Avatar of Phantomlink959
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    1. Phantomlink959 10 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Today I reached the conclusion that, if presented with an exact duplicate of herself, one of my characters would DEFINITELY hit that.
5 yrs ago
They're not LONG chapters; but the fact I've managed to right 2 meh and 4 half decent ones in 4 days makes me very happy with myself.
5 yrs ago
Wow, I just realized it's been a full year since the Avadon incident.
5 yrs ago
Decided to half-ass nanowrimo by doing a RWBY OC fanfic I've been thniking about for ages. The fight scene I'm working on rn just feels.... right.
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5 yrs ago
According to the scale i just weighed in on I'm down to 313 from a starting point of 330 when i started going to the gym a little ovver a month ago


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Argus gave an appreciative nod to Richard as the human climbed into the car. As soon as his partner was buckled in, the Djinn started the engine and pulled out of the garage, "Thanks Richard. That means more to me than you know." Shortly, the car carrying the two agents reached the main road headed west towards the graveyard, "There's one more question I'd like to ask you about this. We Djinn have a bit of an odd tradition. When a Djinn is dying, they extract their own memories and give them to their friends and family. Generally the memories given to each would be any fond moments they had shared. Those memories get passed down generation to generation, for thousands of years. I can do the same for you, or most of the other agents, if needed. If there's someone who you would want any specific memories to go to, say the word. I can collect them, save them, and put them where they belong." Even Argus recognized it was weird to tell Richard all of this, effectively asking for his partner's living will, but he felt an odd kinship with the god-touched mortal; and his chat with Amaya the night before had dredged up old memories. "Food later, got it. Man, I am depressing today."

"Death is rare among Djinn, so we always do our best to honor the wishes of those we lose. Considering it's a possibility, I figured it'd be best to know for sure." Argus explained, a hint of sadness in his voice, "The wishes of a dead woman... That's how I ended up here, funny enough. It doesn't always work out for the best, but it's the right thing to do." the djinn scratched his chin awkwardly and pressed the button on his key fob once more. A loud honk could be heard on the other side of a row of agency vehicles, and the red haired man squeezed between two sedans to reach his SUV. "Anyways, let's go kill us some zombies. Hop in Rich, We can stop and grab you some real food on the way over."

Was reading over Essie's sheet, wha are the specifics and limits of her power mimicry? Is it only the need to verbalize or are there other things she can't replicate?

Argus shrugged initially before tilting his head at R8chard's question, "Depends what breed we're looking at, I think? I'd say the necromantic kind you should be safe, they're pretty much pure bad juju so I imagine you would burn it off. Wild magic is probably a no as that's an anomaly. Viral it's hard to say, nobody knows where that originated. he offered his insight, pulling the keys from his pocket and pushing the signal button to figure out where he parked. Really hinges on what's causing it I suppose, but let's hope we don't have to find out." the Djinn sighed, glancing over at Richard, "If we do thouhj, and you're not, would you rather I..." he coughed to clear his throat, "Or should I box you up and see if they can work out a treatment?"

Argus responded with a chuckle, holding the door for Richard as his partner left the armory, "Okay, so, back in the 80s some fuckin' bear ate about 80 pounds of cocaine. It basically died of mass organ failure, but for the like... call it five minutes it was still alive, that thing probably could've tangled with a werewolf and come out on top." The Djinn began the walk to the garage as soon as they were out of the armory, stuffing his hands into his pockets, "I'm always ready, Rich. Had to bail out and go on the run a few too many times." he noted casually, pausing outside the motor pool, "Not sure how long the drive out will be. Anything you feel like chatting about on the way over?"

With that in mind I think Searat and I can probably work things out. I know plenty about zombies from all over media and mythology, he probably knows a fair whack as well.

The objective in asking was, I believe, just to make sure we wouldn't be ruining any plans you might have by improvising too much and/or taking liberties with the mission.
@KatherinWinter Perfectly reasonable, not everyone knows the formal layout of a case file or police report.
(this is all for potential future reference if you feel like going the extra mile down the line)
e'd likely have an initial police report provided by a mole in the local PD as the main contents of the case file. The rest the agents would fill out with more information and evidence as it is gathered.

Based on my somewhat limited memory, a police report generally goes something like this:

Case number ________________ Date:

reporting Officer _____________
____________________________ Prepared by:

detail of event
(a description of when/where/what was reported)
actions taken
(a description of what the responding officer/officers did during the immediate follow-up to the call in)

I believe he meant the specific details of the mission file.

"Thanks for hooking me up with the good stuff again, chief." the agent gave a thankful grin and quick thumbs up before picking up his requested gear, placing the canister into a holster on his belt and slipping the flask of holy oil into his jacket, pausing a moment to lift the flask up where Richard could see it, "Fun fact about Djinn, when we burn something that's not normal carbon fuel we pick up the properties of the flame it produces. Not forever, just until whatever we ate finish soaking it up. Never tested if that applies to magic, but can't hurt to give it a try." he explained quickly before stowing the oil. he reached down at tapped two fingers against the cansister, "I suspect that may be why I was able to hurt Mason so easily. I mostly use it for the boost, though." Argus waited for Richard to finishing packing his gear before heading towards the door and continuing, "It's sort of like what would happen to a human if they shot themselves up with PCP-laced adrenaline and chugged a six pack of red bull. Except without the risk of instant death."


"Well, no rush Amaya. Just be sure to let me know if you come up with anything that may be of use to you in the field." the scribe reassured his young colleague, taking on a somewhat paternal tone as his teacher's instinct kicked in, "Most new agents -particularly those with a civilian origin- prefer to maintain the basic kit until they become more accustomed to their work. We can forego a stop at the armory for the time being, I keep a few of the agency's basic weapons in my car in case my pistol proves insufficient." Rost began to walk towards the garage, pausing to wave his partners along, "Speaking of, since neither of you is able I'll be driving. May be a bit of a squeeze but Amaya is slight enough that it shouldn't be a problem."
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