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    1. PharaohAtem 10 yrs ago


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Name: Dante Drake
Gender: Male
Age: 23

Personality: Dante is a proud and stubborn person who always looks out for his own interests never really giving much thought to others. Dante has a bad habit of using his fist to solve most of not all of his problems he rarely even looks for a peaceful solution he relies on his strength and doesn’t really thinks things though before taking action. Dante is straight forward and blunt he always speaks his mind and doesn’t beat around the bush and if he has a problem with someone he will always let them know and if something or someone gets in his way he won’t look for another way around he will tear right though them but despite his violent and aggressive demeanor Dante is a pretty calm guy he rarely gets angry or loses his cool.

Bio: Dante grew up bouncing from foster home to foster home after his parents died in a house fire when he was a kid. Damien never had th chance to make any real friends since he was moved around so much and spent most of his alone resenting the fact he was always on the move unable never staying long enough to make any friends or any decent memories at all he started running away from his foster families when he hit his teens. Dante believed he didn’t need anyone and that he would be better off by alone but he was always found sooner or later and found himself back at the foster homes that was until he was 15. When Dante was around 15 he ran away one last time and it was around this time he fell into the wrong crowds he stared hanging around with punks steak things and wannabe gangsters started doing what ever he hat to to get by he would act as a drug mule pickpockets and eventually even help steal cars he soon became just another street thug and for awhile he thought that would be enough. Dante eventually got sick of criminal lifestyles and when he was 18 he walked away from from the his life of crime and decided to try to make an honest living luckily for him he had managed to avoid getting arrested in the 3 years he lived on the streets. Dante eventually got a job as a bartender in a shady biker bar although one of the main reasons he got hired was because of how he handled himself when a drunk customer and his friends tried to pick with Dante he quickly knocked them on their ass and threw them out of the bar after he was hired he basically acted as the bars security guard while making drinks for the customers.

Power: Adaptive Evolution (his body can adapt and evolve to survive almost any threat or environment)
Likes: Smoking, Drinking, Fighting, Tattoos
Dislikes: Cowards, liars, stuck up ass snobs
Family: None
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: he carries two trench knifes
@PharaohAtem True but he’d have quite a bit of trouble dealing with her too.

True he would have some trouble as well but his defence would be his best weapon against her so he would have a pretty good chance of beating her
@DragonKingUk@Dealdric That’s how I designed her. She won’t be easy to beat.

I don't know i think Dante would have a pretty good chance and with his ability to adapt to her attacks she would have quite a bit of trouble dealing with him
I was going to make a 3rd character that was going to be a ghost but since the one has made a Banshee I mite not make that character now since it could be a bit wired having two dead characters in this rp but I may change my mind.
Name: Gale Tyrell
Gender: Female
Age: 20

Personality: Gale is energetic and outgoing she dislikes sitting around preferring to stay active. Gale is a cheerful optimistic person who tries to see the best in every one. Gale still has believes that one day supers and humans could live together in peace but she knows it won’t be easy to make that happen and she willing to do whatever she has to to make it work. Gales hope is that if she shows the humans that now all suppers use their powers for personal gain show them that some are be good people who use their power to help people that if enough people believe they will stop fearing suppers and put aside their heat that maybe they would willing to try living together.

Bio: as a kid Gale was always a very bright and responsible for her age she was also very active kid she always hated being cooped up inside and loved going the park or the beach she especially loved camping. Gale was the type of kid that even enjoyed doing her chores and other odd jobs as a kid she started mowing lawns for pocket money she even set up lemon aide stands in the summer anytime there was a heat wave knowing that people would need a drink to cool off in the heat. Gale managed to save up a decent amount of money over the years doing odd jobs for everyone in her neighbourhood and as she grew older she started hiking and rock climbing using some of her savings to pay for her gear. Gale decided to put off collage for a year after leaving school at 18 in favour of spending a year traveling and backpacking around the world her parents weren’t to happy about it but nothing they could say would change her mind she used the rest of her savings and packed her things and hopped on a plan. Gale traveled all around she saved money by camping rather then staying in hotels. Gale managed to save a lot of money that was however this plan would ultimately prove to be a big mistake when a pack of wolf wondered into her camp her looking for their next meal but her was food was hung in a tree out of the way one of the wolf wonder into her tent she woke up and screamed in shock soon she was surrounded by wolfs her powers awoke and she was able to fight off the wolf’s. Gales new powers allowed her to do amazing things but her life would never be the same she knew the government would hunt her when they found out about her powers now collage was out of the question she hat to focus on survival. Gale continued traveling all over the world camping in the wilderness and practicing to control her powers learning only going into twons and city’s to buy basic supplies. Gale eventually gained control over her powers after a full year of practicing and she became quite skilled her use of them she eventually started going into town more often and even started to used her powers to help people if and when she saw someone in need she began to chase off muggers save people form Hyde fires and even stop a few crimes because she had a few run in with government agents and hat to fight to defend herself while she found a way to escape but that didn’t stop her from wanting to help people with her powers because she believed that was the best way to convince people supers where not something to be feared.

Power: Plasma Manipulation (able to generate control and manipulate all forms of plasma)
Likes: camping, rock climbing. Swimming
Dislikes: the government. People who abuse their power or authority
Sentimental Attachment:
Name: Dante Drake
Gender: Male
Age: 23

Personality: Dante is a proud and stubborn person who always looks out for his own interests never really giving much thought to others. Dante has a bad habit of using his fist to solve most of not all of his problems he rarely even looks for a peaceful solution he relies on his strength and doesn’t really thinks things though before taking action. Dante is straight forward and blunt he always speaks his mind and doesn’t beat around the bush and if he has a problem with someone he will always let them know and if something or someone gets in his way he won’t look for another way around he will tear right though them but despite his violent and aggressive demeanor Dante is a pretty calm guy he rarely gets angry or loses his cool.

Bio: Dante grew up bouncing from foster home to foster home after his parents died in a house fire when he was a kid. Damien never had th chance to make any real friends since he was moved around so much and spent most of his alone resenting the fact he was always on the move unable never staying long enough to make any friends or any decent memories at all he started running away from his foster families when he hit his teens. Dante believed he didn’t need anyone and that he would be better off by alone but he was always found sooner or later and found himself back at the foster homes that was until he was 15. When Dante was around 15 he ran away one last time and it was around this time he fell into the wrong crowds he stared hanging around with punks steak things and wannabe gangsters started doing what ever he hat to to get by he would act as a drug mule pickpockets and eventually even help steal cars he soon became just another street thug and for awhile he thought that would be enough. Dante eventually got sick of criminal lifestyles and when he was 18 he walked away from from the his life of crime and decided to try to make an honest living luckily for him he had managed to avoid getting arrested in the 3 years he lived on the streets. Dante eventually got a job as a bartender in a shady biker bar although one of the main reasons he got hired was because of how he handled himself when a drunk customer and his friends tried to pick with Dante he quickly knocked them on their ass and threw them out of the bar after he was hired he basically acted as the bars security guard while making drinks for the customers.

Power: Adaptive Evolution (his body can adapt and evolve to survive almost any threat or environment)q
Likes: Smoking, Drinking, Fighting, Tattoos
Dislikes: Cowards, liars, stuck up ass snobs
Family: None
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: he carries two trench knifes
Well yeah it sucks but for the most part you don’t have to worry about it most of the time it’s a slap on the wrist if you get caught posting shit your not supposed to but if you do get punished it’s normally a fine or a few days or a couple week in jail but it has to be pretty damn bad for the cops to get involved and it has to be seriously fucked up to earn jail time
Although I will admit I do not know all the laws in the US since I live in the UK but here there are laws about what you can and can’t post online and since you can get arrested for posting offensive shit on social media here you can bet that if he lived in the UK he would be getting a visit from the cops even if he only received a fine or something he definitely wouldn’t get off scout free

Laws in what country? and if the US, what state? Because their are no federal laws about it, except the incest(and even then there are loopholes), but several states have laws about it.

I’m talking about the fact the cs including child sex slavery that part was way worse then the incest and also I do know at least one of the people in this RP are under 18 that is also another big issue with the fact he posted that CS in an RP that was not rated at mature
...... Being and avid fan of Lovecraft, your talk of this forbidden post is peeking my curiosity. Lol.

Seriously he broke multiple laws just posting that fucked up CS so trust me when I say your better off not reading it
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