Avatar of Overlord24
  • Last Seen: 1 day ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2446 (0.82 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Overlord24 8 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm alive?
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5 yrs ago
To those I rp, my wifi went out recently so I haven't been able to get on at all since today.
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5 yrs ago
I know that this is late, but I started working, so I won't be able to reply a lot, less than normal. So apologies to those I rp with, I will try to reply whenever I can.
5 yrs ago
With the holidays coming up soon, I will not be able to reply as much as I normally do, so apologies to those I roleplay with, I will try and come on as much as possible.
6 yrs ago
Hell hath come on Earth, and by that I mean school has officially started back up, so sorry to those I roleplay with, my schedule is going to be a bit weird.


Hey everyone, I'm Overlord24, I have no idea what else to say except, ALL HAIL THE OVERLORD!

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Up to you, my enemy is in a nearby, destroyed, kingdom. So it's ultimately up to you.
We only need two or three more characters for this to officially start.
The setting is the powerful and beautiful kingdom of Woodgrove. A large town full of wood and stone buildings surround the famous Woodgrove Castle. The towering monolith inspires hope in its allies, and fear in its enemies.
All those faithful to the king and his kingdom are welcome within the walls of this kingdom.
Name: Prince Eli Woodgrove
Role: Middle Prince
Age: 15
Appearance (Pic or description): https://i.pinimg.com/736x/21/71/4f/21714f52a2e836a8cd5e969e5ae2b6cd.jpg (Sorry I need to use a link, my computer sucks)
Personality: Overall, Eli is pretty easygoing, but if something sets him off, he will completely let loose. He cares about his family. He has no interest in political affairs and the responsibilities of royalty.
Other: He has always had a fascination with magic and the mystical arts, something that is seen as beneath a member of the royal family.

Name: Dante Shadowlord
Role: Enemy
Age: Appears to be in his twenties, but is much older
Appearance: Hair dark as pitch, eyes as red as the evening, and skin as pale as parchment. His clothes vary but he usually wears a pair of deep purple robes over a leather tunic with many pockets.
Personality: He is evil to the core, but he is childish in the way he does things. He will ridicule his foes before he destroys them just for the fun of it.
Other: He is the last member of his family, they were killed by the Woodgrove family generations ago, so he harbors a deep hatred for the family. His sanity has completely fled him at this point, making him unpredictable.

Name: Ember "Emi" Jennings
Role: Knight
Age: 18
Appearance: A young looking girl with red hair and green eyes. Her skin is fair from long hours spent in the sun training.
Other: She is one of the knights assigned to watch over the royal family, she has spent a long time with the young royals, making friends with some of them.
Accepted, but yeah, if she's the princess, her last name should be Woodgrove, sorry.
Welcome one and all to Woodgrove Castle, the center of the most powerful kingdom in the nation. It is home to powerful allies, and devastating enemies, enter if you dare. Become a member of the royal family or a lowly servant. Defend this castle's walls or plot to destroy them from the inside.

*Regular modern English is fine, no need for Ye Olde English

*The picture does not need to have medieval clothes, but they have to wear them in the roleplay

*Swearing is allowed but don't overdo it

*If you become too inactive for too long without telling me first, I will give away your role
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