Avatar of pyroman
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Pyroman
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 5982 (1.58 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. pyroman 10 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current Oh yeah. It's soup time again.
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4 yrs ago
Soup Time. A Year Later.
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5 yrs ago
Soup time.
5 yrs ago
I am currently sick and putting all of my energy into work, please forgive me if I don’t respond right away or forget things!
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5 yrs ago
Sometimes... it is


Normally unavailable between 3pm-9pm, always welcoming RP ideas, large groups, small groups, 1x1s, you name it!

Most Recent Posts

@Burning Kittyno, they're not a thing, no it doesn't have different parts, and no, it's not detachable
@Silver Carrot will edit my post in a bit
Follow up question, do the previous dental series's have ranger counterpart universes to? Namely battle fever J and JackQ?
"Oh." Shawn's reply was simple. She didn't seem to be in much of a talking mood, she it would be best not to force a conversation out of Tatiana. Her question was more rhetoric than anything, judging by how she said it and how quiet it was compared to normal speaking.

Shawn didn't remember seeing any woman, but then again, he was busy minding his own business.

Inside the office was already a team of assembled adults.

Indeed, it was the quiet woman who some had seen earlier, in addition to an unreasonably fit man, half of his body being comprised of some metal, a man in red and black soandex with an unnecessary amount of guns and weapons on him, and their own Emma Frost and Booker Smith.

The professor sat at his desk while many of the adults stood at attention. Only the red one was lounging in one of the chair in the office.

"Children," Charles smiled at those in front of him. "Welcome to the big leagues. This may be one of the most important missions you will ever take part in."

"Ha." The red man chirped to himself dryly.

The largest of the group stepped forward, his single natural eye looking at each of them. "We're missing one, professor. The adaptoid, Rose Mary."

Shawn looked around. It was rather weird that their team was picked, but it was equally as weird that Rosemary wasn't around. Well, they had two telepaths in the room, it wouldn't be that hard to find her.

"Well I say we give her some time." Booker suggested, much to the large man's ire. "Rosemary is not the Most punctual person, but that's okay. Any questions before the briefing, kids?"
If we do get a series of movies, I'm curious how far they're going to go, and if they'll change suits and zords like the show.
Serpentera vs the dragon megazord?
Just thought I'd make it know that lionsgate is hoping on making a PR sequel, with Zedd possibly as the main villain
I'm working on another character. Will be making a yellow ranger. I think them being a chef is an unspoken requirement...
Once they realize that rosemary is unaccountedfor, they'll look for her, so don't worry.
"Shawn In, Heidi Williams, Tatiana Mystikos, Chrys Corriender, Bonny Bonavide, and Rosemary. Please report to Professor Xavier's study."

Karma's voice echoed through each of the rooms, alerting the students and the teachers of who needed to be excused.

The student who had just spoken out against Tatiana stood up, ready to slam his fists on the table just before the announcement rang out. Grunting, he wasn't dumb enough to speak out now that everything was quiet. He fell back down into his chair and said nothing.

Hank looked at Shawn and Tatiana, the two stars of this period today. He nodded to the door, letting them both go.

Shawn looked over to Tatiana with a smile on his face, already thinking up ideas of what could happen next. He rose slowly, giving her time to join him.

Once in the halls, Shawn looked over to his vampiric friend. "We still need a team name. The X-tras?"

"Thank you Chrys. You may go." After hearing the announcement, Lita gave a smile and a half nod to excuse him. While the others were mad that Chrys's absence meant that they couldn't find out what was in Lita's room, no one spoke out against him, or even about him as he left.
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