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    1. PharaohAtem 10 yrs ago


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Name: Sky
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Species: Human
Room Number:
Rooming With:
Alignment: Lawful Good

Personality: Sky is a kind, caring and selfless person who always puts the needs others before her own. Sky is Honourable and respectful and she will do anything to protect the people she cares about. Sky is somewhat stubborn and is generally hopeful and optimistic believing that if you try your best things will work out in the end. Sky dose not give up on anything she believes even the worst of people have some good in them and can be redeemed but dispite this she is not naive and is well aware that the best of people have some evil in them and the potential to give in to their darker nature.

Bio: Sky grew up in a small village in the middle of a large forest she spent most of her time as a kid hanging out with boys rough housing and having fun although she did get into a few fights and no matter how many times she lost or got knocked down she always got back up and stood her ground when she was 10 her parents enrolled her in the villages ninja academy where she quickly learned to fight and begun to train herself in the use her powers after graduating she begun taking on verious jobs from the villagers to earn money but she found that most of her jobs where supply runs where she would have to travel to another town or village set a makers and then make regularly trips teleporting back and to with whatever the client requested after awile she heard about an academy for those with special abilities and powers and decided to apply

Power 1: Molecular Manipulation (can onily manipulate the molecules of herself and inanimate objects)
Power 2: Teleportion (Sky is able to teleport herself and others she dose this by tapping someone or something and placing marker on them she can also teleport anything she has placed a marker on to her)
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: Sky carries all kinds of Ninja tools and weapons in two small compartments under the armor plates on her lets she dose this by using her molecular manipulation to shrink them down
@EurmalEye Alright, so basically I have three characters in mind.

The first is Dawn's estranged older brother. He basically has the same powerset, but is her complete opposite in personality- flirtatious, apathetic, and sort of a huge bastard. He and Dawn would be on somewhat tense terms, as a result.

The second is a casual ex-sergeant from Hell's armies, who abruptly decided to ditch her job and roam the human world instead due to finding it more interesting. She's very laidback and easygoing, and tends to focus more on physical combat than anything.

The third is a crossdressing researcher who is also a vampire. He's a real sweetheart, and very cheerful and optimistic. He uses fire and healing, but also prefers to abstain from combat.

I'm sort of leaning towards the second, as I feel like she'd make for interesting dynamics due to how laidback she is, but I haven't set

1st option could be fun for you to build on and explore their relationship

The 2nd idea could be intresting since we have a few demons in the rp

The 3rd ond would be fun and it would be intresting to how he would interact with the wolfs

If it where me I'd make all 3
@EurmalEye Also Soul may or may not turn into a hand and offer it to Level.

God after reading that i couldn't help but image the magic hand from smash bros when i saw that comment
@EchoicChamber no way! Consider these toes unstepped. You play your character as you please. ^^ I believe @The One has an illusion user as well. Plus an illusion-off would be entertaining.

@The One very nice of you to say by the way! You always give me tons to work off of!

@PharaohAtem haha you do you! Treat yo self!

Oh and you can expect a friendly pat on the back from beast fyi he his 9ft 7in in his human form
@PharaohAtem Somehow this feels very personal. Feeling so attacked right now XD

Well i always think about making a mythology creater when we do this rp and i usually decideds against it this time i thought fuck it and i decided to make one then decided to join in on that seane cos why not lol
Never mind
@DragonKingUk Ah there we go, and here I thought I would not be terrified by a giant dragon

Giant phoenix but this time a giant mantaicore will be joining them so he will completely surrounded lol
@EchoicChamber Any type you want, blood, voodo, literally anything. You can just say Magic to simplify it.

Fyi the simple option is the most powerful because it then includes all forms of magic
@EchoicChamber Oh by the way, just noticed your species is Witch. Unless she has magic, she isn’t really a witch.

Yeah i just started reeding the CSs myself when i noticed that mistake but you know that as you standing right next to me when i pointed it out to you
Quite a few werewolves this time around. Should we request an ample amount of Moonpies in the cafeteria?

who else has made a werewolf?
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