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    1. Over Illusion 7 yrs ago


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I can't believe I forgot this, but Personal Skills cap at three.
Alrighty. Apologies for the snags you've been running into during the process.
Lastly, I'm having trouble deciding which 2 skills to drop currently. While Golden Rule is close to useless it does define him pretty well, and Independent Action and Instinct are also pretty good character skills. Do you have any suggestions as to which I should drop?

I'd say to think of it from a perspective of theme. You want the full kit to sort of tell the character's story, so think about which ones are most integral to the story.
Keep in mind Riding A won't allow for Phantasmal Species.

Golden Rule to B.

Independent Action to C since there's no backup from the Class Container; if he was Archer then B would be fine.

Why doesn't he have Voyager? Seems like something that's more or less mandatory.

Personal Skill cap is three.

The NP itself is fine on face, but I'll have to do my own research since I'm not familiar enough with Sinbad's legend to say decisively. Don't try and do dumb stuff like jumping onto a Servant's shoulders and trying to activate this.

Since this "destructive crash" is a Broken Phantasm, expect prana costs to be significant.
@Gummy1295 @Over Illusion

Excuse me for meddling, but isn't it more interesting for the Spear of Longinus to be a God-killer weapon rather than an Evil-killer one? It makes perfect sense considering that it was used to put the Son of God out out of his misery that it would be a Weapon that ranks up in power against Servants with the Divinity and/or Saint personal skills. Kinda like how Enkidu works.

Maybe, t would be interesting to give it a second function, just like Gae Bolg has, too? Say... like an EX rank Anti-Unit attack that guarantees a killing blow, regardless of the target being immortal or not, with the caveat that it can only be used as in a genuine mercy kill move. Something that Longinus would do because he pities the dying target and would rather kill them than let them suffer any longer, just like he did with Jesus.

In my view, Longinus is less of a holy weapon and more of a weapon of mercy. This kind of dilutes the NP's power (considering how mercy kills are far from what you picture anyone doing a HGW), but it kinda feels more in line with the crystalization of what made it into an important item, rather than a video game-y interpretation of what it should be. Because NPs are more about "What made this be what it's?" than "What is this?" or "What should this be?"

I hope this last one made sense...

Either way, take my opinion with a grain of salt. I was just commenting at how I would try to do Longinus, if I ever chose to use him in a HGW, I'm not trying to influence your choices at all. However, if you like the idea, feel free to use it.

An NP's a recreation of feat, yeah, but as far as this is concerned I'm refraining from injecting how I think this should be utilized. I've made a couple of sheets that use Longinus in the past, but in the end if someone can make a sheet for it that they have justified and they're happy with it, no sense to say no.

With that said, @Gummy1295, Fiddle and I have been talking and given Longinus's indeterminate status in canon since we know it's in the same light as Rhon but not if it's a pillar or not, we might need to bar it.
<Snipped quote by Over Illusion>

What about Ea? Also the powerlevels of some of the astras make me lol when you remember that alongside stuff like the Brahmastra that can destroy the universe there exists an astra whose sole function is to make it rain snakes.

Anti-World, not Anti-Planet. Important difference. Maybe if you handed it to a full Bodhisattva and ignored the "only Gil can use it back off scrubs" restriction then it could get enough charge, but if we're talking Servant Gil then yeah, no planet-busting.
That wasn't really mental interference though, no? Something more akin to gaining Aphrodite's favor than brainwashing a girl seems to make more sense there.

The ideas themselves are fine at base, but I'd need to see the sheets proper before I make any sort of preference judgment. Listen to your heart.

You can remove Vitrification, but if you want the fake-PC effect then that would involve making it C+ or D+, and keep in mind the fake-PC effect would be pretty trash since PC: D is "suitable for spying" and I don't think hunting's gonna be hugely different.

An NP that's the culmination of his skill is fine, but I recommend you think of another way to express it, since again as it is not it isn't an NP. The crux of this sheet is that you could scrap both NPs, give him three Personal Skills, and there's no difference in capacity. Those don't exactly seem like Noble Phantasms, yeah?

If you want to give him EAM then you can, but again, I don't think this is an NP, it's just a skill in an NP slot, and not even a unique skill. Remember, a Noble Phantasm is the heart of the Servant, it's what makes them stand out amongst other heroes. When your Noble Phantasm is just the possession of skills that any number of other Servants could also have, it feels disingenuous.

Hindi Servants > literally everything that isn’t irregular or named Gilgamesh

Hindu myths are like the Dragon Ball Z of world mythology. Just when you think they can’t get any crazier with the powerlevels, someone fires an arrow at another arrow and that somehow threatens to destroy the universe.

Hindu Servants are strong in their legends because Hinduverse is the original shounen. That said, they're drastically nerfed in Nasuland, as they should be; for instance, a Servant's Noble Phantasm that can destroy a planet does not exist, but in our world's legends there are literally hundreds of astras that laugh at planetbusting.

With that said, the Hindu Servants we've seen are all "main characters" of the epics. Rama is arguably the strongest mortal in the history of the three worlds, depending on where in India you're asking, and Karna/Arjuna aren't far behind. It's not really fair to compare them to average Servants so much as comparing them to chief culture heroes the likes of Herc and Ozy, against whom they're perfectly reasonable.

It's also worth noting that prana consumption is very much a thing. Karna's gonna wind up killing 99.999% of Masters the second he starts fighting because he's so damn inefficient. That's why Cu's a better pick unless you're like, Illya, and even then Cu's nothing to sneeze at.
@Over Illusion Damn, did you get stung by an ineptly-made CS as a child or something?

<Snipped quote by ADamnFiddle>

Yay! I have 3 Servant ideas, and funnily enough one of them matches with Achilles and is an Archer, but isn't Chiron. If you don't mind, i'm gonna throw out a very quick idea of who I'll roll with, and if you want you can pick which of the 3 I'll play. I may as well get @Over Illusion to look as well.

The first is Paris in the Archer class. Abductor of Helen and driving force of the Trojan War, as well as the one who shot Achilles' heel. He'd be cowardly and preferring to fight from the shadows (having low rank presence concealment), though he'd follow his word and be upfront about his cowardice. He'd also be a ladies man, and one of his NP's would be able to bewitch any single female he chooses with a magic resistance of C or lower. The other would be a shot that will always hit his opponent in their weakest spot to make them culnerable, but not kill them. This comes from both his battle with Diomedes and Achilles. Straight up I did not intend for him to tie into other characters, but it'd be quite interesting to have Achilles killer on the battlefield.

Second would be Sinbad the Sailor in the Rider class. Unlike how he's often portrayed in media as a skilled adventurer, my interpretation of him makes him a loudmouth who, while decently skilled, only managed to survive out of sheer luck. I'd give him EX rank luck. He'd be bombastic and engage in fights where he's clearly outmatched sheerly for the thrill, and have no fear of death. At the same time though, with most of his ventures leading to his crew mates dying, he'd have a strong bond with his master and do his best to assure their safety. His two biggest NP's would be one where he can procure any mount (car, motorcycle, etc...) and turn it into a D class NP, and if he crashes it making an explosion equal to a C rank attack. This is based off how he never actually kept most of his mounts, and the one common thing among them is that they crashed in spectacular fashion. His second would be the manifestation of his luck on his seven voyages, and act similar to Heracles' God Hand. Basically, if there would be a situation where Sinbad would die, destiny would change itself and erect a situation where he escapes this fate, giving him the chance to counter attack or escape. This could be his opponent losing their footing or sneezing, the attack simply missing by a hair even if it shouldn't have, or other possibilities. Of course, this only activates seven times.

Lastly would be Saint George the Rider. I won't describe him too much since he already exists, but I will say my reasoning for having him here is because of how many over the top and extravagant Servants there are currently as far as personality goes, so he'd be a good counter to that. Plus, I just think he's an awesome Servant and his focus on defense would be another great juxtaposition. Oh, and the place where most of my family lives is named after him which is cool.

So yeah, those are the general ideas I have. Any question or whatnot you can ask for clarification, and if you already have preference you can just tell me. Sorry if you'd prefer I didn't do this, I just really love discussing ideas for things, especially Fate.

Paris is fine in theory, but the justification for the first NP is shaky. The second one would involve Apollo interference like how Phoebus Catastrophe does, as an aside. For Sinbad, justification for the first NP.

The second NP's sublimated into EX LCK so that's pointless, and the effect itself is a no for balancing.

George is fine.
As an aside to everyone else present, I want you to know that you shouldn't worry about this happening to you. None of the other apps thus far have warranted the level of response that this one has. You're all wonderful and I hope we can have fun together~
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