Avatar of Oak7ree
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    1. Oak7ree 9 yrs ago


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Just a regular university student, majoring in hospitality and tourism. Also a history and trivial knowledge nerd, aircraft aficionado, occasional trekker and a D&D player.

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So, I've written a short introduction to a world based heavily on the Nordic/Scandinavian mythology, and I'd like to base an RPG on it. But before I start a full-blown RP or write more of the background material, I would like to drum up some interest and get feedback on the material already done. Any interest, anyone?

You know what, guys and gals? I've seen Dunkirk, and it was awesome. Damn you, Christopher Nolan, for getting a proper audio team. I can still hear those Stukas and their diving...
@shylarah *Plays ominous music.* I have no idea.
@Super Grandpa Sorry for the delay, but the answer is yes. You're hired. The RP has been for some time been a bit quiet, to put it mildly. What kind of Axis character do you have in mind?

And Tali-Ihantala is correct.

The Soviets tried in the summer of 1944, right after the Normandy landings, push through the Finnish lines. After the Winter War, Finland became closer with Germany. During the summer and fall of 1941, Finland reclaimed lands lost to the Soviet Union as the operation Barbarossa took the Soviets by surprise.

Ever since the late 1941 and early 1942, the Finnish front had been quite quiet. The Soviet attack through the Finnish-occupied land towards Finland forced the country out of the WWII as the Soviet Union's enemy. Tali-Ihantala was a major battle, and as a result of the battle and few other engagements, the Soviet advance was stopped.

During the WWII, Finland fought three major conflicts; the Winter War, the Cobtinuation War and the Lapland War. The first two were agaisnt the Soviet, while the third was agaisnt the Germans. Before and during the Continuation War, German troops had been transported to Finland and given the task to fight in the northern battlefields. After the Soviets forced Finland out of the Continuation War, they also forced Finnish troops to expel the Germans from Northern Finland.

Before and during the battle of Tali-Ihantala, the Finns gained materiel support from the Germans, mostly arms, and also the Detatchment Kuhlmey was assigned to Finland. As example of material support Finland received, there were Panzerfausts, Stumgeshütz III tank destroyers, BF-109s, fuel and food.
@shylarah On my part, no. I've been a bit busy lately, but I am not pronouncing this dead.

Edit: (Optional) A history trivia question about WWII.

At what battle was this picture taken?

@shylarah Care to tell me why?
@Afro Samurai, @shylarah Perhaps Izkry and Walter could act as a pair, covering each other's backs as waiting staff.
A thought of mingling among the high society made David nervous, to say the least. He hadn't been this nervous since his first raid in North Africa with the SAS almost a year ago. David had felt calm as they had been flown from Camp Toccoa to New York. Colonel Clarke had stayed in the camp, while Hanks had come with them, only to disappear after they had come to New York a few days ago. They had been given a very spacious, almost luxurious apartment to prepare their disguises and aliases. At least it was better than anything David could afford on his officer's pay check.

And the big night had come. The team was preparing, and each of them had been given a proper alias. David's alias was quite simple; he'd pose as a Marine officer from New York, a Captain named David Rogers. He was dressed in the Marine uniform.

Belasý had been assigned as his avec to the party. David didn't really know what to think of her. She was the quietest of the team, and that would have alarming in a normal recruit or soldier, but no one of them was exactly normal. She clearly had baggege with her.

The party would take place in a six storey hotel in Manhattan, named the Golden Fleece, after the Greek mythology. It was said to be one of the best hotels in the City, and it was famed for its elegant restaurant and great customer service. The reception, the restaurant and a big ballroom were situated in the ground floor, while the rest of the floors were reserved for the hotel's guests.

The hotel itself was mostly built from smooth red bricks and had rooms for two hundred people. The ballroom could fit about one hundred fifty people easily and leave some room to maneuver. As far as David knew, there were going to be almost a hundred people invited to the party. It made looking for a spy difficult, but as Hanks had assured, there would be a few FBI agents undercover for assistance.

The party would start at seven o'clock with some Champagne and speeches, as far as David knew. The hotel's Champagne must cost a fortune, David thought. The objective was to stay near the Senator and to look after him. Just in case the spy took his chance at his life.


Hasso Steiner was also preparing for the evening in his apartment. For the past few days, he had been practising and preparing for this evening. He would go to the party as a import and export agent named Franklin House of the Universal Exports. It was a shell company, of course, and there wasn't a Franklin House. Well, not anymore. Franklin House had been a single man with not much family, and he had been a very reclusive person, until Hasso had killed him and asssumed his identity. Hasso could mimic other people, but he had to meet and talk to them first, so he could mimic their way of speech and mannerisms, every little detail and posture.

The shell company had bought an invitation to the party, and Hasso was ordered to go the party and kill George Kellermann. He was to kill Senator Emmerich, if an oppurtunity rose, but it wasn't necessery. His contact's had provided the last details to the mission.

It was time. Hasso started to morph into Franklin House. House had been a tall and thin man, almost ghoulish figure with black hair and blue eyes. A real pen pusher. It always tickled when Hasson morphed into a new person, and it took some time, but in the end, it was easy for him.

Franklin House dressed in his best suit, took an umbrella, and left the building.
@ONL "Mister Socks, beam us out of here."
@ONL Please, don't call Sir. I am not that old and I and I was only a private. Although, once a corporal took me as an instructor of some sort. I was coming from a weekend vacation, later than most as I had an exam that day. Long story short, as I came to the barracks, a bit annoyed and wet, this corporal pretty much jumped from his chair and saluted me.
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