Avatar of ONL
  • Last Seen: 10 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1888 (0.50 / day)
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    1. ONL 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I now identify as a Master Procrastinator. Thank you all, and good night.
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1 yr ago
New medical term: Dizzy mummy (condition of patient when world is spinning and only treatment is confinement to bed). I hate being sick...
1 yr ago
@Vampiretwilight: Funny indeed. Now to make it into a roleplay here...let the madness and sassy Narrator commence.
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1 yr ago
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1 yr ago
Anyone up for some esoteric fun with cosmic horror? Wait! The stars are soon right! Tekeli-Li!


-The bio will be added once the profile user can be bothered to finish it. Right now he's probably busy doing nothing and stressed about more. Please come back later. Have a nice day.

Most Recent Posts

Robert Adler

Location: Chicago (Grimaldi Books)
Skills: Law

Robert had to agree on Adelaide's assesment of the case so far, after a brief deliberation with himself and "The little grey one". Caesar and Keystone had been adement that Wentworth wasn't to be trusted, and coupled with what Adelaide had said of her security firm, Robert had done some quiet thinking as he too began to ascend the stairs: If someone had managed to get through the high level of security that Adeliade used, that could mean Wentworth had done it themselves just to earn money if they really were losing in the business. But that didn't make much sense either. There were plenty of other easy ways for a security firm to earn a quick buck, while stealing an ancient book and selling it from one of your own clients was just too stupid to be worth it. Robert didn't trust what the Machete guys had said; it made little sense that Wentworth had anything to with it, and not MSS either. "Makes more sense that it was an outside person, really. Quite the egg-headed one, but neither of our guys."

Then Robert stopped short of bumping into Adelaide as he seemingly changed her mind, turning around and decided to go check that book the Brit had mentioned. With all this talk of anceitn texts, perhaps Robert could toy with the idea of becoming a librarian instead? Nah, he was stuck with his job for the rest of his life, so better stick to it. With Adelaide's permission to enter and dire warning not to touch anything, Robert chuckled and held his hands up. "Oh no, and here I was going to take every book apart and make paper squirrels with them. Nah dear, I know where to keep my fingers." Robert said back, shoving his hands into his back-pockets and following her into the room filled with books as old as time. Well not litterarly, but you got the point. "So, no other books that you've had trouble with before? Thing place looks secure enough."

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)
Skills: N/A

"Of course. Only what is allowed and meant for us is to be found. The earth and it's people hold many secrets to be found, but some can only be found within ourselves." Mahendra said as he stood up straight from the railing of the ship, noting the small pull in the lady's mouth's corner. Could it be that she approved of his thoughts on the subject, or did she enjoy her little line of puzzling questions that he had to answer? Mahendra could speculate, and so did as he looked away for a moment, twirling his moustache in thought. Her red eyes did not yet escape him, and so was this along the lines of Egyptian superstition?

Mahendra didn't get the satisfaction of coming up with any answer as the lady offered a goodbye to him and brushed past him. And with such an ease in her movements, gracious and yet quick in pace, that Mahendra was left standing a few seconds simply looking at her. But his wits came about him with him moving after her, calling out to her. "But my dear madam, could I at the very least know you na-AAAAAAA" SPLASH. In Mahendra's haste to aquire the name of the woman, he had stepped into his own two legs and stumbled. Not forward as would have been certainly embarrassing but less dire, but to the side and over the ship's railing. Within seconds he had hit the water, the very Nile that the ship had been sailing gallanty on, and now he was doing his best to swim in.

"He...help! I've fallen overboard!"

Richard Barker

Location: Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)
Skills:Observation, People-reading, Deduction

"Yeah, fair point there pal. Nothing that a boat can't fix though." Richard threw back to Franklin's attempt at diverting his question, eyeing the man and the very cigar case he had pulled out of nowhere, like a circus clown pulling out a penny from his ass just to impress the kids. Well Richard wasn't impressed. Questions, questions and more questions! None of which he was really getting any answers to, and it annoyed him. The temptation to do something rash and stupid was growing inside him, but for now he bid his time a little more. Just a little more.

Richard accepted one of the cigars from Franklin, looking at it with a trained eye while still finishing his cigarette, loosely dangling at the tip of his dried lip. Leaning back in his chair as he examined the cigar, but more intently on Franklin, he both heard and felt his chair creak beneath the sound of the people around them, but payed no attention to it. Was Franklin the type of man to afford cigars? Just who the hell was this Franklin-fella who had spent time in Scotland, then far too long under the sun in Egypt and now in the possession of a female journal and cigars? And why did he ask Richard about his companion? Richard finished his cheap cigarette and dumped it in the ashtray, starting on the cigar as he answered Franklin.

"Well since you persist, yeah I'm with someone. But they don't care about me turning into a freak-act in a circus, not so far at least. Perhaps they too find it as...intersesting as you, Franklin..." Richard said with a brief annoyance at the whole situation, leaning one again back into the chair as he inhaled the cigar. Then CRACK. Before Richard knew it, the chair collapsed underneath him and made him too-well aquianted with the wooden floor of the Main Deck. "...hmpf..." Richard muttered, feeling his fuse burn ever shorter with each passing failure. But as if that wasn't enough, he felt his bum touched by the breeze of fresh air, which wasn't normal. His pants had ripped open...

Alexander Polawski

Location: Wewahitchka (B4)
Skills: None

"Good morning to you too, Doc'." Alexander greeted Manny with as their best and only doctor/dentist/surgeon/medic was up and awake. The old veteran had already been up and walking for a while now, old people were like that, early wakers and all that. But Mugsy was also up for another reason. His pegleg. It had been a hard past 16 weeks for him, for all of them. 16 weeks. Three-four months, about 110 days of survival. Counting days had been a prime hobby for tired grunts like ol' mugsy back in 'Nam, and he still did it whenever he could. And for the past two whole days Alexander had been walking almost normally!

It was a jury-rigged piece of wood and duct tape, but it was working. Alexander could walk more freely with that. Painful and awkward as it still was though, it lifted a tremendous weight off his shoulders, and most likely on the others. Those who remained at the very least; Manny, Beatrice, Thalia and him. Thana was gone, wandered into the jungle to never be found or heard from again. Alexander wanted to believe that she was alive and well, and prayed for that too...but...MIA was just one letter away from KIA, and then and there that mattered little.

What mattered was that Alexander had been up early, practicing walking alone on his new pegleg and crutch, going around and around the room. He didn't know if it had annoyed any of the others, but he himself pushed through the annoying falls and gritting pain with the willingness of a GI. He would not break down and give up, not now. "Agreed Manny, I don't want my blisters to get worse or infected with this walking around. But food, water and gear fir..."

Alexander stopped his talking at the end, his ear picking up something outside, in the distance. It sounded like thumping, like...no, it couldn't be? Even for all those years and sounds in-between, there was nothing in the world that could seperate the old veteran from the sounds he was hearing outside. It was way too familiar...

In a large, green clearing in the middle of a vaste and hostile jungle, a group of soldiers was making a stand. A last stand against the hostiles occupying the surrounding vegatation like the flies they were, not giving the surrounded soldiers any moment to catch their breath. Gunfire was erupting from all sides, shots going back and forth the clearing as soldiers were protecting the wounded or being wounded themselves. Alexander was one of the still standing soldiers, bullets buzzing past him and his radio antenna sticking out of his back as the sergeant barked over the radio with their evac. Where the Hell were they? They were getting slaughtered down there! As if on cue, the edge of the jungle erupted into a hellfire of smoke and screams, just as the very same thumping sound approached. Private Polawski turned around just in time to see their evac descending over the tree tops...

"You hear that? Hey wake up, that's a chopper! That's a Huey, coming this way from...the south."

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Wewahitchka (E8)
Skills: None

The past months was not what Nigel "Hadrian" had expected when he met the three survivors in the swamp over three months ago. Hank, Wayne and Erica, they had stuck together through it all, and Nigel hadn't even thought of sticking with Robert for very long either. But there they were, all held up in a door and cabinet shop like a Roman garrison on Germania, enjoying a well-deserved rest after 16 weeks on the road. How the three of them, so different from each other, had not either broken up the group or murdered each other could be seen as a mystery in itself. Nigel "Hadrian" however knew from history that the oddest of people and/or nations banded together when faced with a common enemy, even if some of the people were either poking fun at his Roman interest or just being high as fuck.

That didn't stop Nigel from having a descent sleep that night, leaning up against the wall and cooling himself down on the cement floor like the others. It was a far cry from the escapedes in the swamps, except the Fucking High humidity and heat outside. Some things never changed it seemed. Nigel "Hadrian" had slept without most of his armour on, except the greaves and vambraces which was tolerable enough for the Neo-Roman teacher - He was still contemplating just going for Sporticus, just to shut up Hank and Wayne. But from his sleep he sturred after Wayne asked if they had heard it. "Uh?...what?" Nigel asked himself, only to hear it seconds after his own question. The thumping, what the hell was it? "Anyone seeing anything? That can't be good."

Carter "Bill" Williamson | Twenty-Seven Years Old | American Frontier Rancher

Carter Williamson, known cowboy, rancher and sturdy young man not to be triffled with easily. Better known as "Bill" amongst friends. Being born into a decently wealthy family didn't mean that Carter was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. It only meant that he was taught from a young age to work hard for his wealth and be a man for yourself. That was his father's lessons to young Carter, which he took to heart. A heart broken in pieces when his father died five years ago, leaving all to young "Bill" to tend to. Parentsless, he rose up to the challenge and became the man his father wanted him to be. A good pair of fists, a sturdy revolver and cattle to spare, that's "Bill" for you. In not long he'll be married to the sweet daughter of the town's priest, and life shall be easy and good.

As the grown man he has become, Carter is liked around town for his honest behaviour towards the townsfolk. You can trust him to sell you a good cow, help you with a hand and punch you in the face if you wrong him. Something he'd wish he could break a few promises that have hurt him in more ways than one, but that's not how he was raised. He'll bite the bullet if he has to, more so that he'll be forced to take the woman given to him by the Paiute Chief. It will make things complicated, but what can he do?

They'll just have to make the best out of the situation. Who knows? Maybe it will all turn out well in the end.
@MissIndependent Thanks for putting this and her up! Sorry again for my absense, will get to work right away!

Robert Adler

Location: Chicago (Grimaldi Books)
Skills: N/A

Robert was glad he didn't have to be the one to tell the two large men to leave the establishment, though he would have thourougly enjoyed doing it. But it was Adelaide's shop, so she was the boss. Robert was glad that she saw the fault in simply switching from her current security to the Machete people just like that, even if he had seen the possibility of it being a better deal. Regardless he had to agree with Adelaide; they really weren't people people. As Adelaide left them with no offer and the two left for the stairs, Robert watched they ascend while stepping beside Adelaide. "Have a good day you two..."

"Geeze, what the actuall fuck just happened?" Robert continued his sentence toned-down voice to her, looking from the stairs and over to her while stretching his neck further and further to the other side. "Pardon my French. That was not what I had expected to be part of today...What was all that talk about a serial killer and...that book the Brit talked about? They didn't even bother to say anything..." Robert was just as confused as he was annoyed by the two, but with a shake of his head and the final pop from his neck, it was for the best to get back to what he was actually getting paid to do. "So about those Wenthworth-geezers. Those cameras, did the cops ever go through the footage that you are aware of? If not, then I'd very much like to see them for myself."

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)
Skills: Social cameleon

"Oh yes, the science of our beloved Earth. Mahendra let his words be delicate as to not interrupt the entrancing lady's words when she would speak back to him, as social etiquette demanded from a gentelman such as himself. There were no guarantee that she was interested in the subject or science at all, and that she was merely fulfilling her social duty to not toss it aside like some many people did those days, so Mahendra waited politely and patiently for her to take up the bar and continue on.

As he did wait for her and subsequently listened to her musing questions around his science, Mahendra looked at her in all her form and posture. Little, if nothing had changed in the way she spoke or stood, so Mahendra put on hold his curious thinking of the mysterious lady as she asked him the question. Mahendra looked her back into her dark eyes that he swore had been red earlier that night, and gave her a modest but proud smile.

"The first, but ever so carefully and expertly. The earth has much to show us, if only we proceed with caution and an outmost respect for the forces ever greater than us mortals." Mahendra answered, finding himsef think back to the various archeological digs and construction projects he had partaken in so far. "I prefer to slowly peel away her layers, if she so allows it. Brutes and amatures, they do not care. No, true science requires patience..." Mahendra continued, looking away from her for a moment to finish. "...and so do people. So yes the first."

Richard Barker

Location: Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)
Skills:Observation, People-reading, Deduction

"For that drink? Sure, that's good enough for me." Richard didn't like the attention his fiery sleeve had brought upon him, but he could take the drink on Franklin as a good enough step in the right direction. Same applied to his Journal-Man starting to let his gob start doing some talking. Richard watched as a waiter brought over a glass for him, thanked him with an Arabic phrase and turned back his attention to Franklin. Perhaps he was getting somewhere again? At least he had a drink.

"You sound like a person that trods the globe more than the Average Joe then, Franklin. Most of us spend their lives stuck in whatever dump God put us in, some of us even enjoy it. So Scotland you say?" Richard's question began as he witnessed Franklin with the observant eye of a private detective, but to no avail as he still felt unsure of what to make of the man. The New York detective took a swig of the drink he'd gotten, before continuing his enquiry. "Thanks for the drink, they really filled a hole larger than a rigged pooltable. Anyway, drinking is a good reason to up and move I suppose. Just sounds odd to my ol' ears to go from Scotland to Egypt just for the giggle juice: there's plenty of booze in England after all. But hey, what do I know?" Richard finished, taking another sip of his drink. How on Earth was he going to get through to this guy?

Going rough and direct was perhaps the needed route soon? He had seen the journal, and it still wasn't Franklin's. Then again, things were complicated. And Richard preferred playing 20 Questions with people giving straight answers.

Alexander Polawski

Location: Quincy : Inside house (F6)
Skills: None

Beatrice's silent shake of her head to him served to reinforced the silence that had enveloped the whole house, but not in the sense what he associated dead silence with before. There weren't any Chalies around them, not that Bea had to report, which he took as a good sign. They had hopefully been smart about it, the silent and dimly lit approach, which it usually was in his experience. Alexander gave Bea a nod back as he straightened himself up against the wall, taking another look at his brother and sisters in arms. It looked like they were all fast asleep, which they all duly deserved.

Alexander wondered where Thana was, and more importantly if she was alive. She had to be, or else they were in a sitaution best described as FUBAR. But she was Navy, and the way she had pulled herself out of Hell back in Eden gave the old veteran good hope that she was all right. The thought of it sent a shiver down Mugsy's spine. No, wait. It was the inside of the house cooling down, and here Alexander had undressed earlier. Not that it was a big surprise when he thought about it, he had been in Florida for many years before the world went to Hell.

Perhaps that's what kept him awake as he sat guard for the three others, thinking about his previous life there in Florida a few years earlier? All the people he'd known and trusted there, all who died...how many because of him? And those alive? Were they still there, waiting for him?

Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper

Location: Okefenokee: B7 (Fishing Camp inside)

So Nigel was in the company of the former arms of the Law? From what he had experienced around the two so far that day, he wouldn't have guessed that. Not by a long shot. But then again what did they think he was, if they had wondered about that at all? Not what they joked around him about, but his previous life? Since they all clearly didn't share his initial hesitancy to share his background, Nigel decided that perhaps it was okay for him to open up a little more?

"Looks like I'm the only teacher here then, go figures. Teacher and reenactor, but you already knew that didn't you?" Nigel "Hadrian" said with a chippier tone than before, settling into the relative safe environment that they had managed to capure for themselves. Hopefully that was not a cue for either Hank or Wayne to start with their jokes again. Not that Nigel would be listening with both ears, as he finally managed to open the tin box to look into it to find...pictures? A small stack of them, with three people that stood out to Nigel as he went through them. Two men and a girl, neither of which he recognized. Should he have? How? Nigel hadn't been to Florida before, and certainly not in that fishing camp. Did they own it, or had they simply been passing through? Nigel had no idea, but he found browsing through them to be interesting. At least for now, while Nigel asked Wayne "I take it Erika and I aren't part of that group?"

Robert Adler

Location: Chicago (Grimaldi Books)
Skills: People-Reading

Robert wasn't sure what annoyed him the most in the unexpected situation that unfolded before him in that little book shop: either the topic of conversation that group of a antique book-dealer, insurance-fraud investigator and two security firm men had decided to venture out on, because to Robert it had little to do with the case he was supposed to be investigating. Old books yes, but not the one he was working around. Nor did the talk of a connection to a possible serial killer help him either. It was either that which annoyed him, or that Mr. Keystone from across the pond didn't want to elaborate.

Robert let Adelaide go first and then Caesar and Keystone follow her down the stairs, then followed behind them with a hushed "Are you kidding me...?" One of the first things Keystone had uttered in Robert's presence was that Wenthworth were committing murder to get contracts, and now he wasn't playing ball anymore? It sounded fishy to him, even more so as the dynamic muscle-duo offered their services as payment for use of Adelaide's ancient tomes. So much fish in such a small store. It was in this train of thought that he connected several other dots; he had heard about a Gonzalez in the security business before, that she was dead and...were Caesar and Alicia related? Not in a racist way, but it was a strong possibility.

"Might be better than what Wenthworth offered, if what you're saying's right. If their high-tech gizmos couldn't stop the thieves, more physical protect is an alternative." Robert chipped into the conversation, looking at Adelaide to give her his advice, before turning his attention to Caesar and Keystone in case they didn't approve his entry into their business. "Just my educated opinion, even if Wenthworth is or was in the top-tier of digital coverage. No offense." Robert finished, taking a proverbial step back to let them finish their business which was taking up his time. He was eager to go poke into the Wenthworth business for the security camera tapes and whatnot they had to say for themselves.

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location: Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)
Skills: Social cameleon

There was something off about the lady which he was standing with. Something...Mahendra didn't know what word could describe the lady beside him, even as he looked at her, listened to her in an attempt to put her into a context. Chill, cool, Mahendra was left without words to use. Her words and tone of her voice didn't leave him with an impression of origin, place or people. But the Bengali social cameleon was certain that she didn't hail from any lower classes with her clothing, and her remarkable posture did tell him that she was from an upper crust of people.

His observations told him nothing more though as the lady spoke again and posed his question back to him, even offering him a warning in the possibility of him lying. Mahendra looked from the lady with her chilled words and let his eyes gaze out on the Nile, resting his arms on the railing. Part of his tale he was more than happy to share, but the very recent one? "As you wish, my lady. The short tale is that of work, and the long tale of The war and work." Mahendra started his story, lifting one hand to scratch his moustache as he continued. "I fought here in the name of King and Country, as I am a colonial you probably have observed. 11th Indian Divison, and I served with the finest men of England and her colonies, first here in Egypt and then in Mesopotamia, before I was wounded in battle."

Mahendra stopped his story to let his right arm run down the lengt of his left arm, on something only he knew of the two of them presumably. His scar. But then he turned back to the lady and continued on. "In hospital I was given the oppertunity to go to England to recieve an education thanks to very kind family in my homeland. Geology, if that is of interest? Anyway I felt that Egypt could once again prove my fortunes, and so I sought employment here. Like I said, The war and work."

Richard Barker

Location: Main Deck (Open Air Lounge)

Richard didn't like the silence that surrounded the smug little brat that Franklin was, although he was not surprised at all. He had tried to play nice, but it would seem it wasn't working. He should have known, playing nice only worked with old grannies and helpful people, so playing hardball was perhaps the next logical step. Richard continued to smoke his cigarette as Franklin pushed the pitcher towards him. "...I'm sorry, what?" Richard asked with an annoyed tone, feeling that same sense of deja vu finally crash through the proverbial wall. He smelled fire, and felt his hand bathed in warmth.

"Oh shit..."

Richard grabbed the pitcher as fast as he could, pouring the liquid contents over his once again burning sleeve as if he was in some sort of Charlie Chaplin film. Luckily the small flame died as quickly as the pitcher was emptied, but the sweating private detective didn't feel any better. In fact, he felt like an idiot the way he had lit himself on fire TWICE and not managed to gain any valuable information from Franklin. Putting the pitcher on the table again and looking at his now even more singed sleeve, Richard grumbled for himself before looking back at Franklin. This really wasn't his day. "You know what, Franklin? This has been a shitty day, and I need a drink. Can I at least ask you what you're doing here, or where you're from?" Richard asked him, signalling for a waiter to bring him something before turning back to Franklin, shaking off the water and ash off his sleeve. "And before you ask, my answer is New York. Here to figure out why someone is dead. Good enough for you?"
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