Avatar of Noxx
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    1. Noxx 10 yrs ago


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As Kat finished her breakfast and guzzled down the entire carton of milk fishing off with an earth rumbling burp she could actually give some real attention to what Om was asking of herself and the other roommate. Whale chops sounded large, but also delicious, maybe if she sautéed it with some garlic along with parsley and salmon, while thinking about it, she wondered how creating a sauce with the juices would taste the entire concept caused a low growl to erupt from her stomach cutting the silence. Kat was just about to answer him a knock came at the door and being that she was the only one presently standing up, she decided to get it, upon opening the door that creaked from being handled so roughly by both her and Om a large trunk was laying on the floor with her name written across the top; her clothes. Her mother must have had them delivered to her room, hoping her only child managed to stumble into the room after last night, chuckling to herself picking up the trunk with one arm and closing the door with the other.

“It sounds alright to me so long as you don’t mind sharing also I happen to love milk all flavors so we may be out quite a bit, can’t speak for gold-y here” Katarina said, looking over Lola letting her tongue glaze lightly over her lips as she disappeared into her room to throw down the trunk.

Popping it open she inspected the clothes her mother sent her wasted no time in stripping down to her bare brown sherry skin, replacing them with a sports bra and a baggy pair of sweat pants. Light breakfast or not she still needed to exorcise to maintain her body shape; hooking her fingers under her bra and fixing to actually fix her bust grunting at the fact it was just a little too small for her but for now she’ll have to deal.

“I don’t suppose you got that body of yours for free huh, feel like running around the campus a few times?” She asked walking back into the main room.

interactions: @Darcs@Saarebas


No sooner than Kat started to chow down another scent got stuck in her nose, this one was a good distance away, but it was strong enough that she could tell it was coming directly to the room. However, she ignored it for now and continued to eat at her normal pace, grabbing an entire omelette and chunking the egg dish in her mouth. Kat never actually used utensils to eat, figuring her hands were the best tool to pick up and eat food making her look wilder need be but it's fine being that she never cared too much about what others thought of her. Not even a few minutes later and a man barged through the door, large set, muscular and tan skinned, he certainly looked strong and smelled like a Thunderbird. Apparently, he was one of her roommates setting himself apart from the other creature that was taking up residence in the third bedroom.

“Um, yeah, pull up and eat, we don’t have much” she complained at the lack of provisions

“Nice to meet you Om, the names Katarina, Kat, Kitten, K, whatever you want, ” she explained taking the last sausage on the table.

The conversation didn’t late to long before the third member of their group revealed themselves and completely shut down any attempts at conversation. Not that Kat mind, she was mostly focused on getting something in her stomach.

interactions: @Darcs@Saarebas

It wasn’t very long before Katarina woken from her slumber, the sound of her own stomach was enough to rattle the world, her morning left her groggy and irritated so much so she tossed and turned enough to throw her own bed against the wall creating a loud thud. Forced to get up by her own baser instincts the Oni gritted her teeth in frustration and resolved to get some food, the only problem was that she had no idea where the cafeteria was nor did she know anyone well enough to ask. Speaking of people it seemed one of her roommates came and left or was lingering around, the smell of her flesh was unlike anything she had smelled before. While pondering on what exactly it was that had become her roomie, her stomach growled again reminding the Oni of what was actually important… FOOD! Walking over to the area that would be deemed the kitchen for their room and opened the pantry and fridge and took an inventory count of what they had to call food. Three boxes of pancake mix, two dozen eggs, and assorted meats along with a modest around of bread, Kat sucked her teeth, but grabbed literally everything from their original places and lit the stove.

“Guess were having a light breakfast today, ” she complained, doing her normal prep work.

Cooking was something she only really does sober not that being drunk diminished her skills in anyway, though it did cause her to create some weird things. The eggs were made firsts she prepared several omelettes using different combinations of meats, vegetables, cheese and chives; next came the mountain of scrambled eggs her favorite type being plain with salt and pepper and lastly sunny side up. The pancakes she made could touch the ceiling if she didn’t stack them three by three the syrup she used was a mixture of the classic maple, and honey drizzled all across the top. The entire process didn’t take as long as it would have most people, but to Kat the torment was unbearable, so much so everything was created to be simplistic and easy to be most effective on time.

“Alright, time to actually eat” Her lips parted giving way to her demonic gullet as she began to swallow her creations at a frightening pace while the smell of fresh cooked breakfast filled the room and hallways.

interactions: @Darcs

An awful ear-splitting ringing shot from ear to the other waking the gargantuan of a woman that was previously passed out on the bench. A large empty bottle of vodka accompanied by several other bottles of varying sizes along with scattered bones from some unknown animal with small clumps of meat still stuck to them, some small some large. She was groggy from the night before which was exceptionally rare given what she was indicating last night must have been some party, but none of that explained where she was being that the last place she remembers was the bar not some bench in the middle of nowhere. Opening her eyes to let the stinging rays of the sun shine through, it took a little bit for her liquor swimming brain to process lights and sounds into something she could actually use to determine where she was and if she could find a place to get some breakfast. As soon as she could legitimately see enough to tell where she was a smirk crept along her face reviling she somehow got into the closed gates of the Academy last night to pass out here.

For once going out on a drunken adventure of self-discovery didn’t end with smashed cars and broken windows just to rearrange the manikins. Chuckling to herself the Oni rolled off the bench and stood up stumbling back over the bottles managing to catch herself before falling over. Looking over at the sight of the makeshift nest she made and spotted something of most wondrous thing, a bottle of brandy with just enough fluid inside to create a corner of lifeblood. Grabbing a couple of the bones scattered around and throwing them in her mouth to eat and the sliver of alcohol to wash it down Kat started to make her way deeper into the academy with a stretch and a yawn. She didn’t make it too far before the bench collapsed from supporting her weight all night, but Kat just kept walking and pretended she didn’t see or hear anything. Hair a mess, smelled like whiskey and chicken wings and her stomach rumbled like the low growl of a snarling beast, but she walked upright and straight because this wasn’t new to her; the passing out bit was rare, but she was no stranger to it and by now she mastered the art of faking it till she made it.

As she walked along the path she heard a familiar barking off in the distance prompting the giant to stop and turn around seeing her wolf Lili running behind her nudging her head against Kat once it caught up.

“Oh damn, I was wondering where you were, ” she chuckled petting her companion opening her eyes once she saw what was clutched between Lili’s teeth “Oh shiii is that my chain and shades, good girls” she shouted smiling opening her hand under the wolf's mouth prompting her to release them.

Dawning her gold chain and dark aviators Katarina walked with new vigor as if the sound of the chain rattling around her neck was giving her life. The remaining walk went a little quicker now with her brisk walking now, finding her room nearly breaking it off the hinges and collapsing on the bed to fall asleep a second time.
everyone certainly took off running without me lol
@Rhiannon hows this? I made a few changes and made additions

Nyxx Hollow


The sun was beaming down on a dark-skinned girl as she slowly made her way down the streets, she was already tanned to begin with but factoring in spending a whole day in the woods during the summer and she earned herself some a few extra shades. Huffing and puffing as she slowly made her way to the poke-center for some much-deserved air-conditioning. As sweat dripped down from her brow, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment looking down at a Pokeball holding her newly acquired grass type Bounsweet, a persistent little thing earning her the nickname Ivy after the poison plant that sticks around way longer than liked. Eyes half closed from exhaustion rather than boredom for once not even noticing as she walked right passed her group as she entered the center and collapsed on the nearest couch next to the A/C unit.

@Rhiannon hows this? I made a mistake and put it in the character slot

Name: Katarina Elza

Alias: Kat / Kitten

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Species: Oni

In-Depth Appearance: Like most of her species Kat is quite the big girl, coming in at a whopping six feet tall and two hundred pounds of pure muscle she is a well built young woman. Her usual attire consists of baggy pants, crop tops or her signature star jacket, she doesn’t wear a lot of jewelry other than the solid gold ‘#1’ chain that she keeps hung around her neck at nearly all times even while sleep accompanied by a pair of aviator shades she seems to wear every day. The star tattoos on her wrists aren’t the only places where she has ink, her back has a large star outline with the words ‘Queen Oni’ along with her upper thighs have smaller stars placed upon them. Kitten sports a ball tongue piercing placed on the center of her tongue that she can interchange with other balls and different metals.

Brief Personality:
Kat loved to drink and eat constantly having the metabolism to devour someone out of house and home and not gain much fat from it. She’ll drink far more than liquor than one would consider unhealthy and continue to drain bottles until she passes out and wakes up with no reproductions. She’s very competitive both physical and mental challenges where she can prove she can be better than someone else. At her core Katarina has a lot of moxie to the point of it being completely obnoxious and overbearing to deal with, she won’t back down from anyone or anything going far above acceptable healthy lengths to get better than someone to prove herself. A very blunt individual and incapable of keeping secrets she’ll let anyone know where they stand with her and speak her mind always.

Brief description of the Oni: An Oni varies greatly depending on whose explaining it from devils, ogres, and trolls to gigantic titans is hard to get a grip on what a real Oni. Humanoid for the most part some like Kat even passing completely if it weren’t for her titanic strength and supernatural healing accompanied with her near infinite digestive system.

Familiar Name: Lili

Familiar Form: Large white wolf

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