Avatar of olcharlieboi
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    1. olcharlieboi 10 yrs ago


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Current BDO free to grab for 21 hours and then keep forever on steam... heck ya!
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I'm writing a novel on Royalroadl called The True Dungeon King, hope I can get people to critique and help me improve!
7 yrs ago
Started playing warframe fo the ps4 two days ago, enjoying it, even made my own clan though need members for it, going to be a small clan.
7 yrs ago
Recreated an old classic in my gmed rps, with a much better system than originally made, hope people will also enjoy it.
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Armstrong set to set everything up in a week to four weeks, soon glorious better internet.


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Do let me know at any time if any of my posts become hard to reply to for any reason, right now it's basically a few post free time to practice and talk to each other.
Will emit I really can't wait until we get into the main part of them developing... and just seeing what they can come up with, since the system is made to be extremely flexible.

After hearing the other two Leon would think he didn't know if it was a trick question, if it was simple or complex. Leon would sigh saying "I'm not sure myself sir" he'd state, he wasn't about to take a guess when there was already hefty guess from another of the apprentices. He'd look downwards unhappy with himself a bit.

The Master

The master would laugh loudly and smile at them shaking his head "you thought way to over the top there" he'd tell Max "you got one right.. kind of but the other two aren't" he tells them. He'd re-write the runes on the board but in a line this time, he'd draw lines from the bottom of each rune "this set of runes is for those new to magic to get use to how magic works.. it's probably the least dangerous spell you'd learn since it's chance for backfiring is less than 5%, and even then it wont do any massive damage... it'll just blow up in your face and it'll hurt is all." he chuckles about.

He'd go to the first rune "I'll tell them in the order the spell takes them.. the order in a magic circle isn't certain but as long as you put them where it make sense then it has a chance to work if you don't mess up with the supplying of mana.... or if the runes just don't work together" he tells them. "each rune has apart of the order your magic works, in this case... The first rune means Create" he says writing it down, "now this rune is not a required rune" he tells them "however the more specific you are in your spell the more stable the spell will be" he tells them, meaning it was a redundant rune that wasn't required but could help stabilize a spell easier. "the next rune... is a shape" he tells them as he writes Sphere under the rune "with these two runes you are telling it to create a sphere with your mana, how ever with just these two runes the mana you input can change the outcome" he tells them

He'd chuckle and go to third rune "this rune is a Size rune.." he says as he writes small "so the three runes are Create, Sphere, and Small" he tells them, it would seem insanely simple. "each rune is a command, for your mana to follow" he states again. "Runes are essentially a language all of it's own, just like you form a set of words to speak, you must form a set of runes for a spell" he tells them "the books before you are your study tomes, these have many runes in them... and just so you know these aren't every rune either, some wizards have found ways to make new runes... and some have even found ways to combine runes" he tells them.

He looks to Max "if it was the three runes you spoke about, then the object you make would be very unstable, though with levitate you could move your hand away and just let it float in the air" he states, as he hands out a paper with the magic circle he drew before on them "these will be a base line for you to use, I want you to practice drawing the magic circle and these runes to start with before you ever try to attempt the spell" sitting back down he'd continue "for if you even slightly mess up on a rune's form it'll increase the instability of your spell greatly letting it blow up in your face... also the fact a paper would be destroyed after the spell because of the material" he tells them

Sighing "granted you wont be able to since I haven't thought you how to channel magic yet" he'd say with a grin "I want you to practice drawing the circle for an hour... then I'll be taking you out for physical training" shaking his head he'd walk to the door "I'll be back, so make sure you practice" he states before disappearing.... as if his action of walking to the door was pointless.
@Shadow Dragon
....considering it breaks every rule I've stated to you and others multiple times, not even formatted to the rp's Character Sheet....
no it's just fine, their not really meant to 100% be correct on this moment, at least unless their way to observant and smart lol.
I don't have a set appearance for the runes.. mainly because I'd have to make thousands of different runes if I did, it looks the same for everyone just I don't have a set appearance for them.

Though they may be able to create their own runes later with their own meanings at some point. I'll be explaining runes more and more here soon in roleplay, part of the story is to keep both the PC and the player's in unknown territory but if something goes wrong then I will explain it ahead of time.
lol it's fine, rpguild sometimes does stuff like that, nothing is perfect anywhere.
:P ya I get ya. looking forward to the post and see what you/your character comes up with lol. We'll soon be going to a more free roaming section where everyone can interact with each other, follow any mysterious they think of, train, etc... lol
Always the challenge, but more you realize the simple tricks it becomes easy lol, granted that simple tricks usually only works when your reacting to something instead of starting it :P.
@PrincessVampora @Jasper19 let me know when you all want to continue, you can decide among yourself of seeing who wants to try to answer the master's question.
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