Avatar of pandapolio


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6 yrs ago
Current well...I guess I'm back.
6 yrs ago
In the past hour I have refreshed the guild 80 times
7 yrs ago
Really busy so replies might be slow. Sorry
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Interested in joining this RP as it looks really interesting. Wondering if a child of Magneto is ok? If it is here is my cs. @Hey Im Jordan @Altered Tundra

Im back
Really interested in joining this.
I'm still interested in this. Probably will be Zagan.
I'm really interested in this concept. I have been looking over the list of demons and Zagan looks very intriguing.
I would like to continue
well.... that took longer than expected.

Sorry, I'm up in the mountains right now, but when I get back down I'll start working on a character sheet. Thinking of making a son of Magneto.

Jon watched from the bleachers as multiple duels were happening down below. While some of the duelists on the floor were decent Jon hadn’t seen too many that were very exceptional. The teachers seemed to be quite good, which had risen Jon’s hopes for learning much while he was here. He was not extremely worried about passing the exam for the fact he has done all he can to prepare. From here on out it is merely a game of chance, a game Jon was determined to win. Deciding it was nearly time for his duel to begin he stood up and stretched, groaning as he felt his tense back get some relief. Now making his way down the steps he could see a few interesting people about to start their duels. Trying to remain focused on what was about to happen he looked straight ahead and placed his hands in his pockets.

As Jon walked across the floor he felt his jaw tensing up. As he thought about the possible ways the duel could go his body once again became tense. Feeling himself tense up he began shuffling his deck. The familiar motions put him at ease and let him focus on his surroundings. Watching the other duels going on around him he saw the majority of students choosing to go first. While Jon understood why some times it was better to go first, but most of these people were too over eager. Going second allows you to gain early control by learning what kind of cards your opponent plays with. Going first meant you were playing blind and didn’t know what to prepare for. Looking at his watch he realized it was probably time for him to begin his duel. As he made it to the field he would duel at, he watched a kid his own age walk away with his head down, defeated by the teacher.

“Guess it’s time to see what I’m made of.”
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