Avatar of Otterpop
  • Last Seen: 12 days ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 382 (0.20 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Otterpop 4 yrs ago
    2. ███████ 5 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Yo, I want missile turtles. That sounds so dope.
4 yrs ago
Whoring my rp out cause I have nothing better to do: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
1 like
4 yrs ago
Made a thing, I happen to think it's a pretty neat thing. You should look at it roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
I finally finished this after trying to figure out the plot for a week XD roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
I need a new game to play T_T


My name is Alora, most people call my Ally.

Most Recent Posts

Sonina, Russia - A small and rural town where the people live in complete normalcy, nothing out of the ordinary seems to happen here. However just like with any small town, once you begin to take a closer look things seem not so...normal. Sonina has an odd history of disappearances, children and adults going missing without a single clue left behind. Many locals refuse to speak about them, children sing strange songs while playing and there always seems to be a thick fog lingering in the forest surrounding Sonina.

Within recent years a University was built and opened just outside of Sonina, as such more traffic has been seen within the small town due to it being the closest. It is obvious that the locals are unhappy about the newcomers, they claim that the peaceful lifestyle that they have worked so hard for will be broken. They scream and rant about how "The Shadows" will begin hunting again, that Sonina's Curse will take hold of everyone and everything.

This is the basic Idea of my roleplay - A bunch of college kids find out that there's more to Sonina than meets the eye. Whether its through some paranormal experience or encountering a seemingly unreal creature, the students begin to see things within their school and Sonina that weren't previously there. When students begin disappearing they feel compelled to try and figure out what in the world "The Curse of Sonina" really is.

1. You are not limited to playing a simple college student, you are free to play anyone who isn't a local to Sonina. This includes students from surrounding towns, students from other countries, teachers, reporters, paranormal investigators, ECT.
2. Not everyone has to be Russian, you can be literally from anywhere, this story simply takes place in Russia. Though do be aware that the residents of Sonina speak Russian and mixed English.
3. I want animated pictures, illustrations might be accepted as well depending on how they look. Be aware that pictures should make your characters personality and the time in which this roleplay takes place, which is Modern.
4. This is a mature roleplay and mature topics may be discussed. Drugs, Alcohol, Violence and other things will/may be brought up so if you are uncomfortable or hate any of these things than this roleplay may not be for you.
5. Every character will have a paranormal encounter with a ghost/entity while at the University, depending on what they encounter will determine how they will begin to see the world around them. A more severe experience will cause someone to see ghosts hiding in the shadows, dark creatures lurking in the tree's and so forth. I will allow everyone to choose what kind of experience they have, though not everyone can realistically have bad encounters.
6. I want an array of characters, male and female, some edgy and some not, preps, nerds, bookworms, teachers pets, jocks, frat boys. Be creative! Why did they choose this University? If they are abroad than why?

Since I feel like I've gotten enough interest, I will have the thread up within the next few days along with the CS. Please look forward to it!

Time ✒ Thursday Evening
Location ✒ Light Lane
Mentions ✒ N/A
Interactions ✒ @KatKook

"In my experience, when people try to help it's because they have something they want in exchange. That's always how it goes, right?" He asked, clutching the empty glass in his hand. He stared at it, looking at the warped scenery on the other side. He knew that he was just rambling but it felt good, it wasn't often that he got to rant and rave about all the negative things he thought was wrong world. Though he couldn't deny that it probably didn't make for fun conversation. He let out a heavy sigh, letting go of his cup and leaning back a bit. "Man, I'm just a party pooper aren't I?" He looked over to his female companion. "You know you can just slap me on the back and tell me to shut up. I swear I don't hit back."

Tao left out a small laugh, it felt good to let loose. He was always so on edge. Being at home meant he had to make sure neither of his delinquent siblings destroyed the house, if he wasn't at home then he was out working, nervous that he could get caught at any moment. While he claimed he was good at what he did and promised himself that he was too good to get caught, it didn't make him feel any better. Tao pushed the empty glass he'd been staring at back towards the drink guy, he knew that he was at his limit or he'd feel sick. He really was not good at holding his alcohol.

"I think I'm done for the night. I will say, it was pretty fun." He gave a genuine smile, he knew he wouldn't be doing something like this again for a while so might as well get it out while he could.

Time ✿ Evening
Location ✿ Light Lane
Mentions ✿ N/A

"Drama Llama, huh?" The dark-haired girl echoed with a small smile, she had no doubt in her mind that Victoria would have her hands full with Ryan. She could only imagine what kind of shenanigans the boy would get her friend messed up in. Manami clutched her purse as she listened to Victoria speak, "A blizzard and a power outage, that sounds like something out of one of those steamy romance novels my mother reads." She joked with a little laugh. "But yea, I'll text you soon and we can plan a fun day together." She said, giving a little wave before leaving the tiny Ramen hut. She looked around for a moment and debated on how she should get home. In the end she landed on a cab and hailed one down, slipping into the car and giving him directions on where to take her.

It only took about 30 minutes for her to get home and the moment she walked through the door and slammed it shut she slipped the shoes of her feet. A sigh slipped past her lips in relief, it felt heavenly to finally get those things off. Manami went into her bathroom and began to prepare for her make-up removal routine. Using a cleanser to get the make-up off, using a scrub to get excess uckyess off, using a toner to make things nice and even and then finishing with a high-grade moisturizer to make sure her skin didn't get dry and flaky. While it may sound like a lot of work the whole process only took her about 15 minutes.

Once she was finished next came the complicated outfit, it was off in a flash and the girl was in a pair of comfy pajama pants and a tank-top. She flopped onto her bed and laid there for a moment, going over everything in her head. Quite a bit happened, much more than she had been expecting. As she laid there her eyes silently went over her room and noticed something that was pretty confusing. She saw that a picture that was usually sitting on her nightstand wasn't there. Had she knocked it over while getting ready or something?

@shylarah - I don't want to say no, but I wont lie - I feel really iffy about it. It's nothing against your art, you can draw better than I can, but it's more that I have a certain aesthetic in mind when I think about my roleplay and the pictures within it. I'm really not picky about a lot but the one thing I am are pictures. I'm sorry if this puts you off :c
@shylarah - I would honestly prefer something not so skethy, sorry :(
But I like to see reference photos of a character, so know how they would look. I don't think a simple description does what a character would look like justice. There are so many pictures out there, I myself have probably hundreds stored away in case I need them.
@shylarah - You don't need gifs lol, just anime/illustrated pictures. So like if you type in "Pretty Anime Girl" in google then all those would work lol.

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