Avatar of Nytefall
  • Last Seen: 30 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Nytefall
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 726 (0.19 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Nytefall 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Looking for two more people for my rp roleplayerguild.com/topics/1..
7 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/1.. waiting on some more people
7 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/topics/1.. started and waiting for people


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Washington's head was spinning inside his helmet. Picking himself off the ground he grabbed his rifle which had landed next to him. "That really hurt!" Checking his ammo count he dusted of his armour. "Let's rock and roll baby!"

Charging forward he let loose with a volley of bullets into his robotic enemies. Switching to his Sticky grenade launcher he fired it into the first robot he came across. It stuck to its torso, giving it no time to react he switched back to his rifle and stabbed it in the back and charged into a group of robots. One got a kick on him loosening his grip on the robot the blade in its back sliding out and sending him flying over a wall.

Pulling out the detonator he smiled. "Scrap metal it is then fellas." Pressing the detonator the stuck robot exploded. Due to the robots being so bunched the damage blew two into pieces the other two from the group that attacked him were missing an arm or head but were relatively undamaged. They replied to his attack by reaching for him from behind the wall and picking him up from the ground by the neck.

"Oh come on, you're even worse then the last time! Little help guys?!"
@Superman Yeah i'll post to continue the fight
@Sapphire Accepted heres ur AI feature

Gamma - Increases a persons awareness heightening their senses. Causes the user to be more deceitful and traitorous

"Yeah I just got here. No idea what these proxy things are." Cain looked back at the beaten and unconscious body tied to the chair. "What are you going to do to him than? Thanks for the food."

Cain was happy to eat anything right now, so having cooked food was a nice prize for helping out.
@Darkmoon Angel yep post a cs
Accepting another CS come join :)
@ShatteredZeroxk that's fine dw about it
@GingerBoi123 i'll wait on everyone to get a post before i reply to ur post
@Sapphire If you wish to join make a cs a pop it here. As for your trip dw about it you can take a little leave and rejoin later
@GingerBoi123 yeah go ahead

@Superman DW it's fine

overall it allow me to go into washingtons story a lot faster than anticipated but that's the fun of roleplaying. The unexpected
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