came in, though that was mostly thanks to the actions of the other students weakening the structure. If they had just kept it to hand-to-hand things might've been fine, but with the direction the battle was going Amane was going to destroy the auditorium whether he intended to or not.

"You saw how he brutalized Kasuke-san and your son. You also saw that no matter who or what anyone else did, it wasn't enough to stop him. Not even my headshot stopped him. Not one person was able to stop him, and neither was all of us working together. In the end the only person who was able to take him out wasn't any of us, but his own quirk backfiring. So stop treating everyone like fragile children. Komei isn't some daycare for children to learn how to use their quirks and abilities to play fight. We need to be able to fight real villains who are far stronger than you, who fully intend to kill us. Maybe one day we'll be strong enough that we can afford to hold back. But not now." Then Dulga took a step forward and glared right into Adriane's eyes, the spite and fury inside of her visible in her eyes, even if her voice was soft and steady. "My mother held back. She made that choice. Now she's dead. There's no moral lesson to learn there. Whatever mercy, heroism, or whatever attribute she had in life, she took to her death. She wasn't strong enough. None of us were."

Dulga stepped back from Andriane again and looked scornfully between her and Mina. She was certain that Mina knew what Dulga was thinking of right now. Bit by bit, Dulga could understand the girl a bit better. Then she sighed and just looked exhausted. "Weakness is a choice. We make the decision to hold back. Sometimes that's a good call, sometimes it isn't. Whatever happens we have to live with the result." Dulga clutched her mother's cloak. She could still smell the ashes from that day. She could feel her mother's warmth, and the fire that burned her. She felt the weight of her actions on his shoulders every time she put this cloak on. "If you know anything about my mother then you'd know that when she has to make a choice, she'll follow through with it all the way. Just as I made the choice to go all out against Kasuke-san, shooting that boy in the head, or sacrificing my own teammate to try and stop him. I made that decision consciously, intentionally, and fully aware of the risk and consequences. I'll live with it."

I'm honestly not really sure where to go from here with Kyra. I'm just waiting for things to move onto night, but I'll try to get a post up and have her doing something. I do know that Kyra needs to grab some disguises but honestly, I don't want to drag on this moment longer than we have to.
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